Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 10 – A Confusing Morning After

I awaken to a pair of tits squishing my face, arms wrapped around their waist. Another pair pressing into my back, their arms wrapped around me just below my breast. My tail between their legs intertwined with another tail. So the devil is behind me, the human in front. I can feel the wax has been cleaned off my wings and arms. In fact, I don't feel any of the marks I got last night. I guess they usually fix everything at night, so with me always leaving, they don't have time for it.

I feel nice for once, so I just stay still and enjoy being wrapped up. The humans' hands are wrapped softly around my head and horns. All our legs are wrapped up. The blanket covers us all. I just focus on the breath of the human in front of me, her slow heartbeat background music.

A minute later, she shuffles a bit, and I see her stomach for a split second. I wonder if I got her pregnant yesterday. If I did, this would be the second girl I know of that I gave a child to this week. I decide to open her status and check, and she is, in fact, pregnant now. A smile grows across my face. I wish I got to do this more. I can still bring life into the world without my body constantly being bloated. I'll carry a few kids for my eventual marriage, but the other girls will need to carry some as well. I could also give some to our friends. I'm sure they would be happy to get kids for free. I'll need to be neighborly. The government will force me to father some kids with random families every so often due to the limited number of penises to go around.

My mother didn't marry; she just got lucky when a dragonkin man decided to spend a night with her. She never found a group she liked and didn't care if she had a kid or not. She did get help from her neighbors raising me. They had a daughter a few years older than me. She never liked me, so I guess I got a lot of attention from her. It was three wives there. They got some sperm a few years after I was born and got another girl. We never got close; she had a lot of friends in the village her age, so we just didn't spend much time together.

My mother's family always stayed away for some reason. I never heard the story for that, and now I would likely just kill them if we got together.

I've known I'll have to get married since I was a kid. With a working penis, I would need to use it, and the only way to do so safely was a strong marriage. I haven't really thought about how to do that. I guess I'll ask Yuki and have her help me find the rest for the family. Mai would be another one to ask. I hope they say yes.

I return to the beautiful chest in front of me instead of worrying about my future. Both are moving around more now. So we'll likely be getting up soon, unfortunately.

"I'm going to talk to the Mistress real quick here," the devil whispers into our ears, untangling from us and falling out of the bed. I hug the human tighter, pressing my face deep in between her breasts for comfort, no longer having our tails touching. I feel strange.

"Shh, come here, I've got you. No more pain from us," she says, her voice soothing some deep worry I held. She starts stroking the back of my head slowly. "We don't have much time to talk, so you'll need to huts listen and choose if you believe me or not here. Osanna loves you. So do I, really. Our third likes you enough to marry you. She has tried buying you a few times, but the Mistress always says no. She wants to marry you. Even willing to make you the head wife if needed. She wouldn't force you to do these sessions as a wife. I enjoy them, so she occasionally doms me, but the other wife hates this play, so she doesn't partake. You would get that choice as well. But I doubt we will be able to buy you out of here. So when you get free, find us. We will at least help you get going. I think I'm going to have your child so you can visit to see her grow up, too. I know last night was hard, but she struggles to show her love correctly. But devils struggle to show things correctly when they have power. I'm sorry, I needed to do more to protect you."

I wonder if I could forgive all her family has done to me these last few years. The pain is great, but if I don't do this play, maybe set myself up as the head wife and get a few more. I should be happy.

"You're pregnant, I checked. If you weren't pregnant before coming here, it would be my kids. I would love to help raise them." I whisper to her breast.

"Thanks, we've been wanting to start the next generation. I'll leave our address with Yuki."

My door opens, and Osanna walks in.

"Hi, dear," the human says.

"Hi, love," the devil says with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Alzi, the wax was way too far. If we get a chance to be with each other again, I won't do a BDSM session. It would be fun to see your vanilla skills. Come on, Asariel, we need to get going." I hear clothing get picked up, so I release the human's waist so she can get up. She extracts her legs and removes my face from her breasts. She slowly leaves the bed and gets dressed. A few minutes later, they leave.

I lay there. I hope the girl tomorrow is like the human. I would be happy to provide a woman like that with a child. I get out, gather some clothing, and begin the walk to the bath.

"Hi Alzi, how was last night? I was worried when Vasati told me you were going to be a serving girl," Mai asks, finding me going down the stairs on the second floor.

"Hard, the devil got me. It was the worst night; I was showered in wax, my wings taking most of it. But plug, clips, whips, caged, and fucked hard. I did get her wife pregnant. Her wife also said they love me. So, I guess I'm a bit confused about them." We walk through the door. I place my clothing in a basket. Mai needs to strip first.

"Sorry, I couldn't help you. But if they are telling the truth, that is good. We could use strong allies or wives after this. I'm also glad you brought clothing. We spend more time together this way." She puts her clothing in the same basket.

"I guess. Did you have a good time?" I ask.

"Yes, I got another cat to play with. She was cute, and I see why you like making me purr." Grabbing the soap and entering the packed bath.

She finally looks me over, I guess, and stops at the tattoo.

"What is that? Can it be removed? Does it hurt? Who gave it to you?" She questions, her arms tense up like she is about to fight someone.

"Fertility tattoo the devil gave me. Mistress let it happen. In return, I spent the night with them and had a few larger dildos available. It doesn't hurt, and any devil will be able to remove it. So I'm going to have even more kids each pregnancy, though it will help me carry more children. I'll see if it hurt me or helped me more soon," I answer.

We don't talk after that. I guess she can see I'm tired. After we finish up, we dry off and get dressed. For once, we head to the kitchen together.

Just before I reach the door, I see white and then get wrapped in a cloud. Some hands cup my sore breast, and a new pair presses against my back and wings.

"I saw the devil walk out of your room this morning. Are you ok? Is there anything I can do to help? Is she why I didn't get my massage from you last night?" Basically in tears, Yuki sent me a list of questions. Holding tight to my entire body.

"I'm Ok, I guess. Yes, she did a deal with Mistress to get extra time with me. I'll be fine after I eat. I think. This feels really good. Thanks for the support, Yuki," I say, relaxing in her embrace.

"Good, we need to hurry, so tonight we'll spend a few minutes like this, ok?" Letting me see and breathe again. She takes my hand in hers, and the three of us walk into the kitchen. Still quiet, we get our food and find a place to sit. They both decide to sit beside me, Yuki on the right and Mai on the left.

"Today should be a more relaxing day; you just need to give massages out. But you'll have some hard days coming up soon. If you need any help, we are always here to help." Mai says after a few minutes of silence, her tail wrapping around mine. Yuki peeks at our tails, and I can tell she is fighting with herself about it.

"Thanks, and I know. I should be able to spend time with Yuki, and that should get me through today and tomorrow. We can do a special bath for us," I say. Her tail squeezes mine in agreement.

"I'm traveling again today, so I have to leave. See you tonight, Alzi. I'll find you and drag you into that room if I need to tonight. Mistress can deal with it." She hugs me and runs off.

We finish our lunch shortly after. Now that I don't need to get dressed, we go and sit in the main lounge, tails intertwined. We can see the orphans set up the night's event. It looks like it will be a dance. I'll just be giving out massages from the waiting list. So I'm not told anything about it. I guess I could ask Mai, but I'm too comfortable right now.

I decided to check my womb health. Opening it up, I see I'm not pregnant, and my womb is perfectly healthy. I guess the healing of the devil got everything. I'll be ready for tomorrow.

With nothing left to do, we just rest against each other and wait for the brothel to open.

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