Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 17 – Yuki’s Aftermath

*** Yuki ***
I walk through the door Alzi is holding open for me. My ass is on fire. Maybe I should have listened to her and let her go slow. But I had needs. Plus, it isn't fair; the most pain I've ever been in is sore legs and some blisters. I've seen the aftermath of Alzi's sessions. I'm surprised she still has all her limbs. So I'll take some pain for her to be relieved. Plus, I've had needs for years. I can't get pregnant yet; I need to wait for the end of Alzi's current pregnancy, or she'll get sold out from under me. I can't wait to see the cuties we make. In a few years, I'll beg her to carry some of mine and see if that changes how they look. I've heard the father has a lot of influence on the kids' looks.

I joined this brothel just for fun. I got tired of touring alone, so why not, I thought. Best decision of my life. I joined shortly after Alzi sold herself here. I started right at the top of this place. Having a lot of sway here due to my classes. I knew it would be essential to make friends with the masseuse. When I started, two girls worked that position; Alzi, and another girl. I was friends with both, but Alzi made me fall in love. Her tail, all the colors, her genuine kindness, everything about her is lovely.

The problem is how long I have to stay here. I have to be careful to keep my position so high up that Mistress can't afford to lose me. Every year, that gets harder. I'm gaining experience so slowly now. I've earned two classes on top of the three I had before. The Untouchable Entertainer is my current one. The buffs for my talents are immense, passive after passive for all the arts. The problem is reaching my sixth class, still not even halfway there after two years. But I just need to make it five months, and then Alzi will be safe.

I've stopped probably thirty sale attempts at this point. Simple threats to leave and compete against the Mistress stopped her against the lower nobles. High nobles, I have to mention that I know what happened when Alzi sold herself. I've played for the past Queen; I could play for the current Queen easily now. Whisper in her ear about illegal slave trades, and it would stop the sale; Alzi would still need to complete the ten years. The problem will be if a Princess gets interested. Alzi is unique enough now to warrant that attention. Extremely strong, able to get probably any woman in the world pregnant even if she is on the most robust birth control or even stopped ovulating. Four classes for breeding, probably a first.

The Queen likely won't stop a deal if she likes the daughter. According to rumors, most of the daughters are liked. Only the few who fled from the capital are the only ones she doesn't like right now. So if they ask, Mistress will say yes, and there isn't anything I can really do about that.

I am getting a bit bold about having sex with Alzi. Not just due to the searing pain my asshole feels right now, but if Mistress finds out, she'll find ways to punish Alzi for my indiscretion. I've wanted her inside me for years, and today, that came surging up. I know addicts like to say this, but I'm not addicted yet. I'll be ok for a while. I've been a virgin for 80 years now. Another few months of no sex won't bother me.

Wow, do these stairs hurt. Every step shocks new pain into my ass. My eyes are probably still red from my tears. I don't know how I became a masochist after 80 years of virginity. But I loved her forcing her giant dick into my ass. It felt right. Like I was getting some of the pain she had felt all these years as I just stood by and watched. Barely able to even be a friend to her. Forcing her to work through all the pain she has suffered.

Soon, that'll end. I've whispered I love you to her, and she just fucked my ass. Before that, she said she wanted me and Mai. Mai is a sweet girl. Also had some unfortunate luck like Alzi. She'll be fun to curl up with. Plus, she looks adorable with a pregnant belly. She's been able to do more for Alzi than me. Mistress keeps me busy, probably to assert some control over me in revenge for me stopping all her sales.

Fourth floor, Alzi room. I quickly move to give her a hug before she walks off. Being rewarded with pain and then Alzi's soft boobs, little milk dribbles out when I give her a squeeze.

"Thank you for tonight. I can't wait till you take the rest and breed me. Have fun tomorrow with your mom. Tell her I said hi."

"I will, I did enjoy tonight. Are you sure you're fine? I can heal you."

"I'm good. Thank you. Goodnight"

"Goodnight." We let each other go and head our separate ways. I try to move up the final flight of stairs faster, but my ass doesn't let me. So, I take it slow and ponder about what piece to play tomorrow. I'm the main event in the lounge. A song and a dance. The dance is already decided, I have to work with the musicians early so they can practice. I guess I can play something old, ancient. A love song would fit well. Just need one with words; it narrows the selection down a lot.

There is the one about a merchant's last daughter who was sold off to be a maid of another merchant family, leaving her childhood friend. She saves money for freedom and to find her lost love. Hard song to play, but I love it. Or the princess who fell in love with her mother. Often cited as the reason the current Queen and her harem join the next Queen's harem. Weird practice, but I don't have to worry about that. The song is beautiful, the words are in an old language. The last option is more of a hymn to the goddess of love. She ran brothels, they say, so she shouldn't get mad about me singing it in one. The song is probably two thousand years old now.

I should do the hymn. Make it a prayer for my love of Alzi and Mai. I can even tell the crowd the origins and let them pray for their future love as well. It's a perfect plan, I think.

In my room, I strip down and fold everything into my laundry basket. Put my jewelry away and go straight to bed, sleeping on my stomach to give my ass a break.

The head orphan girl, such a stupid title, wakes me up at the same time as always.

"Miss, we are ready for your bath," she says like every day.

"Ok, help me into my robe." I get to have a private bath. Three orphans help me, the head girl and the two next oldest. They're good at it, but the one I have with Alzi always feels better. Getting the simple robe on, we head downstairs. My ass feels even worse now than last night. I just picture my future with Alzi and keep a smile on my face. It is worth every ounce of pain.

At the bottom, I turn into the bath, strip my clothing, and just sit in the water. The three girls take care of everything like I'm a princess. When I get out, they dry me off and then fluff my tail. That is something I miss. I love working on my tails myself, but I don't have the time to do it in the brothel. Soon, I will.

I go back up the stairs to my room for lunch, clothing, and makeup. They hate it when I go downstairs after my lunch, forcing them to go faster on my makeup. But sometimes I have to see Alzi and Mai. Today, Alzi won't be in the kitchen, so I won't go down.

I eat my lunch and stand up. Today I'm in a long dress. I always bound my tits as much as they will go. I don't like others seeing them. They are for my wives. Soon to be Alzi and Mai. It also makes dancing easier, though less sexy. The dress widens at the hips so I can dance in it. It's black and hugs my top tight, with just enough room to breathe in. Small gems are on it to refract light around the room. Plain panties, I never show those to anyone, so I go for comfort.

My makeup is simple: some black eyeliner and dark purple eye shadow. Some blush and red lipstick. I wish I had lips like Alzi, not needing to bother with lipstick. But it will be fun to give her a ring of it around her cock one day.

Ready for my show, I head down the back stairs and practice my dance behind the lounge. The song is a slow one. Plenty of room for self-expression. The clients love when I dance to this song so I don't do it often. It makes them show up in large numbers when it is announced I'm performing it.

I just went through it twice. I've danced it plenty over the past nine years. I've got an hour until I go on. I start with the piece I play and then switch to the dance. So, about fifteen minutes before, I'll tune my Eyulshorn. It usually takes an hour due to the 100 strings, but this is my personal instrument. I tune it every day, and my passives make it easy for me to tune it.

The other musicians have shown up and started tuning their instruments. I listen carefully to make sure they do it correctly. They are all excellent players, so I likely won't have to help, but it is best to be careful.

Finally, the fifteen-minute mark happens, and I start tuning. Ten minutes later, I got ready to go on stage. Five minutes and they announce I'm about to play and then dance. I hear some clapping and walk out with my instrument.

"Hello, lovely ladies and gentlemen. I'm about to play an old love song—a hymn to the goddess of love. I'm sure we all have a little to ask of her tonight, so I hope my song can help answer those. If my song doesn't help, I'm sure the girls can give you the love the goddess ignored for tonight." I give a little bow and start.

Typically, the hymn would need three people. Two on the Eyulshorn and a singer. My tails are nimble enough, unlike a certain dragon, to play the second part while my fingers strum out the first. I have a lively voice, so it would be a crime not to sing as well. I hope to one day have Alzi play the second part. She doesn't get much practice, but she shows promise with her few entertainment passives.

The song starts off quiet, with just a few fingers and tails needed. I just hum along, like the three people are coming together. It builds and builds to a loud and cheerful greeting. Then, a story of their love and desire to be together starts. One of the women falls ill. In the tail part, she slows down. The other two join her, bringing the dong to the third part, the hopes and dreams of what their future should be. Then, the other two decide to ask the goddess of love to help the three stay together. Their prayer is the fourth part. The last part is short, a talk about all the goddess of love will give to those who truly love. It's a happy ending.

It is a long song, fifteen minutes. I made sure to give my prayer solemnly to the goddess. I hope I portray the song well and please her. It is one of my favorites. It took a long time for me to find someone, and instead, I saw two. Just a year and we can be together.

I stand and give a bow to a wonderful round of applause. I put the instrument into my storage piercing. I did the piercing myself thirty years ago. I can't wait for Alzi and Mai to find it. Hopefully I can convince them to get the same piercing as well.

The musicians come out and I prepare for the dance. I can feel the eyes watching my every move. Due to my bind, my tits don't jiggle like the dancers usually do. But my ass I big enough to shake, so most eyes go there, few to my face.

Few deep breaths as I finish, another bow, and more applause.

"Thank you all for coming to this wonder house of fun. We are here to please, and the beast tip is pleasure back. Enjoy the rest of your night."

A job well done. I head over to get my massage. My ass is still on fire. The dancing and sitting during my performance did not help my situation. Looks like I'll have to do a standard massage tonight.

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