Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 62 – Hungover and Updating the Team

"Fuck," I groan out. Did someone set my hair on fire?

"Yes, your Mother said something similar her morning after," comes from my left.

"Rosemary?" I ask, too afraid to open my eyes.

"Yes, I've healed your wives already. I also checked in on Isda. Don't worry, I won't tell the Queen, but she won't be happy about that. You should also be careful with her. Five kids is a lot for a small girl. Your wives are still asleep. Mother said to wait for you to wake up. Don't worry; she had to go through it as well. All the Queen candidates have a painful wake-up call." She finally uses her skills to clear out my throbbing headache, letting me open my eyes, and I find her already leaving the room. "Try not to do this again until you have a healer at your side. I won't be there to help you again."

"Yay, yay," I call out. Getting out of bed, I find I'm naked. Guess Isda had her fun after all.

"Your Highness, traveling clothing?" my maid asks, walking in.

"Yes, the moving starts." It will take a week to get settled and then a few more years of hard work.

*** Alzi ***

Finally, we all met for lunch. It feels like forever since I've had Mai and Yuki by my side. Yuki is even eating with us.

"Have you found the people who tried to kill Mai?" I ask Yuki. I know she and Nakuma have been looking for them. Apparently, Yuki was able to get a weak tracker on them.

"Somewhat. Nakuma killed the actual assassin, but wasn't able to get who commissioned the hit. I'm making a plan for it, but it'll take some time to come up with it and then actually implement it," she answers. "Sorry, Mai, about killing the assassin. She attacked Nakuma when she went looking for the information."

"That's fine. As long as I get the ones behind it. I know I didn't hurt them, yet they want me dead. Bitches need to pay for what they put Alzi and me through," the anger coming through clearly.

"Don't worry, they will; even if we have to clear out the entire guild, we'll find them. For now, just worry about your mana control. You'll need to have that mastered before you can get your revenge. Has anyone from the Silvana family come by to teach you some more?"

"Yes, I'm not able to help out in the lounge anymore. But I'm learning a lot. It seems that learning about being a vampire even raises my levels. I gained one from nothing but learning," Mai says with a little smile. I wrap her tail up and give her a little side hug. I'm happy she's got a good class, not needing to go out and risk her life to level up.

"Good, it's rare for a class with combat abilities to be able to earn levels outside of combat. Practicing what you are taught should also raise you up. The higher level you are, the more you can do when we find the bitches," Yuki spits out. "We have a lot of work to do before we can get inside the headquarters; you'll be ready to get revenge. We don't mind holding the fucker down while you disembowel them. Hopefully, we can have Alzi with us so they can stay alive long enough for us to feed it back to them."

"I'll be there. I've got some ideas of what to do. They should feel every moment as life slowly slips away from them," I add, giving Mai a little squeeze to remind her she's still alive.

"I'm glad you approve, Alzi. Hopefully, we can get you a real class. It'll help in the fighting and torture, along with some true mana training."

"I wish Yuki, I wish."

"Well, I've got to go. Nakuma is expecting me to send her some notes soon."

Mai gets up with her, "Me too, I've got my training soon. See you tomorrow, Alzi and Yuki."

"Goodbye, you two. Have a nice day!" I say, giving them both a quick hug. I don't have much left to eat, just a few bites myself. Tonight, I'm in the lounge. I don't need to take any customers for a massage now, doing it every other day is enough to not need the extra one or two I get in before the doors open.

Well, time to stop stalling; slowly, I stand up. My growing belly already slowing me down and giving me back my pregnancy lovers, minus the BDSM ones.

I have also stopped my self-destructive spree with Mai back. I no longer see Mai haunting me, her lifeless body appearing at every turn. Waiting for me in the bath, saving me a spot in the kitchen, or watching over me in the lounge, her lifeless eyes demanding answers for my failure. The nightmares still appear, but I've dealt with those for years now. I start my waddle to the lounge, hoping to find a chair to relax in.

When I enter, the lounge is set up for us, letting me find a chair to rest in until the doors open. Plenty of girls are hanging out waiting. I don't think anything special is planned for tonight; just a normal dance to keep the clients entertained until we entice them up for some fun.

After about an hour, guests start to walk in, forcing me out of my chair, I can't look lazy despite being heavily pregnant. At least I'm still picked early; I don't know how well I'll do at the end of my pregnancy. Normally, it was just the torture clients then. Maybe I can sneak in with Mai? Hopefully, Yuki is ok with sex being part of our massages.

The start is always a little slow, rich like to see the red lights before entering normally. Just a few tables are filled right now, a few girls already working them. Breast popping out, legs being rubbed, and whores doing what they do best.

"Hello, miss," comes from behind me with a soft tap on the shoulder. "I would like to spend the night with you."

"I do have a duty to do that will take me away for an hour, but other than that, I would be happy to spend the night rolling in bed with you," I say, getting a look at the client. A wolf, a brown-haired buff wolf as tall as I am standing there timidly. I don't know how many girls this one has split in two, but her ears are quite red, asking for sex.

"Thanks. Are we good to head up now?" She asks, looking around the lounge.

"Of course, you are the customer. Right this way, we've got a few stairs to climb." I give the shy wolf a little kiss as I lead her out and up. I take my time going up the many stairs so she can watch my hips sway, not because I have to waddle up them. I'm still sexy!

Getting to my floor I open the first door for her. "Right through here, please."

"Thank you," she says under her breath, walking past me.

"Now let me help this warrior out of her clothing," I say while feeling the poor girl up. My belly pushes into her back so my arms can run over her abs and up to her wonderful mounds.

"Yes, please."

"Hehe, there is only us here. No need to be shy; I'll take great care of you, my Lady." Lifting her shirt over her top. Did she come from an adventure? Rare to see a woman not in a dress. "Arms up, please. Yes, thank you." Her breasts aren't free yet; they are still bound tight. This girl really came from the field to be here. Quickly, I loosen the binds and let them fall free, leaving her top half free.

I get a wonderful view of her muscular back. She even stretches her arms a bit, letting me watch the muscles slowly move. Fuck, thank this girl for asking for me. Swallowing my drool, I get to work on her pants and boots. This part takes a bit longer with my belly getting in the way. But I do get her well-toned ass free for my view and pleasure.

"Girl, your work was well worth it to end up looking like this."

"Thank you. I would love to see what you are hiding under that robe," she stutters.

"Oh, I'm not hiding much. The belly is the main thing there, though I am a bit proud of my bust," I say, wiggling out of my robe as I move to the front of the wolf. I kick my heels off behind me and stand eye-to-eye with the warrior. "Is this what you were hoping to find?"

"Yes, just as I was told," she hisses out, her eyes drawn to my belly. She takes a few steps back to get a better look. "Tattoo is there, never seen one looking like that."

"Told? I'm getting a little famous, huh. Yes, everything pregnancy-related gets a bit special around me," I respond, working hard not to feel freaked out. She doesn't seem to be checking me out for looks, just comparing me to some profile she got.

"While I love looking at a body like yours, I prefer touching them," I say, closing the distance she created. "You seem a bit shy, so just relax down on the bed and let me take care of you. I'll be gentle." Slowly, I back the wolf up. Then, with nowhere left to go, she falls back onto the soft bed. "Perfect, you've been busy hunting my big bad wolf. Working hard for all of us. Those big muscles straining to swing your sword, striking down enemy after enemy after enemy." I cradle her thighs, running my hands over her strong abs with a little touch. Just a hint of my aura coming out.

"YYeess," she stammers out, confused about what she should do.

"I know, I know. It's too bad I'm not working as a masseuse today. These aching muscles could use a lot of work," I say as I reach her soft mounds. Gently cupping them in my hands, my thumbs tease her perky nipples. My dick standing straight up for this wonderful body, wishing to get buried deep inside. "My own sword wishes to work for you. However, I have to warn you, if it gets inside, you'll likely get pregnant. So let me know if that's fine."

"I can't get pregnant right now," she rushes to say, her mind working hard to stay focused under my assault. She's forcing back her moans as I turn up my erotic touch, fighting for my reward.

"That's too bad, but I wouldn't want to keep my wolf from her hunt." I lean over to get a nipple in my mouth, pushing my cock right over her delicate pussy, teasing us both.

"Get on all fours bitch," she says, finding a backbone all of a sudden.

"My my. That is quite the change in tone, my wolf. But this one will do as asked." I work myself off her and into position. "I have some strapons and such in the drawer by the top of the bed if you need them." Wiggling my but at the odd wolf, I wait for her strike.

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