Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 7 – An Incomplete Game

I took too much time with my first client, so I don't have time before the floor opens for a second guest. So, I head up to my room and freshen up before I join Mai on the floor.

I quickly wipe the sweat and other fluids I built up from my body. I decide to wrap my breasts, not too tight, but enough to look a couple of sizes smaller. My robe was fine. On the other hand, my underwear had several different types of fluid on them, so I replaced them. I also thought about my womb health. Did we go at it a little too hard? Not really. It looks like eighty-eight percent despite the size I took inside.

I hope I get to see those kids. The last woman to ask me to breed her lived in a different city. I've always lived in a small town outside the city by the forest until I sold myself. So, I'm unsure how far the woman traveled to get to me. Hopefully, it's not too far while pregnant. I hate to have my kid born on the side of the road.

I sigh, "I need to stop stalling. Maybe we will both get a woman like the one I massaged and have a wonderful night." I start heading down the stairs. I'm joined by several other women wearing similar clothing but all kinds of colors.

On the floor, a few women will be kept for those who want short but immediate sex, buy girls. The rest are charged with convincing someone watching the entertainment to spend the night with them. I'm weird because they never spend the night with me, but I still walk the floor. Mistress just likes to advertise my womb to the world for a few more gold each pregnancy.

As I near the bottom of the stairs, I start looking for Mai's long tail. I made the final few steps but still didn't see her. I start heading towards the back.

"Wait, wait! Alzi," I hear called behind me, "you're actually on buy duty tonight to keep men away from you." Vasati calls out.

"Oh, that makes sense. Can I let Mai know? We were planning on going around together. I don't want her to worry about me."

"No, I'll inform her. Just get to the waiting area."

"Ok," I say. I turn and walk towards the lounge entrance. Opposite the stairs is another curtain containing the lounge for buy girls. Usually, the new girls need to prove their skills before they go to the floor.

The room has a few couches, game tables, and a small stage with a few instruments to the side. The couches are light purple. A small room in the back is for fixing makeup. When guests want to buy time with a buy girl, they enter the room and choose. I can play the three-string instruments besides the stage, mainly the scales, but I'm not very good. I walk over to a game table instead.

The girls in the room must entice the buyers without talking to them. The ones that sit on a couch are only chosen for sex. The ones doing other activities may be selected for whatever they are doing or sex. So, dancers may do a private dance, and a musician would play a private piece. Those at the game table are also mainly chosen for sex. You don't go to a brothel to play Hunting Grounds. A bar would be a better place to find a suitable partner. But I'm not good enough for private dance or music, so I can only hope for the best.

A girl on the couch comes and joins me at the table. I had just started setting up the board, so she helps. The game has just a few pieces: a mage, warrior, cleric, assassin, guards, and a princess. The goal is to capture the enemy's princess. The board is the most complicated part. Good ones have a magic enchantment to allow the assassin to hide on the board or allow you to switch what the princess looks like, generally as a guard. They also have the pieces move through the different biomes more accurately. The really expensive boards have weather changes.

Ours allows for the character spells. Yuki has a board that includes weather and terrain spells. She only gets it out to play me. Her customers only get a board that adds the terrain spells. I love the better board. Weather adds a lot of dynamic play. You can even have it empower or nullify certain enchantments. Like fire in the rain won't work, but water spells are easier to cast.

They also say there is a larger version that adds a queen, and you play with many princesses. If you capture one, you have a process to force a marriage and take control of the pieces the princess controls. I've never seen it before, but it sounds much more complex. It's probably only for nobles and royals if it does exist. I've heard the tournaments already last weeks so I wonder how long those would take.

I rarely have anyone to play with. Most hate my passive playing style and complain about the boring game, but I don't understand how to attack. So I just defend until my opponent loses most of their forces, making it easy to take their princess.

"I've heard you are good at defense," she says, placing her princess in the starting fort.

"I guess so. It's hard to tell when most just stop playing halfway through." I respond, playing my first move. It's just a simple warding spell for the edge of the forest.

"I've also heard you have a lot of clients ask for rough play," she says, giving me a strange look.

"I can't say no to many things like you. So nobles that can't be seen in the cheap brothels come here, and they choose the slave that can't say no," I respond. She is still thinking about her move.

"That makes sense. I prefer that play. I've thought about putting a choker on like a collar, but Mistress won't let me," sighing and finally playing a move—warrior towards the desert.

"She won't let others as it causes issues. I'm obvious enough that the treatment doesn't happen to the other girls as well, and I can slowly heal all the marks they put on me," placing a prayer in the desert for warning of visitors from the cleric.

Some girls pick up the instruments. Awful tones fill the room as they tune them. One girl is stretching in preparation to dance to the music. The last two are relaxing on the couch, spread out, showing their long legs. Both have the furry ears of different animals. I can see the tips of their tails flick over the couch occasionally. They are talking to each other about something, and I can only hear their voices, not their words.

"Fair enough, I guess. I have seen the markings you often. I love getting them, but they are annoying to deal with afterward," she says, looking like she is reminiscing about a night before she found herself here.

The musicians have finally tuned their instruments; one is still slightly sharp. They decide on a piece and start playing for us. The dancer finds the beat, adding her taps to the music.

"Some clients are good at it. Making sure I'm Ok and stuff, but most just want a slave to torture," I say, speaking up to compete with the new music.

"I guess I should stop asking then. Maybe I could talk with customers to find the good ones," she says. She moves her warrior fully into the desert.

I hear the curtains move and heels falling, but also softer sounds. It's most likely men's shoes. Women worry about men falling over, so they never have to wear high heels.

Mistress greets them personally, saying, "There is one girl here you two can't take due to restrictions. It is the dragonkin over there. The rest, pick your favorite." She doesn't usually run the lounge but must be here to keep me in line.

It is an elven couple; the man is a wood elf, while the woman is a dark elf. The man is short, five foot five inches. The woman makes him look smaller and must be at least six feet tall. Both have darker skin tones, brown and black, respectively, and their hair color matches their skin. They look around at each girl, but it is easy to tell they have decided who they want. The moment they walked in, they saw my scales and didn't look away till Mistress told them I was off limits. Then they together looked at a girl on the couch. I believe she is Mousekin, but I may be wrong.

"What is your name, my dear?" They ask her.

"Osha," comes the response.

"Please join us tonight. I think we will have a lot of fun," the man tells her. I feel sorry for the mouse. They are an aggressive pair. I've served them a few times, left some ugly marks on my ass.

Since she doesn't get a choice, she gets up and leads them to her room. I hope the extra limits the ordinary brothel girls get keep her safe.

We return to our game, waiting to see if we will get chosen. I'm slowly building up warnings and traps along my perimeter, sending my assassin into the forest to scout.

She has continued her march on two fronts. She even pulled a guard into the forest to help her mage get to my fort.

Another couple came in and picked the dancer. I'd never seen them, but they likely want a private dance with less clothing. Sometimes, that is for a sexual reason, but they have many dances that show off different muscle groups, and many customers love to see us slowly engage the muscles rippling up and down our body.

Due to this, almost all the girls here are strong. I'm certainly only bloated in the stomach area due to the constant and lately large pregnancies. My arms, legs, and back still retain well-defined muscles. I can't wait for my stomach to join them. My thighs could also use some work.

We've made contact now in the forest. I get a killing blow on the guard, but the mage gets a tracking spell and lands a shot on the assassin's arm before he can get away. They are just a few turns from my perimeter. The warrior's group in the desert should reach my fort a few turns before the mage.

"I didn't think the dragon slave would be in the group—our lucky day. We'll take her," the devil states. The new pair is an actual devil who loves to see me scream and one of her wives. A human. All her wives are sadistic, but none go as far as she does. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

"She has a breeding contract to fill tomorrow, so I've removed most inserts. Don't force anything inside her that doesn't belong. Also, be careful with her womb area," Mistress informs them.

"How about I put a fertile mark on her and get a few more sizes to play with? Maybe we can also spend the night with her?" The devil says into Mistress's ear.

"Deal, if it is a cheap one, I'll find you,"

"Only the best for my favorite slave," eyeing me.

Looks like I won't be able to finish my game, and the next owner of my womb will be getting a surprise.

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