Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

155 – The Stellar Sister takes the Lead – I

"Wow. You've grown into a respectable young man, Rudy." Ghyslaine gave Rudy a once over and said, "You also seem a bit more tempered than the past... Did you get some enlightenment?"

Rudy chuckled and said, "Considering everything I've gone through, I've learned that it's better to take things in stride and not take things at face value." He paused and then looked to the side at Sylphy. "...Unlike my cute elf wife here."

Sylphy pouted and said, "It wasn't my fault! Those who attack should be prepared to attack back!"

"You're the witch, not the demon emperor. Stop using the wrong lines, Sylphy."


Eris laughed and said, "See, Sylphy? I told you that you need to loosen up a bit."

"But I have been loosening up?"

"...You damned erotic-"

Rudy cleared his throat and then glanced off to the side. Specifically, to Stella who had been watching the entire conversation with a dull gaze.

Just like an MC would, Onii-chan showed up late and fixed the misunderstanding in an instant. After that, he even made a giant boat to fit everyone on that somehow phased through all the trees without hitting them. Plus he stopped the rain from falling over them, splitting apart the downpour like an invisible umbrella was propped up. Not only that, but the loud rain had turned into a soft pitterpatter, like a person had turned down the volume slider on the ambient noises.

And now Onii-chan was standing at the front of the boat, surrounded by a buxom wolf amazoness, a lewd and busty silver-haired erofu, and a slightly tsundere hot-headed tomboy, chatting with a casual smile and without a care in the world.

All of this after apparently popping away for a minute to do a sidequest back at the Demon Continent.

It was enough for Stella to start questioning again whether the world was a game where Onii-chan was the main character and she was just along for the ride.

She hadn't forgotten about how Onii-chan had used a controller to steer the ship across the seas on the way to Milis either...


Stella blinked and saw that her Onii-chan was staring at her.

Rudy frowned and said, "Are you feeling seasick again?"

Stella blushed and said, "T-That was one time! And I'm not!"

"If you say so. But anyway..." He glanced at Ghyslaine and said, "Have you been introduced yet? This is Stella, my baby sister."

Ghyslaine's eye widened and she turned to look at Stella. "So *you're* Zenny's baby girl?"

Stella crossed her arms and said, "Yeah? So what?"

Rudy laughed and said, "No need to be tsun about it, Stella. Ghyslaine here is a family friend. Basically an auntie." He paused and said, "No, since you're Eri's first teacher and since she's my wife too, I guess you really would be an aunt? The relationship between a teacher and their student is like parent and child, so- Wait. But then Master Roxy and I..."

Stella ignored her Onii-chan breaking off into one of his mumbling rants again and then stared at Ghyslaine with a cautious gaze. "...So you aren't another busty beauty trying to snuggle into Onii-chan's bed?"

Ghyslaine snorted. "That's a good joke, but no. I've already been conquered by one Greyrat and I don't plan to lose to that guy's pup. Not to mention that both Zenny and Lily would kill me when they get back... and these two would kill me right now." She pointed behind her at Sylphy and Eris.

As if on reflex, ice crystals were already forming around Sylphy.

Flames started around Eris as well, but she quickly stopped them and then reached out to swat Sylphy's shoulder. "Stop that."

Sylphy flinched and then looked away, pouting.

Stella gave them a blank stare and then sighed.

Ghyslaine chuckled and said, "Looks like I have a lot to catch up on."

Rudy finally broke out of his trance and then nodded. "That's right." He glanced off to the side and said, "We have a long trip ahead of us still, so should we share some stories? ...I should probably introduce you to my kids too."

Ghyslaine's eye widened. "Kids? You?" She looked at Eris and whistled. "Always knew you had it in you, Ojou-sama."

Eris blushed and said, "N-Not me, Ghyslaine!"

"Oh. So you lost to Sylphy after all?"

"That's not... Ugh! Explain it properly, Rudy!"


"Don't just laugh this off!"

...Every day with Onii-chan was a sitcom, huh?

Maybe she should start hanging around Norn nee-chan more instead...

Wait. Speaking of Norn nee-chan, where was she?



Norn sighed and swung her legs off the side of the boat. "...Rui forgot about me again."

Since the trip started, Norn had been working hard to train so that she could catch up and be helpful to her big brother. Because of that, she didn't get the chance to sit inside with him and the others.

A tiny sacrifice. She had already been on her own for a while now, and she didn't want to intrude on the others. But...

"There you are, nee-chan!"

A cute young girl's voice.

Norn looked back to see Stella walk over, hugging a puppy.

No, not just a puppy. The Sacred Beast of the Dorudia Tribe who had chosen Stella as a hero.

For a split second, Norn felt a pang of jealousy. But then that was replaced by guilt and fatigue. She quickly brushed even those aside though and put on a bright smile to greet her baby sister. "Hi Stella." She hopped back onto the deck and said, "Did you need something?"

Stella shook her head and said, "No. I just wanted to play with you for a bit, Nee-chan." She sighed and said, "You're the only normal person here."

Norn blinked and then laughed. "I guess so."

It sounded like an insult. Compared to everyone else around Big Brother... even compared to Norn's grown-up nieces and nephew, she was ordinary. And that wasn't even taking Stella into account.


Stella set her puppy down and then walked over to Norn's side, casually holding Norn's hand. "You can't change, okay, nee-chan? I need one of us to be normal in this crazy family."

Norn stared at Stella's hand and then looked into Stella's eyes.

Stella stared back and tilted her head. "Hm? Nee-chan?"

A cute and trusting expression. One that didn't have a shred of malice in it, but just faith and expectation.

It was a bit heavy. But...

'Ah. So this was what it was like.'

Norn had been starting to become jealous. She envied how Stella had gotten to spend so much time with Big Brother and how he seemed to dote on her. But when she saw Stella's gaze.

"...Okay." Norn smiled and then reached out to pat Stella's head. "Big Sister will there for you when you need her, Stella."

Right. This was what it meant to be a big sibling.

Unlike Big Brother who didn't keep his promise, Norn had to keep hers.

Didn't Big Brother say it too? You learned better from negative role models, like Papa. So then...

Norn's smile widened and she said, "Whenever you get in trouble, Big Sister will come running, okay? I won't be like Big Brother who left me all alone and scared with Big Sister Eris and our unreliable Papa."

"...Um. O-Okay...?" Stella paused and then hesitantly held out her arms. "In that case... hug?"


...Ah. It seemed like Norn would need to be vigilant in the future. Big Brother wasn't the only one who could make people fall in love so easily...


"Achoo! God, dammit." I wiped my nose and said, "Freaking Being W. You're being petty now, aren't you? Using your damned powers to make me sneeze..."

Ghyslaine raised an eyebrow and said, "You sure you just aren't catching a cold?"

"I'm practically a god. I don't get colds. But anyway... What was this about Stella being a hero?"

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