Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

175 – The Voice of Reason

"...And that’s why today has been a complete mess, Eri." Rudy let out a deep sigh and said, "Why can’t I just have a normal and peaceful life enjoying it with family?"

Eris resisted the urge to laugh. It would be mean, and she was practicing to be a good wife, so-


Rudy clicked his tongue. "Glad someone’s finding it funny."

Eris laughed and shook her head. "Sorry, Rudy. It’s just…" She leaned on the table with her elbows and stared at Rudy’s face. "It’s fun seeing you upset."

Ever since Eris met him, Rudy had always been either confident to the level bordering on arrogance, super composed, or murderous. Whatever the case, it was ‘mature’ to the level where he sometimes didn’t seem human. But it was good to see him act up like this every now and then.

The two were sharing a private dinner together and unwinding after a long day.

Well, more like Rudy grabbed Eris when he got home and claimed to have a chat to talk about the wedding before anyone else could interrupt before warping them off somewhere private.

Seriously. Rudy had no common sense…

Rudy chuckled and said, "I guess it’s fair considering how much I used to tease you."

Eris pointed a fork at Rudy and said, "How much you *still* tease me. Seriously, do you just like seeing me flustered?"

"Of course! You’re so cute when you’re flustered, Eri. It’s really adorable, you know?"

Eris blushed and said, "S-Save the smooth talk for the altar!"

Rudy chuckled again and said, "Fine, fine. But thanks for this, Eri." He let out a deep sigh and said, "You’re the only one I can rant to who won’t either go off the handle or do something crazy, you know?"

Eris let out a sigh and said, "Yeah. SOMEHOW I’m the only sane woman here…"

How did it even end up like this anyway? Of all people, Eris would never have expected to become the voice of reason…

Rudy coughed and then took a look around. He threw a few more barriers in place and then leaned forward to whisper. "It’s a secret, but that’s actually why I want to marry you first. Please help keep the others in line."

Eris blinked and then puffed her cheeks. "Is that something you should be asking your wife before we’ve even gotten married?"

Rudy nodded. "It's shameless, I know. But I trust you a lot, Eri. Not to mention how you keep me grounded." He paused and said, "It’s really weird how it worked but that way, but I’m sure without you here I’d have ended up going off the rails sooner or later. I mean, Sylphy’s all up for me being a real Demon Lord, Rika wants me to be a proper Emperor, and we have my beloved master Roxy… who I think has seriously lost a few marbles over the years."

Eris laughed and said, "NEVER say that to any of the others." She paused and said, "...Or let them know that you told me. I love you, Rudy, but I would rather not die before I even see our children."

Rudy nodded, but then he paused and said, "...Our children?"

Eris blushed and said, "W-What?" She looked away and said, "S-Sylphy’s been talking about it, and I’ve been thinking too, you know?"

Rudy leaned forward with a sly smile and said, "Oh yeah? How many were you thinking?"

Eris felt her face heat up more, but she looked Rudy in the eye and said, "...A son like you would be nice. But I’d like a daughter I could spoil too…"

Hearing the serious answer, Rudy blushed and cleared his throat. "I’ll… I’ll do my best…"

The atmosphere turned awkward for a moment, but then Rudy cleared his throat and said, "Anyway! The wedding!" He looked at Eris and said, "I know that Uncle Philip-" He paused and said, "Well I guess it's 'Father-in-law' now... Anyway, he said he wanted to handle everything, but is that fine?"

Eris rolled her eyes. "Mom and Dad are being stubborn." She sighed and said, "They want to bring Grandpa along to visit and also do a grand banquet here in Sharia to show off our wealth. I told them I just want something small, but they won’t listen... not to mention Dad's trying to convince my older and younger brother to come as well."

"Huh?" Rudy blinked and said, "You have brothers?"

"Apparently." Eris frowned and said, "I was just reminded of that the other day. I actually forgot since I think I only saw them once when I was a kid."

"Understandable. That was already... what, thirteen years ago for you now? Fifteen?" He paused and then said, "Wait. How old are you anyway, Eri?"

Eris hummed and said, "Somewhere between sixteen and twenty. It was hard to keep track of time in a few distortion dungeons... Why?"

Rudy rubbed his chin and said, "I owe you a birthday present too then. And come to think of it, Sylphy too... Oh yeah. And Stella's fifth birthday's coming up soon now too..."

Eris laughed.


Eris shook her head and said, "Only you would be worried about making up for missed birthdays instead of all the other craziness going on in the world."

"Well of course." Rudy nodded and said, "Family is the most important thing you know? Which is why I’m really happy I get to spend time here with my lovely fiancee."

Eris reached out to flick Rudy's nose. "Keep the flirting down." She looked away, ignoring the heat rising in her cheeks. "We've been lucky so far, but we don't want an accident before we get married, do we?"

Rudy immediately put on a stone cold expression and said, "Correct. Absolutely not. Sylphy will go crazy if that happens."

Eris shivered just thinking about that. "R-Right..."

At that time, a knight in silver armor walked up to their table and delivered their food. Expertly prepared steak, diced potatoes, and lightly sauteed green beans.

Eris grabbed her plate of food and said, "I still can't believe things like this can be found in the Magic Continent."

Rudy turned up his nose and smiled. "Go ahead, praise me more."

Eris rolled her eyes and grabbed her silverware. After pulling out a knife, she said, "I'm surprised at how much life's changed though. And how much time has passed..." She cut into her steak and sighed. "I miss the days where we just ran around and had fun all morning long without worrying about anything."

Rudy sighed and said, "I miss it too." He grabbed his own food and silverware before saying, "That's why I can't wait to fuck up ol' Whitey and make him pay for all the pain and stress he's caused us."

Eris pointed at Rudy with her knife and said, "Make sure to bring me with you when you go."

"Of course!" Rudy let out a cold smile and said, "I'm going to bring everyone with a grudge to punch that guy’s face in. Maybe chain him up while we're at it and crucifix him too. Ooh, or make him an eternal seal against humanity’s sins or something."

Eris blinked.

Rudy paused and then looked away, ears turning red from embarrassment.

Eris laughed.

Rudy cleared his throat and said, "I'll leave you to surprise me with the wedding ceremony then, Eri. But let me know if you need anything."

"Of course. And if you ever need to talk, Rudy, I'm always here for you." Eris smiled and said, "It'll be a bit annoying dealing with Sylphy's jealousy, but if it keeps you sane, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

Rudy stared at Eris.

After it stretched on for a while, Eris started feeling self-conscious and fidgeted in her seat. "W-What?"

Rudy shook his head. "Nothing. Just... you’ve changed a lot, you know? It’s a bit cheesy to say it to, but I'm glad we're getting married. Not just because you're beautiful, but because I can really depend on you." He paused and said, "Not that I can't or don't depend on Sylphy, Rika, and Roxy, but I think you're the only one I can really relax with."

Eris smiled, feeling her heart warm up a bit at the words. "That's sweet, Rudy. But." She laughed and said, "You need to stop bringing up other women when you're complimenting the one in front of you."

Rudy blushed. "Sorry. I'll try to do better about that. Still working out how to treat everyone... It’s not fair to treat you all equally, but it’s also not fair to play favorites. And even then, I love you all, but I don't love you all in the same way…"

Eris ate a piece of her steak and then said, "Isn't it fine just to make the woman you're with feel special?" She set her knife down and then smiled. "Like today. I'm really happy that you took me out for a date like this. I know I'll be sharing you, but at least for now you're mine... so that's fine. Right?"

Rudy stared at Eris, his golden eyes wide.

Eris felt her cheeks burning and then looked away. "W-What? I just-"

Before Eris could finish, Rudy leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

Eris panicked and shoved him back. "W-W-What was that for!?"

Rudy laughed and said, "I couldn't resist. You're just so lovably adorable right now, Eri."

Eris huffed and said, "Eat your damned food already, Rudy."

Rudy smiled and then sat back down, cutting up his steak.

Eris looked over and said, "So what's your plans now then? It's clear that bastard is making moves now, so are we doing anything to stop him?"

Rudy munched on a chunk of steak and then said, "I'm leaving that to Pierre and Orsted right now. They're the experts in fixing both distortions and rooting out any hidden cards that guy has. From what they told me though, it should be all done in a year. After that, we'll drop the ball in that bastard's court and see how he handles it."

Eris nodded. "That makes sense. But... um..."

"Hm? What is it, Eri?"

Eris blushed and said, "I-If it's a year... could you wait a bit longer?" She looked at Rudy and then looked away. "I'd like you to be around for our first child to be born..."

Rudy froze.

Eris noticed and looked at him. "Rudy?"

Without a word, he rigidly got up and then walked around the table towards Eris.

Eris frowned and said, "What are you doing- EEEK!"

Rudy pulled Eris into a tight hug and said, "Oh my GOD. You're so CUTE right now! It can't be legal to be this cute!"

Eris squirmed and said, "L-Let go of me! Stop that! Pervert!"

Rudy shook his head and said, "This isn't lust, this is pure, wholesome love! Since when is my hot-headed fiancee so sweet?"

Eris felt like her face was on fire. But she realized she couldn't get free, so she just leaned against Rudy's chest and said, "Idiot! Dummy! Blockhead! I hate you! Let go already!"

Rudy shook his head and said, "Just a bit more. My heart is so warm and fuzzy right now."

Eris felt like she was going to melt from the embarrassment. But eventually, her torment was over.

Rudy let out a content sigh and walked back to his seat.

Eris felt dizzy. Glaring at Rudy, she said, "It's not fair for you to do that, Rudy." She stared at his face, saw the lovingly tender gaze he was giving her, and then looked away. "...No girl has a chance when you do a sneak attack like that..."

Rudy gave a serious nod and said, "I completely understand. That's why I'm trusting you to keep me on the straight and narrow."

Eris blinked. "Me? Not Sylphy?"

Rudy laughed. "I would rely on Sylphy, but she's a bit... trigger happy."

Eris paused, remembering how Sylphy reacted to the Demon Lord back in the Magic Continent. "...True."

Rudy glanced at his wrist, looking at a watch that suddenly materialized. "Anyway, food." He looked up and said, "People will probably start getting upset if we take too much longer, so let's finish up." After that, he started eating.

Eris watched him for a bit, and then realized that she felt warm and fuzzy.

...Ah. Love was like this, wasn't it? Messing around with each other, but supporting each other too...

Eris let out a warm smile and then started eating her food as well.

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