Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 3 Chapter 77/9: Put in Place

I sat in class sober after my reaction to Alex's childhood friend. I didn't remember his name, although I swore that Alex said his name at one point. I didn't care, though, as the consequences of what I did were something I needed to reflect on. The little shit could rat me out to the faculty, which might become a problem. The little asshole came in completely unexpectedly, right as I was expecting to get some relief from the pain I was feeling.

I sighed with feeling and wrote a note about what the teacher was talking about, but my mind wasn't in the lesson. Instead, I was thinking about the countless possibilities and repercussions that might happen with that dumbass. If he followed the bet, I could have a little fun with him. I smirked as the thought of making him Alex's little sissy bitch would be pleasurable. I could feel myself harden as I thought about having him perpetually cucked by Alex.

I cut off my thoughts as my panties got tighter, and I didn't want an erection in class. I shook my head and thought more about the dire consequences if he ran to tell a teacher. My mind paused, and I realized that although I might have been having sex on school grounds, it wouldn't come with many consequences other than something on record with a suspension. I did nothing physical to the boy. In fact, I never touched the little cuck. Instead, the childhood friend he adored and wanted for himself did things to him.

I smiled with that thought as I realized that if he wanted to rat me out to the faculty, he would mainly hurt the very person he wanted to 'protect' from me. It was interesting, and I couldn't help but grin at the thought. It was such a suitable shield that I knew the possibility of him ratting me out was low now. In fact, I doubted that he ever would if he didn't go to the faculty now with it.

The shame and humiliation that he must be feeling should be overwhelming, and I knew that he probably would go home when he finally got himself up from the floor. I smirked and made sure that I turned my attention back with the realization that the little cuck had nothing that he could do to me. I felt movement without the cramps, though, and I knew that I would need to change things before going to Gym class. I smiled as I didn't feel the cramps that had been hitting me all morning.

Finally, I shook myself from my thoughts and returned to the lesson as the teacher made a student answer a question. I reviewed my notes, and I caught up on the lesson. I re-engaged as the class continued adding more notes with my thoughts on them.

Time passed faster as I was no longer stuck in my thoughts, and the lesson was somewhat engaging. I lost myself as I continued with my mind, not even noting the time. The bell chimed, and the teacher came to a stop. The teacher then quickly ended the lesson and sent us out. I packed up while the teacher wrapped up with a small conclusion that didn't matter.

I finished packing and got up as the rest of the students in the class had. I saw some staring from other students that looked puzzled, and I knew that the rumors about me must be spreading. I bit back a sigh as I made my way out of the classroom heading towards the teacher's locker room, and for a split second, I wondered if the boy might still be there.

I smirked, and I couldn't help but hope that he was. The little cuck must be at the lowest point of his life. The thought of playing with his feelings a bit brought a buzz of pleasure in me that surprised me. I almost stopped in the hallway to gawk at my emotions on it but chose instead to continue moving. I cut off my thoughts because I didn't want to think about them.

I reached the Teachers locker room, opened the door, and heard a soft sob. My eyes widened in surprise as I saw the nameless childhood friend still crying. He had picked himself up from the floor and moved into a corner by some lockers. Tears rolled down his face, and he sobbed audibly. I looked over, and I took the actual time to look over at the boy.

Tears rolled down a soft-featured face. The boy didn't have any hard features that I had seen on many boys in school. Instead, he had softer, cuter facial features. I never thought about being with men much, but I liked the look of this boy a little, and he wasn't fat or anything. He had a lean body that was generally looking softer. I couldn't see a trace of actual muscle on the cuck, but I could see that at least he dieted properly. I squinted at him as I looked at his legs and came up with a thought.

I smirked as I stepped in, and the boy was still sobbing to himself. I came in like I hadn't noticed him at all, and I placed my bag to the side in his vision. I tore into my bag obviously as I heard him sniffle. I ignored it and took out my clothing as if he wasn't there, pulling out my clean gym uniform. I started to strip and hid my smirk as I stripped in front of the boy.

"Hey," The boy rasped with insecurity, and I turned to him as I had already stripped my shirt and skirt, leaving me in panties and a bra. Today I wore a black that might show through my shirt, but I didn't care. As I turned to him, his eyes widened in surprise to see me here. "Dickgirl," I heard him say with that same raspy voice.

"Oh, It is you," I said with an amused tone. "You are still here crying?" I asked him, and I made a show of looking at him. "Oh, My God," I said slowly, amusement filling my tone, "You are!" I moved closer and said it as I neared my face to his. He blushed, and I could feel the fresh shame and humiliation on his face as I approached.

He moved to get up, and I pushed him back down to the floor. "I can't believe that you cried here for that long," I told him with growing amusement. "You know Alex cums really easily," I told him as I squatted in front of him with my cock hardening as I laid fresh humiliation on the boy. "She is really good, and fuck, her pussy tightening up on my cock was amazing," I said, and I partially closed my eyes as if I remembered an exquisite wine. "Amazing," I repeatedly declared with a grin.

The crimson on his face grew, and I saw the humiliation start to blend with a wave of blind anger. "You Bitch!" He tried to stand up again, and I pushed him down.

"Sit down," I harshly ordered as I put my hand down on his shoulder. I heard the bell ring that class had started, and I winced. I wanted more time, and I knew that Mrs. Grendier let me run by myself to warm up. I noticed her habit, and I would take advantage of it now. "You seem to have forgotten you're now my little bitch boy," I told him with a grin. My cock hardened as I told him that, and my cock popped free of my panties in front of his face.

The boy was surprised to see my cock right in front of his face. He gaped, surprised as my cock twitched in front of him. "You are here crying in a locker room, and everyone knows that I change here," I told him, and the boy looked up at me. "You watched me strip and are now actively looking at me partially naked. You seem not to understand your current predicament," I told him levelly.

The boy looked up at me and was surprised at my words. "But," He began, and I moved my hips, and my cock slapped his face.

"Shut the fuck up," I ordered again, and the boy blanched. I leaned down, and I knew that he could see down the cleavage of my breasts, and I saw him dry swallow, and the tears on his face had stopped dripping down his face. "You are going to listen to every word I say right here and now. Do you understand the words that are leaving my mouth Bitch boy?" I asked him.

After a couple of moments, he nodded, "Good," I commented. I paused for another moment, and my hand grabbed his face as I tilted it up to make sure he could only see my face and probably the head of my cock in his vision. "You will come here tomorrow. You will be inviting Alex here tomorrow. I want you to come here with her. In fact, I want you to seek her out and tell her yourself these specific words, 'Mistress wants to see you in the Teachers locker room.' If I don't see her in this locker room tomorrow when I come here for lunch. Then I will stop wearing condoms as I fuck her pussy for a month. If that happens, we can only leave it up to fate if she will have a little baby for me." I could no longer help it. My cock twitched as the expression of horror and despair on his face as he imagined the consequences of my punishment for him.

I could see him thinking, and he only paled more as he thought of it. My smile threatened to split my face in two, and my cock throbbed harder. "I see you understand, Bitch boy," I told him, and I lowered my hand to slap his face with my cock again. He winced as I did so, and I stood, "Now, Get the fuck out of here, Bitch boy, Mistress needs to change, and you need to earn that privilege."

The bitch boy got up and ran out, and I wanted nothing more than to stroke my cock furiously at this moment. Desire ripped through me, and I punched the bench lightly as I tried to regain control of myself. I stripped myself bare, set my clothing to the side, and headed to the showers. I put it on a blasting cold, and I grunted harshly as cold water poured on my legs and cock. Pain at forcefully making my cock flaccid.

I wanted to roar as my erection died a harsh death even as I was still glorifying in the expression the bitch boy showed me. I felt a shiver down my spine with my thoughts, and I didn't know if I should be scared of my own feelings toward the boy. It felt so good to force my demands on him, and his expressions and emotions turned me on so much. I wanted to dominate him forcefully, and it was nothing like when I was chucking him with Alex. No, This was different, and I didn't know how it was. I felt lost with these feelings, and my desire had hit me hard.

I stopped myself, and I got out of the shower. My cock was flaccid, and I tried to stop myself from thinking about what had just happened. With the threat that I had just given the little bitch boy, I did not doubt that I would see him tomorrow. I also highly doubted that he would go to the faculty, and I...

I ruthlessly cut off my thoughts again as my cock was trying to harden. I shook myself, and I moved over to my clothes. I stopped at my backpack and grabbed a fresh tampon as well. I began to change the one inside me. I frowned as I tossed out the old one and waited for my legs to dry as I put in a fresh one. I leaned back as I heard the door open in the locker room.

"Angela?" I heard Mrs. Grendier's voice call out in question.

I stood, and I walked out, and she saw me naked a second later. "Sorry," I told the coach with a wry smile, "I was having some... Issues and needed a cold shower to finish getting ready." I told her.

Mrs. Grendier nodded, "I thought it might be something like that. I will give you a couple of minutes and get things ready. When you come into the gym, warm up a bit before joining me, and we can get started."

I nodded, and Mrs. Grendier smiled before turning around and leaving. To be honest with myself, I was kind of shocked that Mrs. Grendier showed no reaction when looking at me. Whenever I ever showed someone my cock in the past, I at least got some type of reaction. This was the first time I got none, and it was oddly annoying to me for some reason.

I shook my head and shook my body to get some of the excess water off me. I then started to get dressed, and I knew today I would be a lot lighter than usual, so I may as well stretch and get some running in to warm up. I would be moving light, so I would try some sprinting with some jogging in between. I grinned as I put on my track pants that hugged my slightly wet legs and put on my gym shirt that hugged my breasts. I smiled and picked up my bag before heading out of the gym.

I couldn't help the smile on my face as I headed into the gym class. Although I started my period today, exciting things had happened, and I felt like I was in a good mood.

I put my bag to the side and began to stretch with a grin. I didn't want to think about what had just happened, but I knew I was in a great mood, not just a good one. I limbered myself up, and just before I took off, I heard a buzz from my bag. I didn't know who it was, but I wasn't about to stop to find out as I set off into a jog to get started. I ran around the gym, putting all my running practice into my running.

I rapidly ran around the gym and felt good with the exertion as I ran. I slowed down to a jog before coming back to a sprint multiple times until I felt all warmed up, and I slowed down to a jog for the final time as I ran up to Mrs. Grendier, who looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I gave you weights, and so you stopped wearing them?" Mrs. Grenider asked, and I couldn't help but blush.

"Umm, I got my period, and I was cramping this morning," I replied, feeling a bit awkward since I was really happy about the weights. "I was really happy for those weights," I told her, feeling abashed, "But I couldn't help today."

"My apologies," Mrs. Grendier said, "Are you feeling better?" She asked with genuine caring surprising me.

"I am fine," I replied, "It seems the pills I took this morning to kick in around the third period. I should be fine, but I will let you know if that changes."

Mrs. Grendier nodded and thought for a moment, "Alright, be sure to let me know if you start cramping. But since I got you out of weights, let's get some practice in your digging. I want to see how you can move without all that weight." Mrs. Grendier said, and I nodded.

What came next was her getting up on a step ladder and spiking balls at me for the next hour. I ran around, and my breasts felt slightly swollen by the end with how much I dove around. I ran haggard as I tried my best to dig out every single ball I could that was sent my way. I quickly lost track of time as sweat beaded down me as muscles that I usually didn't exercise before started to pain me as I worked them with ruthless abandon.

As the class went on, I got more balls, sending them back in the air or over the net. Mrs. Grendier even upped the ante by telling me what she expected me to do. Either send them back over the net or set them up for others to follow up on. I did my best, and I heard Mrs. Grendier's voice dictate to me with ruthless abandon as I continued to run and jump around the court until the bell sounded, telling me it was the end of the day.

I stopped with sweat all over me, although not as much as when I finished a workout session in a gym. "Good work, Today," Mrs. Grendier praised, "Go clean up and head home. I will be working with you tomorrow as well, and I expect better from you than you did today," She scolded, "You only got things right about thirty to forty percent of the time, and although that is good for someone as new as yourself it isn't enough to meet my standards."

I nodded, and Mrs. Grendier smiled as I was about to begin to help her clean up. "Not today, Just go clean up and head home. You look tired, and I think the extra relaxation time might help you out."

I nodded again, and I began to move and picked up my bag, heading towards the teacher's locker room. I made it out of the gym just as I started to see the other girls in my class coming back in. I paid them no mind as I went towards the teacher's locker room to change with a grin.

I was about to change, but instead, I pulled out my phone. I checked the message that I got when I started gym class.

Crystal: Hey, I will be picking you up after school. I will be waiting for you outside in my car.

I smiled, and I looked forward to seeing her. I wonder if I could get some time for my little Minx to have some fun before or after I get there.

I crushed the thought as I heard someone come into the locker room. My smile slightly grew as I saw Strawberry come in. "Are you feeling better?" Strawberry asked, looking a little meek.

I closed the distance taking the lunch container before pulling her flush with me. Our breasts compressed against each other, and I kissed her. Strawberry's face turned a deep red, and I smiled as I broke the kiss. "Yes, I am feeling much better, Strawberry," I told her, "A much better day than I thought it would be," I kissed her again, and Strawberry melted into my kiss, returning it without any other thought entering her head.

I kissed her for a bit before I broke the kiss again. "Hey," I said and touched Strawberry's cheek, bringing her back to this world. "I got to get going," I told her with a soft smile. "You want to come to meet my Girlfriend?" I asked, and Strawberry woke up and paled a little, and I chuckled. "Oh, she will love you," I told her reassuringly.

Sarah seemed to not know how to reply, and I stroked her cheek softly. "Hey," I said, regaining her attention from her own thoughts, "You don't have to worry about it, Strawberry," I told her. "Do you trust me?" I asked her.

Strawberry paused for a moment and nodded for me. I grinned, and I continued to stroke her cheek. "Then let me introduce you before I go to work, okay?" I asked her again.

"Okay," Strawberry said with a blush.

I smiled, and I pecked her lips again. "Good, Now, Although I might smell, I will just wash up at work. We can go now," I told her, "I believe my girlfriend will be waiting for us in the parking lot in her car." I finished, and Strawberry continued to blush as I picked up my bag. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the locker room with a grin.

I started to walk down the hall, and Strawberry followed in my wake, gripping my hand as she did so. It looked like Strawberry didn't mind if others knew that she was in a relationship with me. Some looked, but most seemed to be minding their own business, which was typical in school unless something big was happening; people didn't care unless someone else told them about it later in rumors.

I never bothered about this, and I didn't care for gossip in the least. I had been on the wrong side of gossip for too long to like it. I mentally shook those thoughts out of my head before continuing past the crowd.

Soon we were at the entrance, and I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone as we exited, and I realized my cellphone brought in two texts simultaneously, and I pulled them up.

Sissy: Mistress, May I please go to the bathroom?

I quickly replied as we walked, and I let go of Strawberry's hand quickly, saying, "One sec, I got a couple of texts I need to reply to." I looked down and typed.

Angela: Go, I will not lock it tonight, but I want two videos of you cumming on a dildo twice, at least tonight. Otherwise, I will punish you in the morning.

I sent it with a smile, and I looked at the second text, and it was to the group chat.

Grace: So Debbie and I talked, and we are wondering if you are free Saturday or Sunday?

I didn't know, and I paused before I replied to turn to see Strawberry deeply blushing as I walked without thought. "Hey," I said, pulling her close again, "Don't worry about it; I am quickly replying to some people," I told her again, and I knew that Strawberry was cute and shy despite when she gained courage being extremely forthright. I grinned as I typed a reply into the group chat.

Angela: So both you good girls want to try being naughty with me, I see... I will see if my schedule allows it. I will chat with you soon, ladies.

It was something I knew they would both reply to quickly, but I ignored the double buzz in my pocket as I put away my phone. I looked up, saw Crystal's BMW waiting, and pointed it out. "Ah, There is her car," I told Strawberry, and I pulled her in. I felt slight resistance that gave away instantly as I pulled her with me.

Strawberry was blushing ear to ear as I caught my little minx typing on her phone with a frown. I walked up to her and pulled Strawberry into me as I reached her door. I knocked on the window lightly, and Crystal half jumped, turning to me.

It was magical, it seemed to me whenever I saw her frowning face erupt into a large smile and she opened her door. "Mistress!" My little Minx exclaimed as she jumped out of her car. "I was busy with some work and didn't notice you." She continued and closed her door behind her with keys in her hand. I leaned down, and I kissed her and broke it quickly. "Who is this blushing beauty?" Crystal asked with a grin.

"This is Strawberry or Sarah," I told her with a smile, "I told you about her."

"Yes, you did, and may I say she cute little one." Crystal said, looking her up and down. "Although I would like to chat, though. Samantha will be pissed if we don't start heading there soon. We have a lot to go over, and you know it."

"Okay," I replied, and I turned to Strawberry. I pulled her in and kissed her again; I broke the kiss quickly and smirked before I continued, "This is my girlfriend, Crystal. You will have a chance to talk more later. But I really do have to go, Strawberry. See you tomorrow."

Sarah's blush was complete, and she nodded, "See you tomorrow, Mistress," she replied and got out of the car's way as I moved over to the Passengers side. I smiled but said nothing more as Crystal got in her seat.

Crystal only had to wait for a second more as Sarah got out of the way and I waved as we passed. Crystal's smile was large as she pulled out and moved through the parking lot slowly before getting on the road. She drove off halfway down the street before she asked, "That was one cute girl; How do you attract so many?"

I shrugged for a moment, "A large cock?" I replied.

Crystal laughed as she drove ahead towards work.


Hey guys,

So as an Announcement I just released two books onto Amazon. One is I Sissified My Step Bro book 2 which is available on Kindle unlimited if you are interested in helping me out a little financially and like my work you can check it out.

The Second book I just released is the Seventh Week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. This book is 240k words and the longest book in the series and if you enjoyed the previous weeks then you will love this week. 

Otherwise, Thank you for reading my books and it helps a lot when you rate, comment and Vote on my books. Thanks!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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