Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 10: Tightening His Grip

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

In which Harry lets Bella start working on a way to let him eat souls~

His first impulse might be to reject Bella’s proposition… but Harry hadn’t done all he had to come back in time just to exercise half-measures. As he thrusts into her, fucking Bellatrix upon the bed that the Room of Requirement had created for them, Harry frowns… and knows that in this case, she might be on to something.
He wasn’t the sort of man who could enjoy the act of fucking other men, even for the purposes of subjugating them. That would never be him, and as he’d already previously thought, he shouldn’t HAVE to resort to that sort of thing in order to get the power he needed to do what had to be done. His goals SHOULD have all been easily accomplished solely through performing the ritual on witches of enough age and power to build out his strength.
That said… there was no denying that any additional power that he could secure on top of all of that could be of dramatic importance down the line. In spite of his foreknowledge, there was sure to be some road bumps here and there as he made moves that might change the future that he knew. Being ready for any surprises was paramount, and Bella’s proposal might just mean the difference between prepared and unprepared for whatever the world threw at him.
On top of that… there were many individuals who Harry would hold no compunctions about using a modified version of the ritual on. He didn’t consider himself a monster, but he wasn’t Dumbledore’s Golden Boy or anything like that. He hadn’t been for a long, long time. Hell, he wouldn’t have Bellatrix making this offer in the first place while he was ball’s deep inside of her if he was.
Voldemort and his Death Eaters immediately came to mind when Harry considered just who the targets of Bella’s proposed modified ritual would be. And Harry didn’t honestly have any issue using it on any of them either. The problem would be if Bellatrix tried to push for him to use it on others… but Harry was the one in control here. He was Bella’s Master, not the other way around.
Reaching up, he wraps his hand around her throat, to remind both himself and the former Death Eater just who she belongs to. His fingers tighten as she gasps, her eyes widening slightly and her lips parting. A quiet moan leaves her lips as her pussy walls tighten around his shaft in time with the minor bout of asphyxiation she’s currently experiencing thanks to him.
Harry grunts in turn, squeezing down more and more, completely cutting off her ability to breath. As her face grows red and then a little purple, he looks her in the eye and gives his answer at long last.
“Do it, Bellatrix. Retool the ritual, remove the sexual and binding components, and find a way for me to take their magic for my own. However… you will NOT experiment on any innocents. You will not use this ritual without my permission and supervision. And you will not act in any way that you know I would disapprove of, regardless of how ‘efficient’ or ‘timesaving’ it might be.”
He knew Bellatrix Lestrange. He knew her better than she perhaps knew herself. His own rabid attack dog… and one that he’d already chosen to keep on a short leash by making her stay here with him, at Hogwarts. But all the same… her idea held merit. And so Harry would let her try to make it happen.
It wasn’t like he would be engaging in this magic draining as soon as tomorrow anyways. What Bella was talking about… it held the same issues as him bonding with a younger witch who’s magic hadn’t completely settled just yet. If he tried to do either too early, then he was setting himself up for failure. He needed a strong foundation first, one that wouldn’t crumble on him if he took on too much at once.
With that said, Harry finally relaxes his grip on Bella’s throat, having let her eyes very nearly roll back in her head from lack of air before he ultimately does so. He waits patiently for her to gulp in some oxygen before finally giving her response.
“O-Of course… Master… your Will be done.”
Moving his hand to her breast instead, Harry caresses it and then pinches a nipple between his fingers, making Bella moan and clench down on his cock in a sudden orgasm as a reward for her obedience. In all honesty, that was the real reason he was okay with letting her move forward with her proposition. He knew he could trust her to obey him wholly and completely. That didn’t mean she wasn’t a potential bomb that could blow up in his face at any time… but if he gave her clear and concise instructions, she would follow them to the end of the line.
With that decision made, Harry lets out a sigh and focuses on giving Bella a good, hard dicking, even as he continues to further bind her magic to his own, wrapping it further and further up in his power until it was indistinguishable from what was originally there. She belonged to him… and they both knew it. A woman like Bellatrix couldn’t be left to roam freely. Luckily for her, he was a much kinder Master than Voldemort had ever been.
That said, even as he finishes up with her for the evening and Bellatrix retakes her animagus form as they return to his dorm to keep up appearances, Harry’s mind is racing ahead as always. First Hermione and now Bellatrix. They both just wanted to help, but with the former now on a path that would only lead to one inevitable conclusion and the latter planning to devise a way for him to accumulate even more personal power… Harry felt that it was probably time to move up his other plans.
He needed that foundation he kept talking about. He needed it yesterday. And the only way he was going to get it was by binding the magic of more witches to his own. He’d been wondering whether he would finish things with Aurora or try and juggle multiple witches at once, but now… now he knew what needed to be done. He was already juggling multiple witches at once when one considered Hermione’s insatiable curiosity, Bellatrix’s mad brilliance, and Aurora’s perverse nature.
It was time to finish things with Aurora. Time to bring the Astronomy Professor in from the cold, for better or worse.
Aurora Sinistra’s back arches and her eyes threaten to roll in her skull as the hand of her domineering lover comes down upon her shapely dark ass cheek. She moans wantonly as Harry Potter spanks her as is his right. He owns her after all, more now than he did before even.
She shouldn’t have let things go on as they had, but in the end… what choice did she really have? She’d let him have his way with her multiple times since that first night, and she hadn’t done much at all to fight him over it. Her token protests had fallen away ages ago, and these days she just pretended to suffer in silence… when in reality, they both knew she was absolutely enjoying everything he was doing to her.
As her toys buzz away inside of her at his direction, Harry turns his spanking of her ass into a deep-tissue molestation. As he grinds his fingers into her buttocks, Aurora mewls, only to have him grab her by her hair and pull her head back with his other hand.
“Aurora… it’s time we talked about our future together.”
That gets the beleaguered woman’s attention. Their… their future together?
“What… a-ah, what do you have in mind… s-sir?”
Even as he’s physically holding her in two places, Aurora feels like he’s inside of her despite that not currently being the case. His cock, twitching and throbbing as it is while she strokes it off to the side, is nowhere near her pulsing, clenching cunny. And yet… and yet, it feels like he’s slipped into every pore of her body. Every fiber of her being. And to tell the truth, she loves it.
“There’s a ritual I want to perform with you.”
Aurora’s eyes snap open at that. A ritual? There were only so many rituals he could be talking about. To be fair, ritual magic had fallen out of favor among most of the British Wizarding World. Even her colleagues, Professor Vector and Professor Babbling, who taught Arithmancy and Ancient Runes respectively, didn’t put much stock in ritual magic these days.
Sure, their disciplines could be used to do ritual magic, but they could also be used in other ways, like for instance, ward magic. The difference between ritual magic and magical wards was simple. Ritual magic tended to involve permanent connections and changes between people, while ward magic tended to secure places and things, protecting locations and the valuables within them.
The Ministry of Magic had long toyed with the idea of banning ritual magic and declaring it all dark magic, but that hadn’t happened yet… and it might never happen, simply because the very concept of ritual magic had fallen out of fashion all on its own and didn’t truly necessitate a ban anymore.
Why did Aurora know all of this? Simple, really… she was a pervert. A huge fucking pervert who had long been aroused by the debauched, depraved idea of what was possible with ritual magic. With the right magical ritual, you could quite literally enslave someone to you. You could do whatever you wanted to another person with the proper ritual. Hell, you could do whatever you wanted to yourself as well.
Self-ritual magic was exceedingly dangerous, of course… and part of why Aurora had never engaged in such a thing. But she’d thought about it. Studied it even, once upon a time. And she’d long fantasized about the idea, even if she’d never given in to her younger self’s desires and had long given up on the idea.
Still, there was just something so arousing about the possibility of increasing her sensitivity. Of making herself perpetually more aroused. Of ruining herself and ultimately increasing the chances of her perverse nature being discovered by those around her, be they students, her fellow professors, or even the Headmaster.
… Well, less that last one. The Astronomy Professor wasn’t the sort of woman who had a thing for men THAT old and grey. But she would be lying if she said she hadn’t fantasized a time or two about being in a different time and finding herself at the total mercy of a Hogwarts Headmaster who was less wrinkly and decrepit than Albus Dumbledore.
Phineas Nigellus Black for instance, had some paintings that showed him off at a sterling age when he’d still been Headmaster of Hogwarts. The man was said to have been quite difficult and domineering, and his portraits around Hogwarts could be much the same… perfect for someone as perverted as Aurora.
That all was to say… yes, she knew all about ritual magic. No, she had never even dared to use ritual magic on herself or seek out someone who would do it to her. It was too dangerous and Aurora had always known the difference between fantasy and reality. It was one thing to fantasize about selling yourself to some handsome wizard to be his ritually bound slave for the rest of your days. It was another entirely to actually go through with it.
… Rather, Aurora had THOUGHT she knew the difference between fantasy and reality. Because now here she was, experiencing a harsh dose of said reality with Harry groping her ass and holding her up by her hair, patiently waiting for her response as he plays with the magically enchanted toys she has littering her naked body.
A whimper leaves Aurora’s lips as she finally musters up her voice to speak.
“You want… you want to perform a ritual on me?”
Her pussy clenches around nothing whatsoever, her ass stuffed with her glistening butt plug. Harry continues to manhandle her casually, still kneading her dark-skinned bubble butt as the voluptuous Astronomy Professor quivers in his grasp.
“Yes. I want to take our relationship to the next level. You’re mine, aren’t you? So why not… make it official?”
Aurora pants even more heavily than before at that. He was really talking about ritually enslaving her, wasn’t he? He wanted to make her his sex slave in actuality. She would… she would become his property forever and ever. It’s terrible how much the idea is turning her on. But she has to stay coherent. She has to be pragmatic here. Obviously, Harry doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s still young. Even if he’s found a proper ritual that won’t blow up in their faces, he doesn’t have all the facts.
“It would… it would be a bad idea, if you were to perform such a ritual on me, Mister Potter… the Headmaster and the Deputy Headmistress would likely be able to tell. Hogwarts’ wards would catch such a thing i-immediately…”
There’s a brief pause in which Harry digests her words and Aurora assumes that he will accept that it simply can’t be done. But then he lets out a soft chuckle.
“That won’t be a problem. We’d do it on a Hogsmeade weekend and out of the castle to be safe of course, but once the ritual is done… it’s undetectable. No one will be able to tell, Aurora.”
S-So familiar… not even a ‘Professor Sinistra’ anymore. And also… he sounds so confident as well. So sure of himself. Letting out a shuddering gasp as he finally moves his hand from her ass to her pussy, sliding three fingers up into her gushing snatch, Aurora bites her lower lip.
“How… how can you be so sure, sir?”
As he pistons the digits in and out of her, Harry hums for a moment before answering her. And his answer… shocks her to her core.
“Because I’ve already performed the ritual once before with someone. And that someone is here at Hogwarts. No one has noticed. No one can tell. As I said… the ritual is undetectable.”
That was… that was a lot. Just when she thought she was getting a handle on Harry Potter, he went and blew her approximation of him out of the water all over again. But… truly? She wasn’t his only… his only conquest? No, more than that, Aurora wasn’t even his first. She finds herself wondering who he performed the ritual on before her. Who could it be? Young Miss Granger, perhaps? She certainly hoped not but it wasn’t like she was in a position to play the disapproving Professor.
Even still… even still, she definitely shouldn’t just give in. She should fight this every step of the way. She should demand more information at the very least! She shouldn’t just accept Harry’s offer solely because he was making her deepest, darkest desires come true!
The Patreon Vote:
[X] Aurora Sinistra jumps at the chance, slut that she is - 72%
[  ] She... at least asks some more questions first. Does her due diligence. - 26%
[  ] No... she can't. She turns down the ritual, even if it means Harry exposes her. - 2%

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