Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 30: Protective Custody

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Harry gets a protective deal and is brought to a safe house~


Alas, Tonks definitely blows it for them. There’s a knowing look in Amelia’s eye as she gazes at the two of them, and after a moment she shakes her head.

“Unfortunately, Auror Tonks is still a bit young to be in such a position… alone, anyways.”

Oh? Harry raises an eyebrow as Amelia smiles slightly.

“I have no problem assigning Auror Tonks to your protective detail… but she cannot do the job by herself, nor should she have to. The way the DMLE Director is looking at them now… ah, Harry thinks he understands. She’s not reading too far into this, mostly because she thinks she already understands the situation. In the eyes of Amelia Bones, the woman who lost most of her family to the Dark Lord’s first rise, him wanting to get closer to Tonks has everything to do with him latching onto his godfather’s niece and nothing more untoward than that. In a way, Amelia probably sees Tonks as Harry’s cousin.

“In fact, I have two other Aurors in mind for this.”

With a flourish of her wand, Amelia summons a Patronus and whispers into it before sending the thing off to retrieve who she’s talking about. Harry could have tried using Legilimency to read her thoughts, but there was no point in risking her discovering his intrusion. Not when he’d find out soon enough anyways.


“Well met, Harry Potter. I am Kingsley Shacklebolt and this is Hestia Jones. Together with Auror Tonks, we shall make up your protective detail until Madam Bones decides you no longer have need of one.”

Harry resists the urge to tilt his head to the side, hiding his amusement. He should have known, really. Of course it would be Kingsley and Hestia. Two people from his past life who had… well, they hadn’t been enemies, per say. Though there had been times during Kingsley’s reign as Minister of Magic where he and Harry hadn’t exactly seen eye to eye on things. Just a consequence of how much of a mythological figure Harry had become, combined with his intolerance for political bullshit.

… Though one could argue that Harry’s intolerance for political bullshit had eventually led to their downfall. If he’d had more influence, if he’d made more of an effort to have sway with men like Shacklebolt, perhaps something could have been salvaged before it all went straight to shit.

But then, that was what he was back here to correct, wasn’t it? He was going to do things right this time… even if he had to drag the entire world kicking and screaming down the path with him. And that meant playing nice.

Smiling slightly, Harry nods his head and takes Kingsley’s outstretched hand, giving it a good solid shake that the dark-skinned wizard happily returns.

“A pleasure to meet you Auror Shacklebolt. And you too, Auror Jones.”

Hestia, standing just behind Kinglsey, gives Harry a soft smile of her own and inclines her head. Of course, Harry knows things about Hestia from the future that would likely cause that smile to drop immediately. Things he might have to leverage with her eventually in a similar way to how he leveraged his foreknowledge regarding Auror Sinistra.

Amelia didn’t know it, but she’d certainly set him up for success by sending Hestia alongside Kingsley to shore up his little protective detail. While Kinglsey as the head of the detail would need to be worked around… both Hestia and Tonks were easy targets for Harry to eventually subvert and bring over to his side… one ritual at a time.

Speaking of which, it’s been a while since Harry has secured a witch’s magic for himself. He’s sort of been resting on his laurels in that regard, but he figures he can forgive himself seeing as he’s been focusing his efforts in other directions. Still, with Amelia hard at work dismantling the current administration for him, perhaps Harry can finally take a step back and focus on self-improvement. The more power he has, the easier it will be to force everyone to listen up and do as they’re told.

For the moment though, he has to do what he’s told, funnily enough. But alas, it was his choice to offer himself up as a key witness to the DMLE Director. Now he just has to live with the consequences. Speaking of which, with introductions out of the way, Kingsley claps his hands.

“Right then! So, Madam Bones wants you to be kept safe. Hopefully, that eventually means we can move you back to Hogwarts, but for the time being, that means we’ll be staying in a safe house while she cleans up the mess here. Sound good, Harry?”

Acting the part of a young man in over his head is easy enough for Harry, who tentatively smiles and nods at Kingsley’s question.

“Yes sir.”

Kingsley seems pleased with how respectful he’s being. Hestia seems amused at him, clearly seeing him as nothing more than a precocious kid. If only she knew. Tonks, meanwhile… is quiet, flushed and trying not to fidget as she no doubt remembers what happened between them before. Hm, Harry would have to follow up with her sooner rather than later on that front.

“Alright then, follow me everyone.”

With that, Kingsley leads them to a nearby floo and they all grab a pinch of green powder. After making sure Harry can properly pronounce the floo address, the black wizard leads the way, speaking loudly and clearly before stepping in and vanishing. Harry follows him, with Hestia and Tonks both taking up the rear.

On the other side, they find themselves in a cozy living room. The safe house is likely smooshed between two muggle apartment buildings somewhere in muggle London, bigger on the inside and smaller on the outside so no one will notice it taking up space. Or rather, notice nothing is there taking up space due to the Notice-Me-Not Wards.

“Not sure how long we’ll be here, so feel free to explore a little bit. Harry, you can have your pick of the bedrooms, there’s only three total, but I can sleep on the couch just fine.”

Everyone makes noises of assent at that and then spreads out to explore the safe house. Harry picks the second largest room, not wanting to come across as a total boor, and then they all just sort of… settle in. It was probably past midnight by this point, so it made sense for them to all start to tuck in for the night… except Harry was still pretty wired and so was Tonks.

Kingsley and Hestia were less so, so in the end they wound up going to sleep first, with Tonks agreeing to take the first watch. That’s how Harry finds himself alone with her in the kitchen, approaching her from behind as the metamorph witch prepares a cup of tea.

“Wotcher, Tonks.”

His voice quiet and subdued, he still manages to startle Tonks something fierce. She was clearly deep in thought as his greeting sends her sky high for a moment before she whips around with a hand to her heart.

“W-Wotcher Harry… you startled me!”

She immediately realizes she’s a bit too loud and flushes, glancing towards the closed door of the kitchen. But she needn’t have worried, Harry has already put up a muffling charm on the kitchen, along with some magical alarms to make sure they won’t be disturbed without his knowledge. In fact…

“You don’t have to worry about volume, Tonks. I’ve got a muffling charm up so we don’t wake Kingsley accidentally.”

Tonks blinks at that, before glancing down at his hands with a look of wonder on her face. Harry could have read her mind again, but he refrains. Besides, he already knows what she’s thinking from last time… she’s still amazed by his magical prowess. As well she should be. He’d be a prodigy if his age actually matched his body.

“O-Oh… good thought, Harry. Very… c-considerate of you.”

Slowly, Tonks turns back to the counter. But is it just his imagination, or is she pushing her rear out in his direction, bending over the counter to go back to making the tea far more than she actually has to bend to do so? Hmm…

“I-I’m just making some tea, Harry. If you-eep!”

Harry steps forward and plants his hands right on Tonks’ hips, not even bothering to take things slow. He was here in the kitchen with her for exactly this purpose after all, and if Tonks wasn’t even going to fight him on it…

“A-Ah… H-Harry…”

Rubbing soothing circles into her hips with his thumbs, Harry grinds his growing bulge into Tonks’ ass, humming as he goes.

“I can’t help but think back to how comfortable I was earlier, Auror Tonks. All thanks to you.”

“O-Oh… I’m g-glad…”

“Feel free to make me a cup of tea too please. I’d appreciate it.”

His tone takes on an authoritative taste to it and Tonks hurriedly nods, focusing on the act of preparing the tea. Of course, she can’t help but squeak again when Harry hikes up the back of her robes over her shapely ass. Once he’s done so, it becomes QUITE obvious that Tonks is thrusting her entire rear end out from the counter far more than she needs to, arching her back to do so in a way that might not have been physically possible for anyone but a metamorphmagus like her.

Harry admires the physics defying pose for a moment before grabbing hold of her panties with one hand and slowly dragging them down her thighs. As anticipated, they stick to her cunt, showing her arousal even as he tugs them away and Tonks gasps from the sensation. His hand comes up to cup her pussy a moment later and Harry hums, leaning over the witch to murmur in her ear.

“You’re very wet for me, Tonks. Were you hoping this would happen?”

“I… I j-just want to make you as comfortable as p-possible, Harry… I… oooh~”

As he dips fingers into her sex, Tonks shudders and is cut off, whatever she was going to say next lost to her own moaning. Harry knows just how to touch her, and he greatly enjoys the way her insides clench down upon his digits far tighter than most other women could ever hope to. There’s an intelligence behind that tightening that makes it clear Tonks is showing off her abilities… and trying her damnedest to attempt to entice him with everything she has to offer.

Well, consider him enticed. Finally pulling free of her pussy, Harry extracts his cock from his pants at long last and slaps it down on Tonks’ plush bared backside, making her mewl as he rubs his dick back and forth across her ass cheeks for a few moments before slipping down further and rubbing the head of his cock against her slippery wet slit.

“Is this what you want, Tonks? If it is… I want to hear you say it.”

Funnily enough, demanding that is where Harry finally encounters some resistance. Panting heavily, Tonks looks back over her shoulder at him and bites her lower lip.

“I… w-we really shouldn’t, Harry. We should… we should stop here. It’s not… nnngh, appropriate…”

Harry scoffs at that, looking Tonks right in the eye as he teases her entrance with his cockhead.

“Was taking out your tits and wrapping them around my cock appropriate, Auror Tonks?”

Tonks blushes profusely at that, whimpering from both his words and actions.

“N-No… no it w-wasn’t. Which is why-guh!”

Harry tucks just the tip of his cock past Tonks’ pussy lips and pushes up a bit, causing her to jolt and go up onto her tip toes, her ass jutting out even more and her back arching even further from the move. At the same time, he moves his hands up from her hips to her chest, groping her tits from behind as he hums into her ear.

“Say the word and we’ll stop right here and now, Auror Tonks. Just need you to be clear. Say ‘stop this right now Harry’ and I’ll stop.”

Panting, Tonks whines a piteous whine in the back of her throat, shivering under his touch, quivering as he gropes her.

“I… I…”

In the end, she can’t bring herself to say it. And so Harry thrusts forward, making the metamorphmagus cry out in response. For a moment, Tonks is so caught off guard that she doesn’t even utilize her abilities. Her pussy feels completely natural as it spasms and tightens around his cock entirely organically on its own.

Harry luxuriates in that feeling for a few thrusts as Tonks moans and gasps and cries out, taking full advantage of those muffling charms he mentioned earlier to really let her voice out. Eventually though, she manages to find some semblance of control because her pussy starts to tighten up far more unnaturally and intelligently then before.

Not that Harry is complaining. In fact, it feels quite good having Tonks controlling how hard she clenches down around his cock. No matter how tight she makes her cunt, it doesn’t matter in the end because she’s still sopping wet and Harry isn’t holding back in the slightest. His throbbing mast slams in and out of her repeatedly, leaving her groaning and moaning in pleasure, shuddering beneath him as she gives up on making tea entirely and focuses solely on clinging to the counter’s edge for dear life.

However, just has Harry is beginning to fumble with the front of Tonks’ robes, intending to pull them open and expose her breasts so he can play with them more directly while he fucks her… his senses twinge as the alarm spell he set up goes off, revealing that someone is approaching the kitchen door right that moment.

The secondary alarm spell tells him WHO it is at least, revealing that they’re about to be walked in on by Hestia Jones, not Kingsley. The dark-skinned Auror is still fast asleep according to the spell Harry left on him, but it would seem Hestia has gotten up and is either feeling like a late night snack or a glass of water or something.

Either way, she’s about fifteen seconds from walking into the kitchen and finding them, so they have that much time for Harry to come to a decision about what to do here.

The things he knows about Hestia… he could probably buy her silence fairly easily if he needed to. If he wanted to just keep fucking Tonks, he could let Hestia catch them and then drag her into the fun maybe. Or he could pull out of Tonks and push her down behind the island in the middle of the kitchen, using her mouth where Hestia won’t be able to see her until the other witch either gets too close or leaves.

Or he could technically still manage to pull out of Tonks and fix up her clothing before the other Auror arrived, allowing the metamorphmagus to keep her dignity and pride entirely intact. One thing was for sure though… he only had a split second to decide.


The Patreon Vote:

[ ] Keep fucking Tonks, let Hestia walk in on them - 41%

[X] Pull out and push Tonks to her knees before Hestia comes in - 55%

[ ] Pull out and fix Tonks' clothes up completely before Hestia comes in - 4%


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