Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 35: Bella’s Proposal

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Harry and Bella have a chat~


She at least has the decency to wait for him to engage privacy charms over the bed’s curtains before making his move. As Harry sits in the middle of his bed, he doesn’t think much of Bella hopping up in her animagus form. Bella the Dog spent many a night sleeping in his bed, adding her body heat to his after all.

He also doesn’t really pay much mind to her nuzzling and sniffing at his chest and neck. Instead, he simply pets her head and scratches behind her ears as he uses his wand to make sure that he’s secure. The curtains around the beds in the Hogwarts Dorms are actually designed to be incredibly susceptible to enchanting on top of having a basic suite of security charms on them. It was up to each and every student whether they were willing to learn enough to utilize them to their full effectiveness or not.

The moment that Harry puts his wand down, however, Bella transforms and pushes him onto his back, straddling him in her naked human form in an instant. Not that Harry minds this very much, seeing how he’d actually denied himself any sort of sexual release when it came to Amelia. But he’s a little surprised when Bella, despite no longer being in her animagus form, lets out a rather animalistic warning growl the moment he tries to lift up his hands and grab her by her hips.

Brow furrowing, Harry doesn’t back off… in fact, he grabs Bella by her hips even more harshly, digging his fingers in as she stiffens at his touch.

“Bella… what’s gotten into you?”

Whimpering now, she looks at him with big, mournful eyes that glow somewhat in the darkness of the closed-off canopy bed.

“I can smell HER all over you, Master! She’s seduced you and now you’re going to give me up to appease her!”

Wait, what? Harry is baffled, even as Bella grinds her naked, wet crotch against him, whimpering and raking her fingers down his chest in fear and worry. With a flex of his will and magic, Harry stops her in her tracks, freezing her in place on top of him.

“Calm down, Bella. Explain what you’re talking about.”

Huffing, Bellatrix bites her lower lip.

“… That woman… Amelia Bones… she’s gotten to you, Master. You’ve been so busy playing games with her that you haven’t used me once! And then… then you were even gone for a week! Now you come back smelling of her scent… her arousal. She’s making you lose sight of what’s really important!”

That gets a scoff from Harry, mostly because he’s pretty sure Bella isn’t talking about the future apocalypse so much as she’s talking about what SHE considers really important… namely his and her relationship. She’s a very needy pet, that much is for sure. She always has been. But Harry… tch, alright so maybe he had been neglecting Bella just a little bit in recent times.

For all his power, he’s just one man trying to juggle an awful lot of plates. The amount of magic he can now call upon helps him to juggle more plates than even your average witch or wizard could, but there’s still a finite number that he can handle.

Bellatrix had fallen to the wayside and he can sort of see where her fears are coming from, for all that they’re unfounded and incorrect.

With a growl, Harry reaches up and wraps one hand around Bella’s neck. Her eyes widen and she leans into his touch, not afraid of being choked even slightly. He doesn’t actually choke her though, not yet anyways. Instead he just holds her, reasserting his dominance over her.

“I will never abandon you, Bella. I will never give you up, certainly not for something like appeasing Amelia.”

He could do it, technically. All because of Bellatrix, as a matter of fact. Before she’d modified the ritual, Harry needed her alive to maintain his connection to her magic. But then she’d gone and altered the ritual, showing him another way and helping him to turn her incarcerated husband into a muggle as Harry took every bit of magic that Rodolphus Lestrange had to offer.

If Harry wanted to, he could suck the magic he was already connected to straight out of Bellatrix, turning her into a defenseless, helpless muggle. At which point he could throw her to Amelia just as she feared, where she would undoubtedly be given the Dementor’s Kiss for daring to escape Azkaban Prison.

But Harry isn’t going to do that. Not ever. Call it what you will, but Bellatrix is HIS. He’d claimed her by rite of conquest, tamed her, made her his tool, and brought her back through time itself via transporting a copy of her mind within his own. Harry had risked everything to have Bella by his side here and now… and he wasn’t ever going to let her go.

Straddling him, Bellatrix doesn’t look entirely convinced… perhaps because in her mind, the only reason that Harry could possibly have for smelling of Amelia Bones’ arousal was being seduced by the other witch. Rolling his eyes, he gives his pet a reassuring smile.

“You don’t have to fret, Bella. Yes, I smell of Amelia. Yes, we got closer tonight than ever before. No, we haven’t fucked yet. Still… it’ll happen eventually. Because Amelia will be joining you… under me.”

Bellatrix’s eyes widen in disbelief at that… but the disbelief lasts less than a second before she’s grinning like the cat who caught the canary.

“T-Truly, Master?”

Harry lets his own smile widen, even as he nods. He also loosens his magical hold on Bellatrix, causing her to immediately begin gyrating her hips around in a circle over his crotch in an excited frenzy.

“A-Ah… but I thought… I thought you weren’t going to force anyone, Master.”

There’s no censure in Bella’s voice. Just curiosity. If he started going around and forcing himself on other witches tomorrow, she would be right there with him, helping him to hold them down so he could have his way with them. However, just because Bella was willing to do such terrible things didn’t mean Harry was.

“I haven’t changed my mind about that, Bella. I’ve merely had my eyes opened up to Amelia Bones’ true nature.”

Then, because he doesn’t really feel like telling Bellatrix everything, he slides his hand from her neck to behind her head, grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling her down to his face. Rather than kiss her, however, Harry presses their foreheads together and calls upon his magic to impart the experiences of these last few hours onto his pet. Bella gasps as she watches him handle Amelia with gentle dominance and tender control. She watches as he easily bends Amelia to his will and then stops himself from going too far.

When it’s over, Harry allows Bella to pull back and look him in the eyes, though she insists on kissing him deeply first and foremost before pulling away.

“Master… you had her eating out of the palm of your hand! You could have taken her right then and there! Why didn’t you?!”

Harry huffs in amusement at Bella’s one-eighty. Mere moments again she’d been terrified by the thought of Harry and Amelia together. Now all of the sudden she was egging him on, wondering why he hadn’t just fucked Amelia silly right there in the woman’s office.

“That’s not for you to question, Bella. My reasons are my own. Yours is not to wonder why.”

Bella blinks and then blushes and ducks her head at the light admonishment. Then, she perks up.

“Ah… but really, I should be thanking Master. Because he didn’t fuck that woman… he’s pent up right now, isn’t he?”

She grinds harder onto his cock, which admittedly IS throbbing with need at this point. A low rumbling growl leaves Harry’s throat as his balls churn with a load that could have gone to Amelia but hadn’t. Cooing, Bella grins wickedly.

“Oooh~ VERY pent up~”

Luckily for her, she doesn’t tease him any more than that. If she had, she wouldn’t have liked the consequences. Actually, she probably would have liked them quite a lot. Still, in this case Bella’s eagerness gets the better of her before Harry has to act, causing her to hastily crawl down the length of his body until she’s kneeling with her face in his crotch.

Pulling his cock free of his boxers, the lustful, obsessive, and altogether slavishly devoted witch coos over it for just a moment before diving down his length. Her eyes fix on Harry’s face as she goes down on him and from that moment on, Bella refuses to break eye contact.

Harry just smiles an affectionate, amused smile, even as he reaches down to run a hand through her locks. But he lets her set the pace of the actual fellatio, more just enjoying her mouth and tongue on his cock.

Yes, it was true that he could have had Amelia Bones impaled upon his cock with relative ease today. And yet, he hadn’t. He’d refrained because Amelia… hm, maybe Bella was onto something. Maybe he was growing sentimental over the DMLE Director.

He wouldn’t let that stop him though. No matter what, he would keep his eye on the prize. Amelia would get what she needed and so would Harry… by the time he was done with her, they would both be quite satisfied with the outcome, that Harry was sure of. But at the same time, she wasn’t the be all, end all. Harry still had a world to save after all.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

Of course, just because he’s not taking control of Bella’s blowjob doesn’t mean the lusty little bitch isn’t going to wind up choking herself on his cock all the same. Completely of her own accord, Bella bobs her head up and down his shaft more and more aggressively, gurgling and gagging quite happily to herself even as she continues to stare him in the eye.

Her own eyes grow more and more watery until she’d shedding involuntary tears while drool and saliva collect around her stretched lips and the base of his cock. However, even then Bellatrix doesn’t stop, even as she’s practically asphyxiating herself on his dick.

After all that unintentional foreplay and blue balling with Amelia, Harry doesn’t see any reason to hold back. Letting out a contented sigh, he proceeds to firm up his grip on Bellatrix’s hair and pull her all the way down his cock one last time before beginning to cum. She gurgles helplessly but also lustfully, swallowing every last drop of his seed like the needy little slut she is as Harry stares down into her devoted, adoring eyes.

Finally, he’s finished emptying his balls into her belly… but of course, that doesn’t mean they’re done. His cock remains hard and despite just loosing one load down Bella’s throat, his balls continue to churn, already producing the next. Noting this, his pet witch hurriedly pulls off of his cock and then crawls back up him, straddling his crotch once more.

This time though, she buries him inside of her, impaling herself upon his shaft and moaning as her pussy walls tighten and flex all along his length. She’s sopping wet by this point and Harry isn’t remotely surprised, even as he grabs hold of her hips again.

Moaning and mewling, bouncing up and down on his cock, Bella doesn’t bother trying to contain her voice. Not that she has to, not when the spells that Harry has put up keep anyone from hearing or seeing anything that’s going on past the curtains on his bed.

Still, as she really starts to get into it, Bella suddenly leans forward, running her hands over his face.

“Master, I beg of you… unleash me.”

What? Harry frowns, not quite sure where Bellatrix is going with this.


“I swear I can be of use to you, Master. Send me after my sister. Send me after Cissy.”

Harry’s eyes narrow at the mention of Narcissa Malfoy, especially when it brings to mind her husband, Lucius Malfoy. Dealing with that slimy git today had been the exact opposite of enjoyable, truth be told. Even still…

“I already told you I wasn’t going to force myself on any witch, Bella.”

But Bellatrix is undeterred.

“I know, Master. I know… but you don’t know Cissy like I do. She doesn’t truly love Lucius. She hates him, in fact. Her sprog, Draco… she loves him well enough, but Lucius is an albatross around her neck that she would be glad to get rid of. Allow me to contact her. Allow me to explain some things and I swear I can bring her to you. I swear she’ll submit to your power willingly.”

That was… a big promise. Even as she speaks, Bellatrix continues to ride him, bouncing up and down on his cock. Harry enjoys the feel of her body and the way her cunt walls are milking him for all he’s worth very much. At the same time though, he now finds his attention split as he considers the curious case of Narcissa Malfoy.

He believed Bella when she said that Narcissa loved Draco. He knew firsthand how deep that particular mother’s love ran for her son. But her husband… now that relationship was somewhat more shrouded in mystery. The Malfoys had almost always presented a united front until the end of the Second War, when Narcissa had broken ranks to save Draco.

Could Bella be telling the truth? Didn’t Harry already have a way of checking for sure? Reaching out, Harry beckons Bella down to him once more. She doesn’t hesitate, happily bringing her forehead back to his and allowing him to call up the memories in question that make her belief so unshakeable.

There, in the depths of Bellatrix’s memories, Harry finds a tearful encounter between sisters, both Bella and Narcissa much younger as Narcissa cried over having been married off to Lucius Malfoy. According to her, she was convinced that Lucius was a poof. Bellatrix had comforted her younger sister in her own way, telling her to just grin and bear with it, and that they would find their own ways to have fun no matter what.

Of course, shortly after Bellatrix had made her fateful mistake of sneaking into Voldemort’s quarters late at night only to be Crucioed until dawn for her impertinence. The broken, insane woman that had come out the other side had been the perfect weapon for the Dark Lord’s purposes but would never be the sister Narcissa had known ever again.

Pulling back, Harry sighs. It was entirely possible that Bellatrix was right and Narcissa would be amicable to a change in Masters. It was also possible that Bellatrix was wrong and Narcissa had grown up and even managed to grow close to Lucius Malfoy somehow over the years.

Was it worth the risk of letting Narcissa know her sister was out of Azkaban? Letting Bellatrix get in touch with Narcissa could either be an excellent move towards his long term goals, or it could turn out to be the biggest mistake since he’d come back in time…

The Vote:
[X] Allow Bellatrix to reach out to her sister and reveal her escape from Azkaban - 95%

[ ] Reject Bellatrix's offer, there's too much risk involved in letting Narcissa know - 5%


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