Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 46: Rita’s Binding

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Rita joins the fold~


As Rita bobs up and down on his cock, servicing him with her mouth, Harry… leaves nothing to chance. A silent Legilimens and he’s inside of her head, perusing her current thoughts and seeing recent events from her perspective. He’s not expecting to see practically her entire life flash before her eyes as she comes to the conclusion that she’s never been happy except now, submitting to him, but he’s also not all that upset about it.

Rita’s submission is genuine… and really, that’s all that matters in the end, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter necessarily how they got to this point. What matters is that the venomous reporter is tired of being a poison quill type of writer. She’s tired of grasping at straws and vying for attention through hit pieces and gossip. She wants more… and Harry can give her that.

As she swirls her tongue along his cock, Harry lets out a shuddering breath, his eyes drifting shut for a moment. He’s aware, of course, that Bella is still nearby, in her own animagus form but entirely invisible. His first pet watches on as he enjoys the mouth of his latest. Rita, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to care whether they’re alone or not. She sucks him off with enthusiasm and gusto right there in the middle of the Forbidden Forest.

Harry briefly considers performing the ritual here. It wouldn’t be too much trouble, not really. Especially with the level of magic he could call upon at this point. Warding off the area to keep out not just inquisitive wizards or witches but also the forest’s denizens and creating the ritual circle right here on the forest floor… it wouldn’t be impossible. It wouldn’t even be particularly difficult.

And yet, it just doesn’t feel right. After all of their meetings together in the Room of Requirement, it seems to Harry like that’s the only true option for them at this point. So with that in mind, he grips down on Rita’s hair a bit more tightly, fisting it in his grasp and making her glance up at him.

“Relax your throat, Rita.”

To her credit, she does her best to do exactly that, even as Harry speeds up the process by taking charge. Thrusting forward, he turns the blowjob into a proper, good old fashioned face fucking, pushing down the back of Rita’s throat and letting his balls slap against her chin over and over again.

“Gagkh… Gagkh… Gagkh…”

Alas, while Rita does in fact try to relax her throat, her best isn’t good enough. She still chokes and gags intermittently as he fucks her face, her eyes watering and her nostrils flaring for air. Meanwhile, the drool and saliva collects all the faster, until it’s dribbling down her chin as his balls slap into it again and again.

Harry doesn’t hold back much longer though before tipping over the edge anyways.

“Here it comes, Rita. Swallow for me, that’s a good girl.”

A belly full of his seed isn’t a key component of the ritual or anything, regardless of how much magic there is in his semen at this point. However, it certainly doesn’t hurt. That’s why Harry cums in Rita’s mouth, telling her to swallow and watching her do her best to drink it down.

She doesn’t get every last drop, a bit of it winds up leaking out of the side of her mouth as her cheeks get a little stuffed, but she does what she can and in this case, that’s all that matters.

The reaction to consuming such a heady amount of Harry’s cum isn’t as pronounced for Rita as it was for Fleur, but she’s still a little dazed as Harry pulls back. Her eyes are slightly glazed over and her tongue tracing out to lick her lips and collect that small trickle that managed to escape her.

Harry looks at her in amusement for a moment, letting his cock swing back and forth and watching as she follows it with her gaze, keeping track the entire while. Finally though, he just shakes his head and chuckles before tucking his cock back into his pants.

“Time to turn back into a beetle, Rita. And then… we’re going back to Hogwarts to finish things.”

Rita blinks, coming out of her stupor a bit as his member vanishes from view and he explains what they’re doing next. To her credit, she only hesitates for a moment before nodding and transforming, she flies through the air in beetle form and lands on his shoulder, before tucking herself under the hood of his robes.

Harry, once he’s sure she’s situated, heads back to the castle with an invisible Bella trotting along after him.

They make it to the Room of Requirement without being accosted by anyone, and once inside, Harry doesn’t hesitate to start creating the ritual circle. Rita, meanwhile, transforms back into her human form and looks at what he’s doing hesitantly. At the same time, Bellatrix is also back in her human form, still invisible, and watching Rita like a hawk in case of treachery.

It's not exactly necessary, but Harry appreciates the loyalty all the same. For one, if Rita did try anything, he would see it coming a mile away and stop her himself. For two… Rita wasn’t going to try anything.

“You can start stripping now, Rita.”

Harry’s offhanded comment causes the blonde witch to jolt as he doesn’t even look up from the ritual circle before delivering it. Nevertheless, she obeys. She’s in too deep to back out now, and they both know it. But she also doesn’t want to back out. What she wants… is to be his. To continue to feel fulfillment under his command, obeying his whims.

Well, Harry could give her that. He could give her quite a lot of that. But first, the matter of securing her loyalty on a more permanent basis.

The ritual circle completed, Rita Skeeter standing there naked, Harry smiles and takes a moment to admire her body, even as he strips down himself. Despite being older than him, Rita blushes like a schoolgirl under his gaze, squirming a bit. Even though she has a truly terrible personality, or at least had one, she’s not ugly. She’s certainly no Umbridge.

A full body shudder runs through Harry at THAT mental image, and his ardor wilts for a moment, causing Rita to frown.

“Is… is everything alright… sir?”

Chuckling at the hesitantly tacked on ‘sir’ at the end there, Harry finishes stripping and steps forward, pushing thoughts of Dolores Umbridge as far from his mind as possible as he takes Rita in his arms and holds her close.

“More than alright, my dear. Nothing to worry about.”

Her warm, naked body positively melts into his own as she leans against his chest. Rita’s breathing becomes somewhat shallow as she looks up at him, her heart beating all the more rapidly in her chest, something he can easily feel through their physical contact. Giving her a reassuring smile, Harry leads her over to the ritual circle in the center of the room and pushes her down.

He goes with her of course, not just throwing her to the floor or anything so barbaric. No, they descend to the floor together, with Harry leaning over Rita and Rita shivering in anticipation and trepidation in the center of the circle. His cock slides along her abdomen, across her navel, and down to her pussy mound, rubbing against her slit.

Pushing into her a couple of inches, Harry watches as Rita’s back arches, her breath hitching noticeably. He stops there though, not going any further until she’s looking at him expectantly and starting to whine needily. Only then does he speak.

“Are you ready to become mine, Rita Skeeter?”


“Are you willing to submit to me, now and forever?”

“I’m… I’m willing.”

“Are you eager to know me as Master, and to obey my every command?”

Quivering now, Rita nevertheless nods.

“I-I am… I am, Master!”

The ritual circle under Rita begins to glow as she answers all three questions in the affirmative. Harry, smirking now, thrusts into her at long last, causing the circle to light up even brighter. Rita gasps, looking around them in wonder, but he doesn’t give her long to contemplate the meaning of the bright glow they’re surrounded by.

Quickly setting his pace, Harry causes Rita to moan wantonly as the tantric sex ritual that will bind them together proceeds swiftly. Reaching out with his magic, even as he thrusts up deep inside of Rita and fills her with every last inch of his phallus, Harry connects first to the magic infused cum in her stomach, and then further still, onto Rita’s magic itself.

This is a solid next step in his plans. Not just because Rita’s magic is about to be added to his own, but also because of what she represents with her job. Using Rita, Harry can influence the very fabric of magical society itself… and if he wants to save them all from the future he came back from, he very well might need Rita’s pen to write some articles for him.

But that’s the future. Right now, for the time being, Harry focuses on the present. Gripping down on the connection between him and Rita, Harry picks up the pace, fucking her even harder as she cries out beneath him, climaxing again and again on his cock. Until finally, he tips over the edge at long last and spills his seed inside of her womb, just the same as he did her belly back in the Forbidden Forest.

Rita’s eyes snap wide open as she no doubt feels it happening. The ritual circle flows off of the floor and onto her body, covering the blonde from head to toe in magical runes that glow all the more brightly for a moment before vanishing from view. A moment later and it’s done, the connection stabilizing and Rita’s magic now Harry’s. Her very soul might as well be his, given how easily he could end her.

Leaning in close, Harry places his forehead against Rita’s, his hands gliding up her neck to caress her face.

“You’re mine now, Rita. That ritual bound your magic to me, giving me unrestricted access. With this, there’s no going back. You will be mine till the day you die, and you will always be of use to me, I promise that.”

When he pulls back, Rita is clearly struggling with a bevy of emotions. There’s happiness in her eyes, and a sort of relief in her face. But there’s also still some trepidation. It’s clear that even now, she doesn’t quite know what to think of him or all of this. Chuckling, Harry pulls away entirely, his cock slipping out of Rita as he rises to his feet.

“You can ask questions you know. I can tell you a lot more now that the trust between us is guaranteed.”

Slowly, Rita rises to her feet as well, clearly taking her time to think about what she wants to say. Finally though…

“Why? Why all of this? Why me?”

Harry hums for a moment, letting her questions hang in the air. Then, he stretches out his arms.


Before Rita can do more than blink at him, a robe materializes out of thin air and is draped over his shoulders. Then, Bellatrix herself, reading his intentions perfectly, materializes as well. The look on Rita’s face is honestly hilarious as she squeaks and instinctively takes a step back.


Harry raises a brow at that, because that actually sounds a lot more familiar than he’s expecting. And indeed, Bella steps past him, giggling airily as she rakes her gaze up and down Rita’s form.

“Hello, Rita~”

Okay, now Harry knows there’s history there. He hadn’t realized they knew each other before. But then it hits him… Bellatrix Black and Rita Skeeter are the exact same age. Meaning that they were actually in the same year at Hogwarts. And since Rita was a Slytherin.

“A-Ah… ah… but you’re…”

“Supposed to be in Azkaban? Yeah, I know. Our Master broke me out. Not to worry, I’m not going to do anything to you, Rita… not without his permission, obviously.”

Rita’s eyes flicker from Bellatrix to Harry, and if she didn’t feel like she was in over her head before, she’s definitely feeling it now. And frankly, part of him thinks she deserves at least this much fear. Sure, this Rita hadn’t done as much to him as the Rita from the previous timeline had. She hadn’t had the chance to do anything this time around before he’d subverted her.

However, just because she hadn’t personally wronged him or anyone he cared about quite yet didn’t mean she wasn’t still a godawful person until he got his hands on her. She was still the same Rita Skeeter as ever, and she deserved a little bit of a fright for all the bullshit she’d done up to this point.

That said, Harry nevertheless decides to take mercy on the poor woman, walking past Bella and up to Rita with a soft smile on his face.

“Not to worry, Rita. There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for everything I’ve done. And now that you’re mine, I’m willing to bring you fully into my confidence. We’re going to do great things together, all of us. Sit down on the bed and I’ll explain.”

Rita swallows nervously as he guides her over to the nearby bed and sits her down at the end of it. Bellatrix prowls on the other side of the room, even as Harry begins to tell Rita all about his true nature. Not many get to know as much as he tells her, but for Rita… well, Harry has forged a closer bond than most. And if he’s going to make the most of her… well, they need to be on the same page, to say the least.


MINISTRY IN SHAMBLES. Madam Amelia Bones, Director of the DMLE, most capable of picking up the pieces?

Harry smiles as he reads the headline on the front page of the Daily Prophet the next morning. Nothing about the Yule Ball, at least penned by Rita. She’d left that to other writers, and without her ability to spy on things, those writers were doing puff pieces instead of attack articles.

Rita, meanwhile, had done exactly as Harry told her to, and wrote an article that both lambasted Fudge’s failing Ministry in the aftermath of his departure, as well as propped up Amelia as the clearest cut choice for Fudge’s successor. Director Bones, the only one who could right the sinking ship.

Humming, Harry sets the newspaper down and considers his own next steps where Amelia is concerned. Did he focus on getting her closer to her ultimate position behind the Minister’s Desk… or did he focus on getting her closer to her ultimate position beneath him?

The Vote:
[X] Focus on Amelia's submission, the rest can come later - 72%

[ ] Focus on Amelia's ascension, the rest can come later - 28%


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