Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Rita Skeeter Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Harry gives Rita what she asked for and then some.

Ultimately, it was never really in question, was it? Of course Rita Skeeter was willing to get dirty for a good story. Licking her lips, the sensationalist viper of a journalist smirks as she reaches up and unbuttons the first two buttons on her blouse.
“Well now, Harry. Why didn’t you just say so? Bedding the Boy-Who-Lived and claiming his virginity… why, that’s a story in and of itself~”
Harry tilts his head to the side, considering that for a moment before deciding… sure, Rita could continue believing he was a virgin if it made her feel better. Of course, her words probably should have worried him. But if all went according to plan, he would have Rita Skeeter wrapped around his finger soon enough. Or perhaps more accurately, wrapped around his dick.
“Mm… that said, it DOES depend on the story, Harry.”
Reaching up, Rita cups her chest and gives it a good lift, showing off hints of her bra and cleavage as she winks at him.
“This body doesn’t come cheap, after all.”
It should be said… the blonde wasn’t an unattractive witch. Perhaps she wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world, sure… hell, she wasn’t even close to the most beautiful woman in Hogwarts. But Rita wasn’t ugly. She had a certain degree of sex appeal to her. Physically, anyways. Personality-wise, she was the trashiest piece of pond scum that Harry had ever met.
That also wouldn’t be a problem if all went according to plan, however. Harry was more than used to working with reprehensible people after all. Case in point, the literal psychotic murderer currently masquerading as his pet dog.
That said, Rita wanted a story? Harry considers that for a moment. He considers what he should give her for this first interaction in order to keep her coming back for more. There’s been an awful lot of bullshit here at Hogwarts these past four years. Quite a lot of it centers around him too. Or around Dumbledore. Or around them both. Hmm… maybe he should start with the earliest then.
Smirking at Rita, Harry rolls his shoulders and then pulls off his robe, folding it up and setting aside.
“Tell me, Ms. Skeeter… were you aware that a certain artifact of no small power was secreted away here at Hogwarts during my First Year? It was an artifact so powerful that Voldemort himself made a play for it, endangering the lives of everyone here at Hogwarts.”
Rita’s eyes widen at that and though she flinches at Harry’s use of Voldemort’s name, she also doesn’t hesitate to drop to her hands and knees. The reporter crawls forward, putting a bit of sway in her hips as she makes her way over to him, a gleam in her gaze now.
“Oh… that sounds like a VERY interesting story, Harry. Please… tell me more~”
… She was turned on by this, wasn’t she? On the one hand, Harry could hardly believe it. On the other hand… it was all too easy to believe that this was the sort of thing that got Rita Skeeter off. Finally arriving in front of him, the blonde sits up on her knees and proceeds to reach for his pants, eagerly extracting his cock from its confines purely of her own volition as she looks up at him expectantly.
Once she’s stroking his shaft with both hands, Harry continues on, amused.
“I suppose I should start with an even bigger revelation. Yes, Voldemort is still alive. He didn’t die on that Halloween Night but was instead reduced to little more than a shade.”
Rita’s breath hitches and she shakes her head, her insatiable curiosity allowing her to push past his repeated use of the Dark Lord’s name.
“How… how is that possible?”
Harry just looks at her pointedly until finally she leans forward and takes his cock in her mouth. Once she’s sucking on the first couple inches of his rapidly hardening dick, only then does Harry continue on with a smile.
“That’s a story for another time… and another transaction, Rita.”
She pauses at that, giving him a put-upon look. But Harry just laughs, waving off her concern and continuing on.
“We’re talking about my First Year right now. All you really need to know is that Voldemort didn’t die. Instead he became something barely alive… something that ended up consuming Professor Quirinus Quirrell when he possessed the Professor during the latter’s trip to Albania in 1990.”
At hearing that, Rita begins to bob up and down his cock again with more gusto. The glint in her eyes makes it clear to Harry that she’s filing all of this away in the back of her mind, even if she no longer has her trusty magical quill to do the notetaking for her. He can also tell that all of these little tidbits, like the date and location where Quirrell had met Voldemort’s shade, were even more of a turn on for the voracious, story-hungry reporter.
Reaching out, Harry runs a hand through Rita’s hair, smirking when she gives him a look. She doesn’t stop him from doing it though, and he doesn’t let her look discourage him either. He slides his fingers through her blonde locks as she gurgles on his cock for a few moments, his fully erect size clearly a bit more than she was expecting to have to handle.
Unbeknownst to Rita, he’s not just touching her for the sake of touching her. His fingers, as they run through her hair and slide along her scalp, give off little bits of magic. Harry smirks as he stimulates the pleasure centers of Rita’s brain even more than they were already stimulated, focusing on making sure that she comes to equate sucking his cock with no small amount of blissful ecstasy.
For his troubles, he’s treated to the sight of the blonde clenching her thighs together, one of her hands falling from his cock down to between her legs even as she lets out a muffled gasp on his dick. Her eyes flutter for a moment from the pleasure… but then snap open again, looking up at him meaningfully as she begins to slow down a bit.
Harry just chuckles and continues his story, prompting Rita to get right back to sucking his cock properly.
“Voldemort possessed Quirrell because Quirrell had a position here at Hogwarts. However, the possession wasn’t a permanent solution. Voldemort wanted to return to his full power, to become truly alive again instead of living in his half-dead state forevermore. Which is where the artifact comes into play.”
Finally, Rita can’t take it anymore. She pulls back off of his cock and looks up at him, narrowing her eyes.
“What artifact are we talking about, exactly?”
Harry hums at that, his spit-polished cock twitching even as it glistens in the Room of Requirement’s magical light. Then, he glances over at the nearby bed.
“Well now… that will cost more, Ms. Skeeter.”
Her eyes widen as she follows his gaze… but then in an instant she’s on her feet, wand out… and pointed at herself. The reporter vanishes her own clothing, stripping naked in an instant, and then vanishes his as well for good measure. Harry frowns a bit at the vaguely antagonistic action, but before he can take Rita to task for it, she all but THROWS herself onto the bed.
Getting on her hands and knees, the blonde looks back over her shoulder at him, arching her spine and lifting her hips high into the air while also reaching back and spreading her pussy lips with two fingers for good measure.
“Well, Mister Potter? Don’t keep me waiting~”
Right. She still thought she was claiming the great Harry Potter’s virginity, a thought that he had not disabused her of. Smiling, Harry climbs onto the bed as well and grabs Rita by the hips. He considers acting more like a virgin for a moment, maybe fumbling around a bit… but what would be the point? With a grunt, he thrusts into her from behind, not surprised in the least at how WET Rita is. Not just because of his magical stimulation of her mind, but also because she’s absurdly turned on by the absolutely delicious scoop he’s currently giving her.
Feeding her a story while also drilling her with his cock… Harry never thought he’d wind up here, but the longer this goes on, the more confident he is that he’s made the right choice. Rita Skeeter can be fashioned into a weapon in his arsenal. He’s sure of it.
Moaning beneath him, Rita shudders as he reaches out and grabs hold of her hair again, yanking her head back. This not only lets him channel more magic into her mind to make sure this is the best sex she’s ever had, but it also lets him continue his story.
“Here’s where it gets interesting, Rita. See, Albus Dumbledore knew that Voldemort was after this artifact. He KNEW that Voldemort wasn’t actually dead.”
Rita’s cunt clenches down on his cock all the harder at this latest bombshell.
“It was the Headmaster’s decision to involve all of Hogwarts in his little game of cat and mouse with Voldemort. He took the artifact that the Dark Lord was after and hid it here at Hogwarts behind several layers of protections. As a result of this, a Troll was led into the castle by Professor Quirrell. Students were nearly killed on a detention into the Forbidden Forest when they caught Quirrell drinking Unicorn Blood to sustain Voldemort’s possession. Teachers were injured by the very protections they devised in an effort to keep the artifact out of Voldemort’s hands.”
As Harry speaks, he can feel something building in Rita with every salacious, scandalous word out of his mouth. Until finally, as he says ‘hands’… the blonde spasms, her entire body tensing up before she reaches a mind-blowing, explosive orgasm. He saw it coming of course… but he still lets his voice take on a note of incredulity as he chuckles down at Rita upon her coming down from her nirvana.
“Did you just cum, Ms. Skeeter?”
“I… I…”
Blushing up a storm, Rita can’t quite meet his eyes. She doesn’t seem to know what to say. Harry just snickers in amusement and gives her ass a smack before going right back to fucking her from behind. She groans, moaning up a storm as he continues to use his grip on her hair with his other hand to drive her absolutely wild with pleasure and lust.
Shaking his head, Harry doesn’t let up, not even for a moment. Rita tries to say something, but it turns into just another moan as he fucks her hard and fast, pounding into her juicy wet cunt. Until finally, at long last, he’s about to tip over the edge.
Using his grip on her hair, he pulls out of her and swings her around at the last second. The blonde barely has time to react before his cock is back in her mouth and he’s cumming, her eyes going wide as the first taste of his seed hits her tongue.
Having magically charged his semen, Harry knows full well what Rita is tasting right now. It’ll be both mildly addictive and the best thing she’s ever eaten. Getting to take part in something from someone more magically powerful than you is always like that for any witch or wizard. And he’s definitely far more magically powerful than Rita fucking Skeeter.
As such, it’s no wonder that she positively guzzles down his cum, swallowing every last drop after that initial taste. Moaning, she drinks his seed like there’s no tomorrow, taking it all in as Harry groans and empties his balls down her throat. For his part, it’s quite the pleasurable experience as well… but he makes sure to keep in mind just who he’s dealing with here.
And indeed, as he finishes and pulls back, Rita spends only a moment in a state of euphoria before licking her lips and locking her eyes on him.
“What… what was the artifact, Harry? What did Voldemort want so badly? What did Dumbledore hide in a school of children?”
She sounds desperate. Almost plaintive in her request even. She’s damn near begging, and for a moment Harry considers making her actually beg… but no. Today’s meeting is about getting her on the line. No need to make things TOO hard.
“The artifact? Oh… nothing too special. Just the Philosopher’s Stone, created by the great immortal alchemist, Nicholas Flamel.”
Rita’s eyes damn near bulge out of her skull at that. One final bombshell on a long list of them. To really drive his point home, Harry leans in close, so his lips are right next to Rita’s ear and his every word is sure to give her fresh goosebumps.
“And that, Rita… was only my First Year.”
“I… I h-have to go. I have to…”
Harry pulls back, waving her off. He’s not surprised that she wants to get on this right away. More amusing than anything, really. Rita conjures up some fresh clothes for herself and is out the door before he can so much as blink. Honestly he’s surprised she bothered with the clothes… she likely went beetle the moment she was out of sight.
Either way, Harry just smiles, knowing full well that Rita will come back for more. Just one juicy story won’t be enough… not for her.
Incompetence at Hogwarts: Is Senility to Blame for the Loss of a Legend?
It takes everything Harry has not to burst out laughing at the table as he reads the Daily Prophet’s headline the very next morning. Boy did Rita work fast. He’s not sure what he expected… for her to actually do any fact checking or follow up before she ran with his story? Yeah, that just wasn’t Rita Skeeter, now was it?
Frankly, the story is… full of inaccuracies and made up bullshit alongside the kernels of truth that Harry fed her. Like for instance, the whole thing hinges on the implication that Albus Dumbledore’s incompetence is what caused the Philosopher’s Stone to be destroyed and Nicholas and Perenelle’s deaths to be on Dumbledore’s head. But Harry wasn’t entirely sure the Flamels were even dead at this point in time. They’d supposedly had enough Elixir for a few more years from what he recalled.
The article isn’t sure either… Rita merely leans heavily on the fact that neither Flamel was available for comment, heh. She also completely avoids mentioning the Dark Lord in any way. Rather than claiming that You-Know-Who is half-alive and trying his best to fully come back, Rita has done the safe thing by replacing his presence in Harry’s First Year with ‘Dark Forces manipulating Quirinus Quirrell’.
He’d half-expected that, of course… but it was still a little disappointing. One of Harry’s hopes had been to insert the idea of Voldemort coming back into the minds of the common citizenry ahead of time via Rita Skeeter. But while she’d certainly seemed to believe him while he was railing her from behind, she’d also apparently second-guessed whether it was healthy for her reputation or not to start declaring Voldemort was still around. Alas, you win some and you lose some.
As Harry sets the newspaper down, he can’t help but shake his head, still hiding his smile… especially given who he feels approaching him.
“Mister Potter.”
Turning and regarding Professor Minerva McGonagall, Harry lifts an eyebrow.
“Yes, Professor?”
“The Headmaster requests your presence in his office after breakfast.”
“… Of course, Professor.”
And there it was. One too many things had clearly set Dumbledore’s alarm bells ringing. Harry wonders if it was the dog he’d brought back after a jaunt in the Forbidden Forest, or his change in attitude and personality, or Rita’s latest article. Possibly, it was all three.
Either way, he makes his way up to the Headmaster’s Office once breakfast is finished, considering how he’s going to approach his first private interaction with Albus Dumbledore in this new timeline. Albus was never an evil man by any means… but Harry would be lying if he said he didn’t resent the older wizard for some of his mistakes…
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Be as forthright with Albus as possible without giving the game away. (Ex: Tell him about Rita, don't tell him about Bella) - 18%
[X] Act a little standoffish and hurt, pretend he blames Albus for his name being put in the cup since it was Albus' responsibility - 67%
[  ] Stonewall the Headmaster completely, give him nothing and leave him questioning everything - 14%

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