Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 13: Registration

Lilia entered the Superhuman Affairs Department waiting room inhaling deeply. The place was packed with an array of supers, each awaiting their turn. Unfortunately, Alistair had to remain outside, though. The "No Pets Allowed" sign made that clear.

She took her place in line, and almost immediately, a brawny man in a bold blue and white costume appeared beside her. "Well, hello there, gorgeous," he said, giving her a wink that was anything but subtle. "You're new around here. I'm Steelframe, seasoned hero and valiant protector of the innocent."

Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, Lilia responded with forced politeness, "Nice to meet you," hoping that would be the end of it. But the hint went unnoticed.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing in a dreary place like this?" he continued, inching closer. "Here to register as a hero?"

"That's right," Lilia said, concise and hoping to convey disinterest as she tried to distance herself, though the crowd left little room to escape.

"A serious woman, I like that," Steelframe said, smiling broadly. "You're in good hands. I'd be glad to guide a newcomer through the process."

He leaned against the wall, trying to look cool. "Stick with me, and I'll make sure your registration goes smoothly and you're well taken care of."

Lilia felt a wave of revulsion. She knew this kind of man – the type who views every woman as fair game. And since she was still a straight guy on the inside this type of attention felt even more repellent. This was exactly the sort of situations she'd hoped to avoid after transforming into Lilia.

"I can manage by myself, but thanks," Lilia responded, her tone flat as she turned away. Yet he stayed close, even as the line moved at a snail's pace.

"No reason to be shy," Steelframe persisted. "I know this place like the back of my hand. You'll be in good hands."

He leaned closer, lowering his voice. "To be honest, I could use some new faces around here. It gets tiring with the same old crowd."

Lilia's patience was wearing thin, her fists balling at her sides. "Your offer is noted, but I'm not interested," she said, her voice icy.

Steelframe just laughed. "Playing hard to get, huh? I like a challenge."

Before Lilia could respond, a department employee caught her eye, her name tag reading Ellis. She looked at them, shaking her head with clear annoyance.

"Steelframe!" Ellis called out sternly. "You're late for your re-evaluation."

His smile wavered. "Can't it wait?"

"Now," was all Ellis said, pointing to her desk.

With an exaggerated groan, Steelframe finally left Lilia's side. "Hold tight, gorgeous. I'll be back for you," he said, throwing another wink her way.

Lilia almost threw up at his words, fortunately he was no longer her issue allowing her to relax while waiting for her turn.

After a twenty-minute wait, Lilia reached the front of the queue. She approached the service window where a welcoming young woman greeted her.

"Hello, welcome to the Superhuman Affairs Department. I'm Amy. How can I assist you today?" the receptionist offered with a friendly smile.

"Hi, I need to register as a new hero," Lilia said.

"Fantastic!" Amy exclaimed. "We love getting new heroes on board. Let's get you started."

She handed Lilia a pile of forms and pamphlets. "You'll need to complete these—personal details, powers, motivations. This handbook outlines our ranking system and the code of conduct."

Lilia took the documents and nodded, appreciative of Amy's guidance through the registration form, using the ID and hero backstory Ren had crafted for her.

"Evaluations are every afternoon at 4pm, except Sundays," Amy explained. "You can attend any day you prefer."

Lilia glanced at the clock; it was 3:14pm. "I'll wait for today's session, then. Thank you for your help," she said, grateful.

"No problem at all!" Amy replied warmly, leaning closer to whisper, "And sorry about the guy earlier. Some male heroes here can be a bit much. Don't hesitate to report any trouble, okay?"

With a knowing smile, Lilia responded, "Thanks for the heads-up." If only Amy realized she was advising a man.

After saying farewell to Amy, Lilia found a seat in a quiet corner of the waiting room and began reviewing the materials, a mix of anticipation and nerves bubbling within her. Her hero evaluation was approaching, marking the start of her official journey.

At exactly 4pm, a stern woman in a grey pantsuit stepped into the room, eyes on her tablet. "Lily Song, please follow me," she called out, using a name from the ID that Ren had created for Lilia. Rising, Lilia smoothed her clothes and walked toward the woman.

They moved down a pristine white hallway, Lilia's heels clicking on the tile, the sound sharp in the quiet.

"I'm Diana, and I'll be overseeing your evaluation," the woman announced without breaking stride. "The testing area is just ahead."

Reaching a set of imposing double doors, Diana placed her hand on a sensor. The doors opened with a quiet hiss, revealing a large space reminiscent of a gym, equipped with assorted gear—targets, obstacle courses, strength testing machines—and an observation area behind robust glass. Lilia surmised that's where the evaluators would be stationed.

"Alright, let's start with a demonstration of your abilities," Diana said, glancing down at her tablet. "You have pyrokinetic powers according to your registration, right?"

"Yes, that’s correct," Lilia confirmed with a nod.

"Good. Show us what you can do with your pyrokinesis. Aim for the targets on the far wall," Diana commanded.

Lilia followed Diana's gesture to see human-shaped cutouts positioned at various heights and distances. Inhaling deeply, she raised her arm, her focus on summoning mana. This was her debut in using magic publicly.

As Lilia concentrated, Diana interjected. "Remember, this is an assessment. I want to see the full range of your capabilities."

A wry smile almost broke through Lilia's composure. In game her most powerful attack could easily surpass this facility's limits, but for now, her repertoire only included the basic spells.

Mana swirled before Lilia's palm, forming a mystical sigil. With a flick, she sent a fiery arrow soaring straight into the nearest target's centre. Its edges smouldered and curled.

"Interesting," Diana observed, tapping something into her tablet. "Now, let's see something stronger."

A ripple of transformation overtook her. Ears now pointed, skin turned cerulean, and horns along a spaded tail slid into existence.

In moments, Lilia's disguise fell away, revealing her true demonic appearance. She'd forgotten how in the game, using spells or attacks always broke the illusion. Casting a nervous glance at Diana, she was relieved to see no sign of alarm.

Diana's eyebrow quirked up. "A physical transformation as well? Is that automatic?"

"Pretty much. It happens whenever I use my powers," Lilia replied, skirting the full truth.

"Note that, Jenkins," Diana called to an observer before turning back to Lilia. "Continue when you're ready."

Facing the targets again, Lilia summoned another spell. With an enthusiastic but unnecessary shout of "Fire Arrow!" she launched a second, dazzling spell that hit the next target.

She relaxed and faced Diana, waiting for her verdict.

Diana studied her. "Do you have any other abilities besides pyrokinesis?"

Lilia weighed her answer. She had enhanced physical abilities but revealing everything felt premature.

"No, fire manipulation is all," she said calmly.

Diana raised an eyebrow sceptically but didn't press the issue. "Very well. I believe that will suffice for today's evaluation."

She tapped rapidly on her tablet screen. "Now, one more question. Can you revert your transformation at will?"

"Of course." Lilia focused inward, feeling her body shift back to its disguised form. Horns, tail, and vibrant skin faded away, once again concealed by her illusion.

Diana nodded in approval. "Excellent. Now, if you'll come with me, we have some final registration items to review."

Lilia followed Diana out of the testing area and back to the reception desk.

"Congratulations on passing your evaluation," Diana said. "Based on your demonstrated pyrokinetic abilities and physical transmutation, we've classified you as a Deviant Emitter, power rank 9-C. Does that seem right to you?"

Lilia nodded. "Yes, that sounds accurate." In truth, she was capable of more but didn't see the need to correct them. Being under the radar was safer. Being classified as a low level superhuman was enough for now.

Diana slid a form across the counter. "Please review this summary and sign at the bottom."

Lilia checked that the information was correct. Satisfied, she signed her hero's name - Lilia.

"Excellent," Diana said, collecting the papers. "You'll need an official hero costume. We have an on-site designer who can assist with—"

"Oh, that won't be necessary," Lilia cut in politely. "My transformation works fine as a disguise."

Diana's lips pressed together in a thin line, but she didn't argue. "Very well. However, I would recommend at least basic accessories for practicality."

"I understand. I'll consider it," Lilia assured her. Privately, she had no interest in a flashy costume. Besides, once she figured out how to use her inventory, she'd have all the accessories she needed.

"In that case, you're all set," Diana declared. "Your hero license will be ready within 30 minutes. You can come back later to pick it up or wait for it to be issued now."

Lilia saw no reason to delay. "I'll wait, thank you for your help," she said sincerely.

Diana gave a quick nod and strode down the hallway, her heels clicking sharply.

Alone, Lilia let out a breath. The challenging part was over. She was officially registered as a hero. This would give her the time and protection she needed to plan her next move.

Soon, Amy called her over, handing her a sleek ID card with the superhuman affairs insignia. "Congratulations, you're officially a provisional hero!" the receptionist beamed. "Remember, licenses must be renewed annually. Let us know if you need any help!"

"Thank you, I will," Lilia replied with a smile. She admired the ID, reminiscing about how just a week ago, she had been an average guy. Now, she was a recognized heroine. The thought was almost too strange to believe.

Stepping back into the afternoon light, Lilia shielded her eyes against the glare. She scanned for any sign of Steelframe. Thankfully, the overconfident buffoon was nowhere in sight.

As Lilia stepped out of the government building, a black cat approached her with a graceful bow.

"Mistress, I've been waiting patiently for your return," Alistair announced, a touch of drama in his voice.

Lilia bent down to scratch his ears affectionately. "Thanks, Alistair. Everything went smoothly with the registration."

"That's wonderful, my lady. I couldn't be happier," Alistair purred, sounding genuinely content. "Shall we head home now?"

"Yes, let's head out," Lilia replied, picking up Alistair before starting down the sidewalk.

Walking toward the subway station, Lilia let her mind wander. It had only been a few weeks since her first transformation, but it already seemed normal. Even the sensation of the skirt swaying against her legs had become familiar.

She chuckled to herself as she remembered how she had resisted when Ren had insisted on shopping for "girl clothes." And now, she was voluntarily dressed in one of those very outfits.

Her choice was a simple black skirt with a red top featuring black lace details. The look had a slight edgy, goth vibe, and Lilia quite liked how it looked.

They soon reached the subway platform, and a train arrived, bringing a rush of warm air with it. Lilia entered the packed car and found a spot to stand, holding Alistair close.

So deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice the person next to her until she heard a voice.

"I love your outfit! The red and black are stunning together."

Lilia turned to find Mia beaming at her, eyes on her clothes.

"Oh, uh, thanks!" Lilia responded, her mind still processing what was happening.

Mia nodded, clearly impressed. "It looks great on you."

Her attention then shifted to the cat nestled contently on Lilia's lap.

"That is one adorable cat!" Mia exclaimed, reaching to pet Alistair. "What's his name?"

Lilia opened her mouth to answer, but she was cut off by Mia's sudden look of recognition.

"Hold on, is this...Alistair?"

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