Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 22: Hedonist Den

It's a very slightly tiny bit spicy, consider yourself warned.

Lilia took a deep breath to steady her nerves as she approached a luxurious club. According to Akari's intel, this vibrant locale concealed a secret underground lair where Agent Collins was likely held captive. She was to enter covertly, find him and extract him safely.

The line of fashionably dressed patrons implied a strict dress code. Lilia winced, remembering she would need an stylish dress to blend in. Fortunately, NABC had provided her with one.

Finding a secluded alleyway, Lilia used the watch device from Ren to swiftly change into an elegant black evening gown. The slinky fabric hugged her curves, while sparkling jewellery adorned her neck. She wobbled briefly in the unfamiliar high heels before her instincts took over, allowing her to walk with supernatural grace.

Scanning the building with her eyes, Lilia instructed Alistair to find another way in, as even his cat form would seem conspicuous here. Reluctantly, the imp agreed to find his own covert way inside.

Approaching the bouncer, Lilia produced the invitation she had acquired from Akari's agency. The hulking man examined it closely before returning it with a respectful nod.

Inside, the club was dimly lit and hazy, the air heavy with a tangible sense of revelry and inhibition. Lilia felt an unusual warmth wash over her as she sat at the bar. She tried focusing amidst the pulsating music and dancing patrons, hoping to spot anything that might lead to the underground facility.

Her eyes landed on a passage, where well-dressed men and scantily-clad women continuously shuffled in and out. Many emerged later looking thoroughly dishevelled, smeared lipstick and rumpled clothes evident.

Lilia sighed, finally realizing what kind of establishment she was about to infiltrate. Her current looks only intensified the unease she felt.

"Well, hello beautiful," as if on cue a smug voice interrupted her thoughts. She turned to see a dark-haired man in an expensive suit leering at her. "What's a ravishing creature like you doing here all alone?"

Before Lilia could respond, he slid into the seat next to her, eyeing her hungrily. She shifted away instinctively.

"I'm just waiting for someone, thank you," Lilia replied dismissively.

"Come now, don't be like that," the man pressed, edging closer. "Why don't you join me for a drink? I'd love to get to know you better."

His roving eyes and arrogant grin made Lilia's skin crawl. She racked her brain for a way to escape without causing a scene.

Before Lilia could respond, a sultry voice interjected. "I believe the lady asked you to leave her be."

The man turned with a scowl, only for it to transform into a look of surprise and apprehension. Lilia followed his gaze to see an elegant woman with fiery red hair and piercing emerald eyes. She exuded an air of authority that commanded respect.

The flustered man quickly made his exit. Once he was gone, the mysterious woman turned to Lilia with a knowing smile.

"My apologies for that undesirable pest," she said smoothly. "As the owner of this establishment, I make it my responsibility to ensure all my patrons feel safe and respected."

"I'm Moira. And you are?" She said as she sat next to Lilia.

Lilia nodded gratefully. "Lilia. Thank you for intervening."

Moira waved her hand dismissively. "Think nothing of it. I look after my own, after all."

My own? Lilia's eyes widened slightly. She could feel sex appeal oozing out of her every pore. Was this woman the aforementioned succubus?

Moira leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Now then, what brings one of my sisters to my humble abode? Seeking a bit of fun, I presume?"

Lilia hesitated before replying carefully, "You could say that. I'm... just looking to have a good time."

Moira smiled knowingly. "But of course. We have plenty of entertainment here for those of our kind." She glanced around before adding, "Although, this is hardly the place for proper conversation. Why don't you join me downstairs? We can speak more freely there."

Lilia considered the invitation. This could be her chance to access the secret underground level. She would need to proceed cautiously, but so far Moira seemed willing to welcome her into the fold.

"I'd be delighted," Lilia replied with a smile.

Moira linked arms with her conspiratorially. "Excellent. Right this way, sister."

She led Lilia to an inconspicuous door guarded by two burly men. At Moira's nod, they stepped aside, granting entry to a dim passageway.

They arrived at a lavish lounge area, the air heavy with exotic incense. Lilia's heightened senses were assaulted by the sights and sounds enveloping her. Scantily clad men and women openly engaged in sensual acts, moans of ecstasy mingling with occasional cries of pain.

Lilia froze, utterly unprepared for the raw carnality on display. She could feel her body responding instinctively, an all too familiar hunger slowly kindling within. Clenching her fists, she quickly pushed back on the body's impulses, before they grew to uncontrollable levels.

Moira slid up beside her, misreading Lilia's tension as anticipation. "Now then, what strikes your fancy today? Man or woman? Or perhaps you'd prefer both?" She playfully trailed a finger down Lilia's arm. "We could even share someone, if you'd like. It's so rare I get to entertain one of my sisters."

Lilia tensed, racking her brain for how to handle Moira's advances without betraying her inexperience. She opted for evasion.

"You're too kind," Lilia replied. "I'm not opposed to fun, of course. But I prefer to take things slow." She lowered her eyes, trying to hide her discomfort.

Moira chuckled knowingly. "Playing hard to get? I do so love that game." Taking Lilia's arm, she guided her to a private booth away from prying eyes.

They both entered the plush booth, hidden by drapes from the commotion outside. Lilia perched gingerly on the leather couch while Moira settled in close beside her, trailing a hand casually along Lilia's thigh.

"Now then, we can speak freely here," Moira purred, her fingers teasingly dancing up Lilia's leg. "Tell me, what desires has my ravishing sister come here to indulge?"

Lilia shifted, increasingly uncomfortable with the intimate contact. "Well, I'm still fairly new to New Atlantis," she hedged. "I suppose I'm just looking to...expand my horizons."

"Mmm, I can certainly help with that," Moira murmured, her fingertips now trailing along Lilia's collarbone. "We offer every indulgence imaginable here. I take it you've already tasted local men?"

Lilia hesitated before giving a slight nod, hoping to maintain the pretence. An uncomfortable memory of her first feeding resurfacing in her mind.

Moira grinned wickedly. "Delicious aren't they? But unfortunately, as all mortals, so quickly spent. I wish there was a way to make them last longer." 

She leaned in, her breath hot on Lilia's neck. "Or perhaps your interests lie elsewhere? I have maidens here who would thrill at submitting to a beauty like you."

Lilia shivered, increasingly desperate to redirect the conversation. "Your operation here is impressive," she interjected hastily. "You must have quite the network of...patrons."

Moira pulled back slightly, appeased by the chance to boast. "Indeed, I provide exclusive services to some of the city's most influential figures. The wealthy, the famous, the depraved...all come here to indulge their true natures without judgement."

Her expression turned predatory. "The best part is, if someone happens to go missing after a night of excess, well, no one dares ask questions."

Lilia's stomach dropped at the implication. So Moira was indeed snatching innocents to feed her vile appetites. She was beginning to understand Akari's hatred for succubi.

Lilia continued steering the small talk toward Moira's operations and clientele, probing for any information pertinent to finding Collins while keeping Moira engaged. It was a delicate dance, feigning just enough interest to avoid rousing suspicion.

Meanwhile, Moira seemed content to simply bask in Lilia’s company, relishing this perceived kinship. Her fleeting touches and sultry glances left no doubt that she intended for this day to end intimately.

Lilia responded to Moira’s sensual overtures with shy smiles and evasive body language. She laughed softly at Moira’s tales of conquests, keeping up the pretence while tamping down her disgust. James was still in here, she reminded herself. No matter what this body craved, she would not surrender her dignity.

After an agonizing half hour, Lilia finally spotted an opening to broach the subject of Collins’ whereabouts.

“I imagine you take impressive security measures,” Lilia commented.

Moira smiled indulgently. “But of course. My personal collection is under lock and key. Can’t have just anyone stumbling upon my private entertainment.”

Lilia's pulse quickened. Personal collection? Did that refer to Collins?

Oblivious to Lilia's unease, Moira trailed a sharp nail down her cheek. "In fact, I acquired a new plaything just recently. A helpless little lamb, delivered right to my door."

Lilia seized the opening. "Oh? It must be quite...special, for you to take a personal interest."

"Mmm yes, a rare treat," Moira purred. "I'll be sure to save you a taste, sister. I know you'll find him as delectable as I have."

Lilia forced her expression to remain neutral even as revulsion writhed within her.

Moira eyed her hungrily, misinterpreting Lilia's silence as anticipation. "But enough talk of that for now." She slid closer, toying with the neckline of Lilia's dress. "I confess, I'm having trouble restraining myself around you, sister. Why don't we take things further?"

Lilia's mind raced. She still needed a more intel on Collins, and couldn't risk blowing her cover. But as Moira's fingers crept lower, Lilia prepared herself for a fight.

Just then, the drapes were suddenly flung open by a harried attendant. "Mistress, apologies for the interruption, but the new acquisitions are proving...problematic."

Moira scowled, irritation marring her otherwise elegant features. "Can your incompetent underlings handle nothing yourselves?"

She took a breath, composing herself before turning back to Lilia with a regretful smile. "My apologies, sister, but it seems duty calls. We'll have to continue this another time."

Lilia fought to contain her relief. "Of course, I understand completely. Your business here takes priority."

Moira leaned in, grazing Lilia's ear with her teeth. "Soon, my dear. I promise we'll finish what we've started."

With that, she swept from the booth, leaving Lilia reeling. As soon as Moira was out of sight, Lilia sagged against the leather couch, shuddering in disgust. That had been far too close for comfort. She needed to find Collins and escape this viper's nest before her luck ran out.

Lilia slipped away from the booth, relieved to be free from Moira's intimate advances yet worried for Agent Collins. She crept through the dimly lit underground lair, sticking to the shadows as she searched for any sign of him. The lewd cries echoing down the corridors made her skin crawl, but she forced herself to focus.

As Lilia peered around a corner, she nearly jumped out of her skin as a furry form brushed against her leg. Looking down, she saw Alistair in his cat disguise winding between her feet.

"Alistair!" Lilia whispered harshly. "You nearly gave me a heart attack sneaking up on me like that."

The cat glanced around furtively before shifting into his imp form. "My apologies, Mistress, but I've come bearing valuable intelligence," Alistair replied.

He went on to explain how he had slipped inside through the ventilation system and caught a glimpse of Collins during his explorations. While uncertain of the exact location, Alistair was confident he could lead Lilia in the right direction.

With a grateful nod, Lilia gestured for him to take the lead. They crept down deserted side passages, avoiding the main thoroughfares. Before long, Alistair signalled that they were close.

Peering around a corner, Lilia spotted a large door guarded by a lone brutish man. His muscular arms were crossed, looking bored yet alert. This had to be where Collins was held.

Lilia considered her options. A head-on fight was unwise, and using her feminine wiles didn't even cross her mind. Instead, she decided to employ one of the sleep spells she had been practicing. While still inconsistent, it was her best stealthy approach.

Settling into a dark alcove, Lilia began tracing an intricate sigil in the air, weaving strands of magic. Her first two attempts fizzled out, but on the third try, the guard's eyes grew heavy. He slumped to the floor, snoring loudly.

Lilia hurried over and rifled through his pockets, procuring a keycard. With bated breath, she swiped it and entered the cell.

Her heart clenched at the sight of Collins bound to a cross shaped device, dishevelled and battered. His head sagged, but at Lilia's footsteps, he looked up sharply. Uncertainty flashed across his eyes.

Lilia rushed over and removed the ball gag from his mouth. "Thank gods you're alive."

Collins worked his jaw, wincing slightly. "You found me...I knew NABC would send help, but I wasn't expecting you."

"I'll explain everything, but first we need to get you out of here," Lilia replied hurriedly as she burnt Collins' bindings with a precise spell.

Collins rubbed his wrists, nodding gratefully. But as he started to stand, a wave of dizziness overcame him. Lilia caught him before he could collapse.

"Sorry...whatever drugs they pumped me with still haven't worn off," Collins muttered weakly.

Lilia wrapped his arm around her shoulder, supporting him. "It's alright, just lean on me. We'll take this slowly."

As they made their unsteady way to the exit, Lilia's heightened senses caught a distressing scent coming from Collins’ skin. It was a mix of blood, sweat...and Arousal. Lilia’s stomach turned as she realized what Moira’s done to him.

However, she had no time to dwell on it, as the sound of footsteps reverberated down the hallway, accompanied by Moira's irritated voice. "Honestly, how hard can it be to keep an eye on one battered mortal?"

Lilia tensed, ready to unleash a torrent of fiery magic to defend them against Moira and her lackeys. But before she could act, Collins gripped her arm, causing her spell to fizzle out.

"Wait," he rasped.

Lilia froze, confusion etched on her face. Why was Collins stopping her? They needed to escape now!

Moira strode into view, flanked by two hulking guards. Her predatory smile faltered as she took in the scene.

"What's going on here?" she demanded. "How did you get free?"

Collins straightened up, though still unsteady on his feet. "It's over, Moira. She passed the test."

Lilia's eyes widened. Test? What was happening?

Moira scowled. "Pity. I was rather looking forward to our time together, sister." She sighed dramatically.

"Forgive the ruse. This was all a staged operation to evaluate your character." Collins explained.

Lilia struggled to process this revelation. " this was some kind of trick? You were never in danger?"

Collins nodded tiredly. "We needed to know if you could be trusted. We wanted to see if you can control yourself."

"But your injures, they're real." Lilia protested.

"We had to be convincing." He replied, his voice slowly regaining its strength.

Moira smirked. "He made such delicious bait. I do so love toying with arrogant men." She trailed her nail along Collins' jaw. "Pity our fun was cut short."

Collins jerked away with a scowl. "That's enough, Moira. Our arrangement only works if you restrain your baser urges."

Lilia's head was spinning. Arrangement? What exactly was going on here?

Seeing her confusion, Collins explained. "Moira is working for us willingly. She provides intelligence on the supernatural underground in exchange for..." He coughed. "...recreational privileges."

Moira gave a throaty laugh. "You make it sound so clinical, pet. I prefer to think of our deal as mutually beneficial indulgence." Her gaze raked over Lilia. "And the offer still stands if you'd care to join me, sister."

Lilia shook her head, still reeling. "I think I'll pass, thanks." She turned to Collins uncertainly. "So this whole rescue mission was a setup? Just to test me?"

Collins nodded. "We had to take precautions. Your unique nature required scrutiny beyond standard evaluations."

Moira raised an eyebrow. "Her nature? Do tell, just what is she?"

"That's classified," Collins replied curtly. "You know better than to pry into Bureau secrets."

Moira held up her hands in mock surrender, though her eyes glinted with curiosity.

Still processing the revelations, Lilia had no idea what to make of this so-called test. But Collins and the others clearly had reason to suspect there was something more about her. The implications left her deeply unsettled.

For now, she was simply relieved to depart this den of iniquity, her dignity intact. After a painfully awkward goodbye with Moira eyeing her like a juicy steak, Lilia finally exited the club into daylight once more.

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