Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 28: Seeking Answers

James sat at the kitchen table, absently poking at his breakfast while his mind lingered on the strange dream. Across from him, Ren sipped her coffee, her gaze tinged with concern.

"You seem distracted this morning," she observed. "Did you sleep okay?"

James hesitated, torn between sharing the vivid vision and dismissing it as just a dream. He was nearly convinced it was more than simple dream, but what if he was wrong?

"I had this really bizarre dream," he finally said. "Lilia was in it, and she told me I needed to find these Blades of Apocalypse. She claimed they could prevent some kind of disaster."

He shook his head, a hint of self-mockery in his tone. "It's ridiculous, I know. But it felt incredibly real.

Ren placed her mug on the table, her brows knitting in thought. "The Blades of Apocalypse? You did find one called the Blade of Pestilence. But to prevent a disaster?" She pondered, her frown deepening. "The name doesn't exactly evoke a sense of safety."

James nodded in agreement. "Exactly. It sounded off, but she was insistent that finding them was urgent."

"Dreams can seem meaningful, even when they're not entirely logical," Ren reflected. "However, I wonder..." She tapped her chin, lost in thought. "When I scanned that dagger, I discovered a faint electromagnetic field around it. At first I dismissed it, but maybe there's more to these blades than I thought."

Standing, Ren began to clear the table. "I'll dig some more on them. I might even be able to put together a detector for them if they all emit a similar energy signature."

James gave her a grateful smile. "That would be incredible. It might be a stretch, but I can't shake the feeling that this is important."

"Stretching the believable is what we do best," Ren replied with a playful wink. "I'll see what I can dig up and keep you posted."

Relieved, James appreciated Ren's willingness to entertain his unusual request. Despite the dream's oddity, he couldn't dismiss Lilia's urgency. If it truly mattered, he had to pursue it.

Checking his phone, he realized it was time to leave for school. He slung his backpack over his shoulder, bid Ren goodbye, and stepped out the door, eager to consult with Akari. She had secured the first blade; perhaps she would have some insight, especially if the cult was linked to them.


James arrived at school with the strange dream still weighing on his mind. He wondered if there was truly a connection between Children and the blades. As he attended his morning classes, he contemplated how to broach the subject with Akari. She was the most knowledgeable person about the supernatural he could consult. Surely, she would have insights on the Children of Apocalypse and the supposed impending calamity.

As the lunch period began, James made his way to the secluded corner of the courtyard where Akari often sat alone. He hoped, with a bit of luck, that she would be there. His luck held; there she was, engrossed in an antique-looking book. James approached her with care, eager not to disturb her concentration.

"Hey, Akari, can I talk to you for a minute?" he inquired.

Akari looked up, placing a bookmark in her page before closing the hefty volume. "James. What do you need?"

James lowered his voice. "I wanted to ask about a group known as the Children of the Apocalypse. Have you come across them?"

Akari's face took on a grim cast. "Yes, they're a dangerous cult fixated on hastening the end of the world. We've clashed with some of their zealots before." She regarded him with a piercing gaze. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I just came across the name recently and was curious. I thought they might be linked to that Blade I handed over to you," James replied, somewhat evasively, choosing not to reveal Moira's tip just yet.

Akari appeared to be appeased by his response. "They are indeed connected. They hold a belief that gathering the Blades of Apocalypse will unleash the end times, which is precisely why their actions must be thwarted."

James' eyes widened a slightly. Could the blades really be tied to such a malevolent group?

Noticing his surprise, Akari leaned forward, studying his face intently. "This is more than mere curiosity, isn't it, Lilia? What are you planning?" she whispered.

"What? No plans, I promise," James said, raising his hands in a placating gesture. He hesitated before pressing on. "But since you mentioned it... do you know anything about the Blades of Apocalypse? What they actually are?"

Akari's eyes narrowed in suspicion. She scrutinized James for a long moment before speaking carefully. "Supposedly, there are seven mythical blades with apocalyptic properties. The cult believes that uniting them will trigger the rapture," she said, shaking her head in disdain. "Which is why they must never succeed."

James nodded slowly, pondering this information. If both Lilia and Akari considered the blades dangerous, perhaps seeking them out wasn't the wisest course. Yet, Lilia had suggested they could prevent disaster if in the right hands. Could both perspectives hold some truth?

Seeing his pensive expression, Akari spoke again, her voice edged with severity. "Let me be clear. The Children of the Apocalypse pose a threat to innocent lives. If you truly value mortal life, you would do well to avoid entanglements with them... or the blades."

Her unspoken warning was clear: stay out of this, James. He suppressed an exasperated sigh. If only she could accept that he was just an ordinary guy caught up in extraordinary circumstances. But Akari refused to see him as anything but a deceitful demon wearing an innocent face.

"I appreciate the insight, Akari. Don't worry, I have no plans to track down dangerous artifacts," James replied evenly. Though internally, he added a caveat—if his cryptic dream visitor turned out to be right. But Akari didn't need to know that part.

Satisfied, Akari reopened her book. "See that you don't. Such power is not meant for your kind."

With the conversation evidently over, James politely excused himself. As he walked away, his head swirled with new questions. Could the blades really trigger the apocalypse? Or were they meant to prevent it, as Lilia claimed? And if they did exist, who should wield such power?

James sighed, no closer to unravelling the mystery. For now, he could only hope that Ren would uncover something more concrete. And with the apocalyptic cult's plans still days away, he decided to tackle that issue tomorrow.



As the school day ended, James met up with his friends at the nearby mall. They grabbed some food at the food court and settled down at a table, their trays laden with burgers, fries, and drinks.

"Man, I'm starving after sitting through Mr. Caldwell's history lecture today," Nathan said before taking a huge bite of his burger.

Alex nodded in agreement. "Seriously, that class drags on forever." He grabbed a handful of fries and popped them into his mouth.

Mia smiled at their complaints. "Oh, come on, it's not that bad. The material is pretty interesting if you pay attention."

James chuckled as he picked at his fries. "Only you would find a history class interesting, Mia."

As the four friends ate and chatted, Mia studied James closely. There was something different about him lately that she couldn't quite put her finger on. His skin seemed softer, his blonde hair now falling just past his ears with a few silver highlights glinting under the artificial light. Even his demeanour had changed, becoming less rugged and more graceful and refined.

"Hey, James, are you feeling okay these days?" Mia asked, trying to sound casual. "You seem a little different since you recovered from being sick. In a good way, though," she added quickly.

James looked thoughtful as he sipped his soda. "Hmm, not that I've noticed. I did decide to keep the length of my hair, though. Too shaggy?"

In truth, he had stopped trying to cut his hair back to its usual shorter style after it persistently grew back, after every transformation, each time with even more silver strands. Eventually, he had given up and just let it be.

"No way, it looks great!" Nathan chimed in, supportive.

"Yeah, man, it gives you an edgier look," Alex agreed. "Much cooler than your usual clean-cut style."

Mia shook her head. "No, the hair is nice. I meant, like, your face and how you move and stuff." Even as the words left her mouth, she felt self-conscious about scrutinizing him.

Nathan laughed and gave Mia a playful nudge. "Aw, leave him alone. You're just bad at giving compliments. The man got a haircut and cleaned up his habits a bit. No need to overanalyse it."

Alex nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Mia, let the man evolve his style in peace."

Mia felt her cheeks flush slightly with embarrassment. Maybe she really was just imagining that James' changes were more significant than they were. The guys clearly didn't see what she thought she saw.

"You're right, my bad," she mumbled apologetically. "The new look really does suit you, James."

James gave her a reassuring smile. "No worries. And thanks."

Inside, though, James wondered if he could trust his friends with the truth of his situation. For now, it seemed wisest to keep them in the dark. After all the more people knew about his identity the easier it was for someone to slip up.

The group chatted a bit longer before reluctantly gathering their things to head home. As they said their goodbyes, James fell in step alongside Mia.

"Hey, want to come over for a bit? We could practice magic at my place this time," James offered. Mia's eyes sparkled with excitement at the invitation.

"Definitely!" she responded, her grin brimming with enthusiasm. "Wait, have you told your parents about our magic practice? Did they believe you?"

"Sure, why wouldn't they?" James replied with a shrug.

"Uh... Mine didn't," Mia said, her head drooping. "They just told me I'd be better off studying than wasting my time on nonsense."

"I see. On the other hand, how about we bring Alex and Nathan into our little circle?" James suggested, eager to divert the conversation and considering the idea of sharing their magical pursuits.

"No—!" Mia blurted out, then quickly amended, "Uh. I mean, it's fine, we should definitely tell them." In truth, Mia cherished the exclusive time she spent with James and wasn't keen on sharing it with Nathan and Alex. However, she recognized that excluding them out of self-interest would make her a poor friend.

Sensing Mia's hesitation James decided to drop the topic. "Well, we can tell them about all of this later. For now, should we get going?"

Mia's expression brightened. "Yes, let's go!"


Meanwhile, a figure sat at an elaborate desk within the dim safehouse, the only source of light being a vintage lamp that cast a warm glow over the polished wood surface. With dexterous fingers, he withdrew a sheet of heavy parchment stationery from a drawer. Dipping an ornate fountain pen into a bottle of ink, he began to write in an elegant cursive script.

My Dearest Lady Lilia,

Our exhilarating encounter during the heist still lingers fondly in my memory. While the priceless tablet now resides in my possession, you, my dear, succeeded in pilfering something far more precious—my heart.

Your dazzling display of pyrotechnics was a sight to behold. The way you deftly avoided capturing me, deliberately missing on several occasions, demonstrated a keen mind and nimble reflexes any thief would envy. Indeed, you would make a fine outlaw, should you choose such a path.

The daring outfit you wore flattered your figure most exquisitely. I do hope I have the privilege of seeing you attired in such tantalizing garb once more. For now, I shall content myself with imagining how the snug leather embraced your curves.

But I digress. I contact you now to issue a friendly warning. One month from today, at the stroke of midnight, I intend to liberate the legendary Blade of War from the private collection of the renowned millionaire Victor Dalton. Though hidden away amongst his vast treasures, this blade is too exquisite to languish in some recluse's vault. Such a rare and wondrous prize deserves a more appreciative owner, don't you agree?

I cordially invite you to attend this heist as my guest of honour. Should you decide to participate in the festivities, I will ensure you are granted a front-row seat to the main event. Perhaps we may even celebrate the successful acquisition of my hard-won spoils over a private dinner? The choice is yours, my dazzling adversary.

I eagerly await our next rendezvous, whenever and wherever it may be. Do take care, my dear lady.

Ever yours,


The figure gently blew on the ink, drying it thoroughly before carefully folding the letter. He dripped a dollop of wax onto the parchment and pressed his ring into it, leaving behind an intricate seal.

Satisfied, he tucked the letter into an envelope and penned the name "Lilia" on its face in flowing script. He leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing at his lips as he anticipated the lady's reaction to his dramatic invitation. Wherever their paths crossed next, it was sure to be a night to remember.

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