Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 30: Prison Break

Lilia's eyes fluttered open, and she winced at the throbbing pain in the back of her skull. Blinking against the dim light, she realized she was lying on a threadbare blanket atop a cold, stone floor. Iron bars stood between her and freedom; she was locked in a cell.

"Oh good, you're awake," said a soft voice beside her. Lilia turned her head to see a young woman with tangled blonde hair and a worried expression hovering over her. "We bandaged your head as best we could. Those creeps really did a number on you when they dragged you in here."

Gingerly touching the bandage wrapped around her head, Lilia's memories of the ambush came flooding back. She had stumbled upon the cult's inner sanctum and paid the price for her curiosity. Thankfully, due to her regeneration, the injury wasn't serious.

Pushing herself up, Lilia surveyed her dreary surroundings. She was in a small cell with four other young women who looked as bewildered and afraid as the blonde tending to her. Their simple clothing, smudged with dirt, indicated they had been there for some time.

"What is this place? Why have we been locked up?" Lilia asked, keeping her voice low. She thought it wisest not to reveal her cards just yet. Fortunately, she didn't transform back while unconscious nor did her glamour fade away. As far as the others knew, she was just another helpless captive.

The blonde girl shook her head sadly. "I think we've been taken by some crazy cult. I was just walking home from work when they grabbed me off the street. The others here have similar stories."

Lilia nodded, feigning confusion. "How long have I been here? The last thing I remember is getting knocked out." She prodded the bandage again, maintaining the pretence.

"Only a couple of hours. We bandaged you up as soon as they dumped you in here," the blonde replied. She paused, biting her lip nervously. "We... we heard them say something about virgin sacrifices for some ritual. And well... we all fit that description."

Suppressing a shudder, reminded again of her own inexperience in these matters, Lilia kept her expression carefully neutral. "Did they give any indication when this ritual might happen?"

The blonde shook her head miserably. "No, they just bring us food and water once a day and barely speak. The rest of the time, we're trapped in here, waiting."

The other girls had gathered around Lilia, eager to comfort what they assumed was just another frightened young captive. Lilia smiled reassuringly at them, touched by their kindness even in such dire circumstances. She felt duty-bound to protect these innocents.

"My name's Lily," Lilia said, using the alias Ren had devised. "Thank you all for helping me. I know we'll find a way out of this somehow."

The girls introduced themselves in turn, their voices trembling with restrained panic. Lilia's heart went out to them even as her mind raced with possible escape plans. She kept her expression resolute, hoping to raise their spirits.

As the girls settled back onto their meagre bedding, Lilia casually inspected every inch of the cell, searching for weaknesses. The bars were thick and unyielding, embedded deeply into the stone walls. The hinges and lock looked sturdy; their captors clearly did not intend for them to escape.

Suppressing a spike of frustration, Lilia knew she could easily break out with her magic if necessary. But doing so would certainly alert the cultists. For now, she would have to bide her time and wait for an opportunity to present itself.

She leaned back against the cold stone wall, pondering the vivid dream that she had. In it she was Lilia both in mind and body, enacting some grand illusion of defeat at the hands of heroes to please her father. The scenario bore an eerie similarity to the "Keeper of the Dungeon" event in Endless Fantasy, where players defended a dungeon from invading heroes.

Frowning, Lilia was unsettled by how real the vision had felt. In the game, she excelled at those events, yet in the dream, she had felt resentful, as if weary of staging the same charade repeatedly. Shaking her head, she pushed the strange dream from her mind. She had more pressing issues to focus on.

Lilia paced the small confines of the cell, her mind racing. She needed to locate Alistair before attempting any escape. While her own abilities made freeing herself simple enough, but she refused to abandon these girls to the fanatics. She'd have to get them out first before attempting anything.

The other captives eyed Lilia curiously as she moved restlessly about. A timid brunette named Sara finally spoke up. "Are you alright, Lily? You seem really anxious."

Lilia managed a reassuring smile. "Just trying to clear my head after the knock I took. Nothing like walking it off to get the blood flowing again."

Sara nodded, seeming to accept the excuse. She drew her knees to her chest with a shudder. "I can't stop thinking about what they said...about virgin sacrifices. Do you really think they'd do something so horrible?"

The blonde who had tended Lilia's injury, Jess, wrapped a comforting arm around Sara's shoulders. "Don't worry, I'm sure someone will realize we're missing and send help. We just have to stay positive."

Privately, Lilia doubted any rescue was coming. They would need to orchestrate their own escape. But outwardly she maintained a confident facade, not wishing to frighten the girls further.

"Jess is right, they'll never get away with this," Lilia declared. "We'll find a way out, I promise."

The other two captives, sisters named Eliza and Rose, clung to each other on one of the blankets. Rose's voice quavered as she asked "But how? The cell is locked tight, and they took everything we had on us."

Lilia crouched beside them, speaking gently. "There's always a way, we just have to stay alert for any opportunity. I know it's hard but try not to lose hope."

Rose bit her lip but gave a small nod, comforted by Lilia's reassuring words. Inside, Lilia silently vowed to protect these innocent lives, no matter the cost. Her abilities made her far better equipped to handle the situation than her unpowered companions realized.

Seemingly satisfied for now, the girls gradually settled back into uneasy silence. Lilia resumed her pacing, considering her next move. She needed to locate Alistair but had no idea where the cultists might be holding him. Their sprawling underground lair was akin to a maze.

Lilia paused, closing her eyes in concentration. There was no mystical connection between her and Alistar, yet somehow, she felt certain he still lived. Perhaps it was merely faith in her loyal companion's resourcefulness. Either way, she trusted her intuition.


Meanwhile, deep within the cult's subterranean lair, the High Priest sat upon an ornate throne, awaiting the latest report. A robed figure approached, bowing deeply before speaking.

"Exalted Zacharius, I bring news. We've discovered an intruder in the ritual chamber—a young woman. We suspect mere curiosity led her to our sanctuary," the cultist explained.

The High Priest stroked his beard thoughtfully. "A curious girl alone in our most sacred site? Or could she be a spy sent to infiltrate our ranks?" He waved a dismissive hand. "No matter. She may yet prove useful for the ritual."

"Yes, Exalted one. She seems to fulfil the ritual's requirements. With her, we will have the final maiden we need," the cultist confirmed.

The High Priest's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Perfect. We are on the cusp of triumph. And the Blade of Pestilence?"

The cultist hesitated. "It remains secured by the government. Its exact location continues to elude us."

Scowling, the High Priest's grip tightened on the arms of his throne, his knuckles whitening. "Those imbeciles believe they can outsmart us by hoarding relics. But once the preparations are complete, no vault or barrier will prevent me from claiming what is rightfully mine!"

Regaining his composure, his hands relaxed. "Soon, ultimate power will be within my grasp, albeit temporarily. It will be enough to crush any who dare oppose me!" He gestured dismissively. "Proceed with the preparations. I must reflect on these unfolding events."

The cultist bowed once more. "As you command, High Priest. We will prepare for the grand ritual." He turned and left the chamber to relay the leader's commands.


Lilia sat on the cold cell floor, her mind racing for any possible means of escape. She knew her abilities could easily shatter the sturdy bars, but doing so would surely raise alarm throughout the cult's underground lair. With the lives of the innocent captives at stake, she refused to take such a reckless risk.

There had to be a more subtle way to slip past their fanatical jailers unnoticed, one that avoided violence and the potential harm to the girls. As Lilia pondered her options, an uncomfortable notion crept into her thoughts.

Back in Endless Fantasy, she often used a charm ability inherent to her race. Although mostly ineffective against players due to their high resistances, the skill allowed her to easily bend non-player characters to her will. Moreover, as a racial skill, this power didn't break the glamour allowing her to keep her guise.

Lilia suppressed a shudder of disgust. The thought of imposing one's will on another had always unsettled her. Yet she couldn't deny the strategic advantage that mental manipulation offered for infiltration and deception.

Gnawing her lip in distress, Lilia wondered if she could manifest such an ability in the real world. Many of her virtual attributes had already proven authentic, from glamour to inventory. What if this ability could also be invoked outside the game?

As her desire to protect the innocent captives warred with her revulsion at manipulating minds, Lilia realized she had little choice. If charm could be the key to their escape, she had to at least try.

Steeling herself, Lilia closed her eyes and focused inward, seeking the source of ability within her. She visualized it her voice radiating outward in waves of influence. In response strange instincts stirred, and though alarm flashed through her, she surrendered her intent to them.

When Lilia opened her eyes sometime later, the other girls were eyeing her with curiosity. They had noticed her silent meditation in the corner but assumed she was merely brooding.

"My, my" A seductive murmur escaped Lilia's throat, and she blinked in surprise. Her voice had shifted without her conscious effort, now possessing a sultry, melodic quality. The words flowed like honey, smooth and sweet, with a persuasive undertone.

Unease rippled through Lilia. These weren't the exact words she wanted to utter. It was as if her ability had hijacked her intent, translating it into an alluring cadence better suited for beguilement.

Before she could reflect further, the heavy cell door creaked open. A robed jailer entered, carrying a basket of stale bread and bowls of watery soup. Lilia's stomach roiled at the thought of what she must do next. But the sight of the frightened girls steeled her resolve. She had to try, for their sake.

Rising gracefully, Lilia approached the bars with a newfound poise. She suppressed the protests in her mind, allowing her ability to freely guide her actions, making her body exude a feminine charm that felt alien to her mind.

"Excuse me, kind sir," Lilia purred, the sultry timbre sending shivers through her. "Might you take pity on us poor, helpless maidens?" She reached through the bars, trailing one finger slowly down the cultist's chest.

The man stiffened, nearly dropping his cargo. His wide eyes remained fixed on Lilia's smiling face as she batted her lashes alluringly. "We only wish to see our families again. Surely you understand," she coaxed.

She softened her voice further, imbuing it with invisible swirls of mana. "Be a darling and let us leave this dreadful place, would you?"

The cultist shuddered as the mana infused his mind, bending his thoughts toward obeying the lovely girl's request. Her words seemed to resonate deep within him, kindling a profound sense of joy at fulfilling her wishes. What harm could there be in releasing a few frightened maidens?

"I... I cannot simply set you free," he stammered, though his protest sounded feeble even to himself.

"Are you sure? Surely a brave man like you could find a way to help us?" Lilia whispered seductively.

"P… Perhaps I could bring you all robes to disguise yourselves. Then I could lead you out discreetly." The cultist replied, his will thoroughly subdued.

Lilia rewarded him with a dazzling smile that sent his heart aflutter. "You are too kind, sir! We will be forever grateful." She traced one finger slowly down his cheek before withdrawing her hand.

The cultist nearly stumbled over himself rushing out of the cell, eager to fulfil his word and earn more of the radiant girl's affection. Lilia watched him leave, suppressing a shudder. She had successfully woven her influence, but employing such manipulation sickened her. However, the girls' lives were paramount. She could loathe herself later.

Turning back, Lilia met the astonished stares of her fellow captives. Jess was the first to speak, her voice filled with awe. "How did you convince him to help us? He barely looks at us, let alone speaks."

Lilia adopted a look of innocence. "I simply appealed to his humanity. Even the most devout fanatics have remnants of empathy buried within them."

The other girls whispered excitedly among themselves.

"I can't believe he's actually letting us go!" Sara said in a hushed tone.

Eliza gripped her sister's hand tightly. "I didn't think we'd ever see daylight again."

Rose nodded, her eyes brimming with tears of relief. "We owe you our lives, Lily. However you swayed him, thank you."

Lilia managed a faint smile, suppressing the unease that twisted within her. "I'm just glad he listened to reason. Now let's focus on getting all of you out of here safely."

The girls quieted down as the cultist returned, his arms full of drab robes. He distributed them wordlessly, avoiding eye contact with anyone besides Lilia.

Once disguised, the group followed him through a labyrinth of corridors and up several flights of concrete steps. Lilia committed their route to memory, completing her mental map of the underground lair.

As they emerged into the outside world, Lilia 'suggested' that the man turn himself in to the authorities. He agreed without hesitation, still basking in the afterglow of her persuasive charm.

Only after the grateful girls had all embraced Lilia tearfully and departed did she allow her facade of a smile to vanish. Alone once more, she steeled herself for re-entry into the viper's nest, determined to find Alistair and stop these zealots before they could enact their sinister plans.

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