Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 40: Pact

James awoke the feeling exhausted and disoriented, he only slept for two hours at most, so exhaustion was to be expected. As he sat up in bed, a wave of dizziness overcame him. Glancing down, he was shocked to see the contours of his body seemed even softer and curvier than before.

With growing dread, James hurried to examine himself in the mirror. His body now had an undeniably delicate, feminine cast to it. Tracing his fingers over the delicate bumps on his forehead where Lilia's horns emerged, his heart sank. The changes were accelerating.

Frantically, James reached for his case holding the precious vials of serum. With shaking hands, he loaded a double dose into the injector and pressed it into his arm. He held his breath anxiously as the serum took effect, slowing his racing heart.

Thankfully, the serum still worked to blunt the changes, though nowhere near as strongly as that first dose. His features sharpened back toward their original masculine angles, though at a much slower rate.

James let out a shaky sigh, scrubbing a hand over his face. The tide was clearly turning against him now. His body seemed determined to transform fully into Lilia, and he wasn't sure how much longer the serum could hold that eventuality at bay.

After hurriedly dressing, James headed out to school, his thoughts troubled. He knew he couldn't hide the changes forever. And if Dr. Wolf didn't find a more permanent solution soon, James wasn't sure what options would remain for him.

For now, he decided to focus on getting through the day and not dwell on uncertainties. Steeling himself, James walked swiftly toward the bus stop, trying not to obsess over the lingering unfamiliar sensations and responses this increasingly female body produced.

Come what may, he would adapt and survive. After all, he still had his brilliant sister Ren supporting him, not to mention loyal friends. With tentative hope buoying his steps, James hurried onward through the busy streets.

The school day passed in a weary blur for James. Lack of sleep left him struggling to focus through his classes. More than once, he caught himself nodding off, only to be jolted awake by the teacher's voice.

When the final bell rang, James breathed a sigh of relief. He bid goodbye to his friends, making plans to meet up tomorrow for their next magical study session.

Finding a secluded alleyway some blocks from school, James swiftly triggered his transformation into Lilia. Almost instantly, the lingering tiredness melted away, her body was clearly more resilient than his. Perking up, Lilia set off purposefully, Alistair padding along in feline form.

Today was the day she'd review the contract terms being offered by the New Atlantis Bureau of Control. Though initially reluctant to work with the organization, Lilia knew establishing herself among their ranks could provide opportunities to acquire more information on the mystical world, that she recently became aware of. Knowledge is power, as the saying went.

Upon arriving at the nondescript office building that served as the NABC's public-facing headquarters, Lilia strode through the front doors with Alistair at her heels.

Immediately, she felt the subtle warding magic woven into the entrance negate her glamour, reverting her to full demonic visage.

Nearby guards reacted swiftly, hands flying to their holstered guns. Lilia tensed, prepared to defend herself. But before the guards could draw their weapons, a stern female voice rang out from the front desk.

"Stand down immediately. She's an approved visitor."

The guards reluctantly eased their stance, though their hard gazes remained fixed on Lilia. She ignored them, turning her attention to the receptionist, a black-haired woman whose name tag read 'Juniper Leaf'.

"My apologies for the confusion," Juniper said briskly, beckoning Lilia forward. "Right this way, please."

As she followed Juniper down a corridor to a meeting room, Lilia pondered the strange magic she had sensed dispelling her glamour. It was an unexpected precaution, a wise strategy when dealing with duplicitous supernatural beings, she had to concede.

Juniper showed Lilia into an austere meeting room containing only a metal table and chairs. "Wait here. Your assigned liaison will arrive shortly to discuss the proposed terms." With that, she departed, closing the door firmly behind her.

Lilia settled into one of the chairs, idly examining her almost claw-like nails against the stark tabletop. Alistair leapt up lithely to perch beside her, his cat form unaffected. It seems that the building's wards specifically targeted only illusions such as her glamour.

Moments later, the door opened to admit an older, scholarly looking man carrying a leather folder. "Greetings, you must be Lilia," he said genially, taking the seat opposite her. "My name is Silas Howard, chief attorney for the NABC. I've been tasked with drafting terms for our potential agreement."

Silas continued, "Now, our background checks on you were rather...inconclusive. You seem to have appeared here in New Atlantis only a couple months ago. Other than your clear supernatural nature, you have given us no reason to deem you an imminent threat."

Here, the man peered at her over his glasses, his tone turning probing. "However, there is the curious matter of this 'James' you've been associated with. Our intel indicates you assumed his identity. What became of the boy? Did he even exist at all?"

Lilia tensed imperceptibly. She hesitated, unsure whether to reveal the full truth of her connection to James. No, they would never believe her if she claimed to actually be James, capable of transforming into Lilia. Better to stick to half-truths for now.

"I'm afraid I nothing really happened to James," she answered carefully. "To my knowledge, there has been no other James besides myself."

Silas nodded, seeming unsurprised. "Just as we suspected. Your skills at establishing false identities are impressive, though I must say the identity 'Lily Song' was clearly rushed in comparison. Now then, shall we discuss the terms?"

Lilia inclined her head politely. "Of course, Mr. Silas. I'm interested to hear what arrangement your organization proposes."

"As you may know, we are aware of your interest in the Blade of Pestilence that is currently in the Bureau's possession," Silas began. "While it is true you relinquished the relic willingly before, we recognize it could prove dangerous in the wrong hands. As such, provided you prove yourself a trustworthy ally, we are willing to grant you supervised access to the blade."

Lilia nodded slowly, keeping her expression neutral. Gaining access to the relic was her primary goal in establishing this alliance. "How generous. And what might you want in return for such access?"

Silas smiled thinly. "Merely your cooperation on certain assignments fitting your... nature. Tasks we cannot entrust to just any other agent."

Lilia nodded. "I see. And if I find these 'assignments' disagreeable?"

"Naturally, we would not force cooperation against your will," Silas assured smoothly. "Consider it akin to...'consulting work,' shall we say. But know that greater cooperation would yield greater rewards."

Lilia leaned back in her seat, steepling her fingers as she considered his words. This could be her chance to study the Blade of Pestilence further. Yet she disliked the idea of becoming beholden to this organization.

"You make a compelling offer," she said finally. "However, I will not be anyone's weapon."

Silas inclined his head. "A fair concern. Rest assured most of the assignments we have in mind play more to your kind." His tone turned wry. "Our organization lacks, shall we say, a woman's touch for certain operations."

Lilia had to suppress a snort at the thought of serving as the Bureau's honeypot. Still, access to resources could prove worthwhile. Besides they've already agreed upon not forcing her to do what she didn't want.

"Very well, I am amenable to an arrangement so long as my boundaries are respected," she conceded.

Silas nodded approvingly and slid a sheet of paper across the table outlining proposed terms. Lilia scanned the document, impressed by its thoroughness. Clearly, they had done their research before this meeting.

Over the next hour, Lilia and Silas negotiated the details of the arrangement, trading points back and forth. Lilia remained wary of agreeing to anything too restrictive of her autonomy. Meanwhile, Silas clearly aimed to bind her cooperation as much as possible without driving her away entirely.

After much discourse, they hammered out a mutually acceptable contract covering most potential scenarios and agreed upon sever key terms:

  • As long as Lilia accepts on average at least one request/mission every month, The Bureau will provide Lilia with a monthly salary for her services.
  • Lilia has no obligation of helping if she deems requests/missions unreasonable.
  • Lilia is forbidden from engaging in carnal acts at Bureau premises.
  • Lilia is forbidden from using her powers on agents of Bureau, unless in a good faith or in self-defence.
  • The Bureau has no obligation to aid Lilia when she is not on an active mission.
  • The Bureau promises to provide access to relics, intel, and contacts based on her contributions and necessity.
  • Any Bureau relics must be returned within 1 week unless authorized to keep for a mission.
  • Lilia agrees not to reveal the existence of the paranormal world to the general public.
  • Either party can terminate the contract without a cause with 1 month notice.
  • Lilia is forbidden from overt killing, except in self-defence.
  • If either party violates the terms, the other party may immediately terminate the contract or demand compensation. Failure to agree on compensation within 1 week, automatically terminates the contract.

Lilia carefully reviewed the negotiated terms. While restrictive in some regards, they were mostly permissive, moreover they granted her the access and resources she needed. Silas explained that as a demon, Lilia would need to be the one to actually compose the binding agreement. He would simply sign it as the Bureau's representative.

Lilia froze momentarily, not having expected this responsibility. "You wish for me to write the contract?" she repeated carefully, mind racing. She had no idea how to draft such a document!

Silas gave her an odd look. "Come now, composing a pact is second nature for your kind," he said, a touch impatiently. "Let us finalize this so I may sign on the Bureau's behalf."

Seeing no way to avoid the task without long explanations, Lilia resigned herself to bluffing her way through it. Perhaps there was really some buried demonic instinct that would kick in if she simply started writing and if there wasn't she could always blame him.

Reaching into her shadow, she summoned the elegant quill and ink set used for scribing scrolls in Endless Fantasy. Silas raised an eyebrow at her flourish but said nothing.

The moment Lilia's fingers curled around the feather quill, she heard Lilia's amused laughter echo through her mind, followed by a barrage of vivid images. She saw herself - or rather, Lilia - drafting countless contracts, documents and spell scrolls over decades, honing the craft to perfection. In mere moments, Lilia seemed to absorb a lifetime of experience as a scribe, as though she had lived these memories herself.

Bewildered but grateful, Lilia allowed her new knowledge to guide her hand as she swiftly penned the terms in an elegant script on a roll of parchment, the sanguine ink seeming to shimmer on the page. Mere minutes later, an intricate contract lay completed before her eyes.

Silas examined the document closely, apparently able to read the archaic lettering. "Well done," he pronounced finally, clearly impressed. Taking up a pen, he signed his name at the bottom with a flourish.

"Excellent. Let this mark the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership," he said briskly, standing to depart. "We will send word when your services are first required. I look forward to seeing what you're capable of."

With a polite nod, Silas exited the room, leaving a dumbfounded Lilia still processing everything that had just transpired.

Alistair, curled up on the chair beside her, flicked an ear back curiously. "Something troubles you, Mistress?"

Lilia chuckled mirthlessly under her breath. "That's putting it mildly, Alistair. This contract binds me to an organization I know next to nothing about." She leaned forward, kneading her temples wearily. "Was this really a good idea? What happens if they discover I'm not really what they take me for?"

Alistair tilted his head thoughtfully. "Forgive me, my lady, but I do not follow your meaning. You are a powerful demon sorceress beyond the comprehension of these simple humans. They see only what you allow them to."

Lilia chuckled and shook her head. "No, Alistair, that's not what I meant." She leaned down to scratch behind his ear affectionately.

"It's true I've deceived them about my nature and origins," she explained. "But their perception of me is still flawed. I'm not actually a demon of untold centuries. This form is still new to me in many ways."

How could she make him grasp the strange circumstance of her existence? Was he even capable of grasping it? From the beginning the imp always assumed she just played the role of a mortal named James.

Lilia sighed. "Let's just say I'm more complicated than they realize. There is much about myself I have yet to fully comprehend."

Seeing Alistair's continued confusion, she patted his head gently. "Don't worry yourself over it. The specifics are unimportant right now." Standing, she glanced around the sparse room. "Come, we have what we came for. It's time we took our leave of this place."

Alistair leapt down and followed dutifully as Lilia made her way back through the NABC headquarters and out into the city proper. She took a deep breath of the fresh air, glad to be free of the wards sapping her strength. The rules of the contract weighed heavily on her mind. She would need to be extremely judicious in picking her battles with the Bureau.

"What shall we do now, Mistress?" Alistair inquired, trotting beside her. "Shall we return home to await their summons?"

Lilia considered for a moment before shaking her head. "Not just yet. I need some time to clear my head and think." Her steps turned in the direction of the park, a soothing oasis amidst the bustling city. Perhaps the tranquillity of nature would help order her turbulent thoughts.

There was still much to do, loose ends that demanded her attention. Moira remained an unknown variable after their passionate encounter. The longer James stayed transformed as Lilia, the more accelerated his changes seemed to become. And ever lurking beneath it all was the cryptic purpose behind collecting the mythical Blades, still obscured save for dream Lilia's fragmented guidance.

For now, she decided a brief respite was in order before tackling everything anew. Making her way to a secluded spot in a park surrounded by trees, Lilia settled beneath their leafy boughs and allowed her eyes to drift shut. The nature sounds and dappled sunlight offered a momentary sense of peace she desperately needed.

There would be ample struggles ahead. But just for now, she permitted herself simply to exist in quiet calm, the outside world fading away. Darkness, responsibility and peril could all wait a while longer. Here, beneath the sheltering branches, Lilia relinquished control and drank in the tranquil beauty enveloping her. The path forward remained uncertain, but she would face it with renewed resilience.




Moira lounged luxuriously on her plush velvet chaise, idly swirling a jewel-hued cocktail as she basked in the afterglow of the most spectacular tryst she'd enjoyed in decades. A sly, satisfied smile curved her lips as she reminisced on the previous night with Lilia.

That coy minx had initially played the part of the blushing innocent to perfection, luring Moira in with her seemingly shy reactions and tentative responses. But oh, once Moira had finally breached those prim external defences, the passionate demoness within had emerged in all her unrestrained glory. The sounds of Lilia's ecstasy alone were enough to make Moira shiver in recollection.

Clearly her alluring sister had merely been teasing her with that demure act, hoping to make their inevitable union all the sweeter. And sweeter it had been indeed! Moira was certain now more than ever that Lilia was no ordinary succubus. The sheer intensity of passion she'd displayed once her inhibitions slipped away betrayed her exceptional nature. Together, their shared ecstasy had exceeded even Moira's wildest fantasies.

Lilia had matched her touch for touch, caress for caress, until the world narrowed down to a haze of tangled limbs, fevered kisses and pleasured cries. Even Moira's vast experience had not prepared her for the dizzying heights of rapture they had scaled together through the night. She longed to make Lilia sing for her again and again, to learn every inch of that supple azure body.

Now Moira understood precisely why that pretty young plaything of Lilia's had refused her advances so steadfastly. To be granted the privilege of Lilia's intimate attentions was a pleasure beyond compare for any mortal. She almost envied the boy for having such a divine mistress to serve and worship.

Moira's mind spun with possibilities for their next interlude. Perhaps she could convince Lilia to bring her little mortal pet along sometime; she was certain the two of them could make the lad come utterly undone. Or maybe they could share some of the delightful playthings that frequented her club, toys they could enjoy together however they wished.

The very thought of all the hedonistic delights still to explore with Lilia set Moira's blood aflame anew. Soon her delectable sister would return to accept her offer of an alliance, she was certain of it. After the rapturous passion they'd shared, Lilia could not possibly refuse her.

Together, they would be an unstoppable force, able to achieve any desire. Moira envisioned a succubus utopia where they ruled over an empire of mortal worshippers, free to indulge their appetites to the fullest. She and Lilia would stand as twin demonesses at the pinnacle of a new world order.

Moira knew she must begin putting out feelers to her network of contacts about locating further Blades immediately. Proving her effectiveness in assisting Lilia's quest would guarantee the sensuous sister could no longer deny the idea of alliance.

For now, Moira could wait patiently for her sister's return, basking in fond memories of their first intoxicating union. When Lilia came back to her once more, Moira would be ready to make an impassioned case for the future they could build side by side. And perhaps, if she played her cards right, even steal another kiss or three along the way...

Okay, I admit NSFW version was the canon one.

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