Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 45: Vatican

The week passed swiftly for James, filled with the familiar routines of school, training, and time with friends. Despite the tumultuous revelations and encounters of the past days, this week proved blissfully uneventful.

James continued attending sword fighting lessons at the Steel Lion school, where his skills advanced swiftly under Master Viktor's rigorous tutelage. Within days, he progressed from a beginner to intermediate level, his reflexes and technique showing marked improvement.

Seeing James' rapid growth seemed to ignite Nathan's competitive spirit. He too pushed himself harder during lessons, no longer content to rest on his laurels. While not progressing quite as quickly as James, Nathan's skills also steadily sharpened.

After training, James would meet up with his friends for magical practice. Mia's abilities with water and ice spells grew stronger each day, while Alex slowly grasped the basics of magical control and warding spells. Nathan happily joined them, providing moral support even if mystic arts eluded him.

During this time, James also paid a visit to the Phantom Thief's hideout to pick up the phone Tina had modified for communicating with their group. He informed them about his deal with the Bureau, though kept details sparse for now.

When Friday finally rolled around, James finished his usual classes before hurrying home to prepare for the overseas assignment on behalf of the New Atlantis Bureau of Control. Though a bit apprehensive about working with the organization, this task was his best opportunity to travel abroad quickly without raising suspicions.

Once home, James swiftly gathered the modest belongings he would need for the short trip. His thoughts turned to the true objective underlying this mission - contacting the developers of Endless Fantasy in London to uncover clues about Lilia's origins.

Pushing down a twinge of guilt over essentially deceiving the Bureau, James steeled his resolve and transformed into Lilia. Getting answers was worth the minimal subterfuge of bending a work trip to his own ends.

Lilia finished gathering the modest belongings she would need for the short trip abroad. As she did, Alistair padded over in his cat form, rubbing against her leg affectionately.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to accompany me on this journey," Lilia said regretfully as she stroked his fur. "I have no discreet way to bring you along undetected."

Alistair dipped his head in understanding. "I shall await your return here then, Mistress. Safe travels and do take care."

With a final pat to the devoted feline's head, Lilia bid her family farewell and headed out to the waiting taxi, alone for the first time on an assignment. She would miss her companion's presence, but there was simply no plausible way to conceal him on a commercial airline flight and busy foreign mission. This was a mission she would have to complete on her own.

Lilia arrived at the airport and made her way to the first-class lounge. There she was greeted by Akari and Agent Collins, surprisingly in a casual attire.

"Punctual arrival, appreciate you being prompt," Collins said with a polite nod.

Akari gave a polite nod as well. "We should head to our gate. Boarding will begin soon."

The trio made their way through the luxurious lounge toward the gates. Collins walked alongside them but said little. His brief words to Akari were polite yet reserved, maintaining professional decorum.

At the gate, Collins extended a hand to Akari. "Safe travels. Remember your training and stay vigilant." He gave a curt handshake to Lilia. "Best of luck on your first assignment."

With final reserved farewells exchanged, Lilia and Akari boarded the flight. Lilia settled into the spacious first-class seat, marvelling at the luxury. A smiling flight attendant offered champagne, which Lilia accepted.

Akari was already engrossed in a book, apparently content to pass the flight in silence. Lilia leaned back and enjoyed the unmatched comforts of the first-class cabin. The flight was smooth, and soon they were landing in Italy, ready to begin their mission.

Lilia peered out the window in awe at the historic cityscape coming into view. She had made it to Europe on her very first business trip. Now phase two of her plans could begin - finding answers about her origins from the Endless Fantasy developers based in London. But first, she had to complete the mission for the Bureau.


After landing at the airport in Rome, Lilia and Akari were greeted by two stern-looking men dressed in formal attire.

"Welcome to Italy," the older of the two men said. "I am Cardinal Ricci, and this is my associate, Father Giovanni. We are the representatives from the Vatican that your organization informed you of."

Lilia and Akari exchanged polite handshakes with the men.

"If you'll come with us, we have transportation waiting to take you to Vatican City," Cardinal Ricci continued. He turned and led them outside to a nondescript black sedan with tinted windows.

As they drove through the streets of Rome toward their destination, Father Giovanni explained more about the situation.

"As you've been made aware, we've discovered a hidden network of tunnels and ruins directly beneath Vatican City dating back to ancient Roman times. Initial investigation suggests this site was used for occult rituals and worship by a pagan cult."

He glanced over at Lilia, his expression unreadable. "While we had...concerns over allowing a demon to take part in this expedition, the bureau insisted that one of your kind would be the most fitting for the mission."

Cardinal Ricci nodded solemnly. "Indeed, given the diabolical nature of this location, your unique… talents may prove useful in neutralizing any lingering dark energy or handling any corrupted relics we may encounter."

He turned his gaze fully on Lilia. "However, you would do well to keep any troublesome demonic impulses in check. Any threat to Vatican personnel or assets will be met swiftly and harshly."

Though his words were stern, Lilia sensed no real hostility from the man. Just caution stemming from old prejudices, which she could understand.

Lilia inclined her head graciously. "Of course. You have my word I will act with discretion and professionalism throughout this assignment."

Inside, she felt a twinge of unease. In truth, she had little real expertise in demonic relics, despite the Vatican's assumptions. She was not the ancient creature they believed, merely a high school student granted strange powers through unclear means. But she could hardly confess that now.

Beside her, Akari sat silently, face unreadable. Lilia sensed the shrine maiden's wariness in the tense set of her shoulders. Clearly her presence here was unwelcome to all. Yet refusing the task would have aroused dangerous suspicion. Now Lilia had no choice but to see this mission through and hope her latent talents proved sufficient.


Lilia gazed out the window in wonder as the sedan approached the magnificent St. Peter's Basilica. She had seen it countless times in photos and videos, but to behold the historic structure in person was truly breathtaking.

The car rolled to a stop near an arched side entrance to the basilica. Cardinal Ricci and Father Giovanni exited the vehicle first, with Lilia and Akari following behind. Lilia craned her neck, trying to take in the sheer scope and intricacy of the architecture. She had to resist the urge to pull out her phone and start snapping photos like an overeager tourist.

"This way, please," Cardinal Ricci said briskly, steering them away from the main entrance.

Lilia tore her eyes away from the awe-inspiring building and hurried after the group. They followed the Cardinal through a small, unassuming door recessed into the ancient brickwork. Inside was a cramped winding staircase leading down into shadowy depths.

Father Giovanni pulled a flashlight from his coat and clicked it on, piercing the inky blackness. "Mind your step going down," he cautioned.

At the bottom of the narrow staircase was an old wooden door bound in iron bands. Cardinal Ricci produced an ornate key and unlocked it with a heavy clunk. Lilia could feel a subtle wrongness permeating the air, like a lingering foul odour. She tensed, bracing herself as the door creaked open.

Beyond was a crumbling tunnel with rough stone walls that sloped and meandered out of sight. The atmosphere within felt heavy and oppressive. Lilia's skin prickled as she sensed traces of old wickedness embedded in these buried passages.

"We must proceed with caution from here on," Father Giovanni advised in a hushed voice that nevertheless echoed eerily down the tunnel. "There are wards throughout meant to repel those with evil hearts."

Lilia nodded, gesturing for him to lead the way. She would follow the priest's guidance in navigating this unholy place. As they ventured deeper, the feeling of unseen eyes watching weighed upon Lilia. She glanced back frequently, irrationally fearing something lurked just out of sight in the shadows.

Eventually, the tunnel opened into a larger chamber with carved walls that were cracked and eroded by time. Intricate symbols and disturbing carvings adorned the ancient masonry. Several men hovered near a gaping hole in the far wall, speaking in hushed tones. These must be the Vatican researchers Father Giovanni had mentioned.

As Lilia cautiously moved to enter the chamber, Cardinal Ricci suddenly shouted out urgently.

"Wait, stop! You mustn't cross the threshold without..."

But his warning came too late. Lilia had already stepped across the carved boundary marking the entrance. She braced for pain or to be forcefully repelled by a blast of energy. Yet strangely she felt only a soothing warmth settle over her, similar to relaxing in a sunbeam.

Lilia glanced back curiously at her companions. "Is something wrong?"

The two priests gaped at her in astonished silence before exchanging uneasy looks.

"That is...most unexpected," Cardinal Ricci said carefully. "Those wards should have barred your kind from entry. Yet you crossed as if they weren't even there."

Father Giovanni scratched his chin. "Are you certain no protective talismans were provided to her beforehand?" he asked Akari doubtfully.

Akari shook her head, her expression just as perplexed. "None that I'm aware of," she replied.

Her gaze shifted to Lilia, filled with inquiry. Lilia responded with a shake of her head, confirming she possessed nothing that could shield her from the barrier.

"Well, perhaps she is... one of the..." the Cardinal began, his voice trailing off slowly, as if grappling with an improbable thought. "No, that is impossible," he concluded, yet the unspoken question lingered in the air. What was Lilia's true nature that allowed her to bypass the holy wards so effortlessly?

Feeling the weight of their intense scrutiny, Lilia shifted uncomfortably. "I promise you, I mean no harm," she assured them with sincerity. "I'm here to help with the expedition."

The men exchanged another uneasy look as if unsure what to think about the scenario, but seemed to decide discussing the matter further was unwise for now. Together, the group ventured cautiously into the ruins, to meet with the rest of the expedition.


Finally, as everyone gathered Cardinal Ricci turned to Lilia and Akari. "Allow me to introduce the research team who will be accompanying us on this expedition."

He gestured to a pair of men examining one of the carved walls. "This is Professor Alberto Rossi, our lead archaeologist, and his assistant Enrico."

The professor glanced up briefly to give them a polite nod before returning his attention to the intricate symbols before him.

Cardinal Ricci then motioned to a woman dressed in a conservative skirt and blouse, who was unpacking various scientific instruments from a case. "And this is Doctor Claudia Moretti, our occult expert who hopefully will be able to identify anything we might uncover."

Doctor Moretti looked up and smiled in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you both." Her curious gaze lingered on Lilia for a moment.

With the introductions complete, the group ventured deeper into the ancient structure, Professor Rossi in the lead. He paused frequently to examine crumbling architecture or peer at barely legible scrawls etched into the stone walls.

As they navigated further into the shadowy maze of tunnels, Lilia felt increasingly uneasy. There was something disturbingly familiar about the catacombs, though she couldn't pinpoint why. She ran her hand along the cold stone, trying to grasp the nagging sense of recognition.

They came to a junction where the tunnel forked. Professor Rossi shone his flashlight down each passage, revealing more worn carvings and stacked bones faintly visible in alcoves along the walls. He glanced back uncertainly.

"This site seems far more expansive than we anticipated," he remarked with a frown. "We should exercise caution in choosing our path."

Lilia stepped forward to examine the fork intently. Both options stirred that same instinctual familiarity, like recognizing a childhood home. But the left passage tugged at her senses more insistently.

"This way," Lilia said decisively, nodding toward the left tunnel. The others shared uneasy looks but followed her lead without protest.

As they delved deeper into the darkness, the disquieting familiarity intensified, along with Lilia's own growing unease. She trailed her fingers along the cold stone, straining to grasp why she knew these ancient halls, hidden for centuries.

It dawned on her suddenly - these catacombs almost perfectly mirrored the layout of the Tomb of The Forgotten Sinner, one of the major dungeons in Endless Fantasy. Lilia stopped short, pulse racing. That was impossible... wasn't it?

Now that it is done, it's time to spread some managed democracy.

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