Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 50: Return

Lilia settled into her economy class seat aboard the commercial flight back to New Atlantis. Beside her, Akari was already absorbed in reviewing notes from their eventful trip.

Lilia glanced at the thick leatherbound tome in her lap, eager to delve into its arcane knowledge yet wary of revealing its presence to those around her. Carefully, she opened the compendium gifted by Vigil, expecting to see lines of ornate script filling the ancient pages. But strangely, the crackling yellowed parchment appeared blank.

Brow furrowed, Lilia flipped through the tome, only to find every page devoid of writing. Yet Lilia could feel the raw magical energy radiating from the book, pulsing against her fingers like a heartbeat. There was something in here, if only she could access it.

On an intuitive hunch, Lilia focused her will and let a trickle of mana flow into the empty pages. Immediately, elegant handwritten text rippled across the parchment as if an invisible quill were swiftly filling the book. Lilia had to stifle a gasp to avoid attracting undue attention. The compendium had responded to her magical energy!

Eagerly, Lilia began poring over the meticulous notes and theories covering topics ranging from fundamental spellcraft to obscure rituals beyond anything Lilia had encountered before. She quickly realized this was no mere spellbook - it was a veritable archive of Merlin's expansive mystical knowledge from across the ages.

Lilia was so engrossed that she barely noticed the plane taking off, lost in absorbing the newfound wisdom. Many of the rituals described went far beyond her current experience, but Merlin's insights on the basic principles of shaping mana were already proving enlightening. With this knowledge, Lilia could refine her technique and broaden the scope of her abilities.

But most intriguing were Merlin's writings on exploring other places, planes and worlds beyond the earth. He described crafting spells and items that allowed him to traverse across strange new worlds, each operating under different fundamental laws of reality.

In one plane devoid of linear time, Merlin spent 'years' unravelling its mysteries. In another, he was confronted by mirror versions of himself and his companions, reflections of their potential darker natures.

According to Merlin's notes, this period of interplanar exploration ended abruptly one fateful day after a mysterious event he referred to only as "the Severance." While never explicitly stated, Lilia gleaned that something had 'severed' the access to the infinite worlds Merlin had previously travelled. In the aftermath, even subtle travel between realms became exponentially more difficult, limiting his wanderings to a few nearby realms.

What could have caused such a drastic sundering between worlds? Lilia itched to uncover more clues, but Merlin's brief mentions provided little insight. His writings turned increasingly cryptic following the cataclysmic Severance, hinting at some undisclosed burden weighing upon the great wizard in his later years.

After several engrossing hours reading, Lilia's eyes began to grow heavy despite her fascination. She had turned countless pages, yet the tome showed no signs of thinning, the parchment supply apparently infinite. Lilia wondered if the contents continuously shifted to align with the reader's current needs, granting access to boundless knowledge contained within a deceptively slim volume.

As Lilia was about to set the compendium aside, her gaze snagged on an unexpected name - her own. There, amidst the tiny, scrawled text, was a clear reference to someone named Lilia whom Merlin had encountered in his travels. Heart racing, Lilia quickly read the paragraph.

"Found myself in a strange, fragmented realm today unlike any I have witnessed before," Merlin wrote. "While exploring its shattered floating islands, I encountered another walker between realms - a woman who introduced herself as Lilia."

Merlin went on describe this Lilia as possessing great wisdom and power, evident in her luminous violet eyes that hinted at an ancient soul. He recounted their lengthy discussions of magic and existence, and how he found a kindred spirit in this mysterious woman.

Could this be the same Lilia whom James transformed into? But how could they have crossed paths? Lilia's head swam, struggling to align this revelation with her own origins. She read on hungrily, hoping for clarification.

"Lilia and I share a unique burden – we both are bound by fate, struggling to break free." Merlin had written. "She carries a terrible purpose, one that weighs upon her spirit despite her wisdom."

The passage concluded with a promise that they would meet again to further share their experiences walking such difficult aligned roads. Lilia sat back, pulse racing. This was surely more than mere coincidence. Out of infinite names, what were the odds Merlin would mention 'Lilia' so specifically?

Driven by an overpowering urge to learn more, Lilia flipped rapidly through the pages until the text abruptly went blank halfway through the tome. No matter which sections she tried focusing her energy upon, the rest of the parchment remained empty. Frustration rose within Lilia, but she forced herself to remain patient. Clearly, the book wanted her to take the information slowly, page by page.

Glancing up from her place, Lilia realized that the plane was already making its descent toward New Atlantis Airport. She had been so engrossed that the lengthy journey had passed in what felt like mere moments.

Hastily, Lilia unlocked her tray table and stealthily slipped the tome into her inventory. Beside her, Akari finished packing away her documents and other traveling essentials. As the plane touched down smoothly on the tarmac, Lilia's mind churned with the implications of Merlin's cryptic writings.

Once they disembarked and navigated the terminals, Akari turned to Lilia, looking eager to be off duty after the lengthy trip abroad. "I'll submit the field report on this assignment," she stated briskly. "Unless you object, I may omit certain...extraneous details."

Lilia nodded in understanding. Doubtlessly, Akari was not keen to document Lilia's strange communion with an ancient relic, nor her claims of actually being James Brooks. Perhaps she was worried that such bizarre accounts would raise unwanted questions about Akari's reliability and judgement, or maybe she was finally starting to warm up to her.

"Of course, that's likely for the best," Lilia agreed sincerely. "Thank you, Akari."

The shrine maiden gave a brusque nod before swiftly heading off to procure her luggage, leaving Lilia standing alone outside the arrivals terminal. Despite lingering fatigue from the flight, exhilaration thrummed through Lilia's veins. At long last, some tangible clues were coming together.

Clenching her palm tightly, Lilia set off toward home with renewed eagerness. She itched to delve back into Merlin's esoteric knowledge once safely in her room. The cryptic notes on this other Lilia were an irresistible thread to pull, one that might finally unravel the reason behind her transformations.


Alistair hummed a cheerful tune to himself as he bustled about the bedroom, tidying away the clutter and dingy furnishings one piece at a time. He wanted to surprise his dear mistress by redecorating this dreary space into a chamber truly befitting her magnificence.

Although his memories from before arriving in this strange new world remained fragmented, Alistair was absolutely certain he knew Lilia's tastes and preferences. He would transform this room into a private sanctuary his lady could relax and recharge in after her trying skirmishes in the mortal realm.

First, Alistair neatly made the bed with luxurious satin sheets in rich violet. Fluffing the pillows, he nodded in satisfaction. The sumptuous fabric was a marked improvement from the drab grey set previously occupying the mattress. Next, he rolled up the dreary drapes, replacing them with gossamer panels that diffused the sunlight into a romantic reddish-violet hue.

Turning his attention to the walls, Alistair set about removing the haphazard posters and juvenile decor that had adorned them previously. Lilia was a woman of sophisticated tastes, not some adolescent boy. In their place, Alistair arranged ornate tapestries and paintings of graceful maidens he discovered tucked away in some attic, their sensual beauty accentuated by alluring gazes and flowing diaphanous fabrics.

Much better suited to her majesty's refined sensibilities, Alistair thought approvingly. The delicate stroking of velvety brushwork captured an elegance befitting noble lords and ladies.

Next, the imp surveyed the haphazard furniture cluttering the space. That rickety wooden desk simply wouldn't do! With a snap of his clawed fingers, Alistair summoned an elegant antique writing desk trimmed with silver embellishments across the room and arranged it artfully near the window.

Much more suitable for his refined mistress, Alistair mused. Now she could pen correspondence in comfort on luxurious stationary. The worn swivelling chair met a similar fate, replaced by a lavish chaise lounge with plush purple upholstery. Perfect for lounging with a goblet of wine or drifting into slumber after a long day of work.

While redecorating, Alistair pondered the curious matter of why his beloved mistress chose to spend so much time in these mundane mortal dwellings. Surely the soaring spires and decadent comforts of her personal pocket realm were far better accommodations. Though perhaps observing life amongst the short-lived mortals held some appeal as a temporary diversion for an eternal being such as she.

In any case, Alistair was overjoyed that his efforts might bring a smile to Lilia's lovely face. To repay even a fraction of the kindness and favour she had bestowed upon a lowly creature such as himself was a privilege beyond measure.

As he worked, the imp's thoughts turned to fragmented recollection of his home realm. So much of his past existence there felt vague and incomplete now. But he knew with utmost certainty that he cherished no calling more than serving his beloved mistress.

For as long as he could remember, Alistair's purpose had been attending to Lilia's needs and whims, taking pride in even the most trivial tasks if they brought his lady joy. When she praised his service, it was as though the radiance of creation itself shone upon his humble being. Her will had given his chaotic existence meaning.

Of course, Alistair knew his memories of that former realm were irrevocably damaged. His mistress apparently shared the same fate. As she claimed no recollection of why or how they came to arrive in this strange new mortal plane.

But none of that mattered to the devoted imp. Wherever his mistress led, he would follow without hesitation or complaint. Her word and wishes were absolute.

Let other demons vie for conquest and dominion. Their vain ambitions held no appeal for Alistair. He sought only the chance to prove his steadfast loyalty and gratitude to the one who gave purpose to his lowly existence.

With a satisfied nod, Alistair surveyed the now lavishly furnished chambers. The dreary mortal trappings had been replaced with only the finest comforts and accessories. Soft carpets intricately woven with floral designs covered much of the hardwood floor. Magical Candles flickered invitingly atop polished end tables and richly stained bureaus. Sheer fabrics draped across the walls and canopy bed, softly diffusing the light.

It was a marked improvement, though still rather confined and humble compared to the sprawling palatial grounds Alistair faintly recalled from his past service. Nevertheless, he felt certain his mistress would be pleased with his efforts to transform this ordinary space into accommodations befitting her eminence, at least temporarily.

Alistair tidied away the last of the discarded mundane items with a fastidious flourish. There, finished! He could hardly wait to see Lilia's delighted smile when she discovered the splendid surprise. To envision her pride and pleasure at his work filled the devoted imp's heart near to bursting.

Truly, no greater honour existed than the opportunity to serve his beloved mistress.

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