Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 54: Seventh Blade

Tristan sipped his coffee contemplatively as he reviewed the documents and maps laid out on the table before him. His companions were similarly engrossed, scrutinizing the intelligence gathered on their next target - a powerful underworld leader named Vincente Delgado.

Of particular interest was a gold ring set with a large square-cut ruby that Delgado always wore. According to their sources, this ring granted the man limited but formidable mental domination powers, allowing him to sway subordinates to his will and rise up the criminal ranks. Such an item in the wrong hands posed a grave threat.

Setting down his mug, Tristan leaned forward, steepling his fingers together. "Right then, analysis time. What have we uncovered about tonight's mark?"

Tina quickly summarized, "Super-fancy house with crazy security. The ring's likely in a safe or vault somewhere inside." She shrugged. "Getting in and out undetected won't be easy, but doable."

Zymir nodded his agreement. "I've mapped potential entry points, though we'll have to disable multiple alarm systems. And guards patrol on strict rotations, so timing is critical." 

"Don't forget Delgado himself," Aria added seriously. "Our intel suggests that ruby ring gives him some kind of mind domination powers. Getting too close could mean falling under his control."

The group digested this dangerous capability silently. After a moment, Tristan turned to Zymir. "You have that look, my friend. I take it you've thought of a strategy?"

Zymir gave a rumbling chuckle. "As it happens, I do have an idea. But it requires bringing in...outside assistance." He raised a meaningful eyebrow.

Comprehension dawned on Tristan. "Ah, you mean our new ally Lilia." He leaned back, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Succubi possess innate defences against such mental manipulation."

"Whoa whoa, we can't trust some demon we barely know on a job this big!" Tina interjected heatedly.

"I have to agree with Tina," Aria said, frowning. "Lilia seems harmless so far, but she's still a complete unknown ultimately."

Zymir held up a placating hand. "Now now, hear me out. I'm not suggesting we give Lilia free reign or disclose all details. But with proper precautions, she could be a useful asset here."

When Tina still looked unconvinced, Tristan weighed in gently. "While reasonable, your suspicion may be unwarranted. Lilia seems to genuinely want our help collecting those blades. Cooperating could lay the foundation for a prosperous partnership." 

Seeing she was still outnumbered, Tina grudgingly relented. "Ugh, fine. But I still say trusting a random demon is asking for trouble."

Satisfied, Tristan summarized, "Right, we're agreed to bring Lilia in on this operation. Now, we'll need proper incentive for her cooperation. Any thoughts there?"

"Well, she's been seeking those apocalypse blades, right?" Zymir remarked. "Maybe we could point her to one of them. I recall we dumped that Blade of Silence into the ocean not far off the coast. We could give her its coordinates in exchange for this job."

Aria looked thoughtful. "That could work. Though I'd caution against relinquishing another artifact so readily without guarantees."

"Quite right, my dear," Tristan nodded. "We shan't simply hand over the blade itself. But providing its last known location seems a reasonable offer. Lilia will still have to look for it herself."

"Ugh, I still don't like this," Tina grumbled. "But whatever, she'll probably just seduce Delgado, steal his ring, and betray us along the way."

Tristan gave her a reproachful look. "Now Tina, let's not assume the worst of our new partner before she's even had a chance to prove herself."

Seeing the matter settled, he briskly gathered up the scattered documents. "Very well then. I will reach out to Lilia and make our proposal. With her skills, this mission may prove far simpler than anticipated!"

Despite lingering misgivings, his companions nodded in acquiescence. United in purpose, the team of thieves began meticulously planning their coordinated operation to relieve the notorious Delgado of his powerful ring with their new ally's assistance.



James sighed, looking around the lavishly decorated bedroom as he pondered the revelations about Mordecai. The mysterious blond man was clearly looking for Lilia, though his motives remained unclear.

James had seen glimpses of Lilia's apparent past relationship with Mordecai in strange visions. By all indications, she had feigned affection toward him before callously betraying and attacking the angel. Mordecai had called her a 'vile temptress' upon discovering her true nature.

Given what he knew, James could only assume Mordecai now sought vengeance against Lilia for her deception in their former lives.

Yet James still found himself questioning if the full truth was so simple. The visions were disjointed fragments rather than a cohesive narrative. Perhaps there was more nuance to Lilia's choices than was readily apparent.

Before James could ponder the matter further, his phone began buzzing with an incoming call. Checking the screen, he saw it was from Ren. Answering quickly, he said "Hey sis, what's up?"

"Hey James, how are you holding up?" Ren replied, a touch of concern in her voice.

James leaned back against the plush headboard. "Oh, you know, still getting used to this lavish bedroom makeover courtesy of my devoted imp manservant," he joked lightly.

Ren laughed. "Well, guess that spares you redecorating costs at least." Her tone turned serious. "But listen, I've got some updates on your...situation. Good news and bad news."

James felt his pulse quicken. "Okay, give me the bad news first," he said, bracing himself.

"Well, I spoke in depth with Dr. Wolf, and he confirmed that with the current scientific knowledge, engineering an actual permanent solution for your condition isn't feasible, there is just not enough time." Ren explained gently.

James' heart sank at the news, a pang of loss piercing his chest. On some level, he had already known a cure was unlikely. But having that last fragile hope extinguished still hurt.

"I see," James murmured, struggling to keep his voice steady. "Not exactly a surprise, but still tough to hear. So, what's the good news then?"

"The good news is, we might have a workaround to make the most of things," Ren continued. "Remember that modified watch I gave you? I've been researching ways we could potentially leverage its functions to influence your glamour ability."

James perked up slightly. "What do you mean exactly?"

"It seems your Lilia form has inherent abilities to disguise its true nature through some kind of illusion," Ren elaborated. "If I can tweak the watch's settings, we may be able to manipulate that power."

Leaning forward intently, James asked "So you're saying it could change how I appear as Lilia? Make me seem like my normal self instead of her?"

"Exactly!" Ren confirmed, excitement entering her tone. "The watch could modify the illusion and tweak few variables making you look like plain old James Brooks. Not a real physical change, but it could allow you to continue your old life".

James pondered the implications of this modified illusion watch. While it meant fully becoming Lilia over time was inevitable, retaining his original appearance outwardly would grant substantial normalcy.

"That could work...I could live my old life looking like myself, even as Lilia," James mused, hope tinging his words. "When do you think you can have the upgrade ready?"

"Give me a day or two for tweaking and testing," Ren replied. "This will take precision. But I'm confident we can make it happen."

James smiled, buoyed by his sister's reassuring confidence. "Sounds good! Let me know if you need any help with research or testing trials."

James set his phone down with a weary sigh, still processing the revelations from his call with Ren. His gaze drifted around the opulent bedroom, thoughts turning to the mysterious angel, Mordecai.

Realizing he could use some fresh air to clear his head, James headed downstairs. In the kitchen, he found his parents chatting over coffee.

"Hey kiddo, going somewhere?" his dad Arthur asked, noticing James grabbing his jacket.

"Yeah, just need to get some air and stretch my legs," James replied, checking he had his wallet and keys.

His mom May smiled knowingly. "Some alone time can be just what you need. Don't stay out too late."

James nodded, appreciating their easy understanding. As he turned to leave, his phone buzzed again. Fishing it out, he saw an unfamiliar number. Likely someone seeking Lilia.

Stepping into the downstairs bathroom, James swiftly triggered his transformation before answering smoothly. "Lilia speaking."

"Lilia, my darling! I hope I haven't caught you at a bad time," came the familiar theatrical voice of the Phantom Thief, Tristan.

He went on to formally invite her to join their crew for an upcoming heist, providing the time and address. Lilia was about to politely decline, given her current preoccupations. But then Tristan added meaningfully, "We've also come across intelligence regarding another one of those...unique blades you seek."

That gave Lilia pause. Access to the thieves' information network could prove useful. And if they knew the location of another apocalypse blade, this opportunity was too valuable to pass up.

"Very well, I will meet with your crew tomorrow at four o'clock," Lilia confirmed after a moment's thought.

"Excellent, excellent!" Tristan replied enthusiastically. "We eagerly anticipate your ravishing company, my dear. Until then!"

The call ended, leaving Lilia to ponder this new development. While still wary of the roguish thieves, she could not ignore any clues that might lead her to the next blade.



The next afternoon, Lilia arrived at the secluded cabin deep in the woods that served as the thieves' temporary hideout. She was admitted inside by Zymir, who led her to the sitting room where the rest of the crew awaited.

"Lilia, wonderful to see you again!" Tristan greeted her enthusiastically.

After exchanging brief pleasantries, they got down to business. Tristan outlined the upcoming heist to steal a powerful mind control ring from the notorious crime lord Vincente Delgado. Lilia listened intently as they detailed the opulent manor's security and Delgado's fearsome abilities granted by the ring.

"Now, this is where you come in, my dear," Tristan said, steepling his fingers together. "Delgado never removes that ruby ring, and he is constantly surrounded by guards, even in his own home."

Tina piped up excitedly, "But he has one weakness! He loves getting private visits from the workers at that exclusive club Angel's Kiss."

Lilia tensed slightly at the familiar name but remained silent as Tristan continued. "Yes, we need someone who can get close enough to slip past his defences. And you, my dear, are uniquely equipped for such a covert role."

He gave Lilia an appraising look. "With the right disguise, I've no doubt you could entice Delgado away from his brutish guards. A perfect opportunity to lift that troublesome ring before making a swift exit."

Lilia's throat went dry at the implication, alarm bells going off in her mind. Seduce a dangerous crime lord? The very thought made her deeply uncomfortable. This was well beyond her comfort zone or abilities.

As a straight guy on the inside, the notion of using Lilia's body in such a provocative manner - especially with a male target - felt unpalatable to her. Yet the thieves seemed oblivious to her inner turmoil, clearly assuming she would have no qualms with the scheme.

"Yeah, it'll be no problem for a sex demon like you to wrap Delgado around your little finger," Tina remarked offhandedly.

Lilia opened her mouth to protest, to say she's not a succubus, but quickly snapped it shut again. As much as she balked at the role, she couldn't deny the appeal of securing another blade. Tristan had dangled that tantalizing prize in exchange for her help.

Swallowing back her objections, Lilia forced an easy smile. "Of course, I'm happy to help in any way I can," she lied smoothly. The thieves seemed to buy her act, relaxing in clear relief.

"Excellent! Knew we could count on you," Tristan said approvingly. He slid a folder across the table. "Now, for your cover identity. We've got boutique shops lined up for discreet shopping to outfit you suitably. And Aria is working on procuring the necessary fake credentials."

Lilia nodded along, thoughts churning as she sought a way out of this morally questionable mission. Then Tristan said something that made her blood freeze.

"Securing a false background as Angel's Kiss worker is proving trickier," he mused. "But once in place, you can pose as one of their escorts to get access to Delgado's estate."

Angel's Kiss - Moira's exclusive club. Lilia's mouth went dry at the implications. She knew with sudden certainty that Moira could never be allowed anywhere near the thieves' conspiracy. The cunning succubus would surely find a way to twist things to her own depraved ends.

Before she could second-guess herself, Lilia heard herself blurt out "Actually, getting access to Angel's Kiss won't be an issue."

The thieves looked at her curiously as she hastily improvised. "I have...connections with the owner of that establishment. I can handle securing the necessary credentials through her." It wasn't a total lie, though Lilia cringed internally at entangling herself with Moira again.

"Well, how about that!" Tristan exclaimed, looking impressed. "Seems you're full of surprises."

Lilia managed a casual shrug, hoping she appeared convincing. "I have my ways. Regardless, leave that piece of the puzzle to me."

The thieves seemed willing to accept her unorthodox connections, given assumptions about her nature. Lilia quietly exhaled in relief. With Lilia handling her identity issue herself, she could keep Moira away from the thieves.

After finalizing a few more planning items, the meeting concluded. Lilia bid the thieves a polite farewell, mind already leaping ahead to the inevitable confrontation with Moira. She steeled herself as she navigated the darkening streets toward Angel's Kiss, praying things wouldn't get out of hand with the volatile succubus.

Upon reaching the exclusive club, Lilia slipped inside, returning the bouncer's respectful nod. Loud music and laughter washed over her as she descended the stairs into the crowded space throbbing with revelry and barely contained debauchery. Lilia sensed Moira's powerful presence permeating the atmosphere.

Sure enough, moments later the succubus herself sauntered into view, desire written plainly across her flawless features at the sight of Lilia. "Well, isn't this a delightful surprise," Moira purred, wasting no time slipping an arm around Lilia and guiding her toward the VIP lounge.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company tonight, darling?" Moira asked once they were seated on the plush leather couch away from prying eyes. Her hand trailed teasingly along Lilia's thigh.

Lilia gently but firmly removed Moira's hand. "I've come to ask a business favour, nothing more," she said evenly, keeping her tone pleasant but firm.

One elegantly arched eyebrow rose, but Moira leaned back accommodatingly. "Of course, we are partners after all. Ask, and I shall provide whatever is within my power." Her cordial words were underlain by banked heat that simmered just beneath the surface, never fully contained.

Taking a deep breath, Lilia explained the need for a false identity linking her to Angel's Kiss, omitting certain details about the thieves and their plot. Moira listened intently, her eyes sharpening with interest.

"So, you wish to gain access to that lecher Delgado's personal playhouse," Moira summarized once Lilia finished her carefully edited account. "Colour me intrigued by this scheme of yours. Very well, I shall happily provide the necessary documentation vouching for your...employment here."

Lilia nodded in gratitude, hoping that would be the end of it. But Moira added slyly, "In return, I expect the full story in due time. We have no secrets between us, yes?"

Trapped by her request, Lilia reluctantly agreed. Satisfied, Moira leaned in, her breath hot on Lilia's ear. "Play your games, darling. I await the day your path brings you back to me." With a final graze of sharp teeth on Lilia's neck, the succubus sashayed away.

Alone again, Lilia let out a shaky breath. The meeting could have gone far worse, though Moira's possessive intensity remained unnerving. But her goal was achieved - the credentials secured without revealing too much. She only prayed Moira's aid wouldn't come at too steep a price down the line.

Exiting the club, Lilia hurried into the night, eager to be away from its oppressive energies. One hurdle down, but an even more distasteful one loomed ahead - somehow successfully seducing Delgado. To bury her discomfort, Lilia focused single-mindedly on the awaiting blade. Soon, it would be in her grasp. She simply had to steel herself and see this through, no matter the cost.

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