Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 56: Struggle

Lilia stepped gracefully out of the limo as it pulled up outside Angel's Kiss, the gaudy neon signage illuminating the street. She took a steadying breath, dreading the imminent encounter with Moira.

Sure enough, the alluring succubus was already gliding forward to greet her, crimson lips curving into a pleased smile.

"Just look at you darling! Seems you had quite the eventful evening," Moira purred, slipping an arm around Lilia's waist. "Come inside and tell me all the juicy details."

Lilia tensed slightly but allowed herself to be led back into Moira's domain. She had promised the demoness a full account after all.

As they entered the dimly lit club, Moira added, "That dress looks simply ravishing on you. I suppose you can keep it as a memento of your success tonight."

Lilia awkwardly murmured her thanks, suddenly reminded of just how little the scanty outfit left to the imagination. She was eager to change into something less revealing and be rid of the lingering sense of uncleanliness from being ogled by Delgado.

Soon they were ensconced in Moira's plush private lounge, away from prying eyes. Lilia recounted the night's events in a detached, clinical tone. She took care not to divulge any details about her inner feelings, focusing solely on the literal sequence of events. 

When Lilia described weaving the complex illusion in Delgado's mind to eliminate any memory of the theft, Moira looked genuinely impressed.

"My my, such cunning to erase all traces of your deception," the succubus purred approvingly. "I admit, I'm surprised you didn't indulge the worm's carnal appetites. Most of our kind would gladly feast upon his lust."

Lilia tensed almost imperceptibly. "I saw no appeal in stooping to his level for mere sport," she replied flatly.

Moira sighed and stretched languidly. "No wonder you seem so tightly wound, sister. Depriving your true nature so extremely can't be healthy."

Her expression shifted to one of concern. "Here, allow me to soothe away some of that tension." Moira shifted closer, hands trailing along Lilia's shoulders suggestively. "Just a simple massage between friends. It will help you relax and recharge after tonight's restraint."

Lilia wavered, the offer tempting in her mentally exhausted state. But glancing at Moira, she glimpsed the banked hunger smouldering in the succubus's hooded eyes. This was far more than just friendly concern.

"A generous offer, but I should really be going," Lilia demurred, gently easing herself away. "I have one more stop to make tonight."

Disappointment flashed across Moira's face, but she mastered it swiftly. "Another time then," she acquiesced. Leaning in, the demoness pressed a lingering kiss to Lilia's cheek.

"Do take care of yourself, darling. Prolonged abstinence from your true nature will only drain you further," Moira cautioned, the gleam in her eyes belying the friendly tone.

Lilia simply nodded before taking her leave, skin prickling as she felt Moira's heavy gaze follow her out. She breathed a shaky sigh of relief once outside in the cool night air. The succubus's presence never failed to leave Lilia unsettled and on edge.

Eager to be rid of the revealing dress and lingering sense of uncleanliness, Lilia ducked into a secluded alleyway. She swiftly tapped a button on the watch given by Ren, feeling her attire change into nondescript jeans and a hoodie. The relief was palpable.

Now more comfortably dressed, Lilia continued through the darkened streets toward the remote cabin hideout used by the Phantom Thief and his crew. She still had to uphold her end of the bargain and provide the stolen ring in exchange for intel on another blade.

Trudging up the wooded path sometime later, Lilia approached the thieves' hideout with slow, weary steps. The night's events weighed heavily on her, her earlier confidence evaporated. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to simply hand over the stolen ring and retreat home.


Inside the hideout, Tristan greeted Lilia enthusiastically as usual, but his expression quickly shifted to one of concern upon noticing her obvious exhaustion.

"Is everything alright, my dear?" he inquired gently. "Here, please have a seat. Can we fetch you some tea?" His voice lost its affected cadence, adopting a sincerer tone.

"I'm fine, thank you," Lilia replied tonelessly. Reaching into her shadow, she retrieved the ruby ring and set in on the table between them. "The job is done. Now it's your turn to uphold your end."

The thieves shared uneasy glances, seeming to pick up on Lilia's dark mood. After a moment, Tristan slid a folded paper across the table.

"Here are the coordinates where we concealed the Blade of Silence some time ago," he explained. "I took the liberty of providing precise directions. I hope they suffice to locate it."

Lilia stared numbly at the paper. She had expected more resistance or vagueness from the secretive group. Their unprompted forthrightness caught her off guard.

"I...thank you," Lilia said haltingly after an awkward pause. "This will certainly help."

She stood abruptly. "Well then, I should be going. Good evening to you all." With a perfunctory nod farewell, Lilia departed the hideout hastily before the thieves could respond. She had gotten what she came for; no need to linger.

Outside, Lilia exhaled slowly and glanced up at the stars peeking through breaks in the forest canopy. Despite achieving her objective, she felt no elation or satisfaction, only a lingering sense of disquiet.

Moira's earlier words haunted her. Was the succubus right that Lilia's very nature rebelled against restraint for so long? James had assumed clinging to his morals would be enough to withstand succumbing fully to this form's influence. But the night's events suggested a more insidious transformation was underway.

What if the solution was actually to indulge this body's desires? As uncomfortable as the notion was, Lilia wondered whether giving the demonic instincts an outlet might be the key to retaining some form of control.

Shivering slightly in the night's chill, Lilia headed toward the main road to hail a taxi, lost in pensive rumination. By the time she arrived home, weariness permeated her entire being. But rest remained out of reach, her thoughts refusing to quiet.

"Lilia! Welcome home," her mother greeted warmly. But seeing Lilia's listless expression and weary shoulders, May's smile faltered.

"Rough day?" she asked gently.

Lilia attempted a wan smile. "You could say that. But I'll be alright, just need some rest." She could see the concern in her mother's eyes but lacked the energy to assuage it.

Alistair too seemed to pick up on Lilia's gloomy aura when she trudged upstairs to her bedroom. His ears drooped worriedly.

"Mistress, is everything alright? You seem...unwell," the devoted imp ventured carefully.

"I'm fine, Alistair," Lilia replied, unable to fully mask the weary edge in her tone. "Just tired. Don't worry yourself over me."

Alistair still looked fretful but obediently nodded. "Please, get some rest then. Call if you need anything." With a final deep bow, he took his leave.

Finally alone, Lilia collapsed atop her bed without even undressing. She curled onto her side, eyes squeezed shut in a vain attempt to quiet her racing thoughts. Sleep remained elusive as doubts and anxieties churned endlessly.

Lilia clung desperately to the hope that come morning, she would be back in her ordinary male form again. That returning to normal would help restore stability and order. Yet even that prospect gave little comfort anymore.

Lilia squeezed her eyes shut, trying in vain to calm her anxious thoughts. But sleep remained elusive, doubt and unease churning endlessly. Moira's words still haunted her.

Sometime later after calming her thoughts, Lilia finally manged to drifted off into a fitful sleep, her mind swirling with doubts and anxieties after the harrowing events of the evening. As her breathing slowed, she felt her consciousness detach from her body.

Blinking in surprise, Lilia found herself standing in an endless empty void. She glanced down, confirming she was back in her original form.

The sight sending relief coursing through James. After last night, it felt comforting to be himself again, if only in dreams.

Looking around the infinite blank expanse, James noticed a solitary object a short distance away - a tall mirror with an ornate metal frame that seemed to float in the emptiness. Drawn by curiosity, he drifted toward the mirror, bare feet making no sound on the non-existent surface below.

As James approached the mirror, he saw only his own reflection gazing back. Messy blond hair, blue eyes, athletic teen male physique - everything normal and as expected. But just as relief swept over him, his reflection's appearance began morphing before his eyes.

Lilia's haunting violet gaze peered out from the mirror, replacing his own. Her lips curled into a cruel smirk as she watched James reel back in dismay.

"You!" James shouted accusingly, jabbing a finger at the glass separating them. "This is all your fault! You're the one taking over my body and destroying my life!"

Lilia merely arched an elegant brow. When she spoke, her voice resonated clearly in his mind. "Come now James, surely you realize I'm no more in control of our...situation than you are."

James snorted derisively. "Yeah right, don't try to play innocent with me. I'm losing more of myself to you each day, becoming someone else entirely!" He slammed a fist against the mirror in frustration, though the surface remained smooth and undamaged.

Lilia's expression softened slightly, seeming almost sympathetic. "Believe me, I understand your anger and fear. But rashly casting blame helps no one." She tilted her head, studying James intently. "What happened tonight was the inevitable result of prolonged denial, nothing more."

James' eyes flashed with anger. "Don't you dare try to justify what I - what you did! I would never stoop to using seduction. You're the one who drove things that direction out of some sick craving."

"Are you certain about that?" Lilia asked, unruffled by the accusation. "I have no more control over your actions than you do over mine." She gestured loosely around them. "Your impulses merely express themselves differently based on the flesh you inhabit."

James opened his mouth for an angry retort before hesitating. As much as he wanted to cling to blaming Lilia, reluctantly he recalled Moira's earlier warning about the dangers of ignoring this body's core nature.

Seeing James wrestling with uncomfortable truths, Lilia pressed on gently. "You've already experienced firsthand what happens when you deny its needs for too long. And tonight, likely would have ended the same way it happened with Moira, had you not managed to put that man to sleep."

"What are you suggesting, that I indulge these desires whenever they arise?" James bit out angrily.

Lilia exhaled slowly, as if explaining something to a stubborn child. "Think of it like hunger or thirst. The longer mortals abstain from it, the more consuming and uncontrollable their urges become. And when they're finally presented with the feast… let's say you already knows what happens."

She met James' conflicted gaze. "Resisting temptation indefinitely is impossible. Either find healthy outlets when the needs grow intense, or your body will choose for you in a moment of weakness."

James looked troubled, grasping the logic behind her words even as he recoiled internally. But something still bothered him. "If that's true, why have I lasted this long then?" he challenged.

Lilia chuckled, "Your restraint is indeed admirable. Most newborn succubi would have already succumbed within the first few days."

"Fortunately, your body & mind is not that of a common succubus." Lilia paused for a second as if reminiscing something. "In my prime, I could easily resist these impulses for as long as decade or two. For you, I estimate two or three months at most before the cravings become uncontrollable."

She tilted her head, studying James closely. "One reason you've endured this long is that your original body has yet to suffer from these urges. But if you do nothing, in four to five weeks you'll feel this urge constantly. And that feeling will only intensify with time."

James processed her words uneasily. After a pause, he asked "Why did you choose me? Surely there were more suitable hosts, a woman perhaps, or at least a gay man?"

James shook his head in frustration. "Don't you realize how conflicting it is to see your body react this way?".

Lilia laughed, an unexpectedly warm sound. "Oh James, but you are the most fitting one, whether you realize it yet or not." Her expression turned more serious. "There are many underlying reasons that would require lengthy explanation which we lack time for presently. Just know that the choice was not mine to make. When you called out as your life faded, I answered instinctively."

Seeing James' confusion, she elaborated gently. "When you were wounded, your psyche cried out to me. Thus, I subconsciously was drawn to you by forces beyond either of our control."

Lilia met his gaze solemnly. "It was only possible because, in a way, you are just like me."

James' eyes widened at the cryptic implication. "What do you mean? I'm a man, a human, nothing like you," he protested vehemently.

Lilia smiled enigmatically. "You have yet to fully realize how much we have in common, James."

James shook his head in denial. "I doubt it. I would never bring myself to do what you did to other people. I saw how you manipulated Mordecai, only to betray and kill him in the end," he bit out angrily.

"Are you certain?" Lilia challenged. "Did you not manipulate Delgado's desires earlier tonight to achieve your own ends?"

James flushed. "That was different. I was clearly doing it for a noble reason." But even as the words left his mouth, doubt trickled in.

Lilia arched a slender brow. "Weren't you doing it because you wanted to get your hands on the next blade? Was it truly so noble to seduce and deceive that man merely to obtain an item you coveted? Seems quite selfish and self-serving from my perspective."

James fell silent, realization dawning that she had a valid point. Still, he clung to one difference. "It's not as if I killed Delgado for it," he maintained.

Lilia inclined her head. "This is true. And neither did I kill Mordecai. What you witnessed was but a fragmented truth."

James had many more questions swirling through his mind, but he could feel himself beginning to wake. Lilia seemed to sense it too. As darkness enveloped his vision, James distantly heard Lilia's voice echo farewell.

"It seems our time grows short," she remarked. "We will speak more soon. For now, know that you are still you, James, even if the body has changed."


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