Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 63: Song Woojin

My computer decided to commit sudoku, so my release speed might suffer as I struggle writing it on my phone, while waiting for amazon to accept my return, so I can buy a new one.

Lilia and Ren stepped into the luxurious hotel room where Woojin awaited them. Ren had assured her that Woojin could be trusted, but Lilia still felt apprehensive about involving an outsider in her unusual circumstances.

As the duo entered, Woojin rose to greet them, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Ren, always a pleasure," Woojin greeted warmly, ushering them inside. His gaze fell upon Lilia, and for a heartbeat, he froze, eyes widening fractionally.

Lilia tensed under the scrutiny, wondering if her glamour had somehow failed. But Woojin quickly recovered, his expression smoothing into a polite smile.

"And you must be Lilia," he said, extending a hand. "Ren has told me much about you. It's good to finally meet face-to-face."

Lilia shook his hand, managing a polite smile despite her nerves. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Song. I appreciate you taking the time to see us."

Woojin waved off the formality. "Please, call me Woojin. If we're to be family, even on paper, there's no need for such stiff titles." He gestured for them to take a seat on the plush sofa.

As they settled in, Woojin studied Lilia with open fascination. "I must say, your current appearance is quite striking. Ren mentioned you've undergone some sort of transformation. Are the hair and eyes a result of that change?"

Lilia exchanged a quick glance with Ren before replying carefully. "The changes go far beyond just my hair and eyes. If you don't mind me asking, how much has Ren actually told you about my situation?"

Woojin leaned back, steepling his fingers. "In truth, not very much. She never divulged your original identity or background. But I trust Ren had a good reason for hiding these details. When she said you were like a sister to her and needed help, I knew it was important."

He gave a reassuring smile. "I didn't pry or investigate on my own either. The last thing I need is tabloid speculation about why a CEO is poking around some mysterious girl's background. My rivals would have a field day with that."

Woojin's expression turned serious. "That being said, I would like to learn more about you, Lilia. If we're to be family, even a fake one, I'd prefer to have a better understanding of your circumstances."

Lilia bit her lip uncertainly, glancing at Ren as if seeking guidance on how much to reveal. Ren gave a small shrug, her eyes conveying that the choice was Lilia's to make.

"I didn't share all the details with Woojin because I wasn't sure how much you'd be comfortable with him knowing," Ren explained. "It's your story to tell, not mine."

She cleared her throat before continuing. "Although initially I only wanted to establish Lily's academic history, Woojin convinced me that having someone actually vouch for her would be more credible. Especially since..." Ren trailed off, catching herself before uttering something she realized she shouldn't be mentioning.

Noticing Ren's abrupt pause, Woojin smoothly interjected. "Using my name to bolster your background was my suggestion. But please don't feel obligated to accept the offer. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'm more than willing to explore alternative solutions."

Lilia sat in thoughtful silence, wrestling with the decision before her. Part of her balked at the idea of accepting Woojin's offer, wondering if it wouldn't be simpler to decline and have them devise an alternative solution. Surely there were other ways to establish Lily's background without involving an outsider, especially one as prominent as Woojin.

Yet as she turned the situation over in her mind, a sobering realization began to take hold. If Mordecai or other beings from the Lilia's past came seeking her, it could endanger her real family.

And if she were to craft a false background for herself, what better ally to have than someone of Woojin's stature and influence? His name alone could open doors and provide a measure of protection that would be invaluable in the trials ahead.

Still, a flicker of unease persisted. Was this truly her own reasoning, or was Lilia's body exerting a subtle influence over her decisions? She couldn't ignore the growing needs and urges that came with this form, desires she had yet to fully sate. It was a disquieting notion, one she would need to grapple with as her time spent as Lilia increased.

Shaking off the introspective reverie, Lilia met Woojin's patient gaze. "Alright," she said at last, her voice soft but resolute. "I'll do it. This seems like the best option I have."

Woojin's eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and gratefulness flickering across his features. "I'm glad to hear that, Lilia. I promise I'll do everything in my power to make this arrangement work smoothly for all of us."

Sensing Woojin's sincerity, Lilia came to a decision. She wanted to come clean about her circumstances. "If we're going to work together on this, then you deserve the whole truth. Ren clearly has faith in you, so I will too." She glanced at Ren, who gave a small nod of encouragement.

Taking a deep breath, Lilia began her tale. "The reality is, I'm not some secret protégé of Ren's. I'm actually her brother, James Brooks."

Woojin's brow furrowed in confusion, but he remained silent, allowing Lilia to continue uninterrupted.

"Several weeks ago, I had a near-death experience on my way to school. And when I woke up, I discovered I had somehow gained the ability to transform into Lilia, a character I created in a video game."

She described how the changes were initially temporary, lasting only a few hours at a time. But as the days progressed, she realized her body was slowly, inexorably transforming into Lilia's on a permanent basis.

"I tried using a serum to reverse the physical changes," Lilia explained, her voice growing strained. "For a while, it worked, allowing me to maintain my original appearance. But its effectiveness gradually diminished, until..."

She trailed off, swallowing hard. "Until now. I've reached the threshold where the transformation is almost complete. Soon, I won't be able to turn back at all. I'll have to live as Lilia, permanently."

To further illustrate her point, Lilia dismissed her glamour, allowing Woojin to see her true demonic appearance. He flinched involuntarily at the sight of her horns and cerulean skin, but quickly schooled his features.

"I know it sounds unbelievable," Lilia said quietly before resuming her glamour. "But I swear to you, it's the truth."

Woojin was silent for a long moment, processing the incredible tale. Finally, he spoke, his voice filled with empathy. "Now I understand why Ren was so cagey with the details. This must be an incredibly awkward and difficult situation for you both, to put it mildly."

Ren, who had been watching the exchange with a mixture of pride and relief, spoke up. "See? I told you Woojin was someone we could trust."

Woojin's brow furrowed thoughtfully. "However, there are a few things you'll need to learn to play the part convincingly."

Lilia shot Ren a look that was equal parts grateful and exasperated—thankful for her sister's steadfast support, but also vexed by the added complications. She couldn't quite wrap her head around how Ren had come to be such close friends with this powerful CEO.

He regarded Lilia appraisingly. "For starters, are you familiar with the Korean language? It would be expected for someone raised in my household."

Lilia shook her head ruefully. "I'm afraid not. My only exposure has been through a handful of dramas Ren enjoys."

To her surprise, Woojin chuckled. "I think you're selling yourself short, Lilia. Your Korean is quite fluent, I must say."

Lilia blinked, confused. It took her a moment to register that Woojin had posed the question in Korean, and she had responded in kind without a second thought.

"I... I didn't even realize," Lilia murmured, switching back to English. "The words just flowed naturally. It's as if the knowledge was there all along, just waiting to be unlocked."

Lilia marvelled at her newfound linguistic prowess, the words flowing effortlessly from her lips as if she had spoken the language all her life. It was a stark contrast to her experience in Italy, where the bustling streets had been filled with the lyrical cadence of Italian, yet she had understood not a word.

Perhaps, Lilia mused, this mysterious ability was lying dormant until the right catalyst unlocked it. But what was that catalyst? Woojin speaking Korean? No if that was the case it would have worked back in Italy. What was different this time?

But before she could think of an answer Ren's teasing voice cut through Lilia's thoughts. "Well dang, I had no idea you were such a Koreaboo! Been holding out on me?" Her eyes sparkled with mirth.

Lilia managed a wry smile in return. "Trust me, I'm just as surprised as you are. Up until a minute ago, I had no clue I could speak Korean. It's like the knowledge just... unlocked itself when Woojin started talking to me in it."

Woojin nodded, looking deeply intrigued. "A very handy talent indeed. But since language won't be a barrier, let's get down to brass tacks. If you're to pass as my child, there are certain details we'll need to iron out to make your new identity airtight."

He leaned forward, counting off points on his fingers. "First and foremost, we'll need to learn about your personal history. Where you were born, where you grew up, which schools you attended. The goal is to create a seamless narrative that will hold up under scrutiny."

"We'll also need to coach you on Korean etiquette and culture," Woojin continued. "Little things like how to address elders, table manners, even body language. It's the small details that will really sell the illusion."

He paused, considering his next words carefully. "There's also the matter of your living arrangements. To fully immerse you in the role, it would be best if you stayed with me. Of course, I'm not forcing you if you don't want to, though at least leaving your family for the remainder of the school year would be advisable. "

Lilia's eyes widened at the suggestion. Leave her family and home behind? The thought filled her with trepidation. She glanced at Ren uncertainly, seeking reassurance.

Ren reached out and squeezed Lilia's hand comfortingly. "I know it's a lot to take in," she said gently. "But Woojin's right. Staying with him will help strengthen your new identity. We can't risk anyone tracing a connection between Lilia and James."

Lilia bit her lip, torn. She understood the logic behind the plan, but the idea of being separated from her loved ones pained her. Yet even she had thought about it few minutes ago. After all distancing herself might be the safest option for everyone.

"I... I understand," Lilia said at last, her voice wavering slightly.

"But I'm not going to just disappear on them. I'll call often and visit whenever I can. They deserve that much." She straightened her shoulders, resolve hardening.

Woojin nodded approvingly. "Of course. I would never ask you to cut ties completely. Your family is still a vital part of your life."

He leaned back, steepling his fingers. "Now, let's hash out the details of your backstory. In essence, you'll be my daughter from a previous marriage. Your birth name is Lily, chosen by your late mother, which explains why it's not traditionally Korean."

Lilia listened intently as Woojin wove the tapestry of her new identity, filling in the gaps with plausible details. A childhood spent primarily in Korea, interspersed with visits to her father's company in various countries. An adolescence at an elite international school, cut short by a mysterious illness that forced her to withdraw for treatment.

"The experimental medicine angle is perfect for explaining your unusual hair and eye colour," Ren chimed in eagerly. "We can say the treatments had some unexpected side effects."

As the trio delved deeper into the intricacies of her new persona, Lilia found herself marvelling at the depth of thought Woojin had put into the preparations. It was clear he had been laying the groundwork for this for some time, long before Lilia had need of it.

Gratitude swelled within her at the realization. Woojin was going above and beyond to help her, all because of his friendship with Ren. The bond between them must run deep indeed for him to put so much on the line for a virtual stranger.

Lost in thought, Lilia's mind drifted to Alistair. In all the confusion, she had left him behind on campus. A pang of guilt struck her at the oversight. She ought to introduce him to Woojin, explain his role in all this.

But knowing Alistair, he had likely followed them and was waiting patiently at the building's entrance. Or perhaps he had returned home, content to await her return. Either way, she would need to ensure he was brought into the fold.

As the hours ticked by, the trio meticulously constructed every facet of Lily Song's existence. From her educational history to her hobbies and interests, no detail was too small to overlook.

Throughout the process, Woojin remained a patient guide, gently correcting any missteps and offering sage advice. Yet Lilia couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his readiness to help than mere obligation to Ren.

The way his eyes softened when he looked at her, the gentleness in his voice... it stirred a sense of familiarity in Lilia, though she couldn't pinpoint why. It was as if her presence awakened some deeply buried instinct within him, one he himself seemed unaware of.

Mentally, Lilia filed away that observation for later examination. For now, she had to focus on absorbing every scrap of information Woojin imparted. The success of her new identity hinged on her ability to fully embody Lily Song.

As the crash course in her new life drew to a close, Lilia's head swam with the sheer volume of knowledge she had to internalize. But beneath the all these, a flicker of excitement kindled.

This was a chance to start fresh, to build a new life untethered from her past. Though it meant leaving part of herself behind, it also presented an opportunity to discover who she truly was.

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