Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 66: Memories – NSFW

Tried writing more "smutly" (if that is a word) than in previous NSFW chapter. This is mostly me experimenting with NSFW content and can contain unedited thing. You can treat this chapter as either canon or non-canon, as the things that happened, happened behind the scenes and this could be one of the many interpretations of what happened. I just wanted to post it for all people who like reading this stuff + I didn't want it to go to waste.

PS: Proper chapter coming tomorrow.

Lilia slender fingers traced the ornate cover of Merlin's tome as she reclined on the sofa. The ancient leather felt supple and warm beneath her touch, as if the book pulsed with a life of its own. Around her, the apartment lay still and quiet, a welcome respite from the chaos of her life.

With a deep breath, Lilia opened the compendium to where she had last left off. The pages crackled softly as she turned them, revealing elegant script and intricate diagrams. She immersed herself in Merlin's words, his voice seeming to whisper directly into her mind as she read.

The passages spoke of Merlin's encounters with Lilia, the enigmatic woman who had become his collaborator and confidante. Together, they had delved into the deepest mysteries of magic, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible. Merlin's initial theories, once considered groundbreaking, were dissected and rebuilt under Lilia's incisive guidance.

As Lilia read on, she could almost feel the exhilaration and wonder Merlin had experienced as their understanding expanded. Complex formulae and esoteric symbols danced across the pages, testaments to the leaps in magical knowledge they had achieved as a team.

But amidst the academic revelations, a more personal story began to unfold. Merlin wrote of how, as the days bled into weeks, he and Lilia had slowly opened up to one another. Their discussions ventured beyond the purely arcane, touching on hopes, fears, and the burdens they carried.

Suddenly, Lilia's surroundings seemed to shimmer and dissolve. She found herself seated across a table from a robed figure, no longer in her apartment but atop a floating island, surrounded by a vast expanse of sky. A gazebo encircled them, its white pillars gleaming in the otherworldly light.

The robed man lifted his head, and Lilia recognized him instantly - Merlin, in the prime of his youth. His eyes held a depth of knowledge and sorrow that belied his age.

"I have accepted my fate," Merlin said softly, his voice heavy with resignation. "Though it weighs upon me still, I understand what I must do. But you, Lilia... I hope you find the strength to break free of the path laid before you."

Lilia felt her lips move of their own accord, speaking words that were not her own. "Why do you surrender so easily?" she heard herself ask, a challenge in her tone. "You are Merlin, the greatest wizard of the age. Surely you of all people could fight against what destiny has decreed."

Merlin smiled sadly. "Perhaps I am a fool," he admitted. "But the beauty and curse of foresight is that you can never be certain if the choices you make are truly your own. By resisting my fate, I may unwittingly bring about the very outcome I seek to avoid."

Lilia leaned forward, her eyes intense. "Then look beyond the outcome. Use your foresight to illuminate the path, not just the destination. See which actions lead to ruin and which offer hope."

Merlin shook his head. "It is not so simple. The permutations are endless, the possibilities infinite. No mortal mind could comprehend such knowledge without shattering."

"Then find a way to limit the scope," Lilia insisted. "Or create a device to process the information for you. You of all people should know that the possibilities are bounded only by the imagination."

She met his gaze, her expression fierce. "I refuse to surrender to the role thrust upon me. Since the day I learned of my supposed fate, I have fought against it with every fibre of my being. I may not yet be free, but I will never stop seeking a way out."

Merlin regarded her thoughtfully. "Tell me truthfully, Lilia - do you say these things to convince me or yourself?"

With a blink, Lilia found herself back in her apartment, the book open in her lap. She stared at the pages, her heart racing as Merlin's question echoed in her mind.

The scene she had just witnessed was described in detail, recounted from Merlin's perspective. And yet, as she read on, Lilia realized she knew what Merlin would write before the words even appeared. The entire conversation, the swell of emotions, the subtle interplay of expressions - it was all intimately familiar to her.

No, not to her, Lilia reminded herself. To the original Lilia, the one whose memories she now inexplicably possessed. The visions had unlocked something deep within her, granting access to a past she had never lived.

She could feel the weight of the original Lilia's determination, the fire that had driven her to challenge fate at every turn. Merlin's question had struck a nerve, forcing her to confront the doubts that gnawed at her resolve.

But in the end, it had only fuelled her determination. Lilia remembered how her predecessor had reacted, turning Merlin's words into a catalyst for redoubling her efforts. The glimpse into that unshakable conviction left Lilia in awe.

As she delved deeper into the memories, Lilia realized they spanned far beyond the single conversation recorded in Merlin's tome. A decade's worth of experiences unspooled in her mind, chronicling the original Lilia's time with the legendary wizard.

Yet for all the knowledge those memories contained, Lilia found herself frustrated by their limitations. The specifics of her predecessor's fate remained shrouded in mystery, as did the true extent of her magical prowess. The recollections focused on the conceptual foundations of magic, complex frameworks that far exceeded Lilia's current grasp.

Still, she knew these insights could prove invaluable in time. As her own skills grew, she would be able to draw upon this reservoir of wisdom, potentially unlocking abilities beyond anything she had imagined possible.

Lilia leaned back against the sofa cushions, her mind reeling. For a moment the boundary between herself and the original Lilia felt blurred, their identities bleeding together in a dizzying swirl.

She glanced down at her hands, marvelling at how familiar and foreign they felt all at once. These slender fingers held the potential for world-shaping magic, if she could only learn to harness it fully.

Lilia took a deep breath, steadying herself. The knowledge within Merlin's tome was indeed a double-edged sword, each revelation offering profound insights but also posing the risk of becoming lost in Lilia's memories—how much could she delve into before her own identity began to wane?

Although she still believed herself to be James, the decade's worth of experiences as the original Lilia could not be easily cast aside. Even now, she noticed her body language subtly shifting to match that of her predecessor. She pondered whether her former body would now feel more alien than Lilia's.

Lilia gently closed Merlin's tome, her mind still whirling with the implications of her newfound memories. The weight of her predecessor's experiences hung heavy upon her, a mantle she wasn't entirely sure she was ready to bear. With a sigh, she decided to take a break from delving into the arcane secrets, needing to clear her head.

Rising from the sofa, Lilia extended her hand and willed the ancient book to vanish into her shadow. The tome seemed to shimmer for a moment before melting into the darkness, safely stored away from prying eyes. Just as she was about to ponder what to do next, the chime of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts.

Curious, Lilia made her way to the intercom and pressed the button to view the feed from the outside camera. To her surprise, Moira's familiar visage filled the screen, her crimson lips curved into a seductive smile.

Lilia's brow furrowed in confusion. Why would Moira show up here unannounced? What could she possibly want? Knowing the succubus never did anything without an ulterior motive, Lilia hesitated before buzzing her in. With a sigh of resignation, she opened the door to greet her unexpected visitor.

"Moira, this is a surprise," Lilia said evenly, trying to mask her wariness. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Moira sauntered inside, her hips swaying mesmerizingly with each step. "Can't a girl visit her favourite sister without an agenda?" she purred, trailing a finger along Lilia's jaw. "Besides, I come bearing gifts."

Lilia raised an eyebrow but stepped aside to allow Moira entry. The succubus made herself at home, settling onto the sofa and patting the spot next to her invitingly. With another sigh, Lilia joined her, maintaining a careful distance between them.

As Moira's gaze roved around the apartment appraisingly, she let out a low whistle. "I must say, darling, you've done well for yourself. This place is positively charming." Her eyes glinted with mischief. "And that Woojin fellow? You have him wrapped around your little finger. Quite the impressive feat."

Lilia shrugged noncommittally. "He's a means to an end. Nothing more." She lied.

Moira laughed, a rich, throaty sound. "Oh, I'm sure. Still, I have to admire your skill. You play the game well."

She shifted closer, her thigh brushing against Lilia's. "I'm glad to see you've finally opened up to me. Though I admit, I'll miss watching your shy side."

Moira's hand came to rest on Lilia's knee, her fingers tracing idle patterns. To Lilia's own surprise, she found she didn't mind the contact. In fact, a small part of her even appreciated the casual intimacy, a realization that sent a thrill down her spine.

Clearing her throat, Lilia tried to steer the conversation back on track. "You mentioned gifts. What exactly did you bring me?"

Moira's eyes lit up. "Ah, yes! I nearly forgot." She leaned in conspiratorially. "I've come across some juicy titbits about those Blades of Apocalypse you're so keen on collecting."

Lilia stiffened, her interest piqued. "Go on," she prompted, trying to keep her tone neutral.

"Well, my sources tell me there are two more out there, ripe for the taking. One's somewhere in Japan, while the other is tucked away in the Vatican itself." Moira grinned, clearly pleased with herself.

Lilia's eyes widened at the revelation. The Vatican? If one of the Blades was hidden there, did that mean she would have to go against the entire institution someday? Her mind flashed back to her previous mission with the Bureau, wondering where in the sprawling complex such a dangerous artifact could be concealed.

As if reading her thoughts, Moira continued, "The one in the Vatican, I believe it's called the Blade of Souls. It's supposedly kept under lock and key in the Apostolic Palace. As for the other, my informants whisper it's the Blade of Death, though its exact location in Japan remains a mystery for now."

Lilia nodded slowly, absorbing the information. She would need to plan her next moves carefully, especially with the Church involved. But before she could ponder further, she felt a sudden weight settle across her lap.

Moira had slid onto her thighs, straddling Lilia and facing her directly. Her arms draped lazily over Lilia's shoulders as she leaned in close, her breath hot against Lilia's ear.

"Don't I deserve a reward for being such a good little informant?" Moira purred, nipping at Lilia's earlobe.

Lilia's heart raced at the bold move, desire coiling within her. Moira was right— she had proven herself useful. And with her body's needs growing more insistent by the day, wasn't it logical to indulge them when the opportunity presented itself so willingly?

Before she could second-guess herself, Lilia surged forward, capturing Moira's lips in a heated kiss. The succubus made a pleased sound, deepening the embrace as her hands tangled in Lilia's hair. Lilia's own hands slid down to grasp Moira's hips, pulling her flush against her body.

They kissed hungrily, tongues dancing and teeth grazing as the tension between them ignited into an inferno of desire. Moira ground down against Lilia, eliciting a low moan from the normally composed woman. In retaliation, Lilia's hands slipped beneath Moira's dress, caressing the smooth skin of her thighs.

Moira arched into the touch with a soft gasp. "My, someone's eager," she teased, even as her own breathing grew ragged.

Lilia flashed her a wicked grin before pulling Moira's dress up and off in one fluid motion. The succubus' lace lingerie left little to the imagination, her breasts straining against the delicate fabric. Lilia drank in the sight for only a moment before leaning in to press hot, open-mouthed kisses to Moira's neck and chest.

Moira tilted her head back with a moan, giving Lilia better access. Her hands fumbled with the buttons of Lilia's blouse, finally getting it open and pushing it off her shoulders. Lilia shrugged out of the garment impatiently, desperate to feel Moira's bare skin against her own.

They ended up sprawled on the sofa, limbs entangled as they explored each other's bodies. Lilia trailed her lips down Moira's chest, her tongue darting out to trace the lacy edge of her bra. Moira shivered at the sensation, her fingers digging into Lilia's shoulders.

Growing impatient, Lilia reached behind Moira and unclasped her bra with a deft flick of her fingers. The flimsy garment fell away, revealing the soft, creamy skin beneath. Lilia cupped Moira's breasts reverently before taking a taut nipple into her mouth and suckling gently, the action now familiar and instinctive.

As Moira cried out in pleasure, Lilia couldn't help but reflect on how much more she knew about this body's responses now compared to her original form. She understood the nuances of arousal, the subtle tells that indicated impending climax, in a way she never had before. It was both exhilarating and mildly unsettling.

Lilia lavished attention on Moira's breasts until the succubus was writhing beneath her, panting with need. Satisfied, Lilia began kissing her way down Moira's taut stomach, revelling in the way the muscles quivered under her lips.

She nuzzled the bit of lace at the juncture of Moira's thighs, inhaling the heady scent of her arousal. Hooking her fingers into the sides of the flimsy panties, she drew them down Moira's long legs and cast them aside.

Moira watched her through hooded eyes dark with desire, breathless with anticipation. But Lilia took her time, kissing her way up one silky thigh before veering off and lavishing the other with the same measured attention. Only when Moira let out a frustrated whine did Lilia relent.

She parted Moira's legs slowly, savouring the sight of her glistening sex laid bare before her. The first time Lilia had found herself in such a position, she had been a bundle of nerves, unsure of how to proceed. Now, she leaned in confidently, letting the instincts ingrained into this body guide her. She dragged the flat of her tongue through Moira's slick folds, the taste and texture no longer foreign but welcomed.

Moira's hips bucked sharply at the contact, a guttural moan escaping her. Lilia pressed her tongue deeper, swirling it around Moira's swollen clit before sealing her lips around the sensitive button and suckling gently. Moira's cries increased in pitch and volume, her pleasure mounting with each stroke of Lilia's wickedly talented mouth. Her instincts guiding her exactly how much pressure to apply, how to vary her strokes, to drive the succubus to the brink.

Slipping a hand between her own legs, Lilia began circling her own clit in time with the movements of her tongue. The dual sensations had her moaning into Moira's dripping sex, the vibrations adding an extra layer of stimulation. She could feel her own climax building in tandem with the succubus, their pleasure resonating and amplifying each other.

Lilia marvelled at how in tune she had become with this body, able to shamelessly stoke her arousal even as she focused on her partner's. It was a kind of multitasking prowess her previous self would never think of.

But just as Lilia sensed Moira teetering on the brink, the succubus suddenly pushed her away. Lilia looked up in surprise, lips wet with Moira's essence, only to find herself pinned beneath the other woman in one graceful motion.

Moira's eyes glittered with mischief as she ground her slick heat against Lilia's muscular thigh. "You didn't think I'd let you have all the fun, did you?" she purred.

Before Lilia could respond, Moira captured her mouth in a searing kiss, her tongue delving deep to taste herself on Lilia's lips. Her hand snaked between their bodies to find Lilia's aching core, digits gliding easily through the abundance of wetness she found there.

Lilia gasped into the kiss as Moira's fingers circled her clit with expert precision. The succubus clearly knew exactly how to play her body, applying just the right amount of pressure to drive her wild. She canted her hips into Moira's touch, silently begging for more.

Moira obliged, two fingers plunging deep into Lilia's molten heat. Lilia cried out sharply, her inner walls clenching around the welcome intrusion. Moira set a fast, deep rhythm, her fingers curling to find that elusive spot that made Lilia see stars behind her eyelids.

As the pleasure mounted, Lilia couldn't help but marvel at how far she had come. The first time Moira had touched her this way, she had been a quivering mess, overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations. Now, she met each thrust eagerly, revelling in the building ecstasy without a trace of shame or hesitation.

Lilia could feel her climax bearing down on her like a freight train, unstoppable in its intensity. She gripped Moira's shoulders like a lifeline as the pleasure overtook her, a hoarse scream tearing from her throat as she shattered into a million pieces. Moira continued thrusting through her release, skilfully drawing out her ecstasy until Lilia collapsed back onto the cushions, spent.

Moira leaned forward to press soft, affectionate kisses across Lilia's face as she recovered. When she finally withdrew her fingers, Lilia couldn't suppress a whimper at the loss. But Moira simply brought the glistening digits to her mouth and licked them clean with a wicked grin before curling herself around Lilia like a satisfied cat.

The two women remained there in a tangle of limbs, sated and drowsy. In that moment, the outside world and all its responsibilities felt very far away. There was only the comfort of soft caresses and hushed laughter, words whispered in a language of lips and fingertips.

As they recovered, Lilia couldn't help but reflect on how natural this all felt now. The awkwardness and wrongness that had plagued their first encounters had melted away, replaced by a sense of comfort and familiarity. She knew this body and its desires in a way she never could have imagined.

Yet even as she pondered this newfound mastery, a small part of Lilia questioned how much of herself remained beneath the surface. With each passing day, the line between James and Lilia blurred a little more. She could only hope that when the dust settled, there would still be enough of her old self left to recognize.

Moira finally propped herself up on one elbow, bringing Lilia out of reverie. She traced idle patterns across Lilia's chest. Her hair was adorably mussed, lipstick smudged in a debauched picture Lilia found herself wanting to commit to memory.

"You know, as much as I'm enjoying this assertive side of you, a part of me still misses the blushing virgin act," Moira mused with a theatrical sigh. "Maybe next time, I should be the one to play coy and see how you rise to the challenge. I'd love to feel you unravel me slowly..."

Lilia chuckled softly, pulling Moira closer. "Mm, we'll see," she replied, her tone full of dark promise. "But I think we both know you're too impatient to maintain such a ruse for long."

Moira laughed, the sound like velvet against Lilia's skin. "You know me too well," she replied with a wink.

They lay in comfortable silence for a while longer, content to bask in the afterglow. But eventually, the realities of the outside world began to intrude once more.

With a sigh, Moira disentangled herself from Lilia's embrace and rose from the bed. She dressed quickly, every movement efficient and graceful.

"As much as I'd love to stay and play, I'm afraid duty calls," she said, a hint of genuine regret in her voice.

Lilia propped herself up on one elbow. "I'm sure it does," she replied. "But thank you for the information. I'll put it to good use."

Moira blew her a kiss before sauntering out of the bedroom, hips swaying enticingly. Lilia listened to the sound of her heels clicking against the hardwood, followed by the soft snick of the front door closing behind her.

Alone once more, Lilia flopped back against the pillows with a heavy sigh. Her mind was awhirl with the implications of Moira's revelations, thoughts of ancient blades and shadowy cabals swirling together in a dizzying dance.

But even as she grappled with the weight of her newfound knowledge, Lilia couldn't help but marvel at how natural her interactions with Moira had become over the past month. What had once filled her with unease now felt almost...comfortable. Enjoyable, even.

She knew it was simply a matter of practicality, a way to keep the demands of her changing body in check. Moira was a means to an end, a willing outlet for the desires that threatened to consume her if left unchecked.

And yet, a small, traitorous part of Lilia whispered that perhaps there was more to it than that. Perhaps, on some level, she was beginning to enjoy the succubus' company for its own sake.

Lilia shook her head firmly, banishing the errant thought. No, this was purely physical, a necessary indulgence to maintain control. She couldn't afford to let sentiment cloud her judgment, not with so much at stake.

With a resolve, she rose from the bed and began to dress, her mind already racing ahead to the next steps in her quest. As she fastened the last button on her blouse, Lilia caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. The face that stared back at her was both familiar and foreign, a face that will forever greet her in a mirror.

She met her own gaze unflinchingly, a new determination kindling in her violet eyes. A slow, dangerous curve started to form on her lips. Let the world tremble, she thought. Whatever the future held, whatever trials and enemies lay in wait, she would face them head-on, for she was ready to meet them on her own terms.


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