Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 68: School Visit

There is a new cover \o/.


Lilia reclined on the plush sofa, her mind swirling with the enigmatic events of the past few weeks. The unexpected appearance of Mordecai at her school had jolted her, raising a myriad of questions that threatened to overwhelm her thoughts. She couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that his presence was somehow connected to the cryptic warnings the original Lilia had imparted.

As she absently twirled a lock of silver hair around her finger, Lilia reflected on the fragments of memories she had glimpsed, each one offering tantalizing hints of a past she couldn't fully grasp. The weight of two mythical blades rested heavily upon her, their true powers still shrouded in mystery. She had followed the original Lilia's guidance thus far, yet doubt gnawed at the edges of her mind.

"Can I really trust her?" Lilia murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've already collected two of these so-called Blades of Apocalypse, but I'm no closer to understanding their purpose."

She sighed, feeling the burden of her newfound destiny pressing down on her shoulders. The life she had once known as James seemed to slip further away with each passing day, replaced by an ever-growing sense of uncertainty. The boundaries between the world of Endless Fantasy and the reality she inhabited blurred.

Alistair, perched attentively on the stool beside her, cocked his head to the side. "Mistress, you look troubled, is there something bothering you?" he ventured tentatively.

Lilia turned to face him, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'm just unsure what to do," she admitted, her tone tinged with frustration. "I've already collected two Blades, yet I feel like I haven't made any meaningful progress."

Alistair scratched his chin thoughtfully, his clawed fingers tapping against the rough skin. "Mistress, may I offer a suggestion?" he asked, his eyes glinting with a mix of eagerness and apprehension.

"By all means, Alistair," she replied, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees. "I could use some fresh perspective right about now."

The imp cleared his throat, his yellow eyes glinting with a mix of eagerness and apprehension. "Perhaps those roguish allies of yours, the ones who fancy themselves collectors, could prove useful in locating the next blade."

Lilia's brow furrowed as she considered Alistair's proposal. The Phantom Thieves had indeed demonstrated a knack for tracking down rare artifacts. Yet, a flicker of doubt persisted in her mind.

"I'm not sure, Alistair," she replied, chewing her lower lip thoughtfully. "The thieves still seem wary of my intentions. Building trust takes time, and I don't want to push too hard, too fast."

Alistair nodded sagely, his expression sympathetic. "I understand your reservations, Mistress. But think of it this way - by enlisting their aid, you're extending a gesture of good faith. Showing that you value their expertise and are willing to collaborate."

Lilia mulled over his words, the gears turning in her mind. Perhaps Alistair had a point. If she approached the thieves with a specific request, framing it as a mutually beneficial arrangement, they might be more inclined to cooperate. And with the looming threat drawing ever closer, she couldn't afford to dismiss any potential allies.

"Alright, Alistair," Lilia conceded, a determined glint in her eyes. "I'll reach out to them and see if they're willing to lend a hand. It's worth a shot."

She paused, a thought striking her. "While I'm at it, maybe I should also check in with the Bureau. Maybe after the few missions I've completed for them over the past month, they might be more amenable to granting me access to that Blade of Pestilence they have locked away."

Alistair's face lit up, his tail swishing excitedly. "A most excellent plan, Mistress! Surely your diligent work has earned you some measure of goodwill with those bureaucratic types."

Lilia chuckled, though a hint of scepticism coloured her tone. "We'll see about that. Government agencies aren't exactly known for their generosity."

Rising from the sofa, Lilia retrieved the secure phone Tina had modified for covert communication. Her fingers danced across the screen, typing out a carefully worded message to the thieves, requesting a meeting to discuss a matter of mutual interest.

To her surprise, a reply pinged back almost instantly, inviting her to rendezvous with the crew the following day. Lilia felt a flicker of relief mixed with anticipation. At least one piece of the puzzle was falling into place.

"Looks like I've got a date with the Phantom Thieves tomorrow," she informed Alistair, pocketing the phone. "Now, all that's left is to get through another day of high school drama."

With a sigh, Lilia mentally prepared herself for the morning routine that awaited her. The limo would be arriving shortly to whisk her away to the world of teenage gossip and academic obligations. Sometimes, the life she led felt surreal - one moment, she was grappling with ancient prophecies and supernatural threats; the next, she was just a student trying to navigate the social minefield of high school.

After a quick shower and a careful selection of her outfit, Lilia made her way outside, where the chauffeur greeted her with a polite nod. "Good morning, Miss Song. Ready for another day of learning?"

Lilia smiled, slipping into the persona of Lily Song with practiced ease. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

The ride to school passed uneventfully, the familiar streets of New Atlantis blurring by the tinted windows. As the limo pulled up to the campus entrance, Lilia steeled herself for the onslaught of attention that awaited her.

Sure enough, the moment she stepped out of the vehicle, a gaggle of students swarmed around her, their faces alight with eager smiles and hopeful eyes. Lilia had grown accustomed to the entourage that seemed to follow her everywhere these days, drawn to the air of mystery and prestige that surrounded the enigmatic transfer student.

At first, she had tried to discourage their advances, gently rebuffing their attempts to ingratiate themselves into her social circle. But as time passed, Lilia realized that their persistent presence was simply a fact of life for "Lily Song." As long as they didn't cross any lines or become too bothersome, she had learned to tolerate their company, if only to maintain the carefully crafted image she projected.

Still, there were moments when the constant need to perform and maintain appearances threatening to overwhelm her. In those times, Lilia found solace in the knowledge that beneath the glamour and the false smiles, she was still herself at her core.

As she made her way through the bustling hallways, exchanging polite greetings and superficial pleasantries with her classmates, Lilia's mind drifted to the challenges that lay ahead. The day passed in a blur of lectures and assignments, each one blending into the next in a haze of mundane routine.

It wasn't until the final period that the monotony was shattered by an unexpected announcement. Their homeroom teacher, Mr. Kowalsky, cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the chattering students.

"Class, I have a special treat for you today," he began. "As you know, many of you will soon be graduating and considering your future paths. Some of you may even be thinking about pursuing a career as a hero."

A murmur of interest rippled through the room, the prospect of a life of adventure and heroism capturing the imaginations of the eager teenagers.

Mr. Kowalsky held up a hand, quieting the chatter. "Of course, being a hero is not without its risks and responsibilities. That's why I've invited a very special guest to speak with you today about the realities of the profession and the importance of using your powers responsibly."

He paused, glancing at the door with a hint of anticipation. "He should be arriving any moment now. I expect you all to give him your full attention and respect."

Lilia sat up straighter in her seat, curiosity piqued by the mysterious guest. She couldn't help but wonder who the school had managed to secure for such a talk. Perhaps a retired hero with decades of experience under their belt? Or maybe a rising star in the hero community, eager to inspire the next generation?

The seconds ticked by, the tension in the room mounting with each passing moment. Just as the anticipation reached a fever pitch, the classroom door swung open, revealing a figure that made Lilia's blood run cold.

There, standing in the doorway with an enigmatic smile playing on his lips, was none other than Mordecai himself. His golden eyes swept over the room, lingering for a fraction of a second longer on Lilia's shocked face before moving on.

"Good afternoon, everyone," he greeted smoothly, his voice rich and melodic. "I am Mordecai, and I am here to tell you the truth about what it means to be a hero."

Lilia's heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the angelic being, her mind reeling with a thousand questions. What was Mordecai doing here? Did, he recognize her in this form? And most importantly, what game was he playing?


Mordecai sat in a quaint café, his fingers wrapped around a delicate porcelain teacup. The aromatic steam wafted up, carrying with it the soothing scent of chamomile and honey. He took a slow sip, savouring the warmth that spread through his body, a stark contrast to the tumultuous thoughts swirling in his mind.

Becoming a famous hero had been almost laughably easy, he mused. With his abilities and centuries of experience, he had quickly risen through the ranks, garnering the adoration of the public and the respect of his peers. It was a necessary step, of course, a means to an end. He needed the influence and the access that came with the title, the ability to move freely without raising suspicion.

But even as he basked in the glow of his newfound fame, Mordecai's thoughts kept drifting back to the girl he had seen at the school. The resemblance to Lilia had been uncanny, from the silver hair to the violet eyes that seemed to pierce through his very soul. And yet, there was something different about her, an almost imperceptible shift in her aura that made him hesitate.

Could it truly be her? The Lilia he had known, the one who had left such an indelible mark on his existence? The mere thought of it sent a shiver down his spine, a mix of anticipation and trepidation that he couldn't quite shake.

He had to be certain, had to find a way to approach her without arousing suspicion. The local government had been accommodating enough, agreeing to leave him be as long as he abided by their laws. But Mordecai knew better than to trust their word blindly. They would be watching him, monitoring his every move for any sign of treachery.

He couldn't afford to make a misstep, not when he was so close to his goal. The memories of his past life, of Lilia and everything that followed and led him to this moment, still burned fresh in his mind. He had to tread carefully, to bide his time until the perfect opportunity presented itself.

And then it hit him - his identity as a hero. It was the perfect cover, a way to get close to the girl without raising any red flags. He remembered the memories he had glimpsed in Ace's mind, the way a visiting hero had inspired him to follow the same path. Perhaps he could use a similar tactic, arrange a visit to the school under the guise of inspiring the next generation.

It was a risk, of course. There was always the chance that someone would see through his ruse, that they would question his motives. But it was a risk he was willing to take, a small price to pay for the chance to unravel the mystery that had haunted him for so long.

And so, Mordecai found himself standing in front of a classroom, his golden eyes sweeping over the sea of eager faces before him. He could feel their excitement, their awe at being in the presence of a real-life hero. But his attention was focused solely on one person, the girl with the silver hair and the violet eyes who sat in the back of the room.

She looked so much like Lilia, and yet there was something different about her, something that made him hesitate. Her aura was familiar, and yet not quite the same as the one he remembered. It was as if she was a reflection of the Lilia he had known, an image that didn't quite align with his memories.

But he couldn't let his doubts show, couldn't let anyone suspect the true reason for his visit. And so, he smiled, his voice smooth and confident as he addressed the class.

"Good afternoon, everyone," he greeted, his words carefully chosen to project an air of authority and wisdom. "I am Mordecai, and I am here to tell you the truth about what it means to be a hero."


As Mordecai began his lecture, Lilia found herself transfixed, her attention focused solely on the enigmatic figure before her. His words, though undoubtedly important, seemed to fade into the background as she studied his every movement, every subtle inflection in his voice. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his presence here than a simple guest lecture.

Across the room, Nathan nudged his seatmate, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Check out Lily," he whispered, inclining his head towards Lilia hoping she would hear him. "Looks like someone's smitten with our angelic visitor."

His comment went unnoticed by Lilia, her mind too preoccupied with the swirling thoughts and questions that Mordecai's appearance had stirred up. She barely registered the knowing looks and stifled giggles from her classmates, their juvenile teasing failing to penetrate the haze of her concentration.

When the class has finally ended, Lilia half-expected Mordecai to approach her, to confront her about her true identity or the strange connection they seemed to share. Yet, to her surprise, he made no move to stop her as she gathered her belongings and filed out of the classroom with the rest of the students.

Stepping out into the crisp afternoon air, Lilia's mind raced with possibilities. Why had Mordecai come to her school? Was it a coincidence, or was there a deeper purpose behind his visit? She couldn't shake the feeling that his presence was somehow tied to the fragments of memories that had been surfacing in her mind, each one a tantalizing glimpse into a past she couldn't fully grasp.

She was making her way towards the school gates, but when she caught sight of Mordecai engaged in conversation with the principal, her steps faltered. The two men stood near the entrance, their faces animated as they discussed some matter of apparent importance. Lilia's curiosity piqued, and she found herself drawn towards them, her feet moving of their own accord.

As Lilia drew closer, a sudden flash of memory assaulted her senses. She saw herself - no, not herself, but the original Lilia - locked in a passionate embrace with Mordecai. The sensation of his lips against hers, the taste of his kiss, the warmth of his touch - it all felt so real, so vivid, that for a moment, Lilia forgot to breathe.

Yet, as the memory faded, Lilia was surprised to find that she felt only a strange sense of indifference. The intimate moment she had second-hand experienced held no emotional weight for her. Was her mind simply adapting to this body and its needs, or did she subconsciously understand that it wasn't her memory?

Lilia had little time to dwell on this unsettling realization. Mordecai's gaze suddenly shifted, locking onto her own. In that instant, she knew with chilling certainty that he had recognized her, that he saw past the facade of Lily Song and recognized her as Lilia.

The corners of Mordecai's mouth twitched upwards, a ghost of a smile playing across his lips. It was a smile that held secrets, a smile that promised answers to the questions plaguing Lilia's mind. Yet, there was something else in that smile, too - a shadow of intent that sent a shiver down her spine.

As Mordecai excused himself from the principal and began to make his way towards her, panic surged in Lilia's chest. She wasn't ready for this confrontation, wasn't prepared to face the truth about Lilia's past and Mordecai's role in it. Her instincts screamed at her to run, to flee before he could reach her, but her feet remained rooted to the spot, as though some invisible force held her in place.

Drawing on the strength and resilience that had carried her through life's trials, Lilia steeled herself and met his gaze with determination that belied the fear churning in her gut. Whatever secrets he held, whatever truths he had come to reveal, she would face them head-on.

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