Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 73: Mom

Been a while, huh?

The soft glow of morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a warm hue across the lavish bedroom. Lilia stood before the full-length mirror, adjusting her school uniform with practiced ease. Her silver hair cascaded down her back in smooth waves, framing her delicate features. Despite the early hour, she looked immaculate, her skin flawless and her violet eyes bright.

As Lilia gathered her books and prepared to head out, a small figure emerged from the shadows, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Luna, in her human form, gazed up at Lilia with a mixture of adoration and confusion.

"Mom? Where are you going?" Luna asked, her voice still thick with drowsiness.

Lilia turned to face the child, a gentle smile on her lips. "I have to go to school, for a while. It's important for me to keep up appearances and maintain my cover."

Luna's brow furrowed, a flicker of disappointment crossing her face. "Can't I come with you? I don't want to be alone."

Lilia sighed, kneeling to meet Luna's gaze. "I'm sorry, Luna, but you can't come with me. It would raise too many questions if I suddenly showed up with a child in tow."

She reached out, gently tucking a stray lock of hair behind Luna's ear. "Luna, I'll be back before sunset. You won't be alone either. Alistair will be here to keep you company while I'm gone."

At the mention of sunset, Luna's expression brightened slightly. "Okay, I guess It's just a few moments. I thought you meant you'd be gone for a month or two when you said, 'for a while.'"

Lilia blinked, taken aback by the child's perception of time. It was a stark reminder of Luna's true draconic nature, hidden beneath her innocent exterior. "No, no, it's a just few hours. I'll be back before you know it."

With a final reassuring smile, Lilia stood and gathered her belongings. She bid Luna and Alistair one final farewell. As she stepped out of the apartment and made her way to the waiting limousine, Lilia couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease about how her life had turned out to be.

The ride to school was smooth and uneventful, the city streets passing by in a blur. Lilia gazed out the tinted window, her thoughts drifting to the upcoming final exams. With her new body studying had become almost effortless. Knowledge seemed to absorb into her mind without the need for repetition, and her grades had soared far beyond what they had been as James.

A part of Lilia wondered if she even needed to study anymore. At this rate, she was confident she could ace the finals with ease. But what would come after that? The thought of applying to university crossed her mind, but she quickly pushed it aside. With how drastically her life had changed, would she even have time for higher education?

Lilia shook her head, deciding not to dwell on the future. For now, she would focus on the present and tackle the challenges directly in front of her. The rest could wait until after finals.

As the limousine pulled up to the school, Lilia noticed that Akari was absent from her usual spot near the entrance. Most likely, she was still dealing with the aftermath of yesterday's incident at the TSEC Core. Lilia made a mental note to check in with her later, curious about any new developments.

The rest of the school day progressed as usual, with Lilia navigating the familiar routines of classes and social interactions. During lunch, she caught up with her friends, who were eager to discuss their magical training. However, when they suggested meeting up after school to practice, Lilia found herself hesitating.

"I'm sorry, guys, but something came up, and I really have to head back home," Lilia explained, biting her tongue before she could invite them over to her place instead. The thought of introducing Luna to her friends crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. With so much on her plate already, adding that complication felt overwhelming.

"No worries," Mia said, offering an understanding smile. "We can always train another time."

Lilia nodded gratefully, promising to make it up to them soon. As the final bell rang and students began filing out of the classroom, Lilia's thoughts turned to the Phantom Thieves. She needed to contact them and inquire about any new information they might have uncovered regarding the Blade of Death.



Across the city, in a hidden safehouse, the Phantom Thieves lounged comfortably, discussing their upcoming heist. The air was filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as they went over the details of their target: a mysterious dagger with a dark history.

"According to our sources, this dagger has the ability to influence its wielder," Zymir explained, his deep voice commanding attention. "The longer a person holds it, the more bloodthirsty and violent they become."

Aria nodded, her expression grave. "It's believed to be the same relic that was behind the infamous Jack the Ripper murders. Its power to twist the mind is not to be underestimated."

Tina leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Speaking of relics, what do you guys think about Lilia's interest in those Blades of the Apocalypse? Do you really believe she could be Naree?"

Aria pursed her lips, considering the question. "It's the most logical explanation. Why else would she be so determined to collect them? The blades were connected to her mother, after all."

Tina hummed in agreement. "Yeah, and didn't Naree disappear right after the incident involving one of the blades? The same incident that led to her mother's death?"

Zymir held up a hand, his expression cautious. "Let's not jump to conclusions. While the evidence is compelling, we can't be entirely certain that Lilia is Naree. Regardless, we've agreed to assist her in her quest."

Tristan nodded, his easy smile returning. "Zymir's right. Our focus should be on the task at hand. Speculating about Lilia's true identity won't change our course of action."

Just as Tristan finished speaking, his phone began to ring. He glanced at the screen, his eyebrows rising in surprise. "Well, speak of the devil. It's Lilia."

He accepted the call, putting it on speaker for the others to hear. "Lilia, darling! To what do we owe the pleasure of your call?"

Lilia's voice came through clearly, her tone businesslike. "I was hoping you might have some new information about the Blade of Death. Any leads or updates?"

The thieves exchanged amused glances at her impeccable timing. Tristan chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "As a matter of fact, we do have some intel. The blade is currently in the possession of the Kurogane clan, a group that specializes in exorcisms and dealing with supernatural threats."

Lilia was silent for a moment, absorbing the information. "I see. And I assume you have a plan to acquire it?"

Tristan's grin widened. "But of course! We would be more than happy to assist you in relieving the Kurogane clan of their precious relic. However, we could use your unique skills for our own little venture first."

"Let me guess, the heist you mentioned before?" Lilia asked, her tone wry.

"Perceptive as always," Tristan praised. "Indeed, we believe your abilities could prove invaluable in securing a certain dagger while minimizing the risk to our team."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Lilia spoke again. "Very well. I suppose a little quid pro quo is only fair. When and where shall we meet to discuss the details?"

Tristan glanced at his companions, who nodded in agreement. "Let's convene at our usual spot in, say, three hours? That should give us all time to prepare."

"I'll be there," Lilia confirmed before ending the call.

As Tristan pocketed his phone, the Phantom Thieves began to buzz with renewed energy. The prospect of working alongside Lilia once more, coupled with the potential to secure not one but two powerful relics, filled them with eager anticipation.



The limousine ride back to her apartment was uneventful, giving Lilia time to mentally prepare for the potential heist. She knew that working with the thieves was a necessary step in acquiring the Blade of Death, but the thought of engaging in criminal activities still left her uneasy.

As Lilia stepped into her luxurious apartment, she was greeted by an unexpected sight. Her sister, Ren, sat on the plush sofa, engaging in a lively conversation with Luna. Alistair, in his feline form, lounged nearby, his tail swishing lazily.

Luna's face lit up the moment she spotted Lilia. With a joyful cry of "Mom!", she leapt to her feet and raced over, throwing her small arms around Lilia's waist in a tight hug.

Lilia froze, still unaccustomed to the child's enthusiastic displays of affection. She patted Luna's head awkwardly, a mixture of warmth and discomfort swirling within her.

Ren raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in her eye. She opened her mouth to comment, but Lilia cut her off with a pointed look. "Don't you dare," she warned, her tone playful yet firm.

Ren held up her hands in mock surrender, a grin tugging at her lips. "Alright, alright. I'll keep my observations to myself... for now."

As Luna returned to playing with Alistair, Ren beckoned Lilia over to the sofa. "So, care to explain the whole 'mom' situation?" she asked, keeping her voice low to avoid being overheard.

Lilia sighed, sinking onto the cushions beside her sister. "It's a long story," she began, running a hand through her silver hair. "Do you remember the incident at the TSEC Core yesterday?"

Ren nodded, her expression growing serious. "Of course. It was all over the news. Some terrorists tried to sink the whole island, right?"

"Yes, well cultists to be precise. During the confrontation, the cultists managed to summon a dragon from another realm. Specifically, a dragon I or rather original Lilia had raised from a hatchling, the same dragon I raised in the game." Lilia explained, her gaze drifting to Luna's playful form.

Ren's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, so you're telling me that child is actually a dragon? And not just any dragon, but one you raised in that mmo?"

Lilia nodded, a wry smile tugging at her lips. "Bizarre, isn't it? And now, she's here in the real world, viewing me as her parent."

Ren leaned back, shaking her head in disbelief. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when my brother would turn out to be a mother. Talk about a plot twist!"

Lilia groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Don't remind me. This whole situation is so surreal. I have no idea how to be a parent, not to mention a mother to a centuries-old dragon child."

Ren placed a comforting hand on Lilia's shoulder. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. From what I can see, you're doing a great job. Luna seems happy and well-adjusted, despite the unusual circumstances."

Lilia managed a weak smile, appreciating her sister's support. "Thanks, Ren. Though it still feels so weird. I mean, just a few months ago, I was a regular teenager, playing games and fooling around. Now, I'm some kind of demon sorceress with a imp butler and a dragon daughter."

Ren chuckled, the absurdity of the situation not lost on her. "Well, if anyone can handle such a bizarre turn of events, it's you. You've always been adaptable and resilient."

Remembering the reason for her visit, Ren reached into her bag and pulled out a familiar device. "On a different note, I managed to fix the hero device. The outfit storage should work properly now."

Lilia took the proffered device, examining it with interest. "That's great news. Thank you for putting in the effort."

Ren waved off the gratitude. "Don't mention it. It's the least I could do. Unfortunately, I haven't quite figured out how to make the glamour function work yet. Tapping into your abilities is proving to be quite the challenge."

Lilia shook her head, a rueful smile on her lips. "Don't worry about it, Ren. At this point, I don't think I'll be returning to being James anytime soon. I'm already grateful for everything you've done."

Ren nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. But if you ever change your mind, just let me know. I'm always here to help."

Rising from the sofa, Ren stretched her arms above her head. "Well, I should probably get going. I have a meeting with a potential investor for my latest project."

As Ren made her way to the door, Luna looked up from her play, a bright smile on her face. "Bye, Auntie Ren!" she called out, waving enthusiastically.

Ren chuckled, returning the wave. "Goodbye, Luna. Be good for your mom, okay?"

With a final nod to Lilia, Ren departed, leaving the unlikely trio to themselves.

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