Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 76: Finals

The sun-dappled apartment lay quiet, save for the gentle rustling of Luna and Alistair playing in the background. Lilia stood before the full-length mirror, carefully adjusting her smart attire for the impending final exams. Her mind drifted to the events of the previous day, the exhilaration of the heist still fresh in her thoughts.

With the Phantom Thieves now free to assist in locating the Blade of Death in Japan, Lilia felt a renewed sense of purpose. The ancient relics held the key to unravelling the mysteries surrounding the original Lilia's fate. Each blade brought her one step closer to the truth.

As she smoothed the crisp fabric of her blouse, Lilia couldn't help but marvel at how her priorities had shifted in recent months. Once, the prospect of final exams would have filled her with dread and anxiety. But now, after facing supernatural threats and navigating the treacherous world of magic, the academic challenge seemed almost mundane in comparison.

Lilia's lips quirked into a wry smile as she recalled the time, when she had spent hours hunched over textbooks and furiously scribbling notes. The weight of the impact that finals would have on her future had been a constant presence. But the trials she had endured since her transformation had granted her a newfound perspective.

In the grand scheme of things, this paled in comparison to the battles she had fought. The days spent honing her magical abilities, outwitting cultists, and forging alliances with unlikely allies had tempered her resolve. If she could survive those ordeals, surely, she could handle a few academic hurdles.

Behind her, Luna's delighted laughter mingled with Alistair's playful shouts as they chased each other around the spacious living room. Lilia watched their reflection in the mirror, a fond smile tugging at her lips. The unlikely duo had become a source of comfort and levity amidst the chaos of her double life.

Turning away from the mirror, Lilia called out to her companions. "Alistair, Luna, I'm heading out for my finals now."

Alistair immediately ceased his play, bounding over to Lilia's side. He bowed deeply, his voice filled with earnest devotion. "Best of luck, Mistress! I have utmost faith in your scholarly prowess."

Lilia chuckled, reaching down to scratch behind the imp's ears affectionately. "Thank you, Alistair. I appreciate your support."

Luna, not to be outdone, rushed over and threw her arms around Lilia's waist in a tight hug. "You'll do great, Mom!" she chirped, her obsidian eyes shining with admiration. "But come back soon, okay?"

Albeit a bit awkwardly Lilia returned the embrace. "I will, Luna. I'll be back before you know it."

With a final wave to her loyal companions, Lilia gathered her belongings and made her way downstairs. As she stepped out of the apartment building, the familiar sight of a sleek black limousine greeted her. However, instead of the usual chauffeur, Lilia was surprised to find Woojin himself waiting beside the vehicle.

Curiosity piqued, Lilia approached the CEO, a quizzical expression on her face. "Woojin, is everything alright? I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Woojin smiled warmly, though Lilia noticed a flicker of unease in his eyes. "Of course, Lily. I thought it only appropriate for a father to visit his daughter on such a special day."

Lilia nodded, playing along with the charade. As they settled into the plush leather seats, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the deception. Woojin had gone above and beyond to support her, even knowing their familial bond was a fabrication.

As the limo navigated the bustling city streets, Woojin and Lilia fell into easy conversation. They discussed her upcoming exams, the latest developments at Bichui Dynamics, and the various social engagements Woojin had lined up for the week.

However, as the conversation lulled, Lilia found herself broaching a topic that had been weighing on her mind. "Woojin, there's something I need to tell you." She began, her tone growing serious. "I'll be travelling to Japan soon, and I'm not sure how long I'll be gone."

Woojin's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his posture stiffening almost imperceptibly. "Japan? What business do you have there, Lily?"

Lilia hesitated, weighing her words carefully. She couldn't reveal the true nature of her quest, but she owed Woojin some measure of honesty. "I need to find something," she explained, her voice low and earnest. "Something that may help me learn more about my past."

Woojin shifted uneasily in his seat, his fingers drumming against the armrest. "I see," he murmured, his gaze distant. "And this...item, you're certain it's in Japan?"

Lilia nodded, studying Woojin's reaction intently. She couldn't shake the feeling that he knew more than he was letting on. "Yes, it's crucial that I go there. I promise I'll be careful and discreet."

Woojin remained silent for a long moment, his brow furrowed in thought. Finally, he spoke, his voice carefully measured. "I could arrange for your travel, Lily. A private jet, accommodations, whatever you need."

Lilia shook her head, offering a grateful smile. "Thank you, Woojin, but that won't be necessary. I'll be travelling incognito, to avoid drawing attention."

Woojin nodded slowly, a flicker of relief passing over his features. "I understand. I think that may be for the best."

An awkward silence descended upon the limo, the unspoken questions hanging heavily in the air. Lilia sensed Woojin's unease, his reluctance to fully endorse her impromptu trip. Yet he seemed equally hesitant to voice his objections outright.

As they neared the school, Lilia couldn't help but wonder at Woojin's cryptic behaviour. Did he suspect the true nature of her quest? Or was there something else at play, some hidden knowledge he guarded closely?

The limo rolled to a stop, and Woojin turned to face Lilia, his expression softening. "Lily, I know I can't stop you from going, as you're an adult woman. But please, be careful out there. The world can be a dangerous place, especially for someone with your...unique circumstances."

Lilia met his gaze steadily, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "I will, Woojin. And thank you, for everything you've done for me. I promise I'll come back safe."

With a final nod, Lilia stepped out of the limo, her heart heavy with the weight of her secret mission. As she watched the vehicle pull away, she couldn't shake the feeling that Woojin's concern stemmed from more than just his protectiveness.

Shaking off her troubled thoughts, Lilia made her way towards the school entrance, where she spotted her friends waiting. Nathan waved enthusiastically, his grin infectious. Mia and Alex stood beside him, their expressions a mix of nerves and determination.

"Hey, Lily!" Nathan called out as she approached. "Ready to ace these exams and show everyone who's boss?"

Lilia laughed, allowing her friends' easy camaraderie to soothe her unease. "You bet, Nathan. We've got this."  

Together, they made their way to the first exam of the day, settling into their seats with a mix of nerves and anticipation. As the test papers were distributed, Lilia took a deep breath, focusing her mind on the task at hand.

The exam proved to be an exhausting affair, Lilia found herself grateful for the cognitive abilities that came with her transformation. Concepts that had once eluded her now seemed to flow effortlessly from her pen, the answers springing to mind with startling clarity.

Time seemed to blur as they moved from one exam to the next, each subject presenting its own unique challenges. Mia and Alex appeared to be holding their own, their brows furrowed in concentration as they tackled the complex questions. Nathan, on the other hand, seemed to be struggling, his leg bouncing restlessly beneath the desk.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last exam concluded. Lilia let out a long, slow breath, the tension of the past few hours melting away. She gathered her belongings and made her way out of the exam room, eager to reunite with her friends.

Navigating the crowded hallways, Lilia found herself surrounded by a multitude students, each vying for her attention. They showered her with compliments and questions, their voices blending into a cacophony of noise.

Suppressing a sigh, Lilia politely excused herself, citing a need for fresh air. She deftly manoeuvred through the mass, making her way towards the rooftop where she knew her true friends would be waiting.

The rooftop of the school had become their unofficial sanctuary, a place where they could escape the pressures of academic life and simply be themselves. As Lilia stepped out into the warm sunlight, she spotted Nathan, Alex, and Mia already waiting for her, their expressions a mix of relief and exhaustion.

As she stepped out into the fresh air, Lilia spotted Nathan, Mia, and Alex huddled together, deep in conversation. They looked up as she approached, their faces breaking into weary smiles.

"Finally managed to escape your adoring fans?" Nathan teased, his grin wide despite the exhaustion evident in his eyes.

Lilia rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "You have no idea how persistent they can be. It's like they think I hold the secrets to the universe or something."

Mia chuckled, shaking her head. "Well, if they only knew the half of it."

The group settled into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts about the exams. Finally, Nathan spoke up, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Well, that was a nightmare," he groaned, running a hand through his hair. "I swear, I could feel my brain turning to mush with each passing minute."

Alex shook his head, a wry smile on his face. "It wouldn't be so bad if you actually studied once in a while, Nathan. Spending more than fifteen minutes with a textbook won't kill you."

Nathan scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Easy for you to say, Mr. Genius. Some of us aren't built for this academic stuff. Just the thought of staring at those boring pages makes me want to take a nap."

Mia laughed, settling down beside Nathan. "I thought it was pretty challenging, but I managed to answer every question. Hopefully, that means I did alright."

Lilia nodded, leaning against the railing. "Same here. It was tough, but I feel pretty good about my performance." She chose not to mention that she had found the exams rather easy, thanks to her new mental acuity. The last thing she wanted was to boast in front of her friends after their hard work.

The conversation soon turned to the upcoming finals for their other subjects, namely physics and history. A collective groan rose from the group at the thought of more gruelling exams, but they quickly rallied, determined to see this through to the end.

"And let's not forget about the ACEs next week," Alex reminded them. "That's going to be the real test of our knowledge."

Nathan's face paled at the mention of the Atlantis Certificate of Education exams. "Don't remind me. Math is going to be the death of me, I swear."

Mia patted his shoulder reassuringly. "You've got this, Nathan. Between the four of us, I'm sure you're ready for anything they can throw at you."

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, the friends decided to call it a day. Lilia, feeling a sudden burst of boldness, turned to her companions with a smile.

"Hey, why don't you all come over to my place? We can practice some magic and maybe even take a ride in the limo."

The others stared at her, shocked by the unexpected invitation. They knew how cautious Lilia had been about keeping her new identity separate from her life as James, and yet here she was, casually offering to blend the two worlds.

"Are you sure, Lily?" Mia asked, her brow furrowed with concern. "I thought you wanted to keep things separate, to avoid any unwanted attention."

Lilia shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I think enough time has passed. Besides, I'm tired of pretending like we're just casual acquaintances. You're my best friends after all."

The others exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of excitement and trepidation. But seeing the determination in Lilia's eyes, they quickly agreed, eager to see what new adventures awaited them.

As they made their way down to the waiting limousine, the chauffeur greeted them with a polite nod. "Good afternoon, young lady. I see you've brought some friends along today."

Lilia smiled, gesturing for her companions to climb inside. "Yes, these are my closest friends. We'll be heading back to the apartment, if you don't mind."

The chauffeur opened the door, his expression never wavering. "Of course, miss. It would be my pleasure to escort you and your guests."

As they settled into the plush leather seats, Nathan couldn't help but grin. "Man, I could get used to this. Beats taking the bus any day."

Mia and Alex shared a look, their expressions a mix of amusement and exasperation. They knew Nathan's penchant for luxury, even if it was borrowed.

The ride to Lilia's apartment was filled with laughter and light-hearted banter, the stress of the exams temporarily forgotten. As they pulled up to the building, Lilia felt a flicker of apprehension. She knew that explaining Luna to her friends would be incredibly awkward, but she knew they'd understand.

They made their way up to the apartment, the anticipation building with each step. As Lilia unlocked the door and stepped inside, a blur of black hair and obsidian eyes came rushing towards her.

"Mother! You're home!" Luna exclaimed, throwing her arms around Lilia's waist in a tight hug.

Lilia glanced at her friends, bracing herself for their reactions. They stood frozen, their eyes wide with shock and confusion. They stared at the young girl, then back at Lilia, their expressions demanding an explanation.

Lilia took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation to come. She gently disentangled herself from Luna's embrace, turning to face her friends.

"Guys, there's something I need to tell you," She began, her voice trembling slightly. "Luna isn't just a random child. She's actually a..."


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