Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 78: Blade of Death – Part 1

The plane touched down smoothly at Osaka International Airport, the jolt of the landing rousing Lilia from her pensive reverie. As the aircraft taxied toward the gate, she gazed out the small oval window at the unfamiliar cityscape sprawling before her. The skyline was a fascinating blend of traditional architecture and sleek modern skyscrapers, a stark contrast to the futuristic uniformity of New Atlantis.

Lilia quickly stashed away her items and joined the throng of passengers disembarking the plane. As she walked through the jet bridge, her thoughts drifted back to Luna, the precocious dragon child who had become such an integral part of her life. She had expected more resistance when she informed Luna of her impending trip to Japan, knowing the child's fear of abandonment. Yet to her surprise, Luna had taken the news of a potential two-week absence with remarkable calmness, as though it were no different than Lilia usual outings.

Perhaps, Lilia mused, Luna's perception of time was simply different, her draconic nature granting her a longer view. After all, what were a handful of days to a being who can live for centuries? The realization was both comforting and bittersweet, reminding Lilia of the fundamental differences between her own existence and the timeless creatures she now found herself entangled with.

Shaking off her melancholy, Lilia focused on navigating the bustling airport terminal. She followed the signs toward passport control, marvelling at how easily she could decipher the Japanese characters alongside the English translations. It seemed her mysterious linguistic abilities had expanded once again, allowing her to effortlessly understand the once-foreign tongue.

As she approached the checkpoint, Lilia felt a flicker of trepidation. With a steadying breath, she presented the passport the Phantom Thieves had procured for her, hoping it would withstand scrutiny. Using an identity not tied to Lily Song felt prudent, given the covert nature of her mission.

To Lilia's relief, the officer barely glanced at the document before stamping it and waving her through. She released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, silently thanking the thieves for their thoroughness in establishing her cover.

Emerging from the airport into the warm Osaka sunshine, Lilia paused to get her bearings. The air felt different here, suffused with unfamiliar scents and a subtle charge of anticipation. She longed to explore the city at her leisure, to immerse herself in its rich history and vibrant culture. But the weight of her quest pressed urgently at the back of her mind, reminding her that the Blade of Death awaited in Kyoto.

Consulting her phone, Lilia located the nearest train station and set off to hail a taxi. New Atlantis, being a compact island city-state, had no need for an extensive rail system, relying instead on a network of buses and few subway lines that were far cry from an actual train. The novelty of riding one of Japan's famed Shinkansen, sent a thrill of excitement through her.

As Lilia approached the taxi stand, she scanned the row of waiting vehicles for one displaying the distinctive red "vacant" sign. She had read about the intricacies of using taxis in Japan, from the automated doors to the expectation of cash payment. Armed with this knowledge, she felt marginally more prepared to navigate this foreign land.

A uniformed driver spotted Lilia and hurried to open the rear passenger door for her, bowing politely as she slid into the spotless interior. "Osaka Station, please," she requested in flawless Japanese, the words flowing off her tongue as naturally as her native English.

The driver nodded and merged smoothly into traffic, leaving Lilia to marvel once again at her newfound linguistic prowess. She couldn't help but wonder if it was somehow connected to her acquisition of Reticent Pride, the Blade she had recently claimed. After all, the only significant change since her trip to Italy, where the language had been incomprehensible, was the addition of this new relic to her growing collection.

As the taxi wove through the unfamiliar streets, Lilia found herself pondering the nature of her ever-evolving abilities. She couldn't think of a reason what could be behind her newfound language prowess, the only thing that has changed since her trip to Italy was her acquiring the Blade of Silence. Was it really the Reticent Pride that had granted her the power to understand any language, if so what other secrets might the Blades hold? The thought was both exhilarating and unsettling, hinting at the true scope of the power she was slowly accruing.

Lost in contemplation, Lilia barely noticed when the taxi glided to a stop before the imposing facade of Osaka Station. She paid the fare and stepped out onto the bustling sidewalk, the sheer scale of the transportation hub momentarily overwhelming her senses.

Steeling her nerves, Lilia joined the orderly queues at the ticket machines, carefully studying the route maps to select the correct fare to Kyoto. The Phantom Thieves had provided her with a list of instructions, including which train line to take and where to transfer, but the unfamiliar station layout still left her feeling disoriented.

After a few false starts, Lilia finally located her platform and boarded the sleek Shinkansen, marvelling at its aerodynamic design and whisper-quiet operation. As the bullet train accelerated smoothly out of the station, the urban landscape soon gave way to a blur of lush green countryside and distant mountains.

While the verdant landscape of Honshu Island streamed past the windows, Lilia's mind turned to her impending meeting with the Phantom Thieves. She entered this alliance out of convenience, but she couldn't help feeling a grudging respect for the thieves' resourcefulness and dedication to their cause.

The bullet train whispered into Kyoto Station, its sleek form gliding to a stop alongside the platform. Lilia disembarked and made her way through the cavernous terminal, following the signs to the designated meeting spot where she would rendezvous with the thieves.

Emerging into the hushed side street, Lilia spotted three familiar figures waiting in the shadows. Tristan, Aria and Zymir greeted her with nods of acknowledgment, their faces set in expressions of grim determination.

"Glad you made it safely," Tristan said by way of welcome, his usual flamboyant demeanour subdued. "We've got a lot of ground to cover and not much time to do it."

Aria stepped forward, unrolling a detailed map of the city. "Our intel suggests the Kurogane clan's compound is located in the foothills just outside Kyoto," she explained, tracing a finger along a winding route. "Getting inside won't be easy, but we've identified a few potential entry points."

Zymir chimed in, his deep voice resonating with quiet authority. "Remember, these aren't your average security guards. The Kurogane clan specializes in dealing with supernatural threats. They'll be well-trained and heavily armed."

Lilia nodded, her expression hardening with resolve. "I understand the risks. But we can't let that deter us. The Blade of Death is too important to leave in their hands."

The thieves murmured their agreement, their faces reflecting the same grim determination. Together, the unlikely allies set off into the gathering dusk, ready to put their carefully laid plans into motion.



The humid air carried the faint scent of incense and the distant chatter of locals enjoying the warm summer evening. Yet beneath the peaceful facade, an undercurrent of tension thrummed through the city, as if it sensed the impending clash between those who sought to protect and those who sought to claim.

In a nondescript alleyway nestled between two weathered wooden buildings, four figures huddled together, their faces obscured by the dim light. Lilia violet eyes gleaming with determination as she studied the map spread out before them. Tristan, Aria, and Zymir flanked her, their expressions grim and focused as they finalized their plan of attack.

"Alright, let's go over this one last time," Zymir said, his voice low and steady. "Tina will create a distraction on the western side of the compound, drawing the majority of the guards away. Meanwhile, Tristan and Lilia will approach from the east, using the cover of the night to mask their approach."

Tristan nodded, his usual roguish grin replaced by a look of steely resolve. "Once we're inside, we'll make our way to the shrine at the centre of the complex. That's where our intel suggests the Blade of Death is being kept."

Aria tapped a finger against the map, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Remember, the Kurogane clan specializes in dealing with supernatural threats. They might have wards and defences in place that we've never encountered before. Stay alert and don't take any unnecessary risks."

Zymir grunted in agreement, his massive frame casting a shadow over the group. "We'll have a limited window of opportunity once the alarm is raised. If we don't secure the blade quickly, we'll be facing the entire might of the clan."

Lilia took a deep breath, the weight of their mission settling heavily upon her shoulders. She knew the risks they were taking, the danger they were willingly walking into. But she needed the blade, to learn more about the real Lilia and her role in everything.

"We can do this," she said firmly, meeting each of her companions' gazes in turn. "We've come too far to back down now. Whatever happens, we stick to the plan and watch each other's backs."

The thieves murmured their agreement, their faces set in expressions of grim determination. With a final nod, they gathered their gear and set off into the night, their footsteps nearly silent as they melted into the shadows.

As Lilia and Tristan made their way through the dense foliage surrounding the Kurogane estate, the silence between them was broken only by the soft rustle of leaves beneath their feet. The air grew thick with anticipation as they drew closer to their target, the ancient wood and paper buildings looming before them like silent sentinels.

Suddenly, Lilia froze, throwing out an arm to stop Tristan in his tracks. He looked at her questioningly, but she shook her head, her eyes narrowing as she focused on something he couldn't see.

"There's a barrier surrounding the compound," she whispered, her voice tight with tension.

Tristan frowned, his hand instinctively reaching for the amulet that hung around his neck. "That's strange. Usually, this would vibrate in the presence of any magical energy. But I'm not feeling anything."

Lilia chewed her lip thoughtfully, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of the unfamiliar sensation. "It's more like the spiritual arts that my friend uses," she mused, recalling Akari's unique abilities. "Maybe that's why your amulet isn't reacting."

Tristan cursed under his breath, his eyes darting toward the compound. "If that's the case, we'll have to move fast. Tina, do you copy? We need that distraction sooner than planned."

There was a crackle of static over the comms before Tina's voice came through, tight with concentration. "Roger that. Launching the illusion... now!"

A moment later, a deafening roar shook the night, followed by the distant shouts of alarm from within the estate. Lilia and Tristan exchanged a quick glance before charging forward, their bodies tense with adrenaline.

As they approached the shimmering barrier, Tristan braced himself for impact, expecting to feel a jolt of energy as he passed through. But to his surprise, he felt nothing at all, as if the barrier didn't even exist.

Lilia, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. As she tried to cross the threshold, it felt like walking through a thin, sticky membrane that clung to her skin. She had to push forward with most of her strength, feeling the barrier stretch and warp around her until it finally gave way with a sickening snap.

Glancing behind her, Lilia saw a hole roughly in her shape, its edges slowly mending themselves like a spiderweb knitting back together. She shuddered, hoping that their entry hadn't given away their position.

The estate was now in full alert, with guards rushing towards the western side where Tina's holographic illusion of a giant dinosaur-like creature rampaged. The sound of shouting and the clatter of weapons filled the air as the Kurogane clan mobilized to face the perceived threat.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Lilia and Tristan wove their way through the remaining guards, their movements swift and precise. They darted from shadow to shadow, using every bit of cover to avoid detection as they made their way towards the central shrine.

As they approached the ancient structure, Lilia's heart sank as she spotted two guards still standing vigil at the entrance, their faces grim and their hands resting on the hilts of their swords. She shot Tristan a questioning look, wondering how they were going to get past this final obstacle.

But Tristan merely grinned, a spark of mischief glinting in his eyes. With a wink at Lilia, he suddenly darted to the side, waving his arms and calling out to the guards in a loud, taunting voice.

"Hey, over here! You call yourselves guards? I bet the most you could catch was a cold, not to mention a thief!"

The guards whirled around, their eyes widening in shock and anger as they spotted Tristan. With a shout of challenge, they drew their swords and charged towards him, leaving the entrance to the shrine unguarded.

Lilia didn't hesitate. Seizing the opportunity, she summoned the most powerful spell she could muster, tracing intricate glyphs in the air with her fingers. A small, glowing orb formed at her fingertip, pulsing with barely contained energy.

Finally, a blinding white ray shot forth from the orb, streaking towards the seal that barred the entrance to the underground. The moment the ray made contact, a massive explosion erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the air and leaving a gaping hole in the ground where the seal had once been.

Lilia leaped into the opening, her heart pounding as she descended into the darkened chamber below. She hit the ground running, her eyes straining to adjust to the gloom as she searched for any sign of the Blade of Death.

But as she ventured deeper into the shrine, Lilia's steps faltered, her breath catching in her throat at the sight that greeted her. There, in the centre of the chamber, a young woman was suspended in the air, no more than fourteen or fifteen years old. From her chest, a tangle of thorny vines emerged, their cruel barbs glistening in the faint light as they propped her up like some sort of a puppet.

And clutched in the girl's hand was a katana, its obsidian blade gleaming with an otherworldly sheen.

But it wasn't the sword that sent a jolt of shock through Lilia's body. No, it was the girl's face, so hauntingly familiar yet achingly foreign at the same time. Save for her black hair, she was the spitting image of Lilia herself.

Lilia stood frozen, her mind reeling as she tried to make sense of the impossible sight before her. Questions raced through her thoughts, each more desperate and urgent than the last. Who was this girl? Why did she bear such an uncanny resemblance? And what secret lay hidden within the thorny vines that entangled her body?

But before Lilia could even begin to grapple with the answers, a sudden commotion from above jolted her back to the present. The guards had realized the deception and were now racing towards the shrine, their shouts of anger and alarm echoing through the chamber.

With trembling fingers, Lilia reached out and grasped the hilt of the katana, bracing herself for whatever shocking revelation lay in store. As her skin made contact with the ancient weapon, a blinding flash of light exploded behind her eyes, and the world around her fell away, replaced by a whirlwind of fragmented memories and emotions that threatened to consume her entirely.

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