Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 81: Blade of Death – part 4

In a dimly lit basement, the air crackled with tension as a group of robed figures huddled together, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and apprehension. The room was sparse, with only a few flickering lights casting an eerie glow on the damp stone walls. The musty smell of mould and decay permeated the room, adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a woman burst in, her eyes blazing with fury. It was the same woman who had confronted Lilia in the TSEC Core, her features contorted in a mask of rage. Her dark hair whipped around her face as she stalked towards the cowering cultists, her black robes billowing behind her.

"How could you let this happen?" she demanded, her voice dripping with venom. "The blade of death was right there, within our grasp, and you let it slip away!"

The robed figures shrank back, their heads bowed in submission. One of them, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline, stepped forward tentatively. "Mistress, we did everything in our power to secure the blade," he stammered, his voice shaking. "But someone beat us to it. They must have penetrated the Kurogane Clan's defences before we could..."

"Silence!" the woman snapped, cutting him off with a sharp gesture. "I don't want to hear your excuses. We lost several of our best men in this raid, and what do we have to show for it? Nothing!"

She paced, her eyes darting around the room as if looking for someone to blame. "How is it possible that no one noticed a person slipping away with the blade? Were you all too busy playing to keep a proper watch?"

The cultists shifted uncomfortably, their eyes downcast. They knew better than to argue with their leader when she was in this state. Her temper was legendary, and crossing her was a sure way to end up on the wrong side of her wrath.

The woman's face twisted into a sneer as a thought occurred to her. "I bet it was the False One's fault," she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "She's been a thorn in our side ever since she appeared. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a hand in this."

The cultists murmured amongst themselves, their voices low and uncertain. They had all heard the rumours about the mysterious woman who had thwarted their plans at every turn. Some whispered that she was a powerful demon with her own agenda, while others claimed she was a hero in disguise. But none dared speak their minds in front of their leader.

The woman's eyes narrowed as she considered her options. She had come so close to acquiring the Blade of Death, only to have it snatched from her at the last moment. It was a bitter pill to swallow, especially after all the effort and resources they had put into the operation.

But then a flicker of hope ignited in her chest. She turned to the cultists, her expression hard and determined. "All is not lost," she declared, her voice echoing in the cramped room. "Our spies in the Kurogane Clan have relayed a message. Apparently, the person who stole the blade is staying at the Hotel Rakusai."

The cultists perked up at the news, their eyes widening with renewed interest. The woman allowed herself a small, cruel smile. "We will try to take the blade from the thieves there," she continued, her tone laced with malice. "And this time we will not fail."

She turned to the middle-aged man who had spoken earlier, fixing him with a piercing stare. "Gather our remaining forces," she ordered, her voice brooking no argument. "We move out immediately."

The man nodded hastily, bowing low before scurrying out of the room to carry out her orders. The other cultists followed suit, their robes swishing softly as they left the basement.

Left alone, the woman clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms hard enough to draw blood. This was her last chance to prove herself to the Grand Apostle. If she failed again, the consequences would be dire.

But she would not let that happen. She would not rest until the Blade of Death was in her possession, no matter what the cost. And if the False One dared to stand in her way, she would crush him like the insignificant insect he was.

With a final, determined nod, the woman strode out of the cellar, her mind already racing with plans and contingencies. The Hotel Rakusai awaited her, and with it the key to her ultimate triumph.



Lilia and the Phantom Thieves watched with bated breath as Naree sat up, her dark eyes darting around the room in confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words that came out were in Korean, incomprehensible to most of the room.

"Where am I?" Naree asked, her voice shaking slightly. "What happened?"

Lilia stepped forward, her heart clenching at the lost expression on Naree's face. She replied in fluent Korean, her tone soft and reassuring. "You are safe now, Naree. We brought you here after we rescued you from the shrine."

Naree's brow furrowed as she tried to piece together her fragmented memories. "What happened? All I remember is that those robed figures captured me and my mother. They wanted to..." She trailed off, shuddering at the horrifying memory.

Lilia placed a comforting hand on Naree's shoulder, her violet eyes filled with sympathy. "I know it's a lot to take in, but you're out of danger now. We'll make sure you get back to your father safely."

The Phantom Thieves exchanged puzzled glances, clearly lost in the rapid-fire Korean exchange. Tristan cleared his throat, attracting Lilia's attention. "Would you like to tell us what's going on, my dear?" he asked, his tone light but curious.

Lilia turned to the group and switched back to English. "Naree is understandably confused and frightened. She doesn't remember much beyond being captured by the cultists. I've assured her that we will return her safely to her father."

Zymir nodded, his expression serious. "I think you should contact Woojin as soon as possible."

Just as Lilia opened her mouth to agree, Tina's urgent voice cut through the room. "Guys, we've got company. Looks like the Kurogane Clan has found us."

The group rushed to the window and peered out at the street below. Four sleek black cars had pulled up to the entrance of the hotel, and a group of well-dressed individuals stepped out of the vehicles. Despite their sharp attire, there was no mistaking the aura of purpose and determination that surrounded them.

Naree's eyes widened as she saw a familiar figure among the Kurogane Clan members. "It's my mother!" she exclaimed in Korean, her voice a mixture of relief and apprehension.

Lilia studied the woman more closely, recognition dawning on her features. It was indeed the same warrior who had confronted her at the shrine, the one who had called her "Naree" in a moment of confusion. Without the mask obscuring her features, Lilia could see the striking resemblance to the woman she had seen in the vision.

The phantom thieves tensed, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. But Lilia held up a hand, her expression pensive. "Wait," she said, her tone measured. "I think it's best if I talk to them first. There's clearly more going on here than we realise."

Tristan frowned, concern etched into his handsome face. "Are you sure that's wise, Lilia? We don't know their intentions."

Lilia met his gaze steadily, a flicker of determination in her violet eyes. "I have a feeling they're not here to fight."

She turned to Naree and switched back to Korean. "Your mother is here, Naree. I'll talk to her and try to settle this peacefully. Stay here with my friends, OK? You'll be safe with them."

Naree hesitated for a moment before nodding, her trust in Lilia evident in her eyes. "Okay, Unnie. Please be careful."

With a final reassuring smile, Lilia headed for the door, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. She knew that the next few minutes would be crucial in determining the course of this strange and confusing situation.

As Lilia stepped out into the hallway, the Phantom Thieves quickly gathered their gear and prepared to make a discreet exit. Tristan caught Lilia's eye, a flicker of concern passing between them. "Are you sure about this, Lilia?" he asked, his voice low. "We can stay and support you if necessary."

Lilia shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "I appreciate the offer, but I think it's best if I handle this alone. The fewer people involved, the less likely things are to escalate."

Tristan nodded, understanding in his eyes. "All right, but if things go wrong, don't hesitate to call for reinforcements. We'll be nearby, ready to jump in at a moment's notice."

With a final nod, the Phantom Thieves slipped out of the room, blending seamlessly into the bustling corridors of the hotel. Lilia watched them go, a mixture of gratitude and apprehension swirling in her chest. She knew she could count on them if the situation turned hostile, but she hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Taking a deep breath, Lilia sat down at the table, her posture relaxed yet alert. Moments later, there was a firm knock at the door. "Come in," Lilia called, her voice calm.

The door swung open to reveal the striking figure of Arja, her dark eyes scanning the room with a mixture of caution and hope. As she stepped inside, her gaze settled on Lilia, a flicker of confusion crossing her features.

"Where is my daughter?" Arja asked, her voice tense with barely contained emotion. "And who are you?"

Lilia rose from her seat and bowed her head in a polite greeting. "My name is Lilia," she introduced herself calmly. "And your daughter Naree is safe. I can assure you of that."

Arja's brow furrowed as she studied Lilia more closely, taking in the uncanny resemblance to her own child. "You look so much like her," she murmured, almost to herself. "Even your names are the same. How is that possible?"

Before Lilia could answer, the members of the Kurogane clan entered the room, their postures tense and ready for action. One of them, a wiry man with sharp eyes, his hand resting on a blade, spoke in Japanese: "Be careful, this woman is dangerous.

Lilia held up her hands in a soothing gesture, her expression calm despite the sudden hostility. "Please, there's no need to be alarmed," she said, her voice soothing. "I am not here to fight. I just want to understand your intentions."

Arja's eyes darted between Lilia and her companions, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. "I want to see my daughter," she said finally, her tone brooking no argument. "And I must ask for the return of the blade you took from the shrine."

Lilia nodded, a glimmer of understanding in her violet eyes. With a smooth motion, she willed the blade of death forth. The thorns shot from her hand, forming a blade whose obsidian length glowed with an otherworldly light.

"You mean this sword? I'm afraid I can't give it back to you," Lilia said gently, her fingers curling around the hilt. "It's bound to me now, you see."

Arja's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief flashing across her features. "Bound? But how...?"

Lilia smiled enigmatically. "It's a long story, one I promise to tell you in due time. For now, know that I mean you and your daughter no harm."

She paused, her expression becoming thoughtful. "Speaking of your daughter, I have no objection to you seeing her. In fact, I believe it would be beneficial for all concerned. However, I think it's only right that Woojin is also informed about Naree's whereabouts. After all, he is her father.

At the mention of Woojin's name, Arja stiffened, a flicker of surprise and suspicion crossing her face. "You know my husband?" she asked, her voice tense.

Lilia nodded, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Indeed I do. You could say I'm Woojin's adopted daughter, and by extension, yours."

She paused for a moment, letting the weight of her words sink in before adding playfully, "Glad to see you're doing well, 'Mother'."

Arja's jaw dropped and her eyes widened in utter amazement. Of all the things she had expected to hear, this revelation was not one of them. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out, her mind reeling with the implications of Lilia's statement.

Just as the tension in the room reached a breaking point, a sudden commotion erupted from outside the hotel. Screams and the sound of breaking glass filled the air, followed by the unmistakable crackling of unleashed powers.

Everyone rushed to the window, their eyes widening at the sight that greeted them. On the street below, a group of robed figures had emerged from the shadows, their hands wrapped in crackling energy.

The Children of the Apocalypse had arrived, their faces contorted with fanatical determination. They charged forward, engaging the Kurogane Clan's security in a fierce battle.

Lilia cursed under her breath, realising that the cultists must have tracked them down, probably to claim the Compassionate Envy for themselves. She turned to Arja, her expression grim.

"It looks like our conversation will have to wait," she said curtly. "Right now we have a more pressing matter to deal with."

Same Here.

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