Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 48 Mass Release because I felt like it

"Right... Well, how about we go talk about this in one of the offices in this mansion." I offered and Serafall hurriedly nodded with her black hair and twin tails bouncing behind her in the same excitement. "Girls please clean up and good job defending the household," I said to them and Serafall pouted while Rias facepalmed.

"Neh!? Did you really just congratulate them for attacking me?!" Serafall demanded pouting as I took a seat behind a large wooden desk while Rias pulled one of the seats that were against the office's wall so she could sit beside me.

At Serafall's question, I merely raised an eyebrow as I cattily responded. "No, I congratulated them for attacking an intruder that obviously violently entered my home seeing as my front door was kicked in... And none of my girls wear high heels inside so don't bother denying as you literally kicked the door hard enough that your heel cleanly went through the enchanted wood before breaking the doors hinges off..." I said with an eyebrow twitching as that door was rated to keep a high-class devil out for a good bit.

"In any case, I had that idea and decided to contact you. Do you have anything you would be willing or interested in trading for such servants?" I asked and Serafall hummed in thought as she poked her finger at her lips.

The Serafall snapped her fingers as she dramatically pointed at me. "I know! You can join my peerage and with myself being the Devil Factions Head of Foreign Affairs, you could get the opportunity to scan a lot of foreign and rare magical materials and bloodlines to expand your powers!"

Rias's hand casually holding onto the armsrest of her wooden chair clenched and the room was filled with the sounds of the wood shattering into pulp in her hands then she slowly lifted her arms as she folded her arms across her chest and she eyed Serafall Leviathan.

"Lady Leviathan, I sincerely hope you aren't trying to poach... No steal my most precious family member. Not even Big Brother Sirzechs will forgive you if you try to force this." Rias said softly and I almost gulped as never before had I heard such spite and venom in her voice and even Serafall's eyes widened in shock at how Rias responded before I could.

"Ahem," I said cutting through the tension. "I am most appreciative of your offer Lady Levithan however I had a different idea. Perhaps you could give me the blood samples of the original Maou's for me to copy down and you would then be able to take them back and keep them with no damage or loss to them." I offered as an alternative and as I spoke, I gently took Rias's hand into my own to calm her down as I could feel her Power of Destruction writhing beneath her skin about to fill the air with her indignation.

Serafall's face twitched as although my offer wasn't anything that would actually cost the Devil or even Serafall herself anything. But she knew if I got to touch that blood, I would literally be an Asmodeus. Lucifer, Beelzebub, and most importantly a true Leviathan which could legitimately one day become a thorn in her political position as a symbolic figure for the original Leviathan. To say nothing of how news of me bearing those vaunted bloodlines would spread through the devil hierarchy.

"I am afraid that such bloodlines and samples are kept under the most intense of scrutiny and I cannot retrieve those." Serafall tried and then continued. "Uh, how about some DNA from their descendants? Or even maybe some preserved blood and flesh from a Hydra or even the Behemoth?" She offered and my thoughts instantly went to making my own Godzilla or even a King Ghidorah that could morph back into a monster waifu...

But I shook my head as I honestly had enough handmade servants that will serve my every desire for now... Now I needed to further upgrade my own strength as I never know when Kokabiel or someone else is going to come to attack Kuoh or just to kill me for being the Red Dragon Emperor.

I coughed before I spoke and Serafall's eyes narrowed on me. "Either way Lady Leviathan I hope you can stay within Kuoh to keep other entities out as I made a... Politically incorrect move so in return for those magical girl servants being made and bound to you. I ask that you make up some scenario to spend a week or two here in Kuoh for me to have time to further increase my strength and influence as I master the Sephiroth Grall." I finished.

Serafall bit her lips as she thought and then sadly shook her head. "I am sorry but at most I could stay here for like three days. And by then Yasaka and the Shinto's pantheon will get fussy about me spending so much time on their territory, especially in the open."

I bit my lips before I facepalmed as I wondered if it was possible for me to hide Medusa for a while so she couldn't get the Greek's attention but with the way she radiated her divinity I doubted it and in fact-

Before I could further monologue about thoughts to escape the Greek's attention Serafall spoke, and my face twitched at her words. "Soooo Jake... Is that political whoopsie you made like seducing a Greek goddess or something to the devil's side?" Serafall asked with an easy-going smile, but I could tell she was weighing on how much help she could or should offer me if that was the case.

But nope I made her entire face freeze with her easy-going facade shattering like a mirror dropped off a skyscraper to hit the ground. "Nope, I literally recreated Medusa Gorgon from FGO in her rider form... Divinity and all with her same petrification abilities to boot." I said cheerily as Serafall's face twisted up into despair at the bullshit I threw into her lap.

Because she was the head of Foreign Affairs if the Greeks didn't just straight up attempt to kill me, she would be the one who had to officially tell the Greek Pantheon that yes one of their Pantheons gods had returned to life in a fashion and yes, she is the devoted servant to a low-class Devil and no she didn't want to come be sent back to the Greek faction.

"Jake.... I want a dozen Phenex cows for this bullshit.... And I will give you the blood of my servant Behemoth so you can get stronger. Just train or if one of their demi-gods jump you in the name of some idiotic quest my hands will be tied." Serafall both promised and warned me, and I nodded in understanding.

"Alright get me three dozen cows and I can make you some of the Phenex cows along with the magical girls and I will have plenty of biomass for my own works after you get the Behemoth blood, just... Out of curiosity what will it take for me to get those devil bloodlines?" I asked and she blinked in surprise at my return to that earlier demand at that she blew out a gust of air.

"Jake Jake Jake. Do you know what kind of target that will place on you?" She asked rhetorically but I shrugged in response, but she continued. "Jake, you have to understand that if you have those bloodlines in perfect harmony and you reach Super Devil Power, literally the Underworld and Devil Kind will riot for you to take the position of a Satan or something more drastic..."

At that, I only responded simply, and the words stumped her. "And for a reincarnated devil to get the power to become a Satan isn't that what your new devil government has been hoping for with all the reforms you've been pushing?"

Rias's hands in mine tightened before she spoke softly. "Sera, if you can't help Jake I will go to Big Brother and with how Jake has saved Father and Milicas from being poisoned. He will help Jake without blinking an eye." At that point. It was no longer about Serafall taking the political fall for giving me the bloodlines. Now it was whether Serafall wanted the favor of a future Satan or to keep the status quo and allow Sirzechs to further bind me to his family.

"Fine!" Serafall shouted childishly throwing her hands up before pouting and pointing at me and Rias. "You bullies forced me you understand!" Serafall then jumped up into the air and dramatically spun around with her skirt flying up to show off her panties as a teleportation glyph formed beneath her. "I will be back in like twenty minutes, don't go anywhere or I will flood your house!" Serafall yelled as she was teleported away leaving me and Rias sitting in our seats nonplussed on how Serafall just said fuck it and agreed so quickly.



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