Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 59

"Just surrender quickly young man, you have been made into a piece inside of a much larger game," Aphrodite called out gently and I shuddered under her gaze as to say nothing of her supernatural appeal to my senses, her sensual way she held herself up, but no her beauty was perfectly proportioned. She had ample curves and mid-back length amber blond hair but despite being the so-called whore of Greece and being 'memed' as being some over-sexualized figure I realized why she was so damned effective at controlling people.

Because there were no major faults to her form, her breasts were perfectly proportional and didn't come to the issues of Rias and Akeno who would hit their face with their tits if they jogged up or down the stairs. She had nice wide fertile hips and all that. But her face... Her face was filled with a soft kindness that just drew a man's eyes to her.

I realized that while looking at her and her thin silk dress, I literally couldn't bring myself to beat her into the ground or something as she seemingly had no supernatural weight of a warrior or anything... She was truly fucking with my head with how defenseless she was looking.

Artemis... On the other hand. I looked over to her and I smiled wryly as she looked a lot like Artemis looked from FGO and yeah... She wasn't going to be an issue to fight as she was clearly willing to fuck me up right here and now as already. She had a large arrow made out of what looked like moonlight already placed onto the string of her large ornate bow.

"And what game is that?" I asked Aphrodite with a wry smile and she just shook her head.

"Oh, darling you don't even know..." She whispered softly shaking her head and then she continued with her velvet voice tickling my ears. "You have such potential... And my colleague is going to want to kill you. Could you just forfeit as I would love to see a hero like yourself reach your full potential?" She almost sounded like she was begging for my own sake and for a moment my fighting spirit dimmed but then I felt it...

I felt my Lucifer bloodline roiling within myself so dark grey light flooded my form and my head cleared as Lucifer's bloodline trait of 'Denial of the Divine' canceled out her charm that was filling my head.

Despite her doing the mind whammy, once I got my head cleared I didn't hate her... I truly didn't hate her as I knew she could have tried to mentally enslave me or put mental commands or triggers into my head for later. But all she did was try to get me to surrender without violence so I just took a breath. "Sorry Aphrodite but I am not so easy," I said chuckling a bit she just hummed in thought but shook her head and looked to the busty silver-haired huntress goddess beside her.

"Well looks like it's up to you Artemis." She said gently and Artemis just rolled her eyes.

"Not like you are useful for anything else but distractions," Artemis said callously and Aphrodite's eyes tightened on her family member's form as she walked forward towards me and I realized something...

Aphrodite did seem to appreciate my so-called talent or whatever... And she didn't take being insulted so bluntly in front of so many people so kindly.

In what seemed like an instant Aphrodite whispered a series of sweet words into my ears via her divinity that felt like a velvet blanket being wrapped around my soul... And no that wasn't a euphemism as I could feel through the grail protecting my soul that Aphrodite touched upon my soul and then via my flesh crafting an ever so small love spot formed just under my right eye and I realized Aphrodite fucking blessed/cursed me as Artemis flushed as she stood across from me!

"Alright ladies and gentlemen are you ready!" Apollo roared as he brought back the hype after flying over to the major middle booth where Zeus and the other Olympians were supposed to be.

The sun god's response to his question was deafening cheers and roars so Apollo held up his hand and the sun above us brightened and I grimaced as I knew my devil bloodline if it wasn't purged of its weaknesses would be weakened under the divine sun's glare upon my form. "Then I in the name of Phoebus Apollo, director of these games announce the start of this game! Jake Barriss, brother-in-law of Sirzech's Lucifer, and only some eighteen years old versus the Greek Olympian Goddesses of Love and the Moon who are..."

Apollo was a fucking idiot... But when two goddesses snapped their eyes over to glare at him for almost bringing up their ages he cowered and bit his tongue as even Aphrodite summoned a thorny whip that was dripping with poison and toxins that melted the metal floor beneath us to say nothing of Artemis who aimed her bow at her sibling.

"Ahem, this battle is to surrender or death whichever comes first! Fight!" Apollo yelled before flying away literally like a bitch and I was actually stunned at how much of a coward he was.

"Wake up Jake, Hehe." I heard Aphrodite giggle through whatever connection she forced between the two of us through the love spot she gave me on my cheek and as I looked back I said Artemis pull her bow and release it with the arrow being shot at me turning into dozens of moonlight arrows while Aphrodite swung her thorny whip at me.

Seeing the various attacks coming at me I felt Ddraig chuckle within my mind and I matched his deep draconic laugh with my own as my form was covered in the green light of the Boosted Gear as I decided to send a message to the world.

"Welsh Serpent of the End!" Ddraig roared as my form transformed into the massive serpent-like dragon with red and green highlights with a thick armor plating of scales that Artemis's arrows shattered upon contact with to say nothing of Aphrodite's whip that couldn't cut into me to inject me with the toxins and such on the whip.



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