Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 61

I was well into High-Class power and getting into Ultimate Class but making the goddess Artemis literally call me daddy or something equally demeaning for her via some extensive humiliation just sounded like a more elaborate method of committing suicide by freak lightning bolt blowing up my house... So I just rolled with her mentally baked state and just looked to Aphrodite who was still forcing a connection between us with the love mark she gave me.

"Well, what now?" I sent it to her via the connection and I could see the hidden cunning smirk in her eyes as she grinned but instead of sending her message through the mark, she gave me she fucking spoke openly.

"Wow, Jake you conquered the great virgin goddess Artemis!" Aphrodite called out and I could literally feel my gut clenching as Aphrodite cheered so loudly with her divine Charm enrapturing the audience and even Zeus as I saw his lightning-filled eyes go dull and I realized this fucking game was all Aphordite's actions.

This game in particular with Aphrodite and Artemis wasn't about them putting the devils on the back foot to her... No, I could already see her swallowing and taking the blame for the loss and political pressure for the loss of the game. All she wanted to see was her hated rival Artemis get fucked over.

And she wasn't above pissing off Zeus and the others to do so as I could clearly see the strain of the power she was using to blast her off to Charm all the people in the area and even muddle the head of Zeus and the other gods. Hell, only my Lucifer bloodline and Ddraig's grumbling were keeping my head clear as Aphrodite glided over towards me as Artemis panted against me completely out of her mind under the control of the dozens of magical effects flooding her body, mind, soul, and very divinity.

"As the man who conquered Artemis in a race isn't it a tradition for them to get married, Godking Zeus?" She whispered with her voice tickling the ears of all and even as I was confused to shit about what race there was my eye twitched as Aphrodite flexed a tiny bit of her power and from the ground of the stadium came a fence that ended right beside us.

Zeus groaned obviously trying to see past Aphrodite's game but something was up and finally, Zeus snorted and I felt his lightning flex as he grumbled before he went slack in his overly decorated throne completely silent and his eyes closed covering up where his eyes were filled with lightning.

"Fine... Jake Barris won the race and as agreed gets Artemis as a wife thus winning the first set of games." He grumbled obviously heavily disappointed in his daughter at losing the game she was supposedly so great at.

'Dear gods Aphrodite pulled the whole fucking Atalanta incident all over again but on a stupidly larger scale!'I mentally cried out as Aphrodite turned to me with a smile that wouldn't even melt butter with how cold it was.

"Oh great here enjoy your prize... As not even Zeus can take back his word now." She whispered via the connection and then I felt her divinity surge within my form before somehow leashing itself around Artemis's soul and divinity I saw Artemis's eyes fill with comical pink hearts as she looked at me while Aphrodite left me with one last sentence before breaking apart into a flock of doves.

"I loved the idea of the simplicity of Beal's Power of Destruction... Now she simply cannot fathom the idea of harming or disobeying you. Sure I cannot force her to love you, due to her own pesky divinities but a big strong man like you can seduce her over time... Or don't and just take her like a brute, I don't particularly care, we have been enemies for millennia and I just want her gone so I can play bigger games." And her voice hissed with vehemence at the end with Artemis collapsing into my arms with her highly voluptuous body that matched Akeno's softly molding against my own.

"Jake come on up and bring her up as well," Sirzechs called out and even as I carried the unconscious form of Artemis up into our booth I couldn't help but look to Sirzechs for advice about what the fuck was happening but he just looked as fucking lost as myself. "What the hell do I do with her!" I hissed shaking Artemis in my arms and Sirzechs literally just looked away before smiling wryly.

"Well... This honestly reminds me a bit of my situation with my dear wife." He said with his face looking like this was just too much for him to handle... No this was too damned much for me to handle! "We most certainly didn't meet at the best of terms but after I defeated her and talked to her a good bit and hmm..." He blushed and Grayfia coughed giving him an even look from behind him that made the Lucifer satan shiver before Grayfia looked back to me.

"Treat her well Jake Gremory." She said with a hint to her words and I wanted to scream about how me marrying Rias first wasn't the fucking issue! I had a thick virgin goddess in my arms and I was obviously going to be expected to deflower her at some point and I was fucking lost. But no Grayfia just continued with her voice sounding almost clinical if it wasn't for the blush she wore on her pale skin. "But yes my husband is correct, actually sealing the deal with her being... captured will bring her closer to you and will help form a relationship." She explained and I flatly looked at Sirzechs.

Did this lucky bastard just capture Grayfia during the Civil War and after seducing her a bit just mind broke her with great sex into loving him?

Fucking degenerate Devils and Greeks... I could already see this blowing up in my face. I should have joined the church and just seduced a bunch of nuns into my bed.



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