Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 148

Chapter 148 The Destroyed First Universe! The Second Hytoth Civilization!

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room have also reacted now.

In fact, the easiest way to deal with Pattern Screamers is to destroy their bodies.

They don’t believe it yet

What’s the point of just giving you a physical body and destroying your consciousness?

After all, you project your consciousness into our universe.-!


Someone responded.

The first one of Te Miao – The universe is destroyed

You even destroyed his physical body!

I can only say that this matter has no solution!

Lu Mo smiled slightly when he saw the words of the fans in the live broadcast room.

As one of the most famous supreme deities

This guy is basically immortal.

After all, the absolute nothingness can only be harmed by some supreme deities of higher status.

It is impossible for other people to cause harm to such a being. certainly!

The Pattern Screamer isn’t the only thing that countries are curious about.

They were curious about Rakmou-leusan and the Church of the Second Hytoth.

A person who can escape from the first universe

It is older than the current universe and has existed for who knows how many trillions of years.

Another one looks like a religion established by a cosmic civilization.

And it has a lot to do with humans.

He was crippled by the Daevites.

If I could know the Church of the Second Hytoth……

Maybe you can also learn about the history of the time when humans ruled the Milky Way.

This information can give humans a deeper understanding of their origins.

“Mr. Lu, what are Rakmou-leusan and the Church of the Second Hytoth?”

Dragon Country’s barrage appears again

Seeing this, Lu Mo doesn’t mind saying

This content is indeed quite interesting

It is time for humans to understand the creatures in the universe.

“Rakmou-leusan is a cosmic entity believed in by the Church of the Second Hytoth and multiple Ortothan alien civilizations. He is an alien hero who survived the destruction of the previous universe.”

“There are six other aliens who survived the destruction of the previous universe.”

“Legend has it that these seven aliens ascended to godhood after the birth of this universe and became the seven guardians of this universe, also known as the Seven Saints. However, only Rakmo-Lusan survives to this day.”

“And the legend of Rakmou-leusan……”

“According to Ortothan mythology, before existence there was a chaotic non-existence called the Voro””

“Here thoughts and matter constantly emerge and perish”

“At some point, an unknown deity created the First Hytoth, the first universe isolated from the dangers of the Vor.”

“This universe existed for countless ages until it was devoured and destroyed by a super-universal entity.”

“His name is not mentioned in any recovered Ortothan documents.”

“A few beings survived the Great Devouring and took refuge in the Voru until the gods who created the First Hytoth created a new universe, the Second Hytoth.””

“The survivors”drilled” into the Second Hytoth and settled down in the expanding space and time. The seven leaders of the survivors gathered together and vowed to protect the new universe from being destroyed again.”

“The seven leaders ascended to godhood and became the Seven Saints, the Koru-teusa.’”

“The Koru-teusa was once active in the early universe, spreading religious beliefs to gain support for itself and fighting against entities that threatened the universe.”

“To maintain their godly state, the Korru-teusa require a constant supply of blood, as their blood is constantly lost in their new form, and bloodletting must be performed to maintain their health.”

“However, as their influence waned, so did the number of bloodletting rituals performed by their followers.”

“Members of the Koru-teusa have died one after another, the last of whom was the sixth Saint, Yoron-leusan, who died two thousand years ago.”

“The last living member of the Seven is the Fourth, also known as Rakmou-leusan.”

“Rakmou-leusan defends against the extra-universal entity ‘Voruteut’”

“They are trying to invade this universe to escape the Vorocity, which will eventually cause reality collapse if not stopped”

“It is unknown how long Rakmou-Leshan can continue to fight.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone’s faces were filled with admiration for Rakmou-le-Shang.

The universe in which humans now live can continue to exist

It’s basically all thanks to the Seven Saints.

Without their help, we can defend against those supernatural entities.

It is estimated that no living creature in the universe can survive

What is even more surprising is that……

What exactly is the being that created the First Hytoth Universe and the Second Hytoth Universe?

Being able to create two worlds in such dangerous chaos!

Through these descriptions they can understand

Whether it is the First Hytoth Universe or the current Second Hytoth Universe

They are all worlds with countless parallel universes

It is unknown how many living organisms survived.

Such an existence is beyond human imagination.

“Brothers! To be honest, we should all give Rakmoue-LeShang a kowtow!”

“Indeed! Without the Seven Saints, there would be no universe we live in today!”

“But logically speaking, why did the final ritual disappear?”

“For living creatures, especially technological creatures, it is foreseeable that the influence of such myths and legends will become smaller and smaller!”

“What a pity! It would be great if all the seven saints were here!”

“The key issue now is that we must not let anything happen to Rakmou-leusan… otherwise not only humans, but almost everyone in the Second Hytoth Universe will be in trouble!”

“Isn’t the Church of the Second Hytoth related to Rakmou-leusan? Maybe there will be some related information when Lumo introduces it.���What about the content!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live studio heard this.

I am also very grateful to these heroes who have experienced crises and are now protecting them with their lives.

If possible

They really hope to be able to help such beings

After all, humans and Rakmou-leusan are now basically in a life-and-death situation.

Once those Vorwutu enter the Second Hytoth Universe

It would be impossible for humans to continue to survive!

The key point now lies in the Church of the Second Hytoth!

At this time, Lu Mo’s voice also rang out.

“The Church of the Second Hytoth is a supernatural organization composed of humans and alien entities that believe in the extraterrestrial religion”Ortothan”. Its goal is to assist a cosmic guardian deity, Rakmou-leusan, in fighting against the extra-cosmic threat Voruteut.”

“The core belief of the religion is that the current universe, the”Second Hytoth”, is a successor to another universe that once existed until it was consumed by a super-universal entity.”

“The group conducts most of its operations behind the scenes, occasionally engaging in minor conflicts with the Foundation and other normal organizations.”

“Members of the group are generally proficient in occult practices, such as thaumaturgy and limited theurgy; caution is advised when interacting with them.”

“Known leaders include Farah Onteus, the general leader of the church, the”Second Messenger”, the leader of the extraterrestrial group, and Sean Glen-Marcas, the Grand Aímact, the leader of the Toronto Ortothan Church.”

“The human Ortothan belief system is known to have existed since approximately 11,000 BCE, corresponding to the founding of the ancient Ortothan Kingdom civilization; however, the modern branch has only developed in the last century.”

“Other Ortothan groups exist that are separate from the Church, but they are much smaller and generally espouse different moral values.”

“In addition to the Church, Ortothan religion also exists in the stars and intergalactic space, and first appeared in extraterrestrial civilizations.”

“Several such Ortothan civilizations are known to exist, but their full extent has yet to be determined.”

“The goals of the Church of the Second Hytoth are:”

“Preserve Rakmou-leusan’s life through a bloodletting ritual”

“Spreading Ortothan religion and morality based on the deeds of Rakmou-leusan”

“Research the Ortothan pantheon, the First Hytoth, and other unknown elements of Ortothan mythology”

“Kill all the Wo Wu Tu”

“The organization is relatively small and has a peaceful attitude towards those who are not related to Wo Wu Tu, but it still has activities around the world.”

“There are several churches in major cities.”

“Many more exist in pocket dimensions connected by Ways.”

“Secret raids have been conducted under Operation Purple Lens, but more raids have been delayed due to the recent addition of a ritual code system to Way entrances.”

“Ortothan entities from other regions of the galaxy, including the”Second Messenger”, are high-ranking members of the organization.”

“They usually evacuate from their extraterrestrial home star system and attempt to carry out interstellar conversion activities.”

“To this end, the organization���Possesses a vast amount of knowledge about extrasolar phenomena and locations, beyond the current Foundation”

“Human members of the organization will often use alien technology”

“It should be noted that, despite the connection to extrasolar life, the Church itself has not had any contact with any extraterrestrial Ortothan groups.”

“Whether these extraterrestrial Ortothans are aware of the existence of the Church of the Second Hytoth remains to be studied.”

When Lu Mo said this, everyone was stunned.

They have always believed that the Church of the Second Hytoth has exchanges with extraterrestrial civilizations.

So now it seems that the Church of the Second Hytoth is simply an organization on the Blue Planet.

It’s just that there are some aliens in the church!

As for the Church of Hytoth in the Universe……

The name should be the Ortothan Group

But think about it

The Ortothan groups in these universes are more or less an existence where technology overwhelms humans.

If they really want you to believe in Ortothan, just crush us.

No matter in which universe, the law of the dark forest cannot be ignored perhaps!

The history of mankind known through various means is that it is a very powerful civilization.

But today’s human beings are just noobs to the cosmic civilization.

The only ones who can help seem to be the Foundation and Lu Mo.……

What is even more surprising is that in 10,000 BC

It is also a very powerful civilization.


Human history has been extended again……

I don’t know when they will be able to understand the entire history of mankind.……

“Brothers, to be honest, I still hope that the Second Hytoth civilization will not have any contact with extraterrestrial civilizations!”

·· ····Request flowers···· 0

“There is a connection for sure, but they are only aliens who have been to the Blue Planet. They have no connection with the Ortothan civilization in the real universe!”

“That’s right! We still have to defend against the Dark Forest Law to some extent!”

“The main thing is that humans once ruled the Milky Way, and who knows if they have offended any race!”

“The only one we can use now is probably Boss Lu Mo!”

“Aren’t you curious about what the ancient Ortothan Empire was like ten thousand years ago?”

“Well, the ancient Ortothan civilization doesn’t seem to be the Blue Star civilization… it’s just the time when the Church of the Second Hytoth was established!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were all numb

The more you know now

The more curious they are.

Many things are unknown

They are eager to know all the history of mankind

Unfortunately, there is no news from the foundation until now.

If we could get support from the foundation, human technology and understanding of the past would probably improve a lot!

At this time, Lu Mo continued to tell the news about the Second Hytoth Church.

Didn’t answer too many questions from the live streamers

“The Church of the Second Hytoth’s code of conduct is the adherence to a set of moral values ​​based on the actions of Rakmou-leusan, commonly referred to as the organization’s core doctrine.”

“The core of the doctrine includes the ability to think strategically, be curious about the world, and be friendly and peaceful to those who are not enemies.”

“Adherence to this doctrine influences the actions of church members and the church as a whole to avoid conflict unless there is no other way.”


“For this reason, they maintain neutral relations with many organizations of interest, and a small number of members are also associated with other anomalous groups.”

“Mixing of human and extraterrestrial cultures has been documented, but only where there are enough similarities.”

“This has created a unique identity within the church, with human members accepting certain alien ideas even if they are generally difficult for humans to understand.”

“Some notable ideas include the belief in an underlying non-dimensional”bridge” that links familiar entities in their perceived world.”

“When greeting someone, turn to one side temporarily so as not to face the person directly.”

“Using neuroelectronic LED implants to change skin color as a means of communication”

“”Taste the colors outside the electromagnetic spectrum”

“In some sub-factions, members of the organization even establish a hive mind structure.”

“There are many festivals that originate from extraterrestrial traditions”

“For example, members of the”Regeneration Festival” will isolate themselves from the outside world as much as possible, eat and rest alone. This is derived from the behavior of some alien races entering the”regeneration machine” to recover after long-term work.”

“However, this culture is not ubiquitous within the church; Ortostan rituals are encouraged to take precedence among all members.”

“The church is primarily focused on the worship of Rakmou-leusan and other Koru-teusa, but within it there are smaller sects with slightly different beliefs and practices.”

“These cults often worship other gods within and outside the Ortothan pantheon to support the group’s overall goals, believing that all gods must unite to protect the universe from the threat of the Vortu.”

“A very small number of religious sects that follow different moral practices but still adhere to the group’s core teachings are accepted but despised”

“Ortothan groups that do not adhere to the teachings of the Church of the Second Hytoth will be ignored and excluded.”

“If the Church believes that the actions of other Ortothan groups bring negative attention to their religion and violate their moral values, they will regard them as warnings that they should be ritually killed to provide blood for Rakmou-leusan, and will send warriors to stop such groups’ actions.”

After hearing this, people became less wary of the Church of the Second Hytoth.

Human beings are a relatively inclusive civilization. certainly!

Except for some countries

Therefore, we will respect some cultural forms of alien civilizations that people can understand.

Although I do feel that these behaviors are a bit strange

However, all creatures in the universe have different living and social environments.

You can’t say too much. based on���A kind of inclusiveness, and the purpose of fighting against the Vortu

This religion is also very friendly to other beings that are not Wo Wu Tu.

This is also a point that makes people relax their guard

Since it is friendly, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

The purpose of humanity and the Church of the Second Hytoth is actually the same

Protect the Second Hytoth Universe from being destroyed

Since we have a common enemy, the foundation for cooperation has been established.

“Let’s be honest! The Church of the Second Hytoth is much better than Sarkicism!”

“Not only Sarkicism, it’s also better than the Church of the Broken God. They still respect the lifestyles of various civilizations!”

“After all, the purpose of the Church of the Second Hytoth is different from these two churches. They are for the continuation of the universe and don’t care about your internal affairs!”

“Indeed! Sarkicism and the Church of the Broken God are both purely religious churches, and they are very different from the Second Hytoth!”.

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