Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 The Supreme Godhead of Sese Robotics! Dr. Wondertainment!

At this time, Mr. Li also remembered something.

Behind these abnormal organizations are various supreme gods.

I wonder if there is a supreme deity behind Anderson Robotics?

Thinking of this, Mr. Li decisively called Lu Mo

“Mr. Lu, does Anderson Robotics have a supreme deity?”

Hearing what Mr. Li said, Lu Mo was also stunned.

Then I thought about why Mr. Li asked.

“There is no supreme deity behind Anderson Robotics”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

This is the first organization without a supreme divine platform.

But since there is no supreme divine platform

Why doesn’t the foundation get rid of this company?

You know, Anderson Robotics is a hostile organization to the Foundation.

There is no reason to allow such an organization to continue to exist, right?

“Brothers! Why doesn’t the Foundation take action against an organization without a supreme deity and with average strength?”

“Yes! This organization is obviously hostile to the Foundation. I wonder how much trouble it has caused to the Foundation!”

“Could it be that there is something behind this organization? A divine being?”

“Indeed! The Foundation would gain a lot if it got rid of Anderson Robotics!”

“Do you think it is possible that Anderson Robotics is just another organization that has been pushed to the forefront?”

Looking at the speculations of the water friends in my live broadcast room

Lu Mo also smiled.

Although there is no specific documentation

But it can still be seen through some subtle information of the containment objects.

Anderson Robotics is closely connected to the factory organization.

“Anderson Robotics is somewhat related to another tissue factory”

Hearing Lu Mo’s words

Everyone was stunned. factory?

Is this also an organization?

But just looking at the name

The two organizations are indeed connected.

A factory that specializes in producing robots?

At this time, Lu Mo also began to talk about the contents of the factory.

“The factory is one of the Foundation’s hostile forces, a mysterious factory that mass-produces a variety of malicious anomalous products.”

“A factory is a poorly understood entity or group of entities of unknown origin, located primarily in the Midwest of the United States and several countries with weak labor laws.”

“Founded by UTE-0561-VeniceGreen, current location unknown”

“Its management is ostensibly composed of multiple intelligent entities, but no satisfactory description or photograph is available.”

“There is no information about the factory structure yet.”

“But it is believed that the factory is loosely run like similar non-anomalous companies.”

“The factory appears to be self-financed through the sale of various mass-produced anomalous products.”

“The Foundation’s current attitude towards the factory is to destroy it as soon as possible.”

“All factory operators are considered KTEs, with a default response level of 3 and an aggressive individual level of 4.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Good job!

Specialized in producing malicious containment

It is better to eliminate such organizations as soon as possible!

But speaking of

The factory is pretty awesome.

It has taken so long for it to be destroyed by the Foundation!

This is the first organization that the Foundation has directly ordered to be eliminated.

Even all personnel in the factory are high threat targets

“Let’s be honest! The factory is really awesome! The Foundation didn’t even destroy it!”

“Of course! The technological level of these organizations is beyond our imagination, so they have many ways to escape!”

“Anderson Robotics has connections to the factory, no wonder they are also hostile to the Foundation!”

“By the way…is there a supreme deity in the factory?”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are all very curious now

The factory was able to survive the Foundation’s attack.

In addition to its own technological level and containment

Is there a supreme deity?

Or does the Supreme God have rules?

Can’t attack living creatures casually?

However, Lu Mo did not answer the questions of the live broadcast room fans.

What is more important now is that in another world line

Relationship between the Foundation and the Factory

There are many scientific knowledge points that can be harvested.

“The conflict between the foundation and the factory is actually quite complicated.”

“The Foundation’s predecessor organization split after occupying the factory due to disputes over its attitude towards anomalous objects”

“The people who left founded MCD, the Church of the Broken God or the Fifth Church, the predecessor of the Global Occult Alliance, and the predecessor of the UIU.”

“The predecessor organization of the Foundation established by the remaining personnel also suffered a genocide similar to the Irish leprechauns after controlling the factory for several years.”

“The documents left by Bigfoot indicate that the goblin civilization once dominated the world before being overthrown by Bigfoot civilization.”

“O5-1 was forced to surrender to the demons in the factory, and used anomalous powers to reset the timeline, defeating the goblin invasion, and leading the Foundation to hunt down the goblin race around the world.”

“However, it turns out that the use of all the factory’s output will make the factory stronger, and even the bodies of D-class personnel will automatically disappear and become feed for the factory.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned!

Good job!

The Church of the Broken God was founded by people who left the Foundation?

This news is really unexpected.

But think about it

If there is no Foundation to contain various objects

They can’t reach those supreme beings either! and

There are demons in the factory?

Even the leaders of the foundation need help from each other

Fairies also exist……

Even ruled the blue planet

It is really unexpected.

The history of Blue Planet is beyond everyone’s imagination.

Humans have always believed that they are the most advanced creatures.

It turns out that there are still many advanced civilizations on the blue planet.

But human life���Just the last one!

“Seriously! I want to see what a goblin looks like!”

“Who wouldn’t want to say the same thing! Fairies are extremely beautiful in legends!”

“Ahem! You are all pretty fairy knights!”

“I don’t know if the goblins are into technology or magic.……”

“It must be thaumaturgy! After all, they are a race of illusions!”

“Do you think there is a supreme god in the factory? Could that devil be the supreme god?”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room wants to see the fairies who once ruled the Blue Star but……

Maybe there is no chance!

The Foundation’s pursuit is not that simple

However, they are still curious whether the factory has a supreme god.

Is that so-called devil the supreme deity?

In response, Lu Mo also began to tell the news about the Supreme God related to the factory.

“The supreme deity of the factory is called Dr. Wondertainment”

“Often referred to as”Dr. W” or”Dr..W”A mysterious toy dealer of children’s toys. Seems to have some potential connection with the factory.”

“Most of the toys produced in the early days were harmless.”

“But after the supplement of the containment in the later period, it has become an unfathomable existence.”

“They have a comprehensive understanding of the projects held by the Foundation and even the dark side of the world itself. They are aware of the existence of divinity/supreme divinity in the universe and the development of parallel universes. Even their products are inextricably linked to various dangerous existences.”

“The title appears to be hereditary, with several people holding the title of Doctor Wondertainment.”

“Doctor Wondertainment, both individual and collective entities, are capable of creating anomalous artifacts and entities that are thematically similar to children’s toys”

“These objects and devices vary in nature but are clearly intended for children”

“Additionally, Dr. Wondertainment is responsible for the Little Misters, a series of collectible anomalous humanoid objects.”

“Doctor Wondertainment has targeted Foundation personnel in the past to obscure their perception of the Foundation.”

“Wondertainment has been documented throughout the site’s history, dating back to Series I’s Wonder Origami”

“Since then, it has continued to develop along several very key lines:”

“Wondertainment is a capital operation”

“Wondertainment makes toys for kids”

“Wondertainment is childish and playful”

“Dr. Wondertainment may be a company, an individual, or an individual running a company.”

“However, the most important thing is that Dr. Wondertainment has incredible abilities and makes toys.”

“Even if these toys are not actually safe, or far beyond what a child could imagine, Wondertainment is still essentially making toys.”

“This can be seen in a variety of ways, from the heartwarming and friendly to the genuinely horrible and the downright misguided.”

“But by their intentions/control in this world, they are considered indisputably closely associated with children and childlike behavior.”

After hearing about Dr. W

Everyone was stunned

Know all divinity and the Supreme Divinity

And can also inherit the title

Isn’t this ability a bit outrageous?

Moreover, after reading Dr. W’s related content

Is this guy just a child?

Still quite willful

They completely ignore whether the things they make are necessary for children.

This guy and the factory are really a perfect match!

“To be honest, although Dr. W is a rather willful guy, he can still inherit some of his traits!”

“Indeed! Is this a way for humans to become the Supreme God?”

“I don’t know what the method is to inherit Dr. W’s title. If there is a way, our Dragon Country might have one more supreme deity!”

“That’s right! But the factory doesn’t seem to want Long Guo to inherit the title of Dr. W, right?”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are now thinking… 0

How can a normal person inherit the title of Dr. W?

This is also a big blow to the factory.

Maybe we can destroy the factory!

As for other countries, they also want to know how to inherit

After all, the current national strength competition is a competition of the number of objects contained and the supreme divinity.

It can be said that no country can compare with Dragon Country.

But if I could inherit Dr. W

At least I still have some tricks up my sleeve!

However, Lu Mo did not say anything about the succession of Dr. W’s title.

Let’s start by telling the known identity of Dr. W.

“Dr. W I:”

“Wondertainment I was born in a small village, the son of a seamstress and a certified public accountant.”

“He lived a quiet and desperate life in this dark and boring world, and only found entertainment in the stories his father told him every night before bed. In the stories, there was a magical toy maker who could create miracles that had never been seen before or since.”

“This toy maker, according to his father, is a distant relative of theirs, and his blood also flows in the young first generation W.”

“As he grew up, he began to seek the truth of the story in order to regain his birthright.”

“He followed every clue he could find, searching for even the vaguest rumors of puppets that came to life, jumping jacks that really jumped, and cuckoo clocks that sang and danced without the need for clockwork or springs.”

“For a long time his journey was fruitless and the secret of the old toy maker seemed to be buried.”

“But to his surprise and delight, he finally found a place where he could create running puppets, jumping Jacks, and so many other magical things.”

“He found the factory”

“The factory is a trap”

“It stole him and threw the young man into a wall of concrete and steel to do hard labor.”

“It mocked creativity and forced him to participate until he almost collapsed.”

“But he escapes, carrying with him the stolen documents, which lead him to a cabin deep in the woods, the source of magic that the Factory had seized and distorted.”

“He entered the hut and found his ancestor’s workshop there.”

“With a satisfied smile, he read through the diary notes and blueprints one by one. With a gentle twinkle in his eyes, he picked up the tools of his new business.”

“The identity of Dr. W II is unknown”

“Dr. W III is named Dr. Reginald Philbert Lionel Archibald Westinghouse Wondertainment III, possibly a Class II reality bender”

“Little is known about his past. However, it is known that he comes from an ancient family of Wondertainmen5.1t, all of whom are born to be peerless toymakers.”

“He is also known to be immortal, has existed since the age of the dinosaurs, and creates magical toys for all the good little dinosaurs.”

“It is also known that he does not actually exist, but is just a roiling manifestation of fun and joy, created entirely from the imagination of every child in the world.”

“Whatever his origins, he is great, able to create miracles with a wave of his hand, bring joy with a snap of his fingers, and dream with a wink of his eyes.”

“Although there are no confirmed sightings and the details are inconsistent, he is generally described as a tall man wearing a purple suit and a tall hat, carrying a cane, and having a long W-shaped mustache.”

“Adjectives used ranged from”stylish” to”eye-catching” to”really handsome for his age.”””

“The fifth generation of Dr. W is a woman, whose full name is Dr. Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V”

“Possibly a Class IV reality bender”

“Wild and crazy style”

“She is theoretically the daughter of the”original” Dr. Wondertainment.”

“She inherits her father’s fortune after his mysterious death, a case that involves a serial killer, the head of a shadowy international transgovernmental paramilitary organization, at least one deity, and four paper clips, all of which may or may not be the same person.”

“She runs her business with her loyal friends Emma Aislethor or Brown, her extremely loyal corgis and Jeremy”

“The favorite activities of the ever-lazy Dr. W include eating ice cream, sending Jeremy out to buy goods she doesn’t need, holding her breath to see how long she can last without passing out, etc.”.

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