Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: The origin of the containment begins from the creation of the world! The world-destroying spider!


Everyone was stunned!

I couldn’t believe my ears!

What did they hear?

Should the earliest objects collected by the Dragon Kingdom be counted from the period of Fuxi and Nuwa?

Isn’t that the primitive period?


The legendary person who created humans out of clay!

The legendary common mother of mankind!

Not to mention Fuxi, Nuwa’s brother and later the Emperor of Mankind!

But aren’t these just legends?

According to what Mr. Lu Mo meant

So all this really happened?

We humans did not evolve from monkeys as the theory of evolution says.

Was it really created by Nuwa as in the legend?

“I was stunned! I was completely stunned! If that were the case, wouldn’t that mean that the theory of evolution is completely false?”

“Indeed! If Nuwa and Fuxi really existed, we were molded by Nuwa! So if you think about it this way, we are also shelter objects, right?”

“So should we feel honored, or privileged, or honored?”

“I am wondering now, will Fuxi and Nuwa appear? What should we do if they appear?”

“Aren’t these two at the creation level in mythology?”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room is a little skeptical about life

After all, everyone’s education tells them

Humans evolved from monkeys!

As a result, Lu Mo now says that the existence of the legends such as Fuxi and Nuwa are real!

It’s not a myth or legend!

It is even possible that humans were really created by Nuwa!

This is a bit scary!

Not just Dragon Country!

Now the whole world is confused!

Good job!

Don’t some of you Koreans always say that Dragon Country only has 4,000 years of history?

Do you have a 5,000-year history?

It’s ok now!

The history of the Dragon Kingdom is not just five thousand years!

It can even double!

Nuwa and Fuxi calculated according to the myth

It’s really crazy that it should be calculated in units of ten thousand, right?

It’s numb!

It’s really numb!

“No! We must protest now! We must ask the government to check if there are any objects in the graves of our great men!”

“That’s right! As the strongest country, we must have more powerful objects than Dragon Country!”

“I just laughed! The American netizen above, whose grave do you want to dig for the past 400 years?”

“Exactly! Everyone knows what you have been doing for the past four hundred years! Do you still think you have history? It’s ridiculous to still want to find black technology!”

“What are you talking about! Fuxi and Nuwa are from our country! We have a history of 100 million years! You Dragon Country, don’t even think about stealing our things!”

“Ah, right, right! You guys, I don’t know what you were doing at the time of Zulong, were you still living a barbaric life of eating raw meat and drinking blood?”

After Lu Mo said this

The outside world was instantly excited!

It seems that the history of our country may not be that simple!


I still hope that some countries can see themselves clearly.

It’s like everyone knows what your history is like!

At this time, Lu Mo stopped fighting.

Glancing at the containment radar

At this time, many SCP-939 dogs have run out of the buildings on both sides.

And rushed towards him.

I guess it’s because he’s the only one blocking the door here, so he’s easier to bully!

But it’s just right!

At this time, Lu Mo also thought of the dragon energy skill he had just acquired.

The effect of dragon energy is quite powerful!

And it is a large-scale deterrence capability!

It’s just right to use now!

Lu Mo showed a smile

Look at the red dogs rushing towards you

Dragon energy!

A terrifying feeling of oppression appeared between heaven and earth!

Centered on Lv Mo

A terrifying shock wave suddenly swept across the surrounding area without any blind spots!

Dust flying!

The impact directly scraped off a layer of the ground!

Some dogs were blown away by the shock wave brought by the dragon energy.

The body was smashed into the surrounding trees and pierced by tree branches.

The low houses were directly collapsed by the shock wave!

Turned into ruins

As for most dogs

Being pressed to the ground by the horrible oppression, unable to move

The few organs in the dog’s body were crushed into pieces under the pressure.……

Look at the effects you have created

Lu Mo smiled slightly not bad!

Even if I don’t use my dragon energy at full strength

Can bring such an effect

Everyone watching Lu Mo’s live broadcast was stunned!

Just now they looked at Lu Mo as if they were seeing an emperor!

The feeling of oppression from the heart makes everyone unable to calm down.

“Nest! Was that Master Lu Mo’s skill just now? It was like I saw the emperor sitting high on the throne!”

“Same! And this move of Boss Lu Mo is simply a magical skill to clear out the miscellaneous soldiers! Look at the 939s around, all of them have been destroyed!”

“I wonder if this is the result of Boss Lu Mo suppressing his own strength, otherwise this area would not exist!”

“Of course! The damage caused by this move of Master Lu Mo is not as strong as the fire pillar. It must have suppressed a lot of power! Otherwise, I think the pressure alone would make us faint!”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live studio was shocked.

They found it.

You never know how strong Lu Mo is!

This ability even makes those who are watching the live broadcast feel like worshipping him!

If you exert your full strength……

I guess it can suffocate people from a distance!

At this time, Long Tian and others had already cleared the dogs in the building.

Came out with another team.

When the two teams met, they immediately started to compare

They all said how many shelters they had destroyed.

To be honest, when the containment just broke out, they never thought that they would have this day!

At that time, the containment object was basically invincible!

And now I……

Even able to hunt these guys

The two teams came to Lu Mo boasting

Seeing Lu Mo using a pile of dog corpses as chairs

And the pile of dog corpses behind Lu Mo

No one spoke anymore.

It’s true!

We become stronger but we are still mortals!

It turns out that he cannot be compared with a super god like Lu Mo!

Lu Mo took a look at the radar and found that the dog had basically been cleared!

Then he looked at the two SCP-939s lying on the ground with their limbs broken by him..

Contain it directly!

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing SCP-939 and gaining the ability: sound imitation!】

For this ability

Lu Mo said it was a bit tasteless

The containment is not human

There’s no point in imitating the sound.

The inmates will not take the initiative to be incarcerated just because your voice is nice.

Unless you give me the ability to change my appearance.

Then there is something else that can be used together!

At this time, Long Tian and others came to Lu Mo’s side

“Mr. Lu, are there any more items to be collected?”

This time, Lu Mo doesn’t need to say anything.

Long Tian and the others found something wrong.

The damage to the surrounding houses was so serious!

Moreover, many of them were not destroyed by Lv Molong’s energy.

Like the other side of the building he just came out of

The house was actually cut right in the middle!

No one present could achieve this effect except Lu Mo.

SCP-939 is impossible!

Lu Mo nodded to this.

There is a red dot in the suburbs that has never moved

That thing must be the one causing the damage here.

Then Lu Mo led everyone onto the plane

Go to the red dot.

On the plane, the effects of destruction were more fully displayed to everyone. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The land along the way seemed to have been plowed by something huge.

All the trees were cut down the middle

Abnormally smooth incision

It can be said that something passed through the trees without any hindrance.

The houses on the road were either crushed or cut in half.[]

Long Tian and the others’ expressions became increasingly ugly!

Anything that can cause such damage must be 100% extraordinary!

“Brothers! The object contained this time is really huge! Otherwise, it would be impossible to cause such damage!”

“Well, I’m pretty close to Boss Lu Mo! Ever since the containment appeared, I’ve been able to feel vibrations and all kinds of loud noises around me!”

“Nest! I won’t encounter the same thing as Mr. 682 this time!”

“Impossible! The only world-destroying containment object now seems to be Master 682! There can’t be any others!”

“You know what, it’s possible! I hope he’s not some scary guy!”

The viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were trembling with fear!

Something that could cause so much damage

It’s scary no matter how you look at it!

As the plane gets closer to the containment

Everyone can see something white like a spider web underneath.

Hanging on the surrounding trees finally!

Arrived near the shelter

Lu Molongtian and others haven’t gotten off the plane yet.

A large mass of white stuff shot towards the helicopter!

This thing is really too big

The weight alone is likely to crush a helicopter!

If anyone is hit, no one can survive.

It would be the same even if Long Tian and the others took the potion!

However, Long Tian and his men were not panicked at all.

They have even more terrifying existences here!

Boss Lu Mo is here, what else can they do?���

Isn’t this a slap in the face of Boss Lu Mo? call!——

The white spider web hasn’t reached the helicopter yet.

The flames instantly devoured the spider web

The crisis was resolved invisibly.

At this time, everyone finally saw the source of this huge spider web!

An extremely huge spider with a human face!

When its claws are spread out, they are hundreds of meters wide!

Especially the front part of the claw

In the sunshine

Glittering metallic light

No one would doubt the sharpness of this guy’s claws.

Even tanks, the strongest human land shield

In front of this kind of thing,

Maybe they all look like they are made of paper!

Long Tian and the others were stunned when they saw such a huge spider!

Completely dumbfounded!

This thing is a little too big!

When unfolded, it looks hundreds of meters!

How the hell does this creature exist in this world?

“Hiss! ——I’m having a heart attack! Is this the object to be contained this time?”

“My house is so close… How can I still survive? Did I save the world in my last life?”

“I can’t take it anymore! I’m most afraid of spiders! Why are there such big spiders? Any other creature will do!!!!”

“This is the first time I feel that there is a creature that can rival Master 682! Its size is so scary! It looks even scarier than Master 682!”

“682 is still a reptile to some extent! But spiders have all the characteristics that people fear!”

“I guess only our Mushroom Egg Express can solve this problem!”

“No need! Ordinary missiles are enough! But I am worried about what strange abilities this guy has!”

Many viewers in Lu Mo’s live studio gasped.

People who are afraid of spiders are even more shocked.

Insects are definitely the things that humans fear the most!

But normal size

Maybe people don’t feel how scary it is.

But once it is magnified……

The fear it brings is definitely beyond that of any other creature!

Right at this moment!~

Lu Mo’s voice rang out

“Item #: SCP-5683 [The spider said to the fly:”Can I have a seat next to you?”】!”

“Object Class: Keter!”

“SCP-5683 is a giant arachnid capable of rapid regeneration and body changes”

“It is extremely hostile to all humans and carries out mass killings”

“This attack is usually carried out by injecting venom into the jaws and piercing the legs and feet.”

“SCP-5683 has demonstrated basic reasoning and planning abilities when hunting, but is not believed to possess human-level intelligence.”

“If placed in a threatening situation, SCP-5683 will begin to rapidly adapt, becoming more resistant to any type of danger it faces.”

“This adaptation will continue until the corresponding 900 danger no longer exists.”

When Lu Mo finished talking about SCP-5683’s abilities, everyone’s expressions were not quite right.

They finally noticed the scene on SCP-5683’s feet

At least hundreds of people were pierced by the opponent’s huge claws. etc!

Right at this moment!

Everyone who was still surprised by the scene on SCP-5683’s feet suddenly came to their senses!

This guy’s ability……

Why do they feel so familiar?

There is always one……

The sense of déjà vu of SCP-682’s ability!


What is déjà vu?

These two abilities are almost identical!

It’s basically SCP-682 in a different appearance!

So this thing is also a doomsday-level containment object!

“Nest! Isn’t this just a replica of Mr. 682?”

“It’s over! It’s over! It’s completely over! There are also world-destroying containment objects!”

“I’m so confused! I suddenly realized that it’s better to have a doomsday containment like 682. After all, it’s high-profile. But this guy, damn, doesn’t make any noise at all! Once it takes shape, the damage it will cause is totally unimaginable!”

“Yes! That is to say, we have Boss Lu Mo, who was able to find this guy’s whereabouts in advance. Otherwise, it would be GG!”

“Fortunately, Lu Mo and his team have SCP-999 Itch Monster! Jelly’s ability is absolutely invincible against living organisms!”

The viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were also stunned!

They never expected that it would be the same containment object as 682!

Still so low-key, it will be difficult to deal with if the other party develops

But don’t worry now

As soon as we find out, we’ll hand it over to Boss Lu Mo and that’ll be it!

Jelly’s ability is basically invincible against biological containment objects!

Just when everyone thought that Lu Mo would use the same old trick and let Jelly attack

When SCP-5683 fainted from laughing,

Lu Mo asked the helicopter to fly higher

Although everyone didn’t know what Lu Mo meant

But just obey orders and that’s it!

The helicopter quickly began to climb

SCP-5683 can’t stand seeing his prey running away

Take off in one leap!

The giant spider over a hundred meters long actually jumped directly to a height of four or five hundred meters!

Long Tian and the others were all confused!

Can you please respect Newton?

Aren’t you really afraid that Newton will come out and praise you?

A spider that is over a hundred meters long must weigh hundreds of tons!

How do you manage to jump so high?


Spider-Man must be using your genes! certainly

Lu Mo will not sit idly by and watch SCP-5683 mess around

When SCP-5683 was halfway through the jump

Lu Mo threw out a transparent cube


SCP-5683 fell heavily to the ground

The smoke and dust in the sky made it difficult for people to see the scene inside.

When the smoke clears……

Everyone’s face was filled with shock!

SCP-682 directly pressed SCP-5683 to the ground!

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