Live broadcast to reveal the secret of tomb robbery, I actually activated Qilin blood

Page 30

"Damn, can't there be ghosts?"


Li Qiangguo held his breath and concentrated, and took out a bright flashlight that he carried with him.

After turning on the flashlight, a beam of light passed through the deep tomb and shone on the coffin in the middle of the tomb.

At this time, everyone saw it.

Inside this purple-gold coffin and nanmu coffin, there seemed to be some living things hitting the lid of the coffin.

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped in unison.


It's fucking unscientific!

If the six-winged centipede in front can be explained by genetic mutation, isn't there only a mummy in the coffin that has been dead for hundreds of years?

Mummy can also be resurrected?

This cannot be explained by science at all!

Just when everyone in the archaeological team was terrified, they heard a loud noise!

The Zijin coffin exploded and shattered into countless pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure stood up straight from the coffin.

It is the corpse of the great general of the Yuan Dynasty!

Seeing this scene, all the archaeologists felt their scalps go numb!

A corpse that has been dead for hundreds of years has really come back to life!

Moreover, seeing his fierce eyes and low growl, it is obvious that he is not very easy to talk about!

Li Qiangguo's face was extremely horrified.

A person who has been dead for hundreds of years can still stand up alive.

This has completely surpassed his cognition!

But the shock was the shock, he still didn't forget his duty!

Almost the moment the mummy rushed out, he roared and shouted.

"Xiao Zhuang, protect the archaeologists, and the others will come up with me!"

Following Li Qiangguo's order, seven or eight soldiers rushed to the front of the tomb in an instant.

Da Da Da~

A burst of gunfire splashed, Li Qiangguo and seven or eight soldiers fired at the same time.

Countless rifle bullets poured on the corpse king.

The corpse king was beaten back again and again, especially Li Qiangguo's marksmanship was so good that he almost hit the corpse king's head with his gun!

After a while, the corpse king finally collapsed.

Li Qiangguo and others stopped shooting.

The archaeologists at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were all relieved to see this scene.

"Great, the monster is finally wiped out!"

"Huh, fortunately there are soldiers here, otherwise the situation would be unimaginable!"

"Captain Li is awesome, he shot his head with a gun, it's amazing!"

"That's right, I've heard of Captain Li when I was in the army. He is the army's shooting champion for two consecutive times!"


Before the audience had time to be happy, they saw that corpse king stood up unsteadily again amidst the gunpowder smoke.

The rotting clothes on his body were riddled with holes from the bullets, but his body was as hard as steel, and the rifle bullets left only some shallow white marks.

Seeing this situation, everyone was stunned and speechless!

The soldiers froze in shock, the corpse king didn't care about it, let out a deep roar, and stepped towards Li Qiangguo and the others!

Obviously, the corpse king was completely enraged.

"Captain, what should I do?"

"Continue to hold on!"

Li Qiangguo roared, and the rifle in his hand poured bullets again.

But this time, the corpse king was obviously on guard, raised his arms to cover his face, and even carried the bullet, approaching Li Qiangguo and the others step by step.

The situation was imminent, Professor Chu hurriedly approached the camera, and sincerely asked for advice: "Mr. Tianguan, what is in the tomb, what should we do now, can you give me some pointers?"

This time the heavenly official's blessing did not disappoint everyone, and he quickly answered Professor Chu's question.

[That's a zombie, and it's the most vicious zombie king! 】

[Once the corpse king is revived, he will be extremely thirsty for blood.Once a person is bitten by the corpse king, he will turn into a zombie within ten minutes! 】

Seeing Su Chen's two bullet screens, Professor Chu was terrified.

Zombie King?

Once bitten, it turns into a zombie?

There is such a terrifying monster in this world?

Not only Professor Chu, but the rest of the archaeologists were terrified when they saw Su Chen's barrage.

In front of them is the Undead King, and behind them is the cliff.

To describe it in one sentence, there is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth!

Could it be that they escaped the six-winged centipede and the centipede swarm, but they were going to die in this tomb in the end?

The archaeologists were in a heavy heart, and their hearts were desperate to the extreme!

When they were trapped by the swarm of centipedes, the Heavenly Official came to rescue them.

But now, who can save them?

It took more than ten minutes for the helicopter support to arrive, but judging by the speed at which the corpse king was carrying the bullets, he might kill the entire archaeological team in less than ten minutes!

In desperation, some female team members finally couldn't bear it and began to sob softly.

Even the strong-willed Professor Chu hunched over at this moment, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

Since the last time, two archaeologists died at the hands of the poisonous centipede.

Professor Chu has become extremely cautious. Every time he makes a decision, he will think it over for a long time.

But he didn't expect that after being cautious for so long, he still fell at the last hurdle!

Thinking of this, Professor Chu gave a wry smile, glanced at the archaeologists present, and murmured: "I'm sorry to everyone, I'm the one who hurt everyone!"

Zheng Xuan is the calmest one among the crowd. It's not that he is not afraid of death, but he has long put life and death aside.

Hearing Professor Chu's words, Zheng Xuan smiled slightly and comforted him: "Professor, it's none of your business. Any archaeologist would make the same choice. After all, who knows that the dead can be resurrected, or that the dead can be resurrected?" Turn into a ferocious zombie!"

The other team members echoed one after another, speaking to comfort Professor Chu.

Yes, the ancient corpse was revived and turned into a biting monster.

No matter who you say this to, it's hard to believe.

Even those with a bad temper may even spit on you and call you crazy!

"Captain, I'm out of bullets!"

"I'm almost out of bullets!"

Li Qiangguo and the soldiers fired fewer and fewer bullets, while the advancing speed of the corpse king became faster and faster.


The corpse king rushed to the exit of the tomb, only seven or eight meters away from the archaeologists in the tomb.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Zhuang, who was protecting the archaeological team, quickly threw his rifle to Li Qiangguo.

Li Qiangguo roared and poured bullets again.

The corpse king was beaten back again and again, and the speed of advancing was temporarily stopped.


Everyone knew that when the last rifle ran out of bullets, it might be the time for them to kill the Zombie King's men!

At this critical juncture, suddenly!

A bold and red barrage was placed high on the top of the live broadcast room!

[I have a solution! 】

——Heavenly official blessing!

Chapter 43

In an instant!

The audience in the live broadcast room were all excited.

Can the God of Heaven Officials save the archaeological team?

In this desperate situation, he still has a way to save the archaeological team?


"Good job! Heavenly official boss, you are my idol forever!"

"Great, Tiantian and the others are saved!"

The audience was excited, and the archaeologists were even more excited.

Professor Chu thought that this time he would definitely die, but he didn't expect that the blessing of the heavenly official would have a solution!

Thinking of this, Professor Chu felt even more respectful towards the mysterious Heavenly Official God.

"Mr. Tianguan, do you really have a way to deal with that monster corpse king?"

As soon as Professor Chu finished speaking, a top barrage appeared in the live broadcast room again.

[Is the yellow talisman paper I left you still there? 】

Yellow talisman?

Seeing this barrage, the audience was stunned.

Obviously, everyone has almost forgotten the talisman paper left by Su Chen.

Only Professor Chu looked excited, and hastily and carefully took out the talisman paper from his pocket.

Last time, after Su Chen dealt with the six-winged centipede, he left behind a piece of yellow talisman paper.

Now it seems that it can come in handy!

"Mr. Tianguan, last time you said that this paper talisman can keep the archaeological team safe, so I have been keeping it as a treasure, and I dare not be careless."


Although the yellow talisman was taken out, the audience in the live broadcast room were completely confused, unable to understand what the Heavenly Official God was going to do!

It's just a piece of yellow paper that can be torn if you poke it, what's the use of it?

Could it be possible to use this piece of paper to destroy the ferocious corpse king?

Just when the audience was puzzled and full of suspicion, the barrage of heavenly blessing appeared again!

【very good!This talisman is called the Great General Talisman, also known as the Suppressing Corpse Talisman, which can be used to restrain zombies! 】

This...Professor Chu froze on the spot, speechless.

A piece of paper can actually restrain the corpse king who can't be killed by bullets?

It's not scientific, it doesn't conform to science at all!

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