Live in Marvel and become an immortal

Chapter 319: The fog beast is not like a beast

After being wrapped in the fog, Wei Qing did not move around at will, but waited silently on the spot, looking for the patterns of the fog.

After a while, the fog became thicker, and Wei Qing could not see the surrounding scene at all. Even the scenery a few meters away was a bit blurry.

The only conspicuous thing is that the two street lamps next to him are still conspicuous.

Just when Wei Qing was about to leave, Wei Qing suddenly noticed a vague figure walking down from the mountain above.

Wei Qing's figure flashed, and he disappeared into the thick fog, hiding in the void, observing the figure in the distance.

He's not like that reckless man like Thor, who doesn't say anything when he sees something, but goes up and gives him a hammer first.

The premise of his recklessness is to find out the details of the enemy.

The figure originally coming towards him was actually not too far away from him. After he hid in the void for a while, the figure came close to him.

Only then did he see clearly that the figure turned out to be Christine.

However, he had no intention of going out, and still observed carefully in secret. At the same time, he carefully used his spiritual consciousness to attach to Christine's body.

There was no way he could get out so easily before his identity was confirmed.

"Lord Andre, Lord Andre."

When they reached the streetlight, Kristen began to call his name. The strange thing was that Kristen could lower her voice at this time, as if she was afraid of something.

"Lord Andre, Lord Andre, come out quickly, we have to leave, otherwise the fog beast will appear soon."

The look on Christine's face was very anxious, and she kept looking around, not knowing what she was looking at.

"What is a fog beast?"

Wei Qing's voice suddenly rang out from the mist, startling Christine.

"Shh, keep your voice down Sir Andre"

Although Christine was startled, she lowered her voice and leaned over. A weak, boneless hand appeared at Wei Qing's mouth.

Wei Qing didn't expect Christine to do this, and didn't react for a moment. When he reacted, his little hand was already covering his mouth.

Calmly taking Kristine's little hand off, Wei Qing's voice rang directly in Kristine's mind.

"What is a fog beast?"

Christine, who had obviously been exposed to spiritual communication before, answered quickly.

"Fog beasts are monsters that live in these fogs. They existed a long time ago. Let's get out of here."

Christine thought anxiously in Wei Qing's mind.

"You're scared"

Wei Qing asked again.

Since his soul power was much stronger than Christine's, he could vaguely sense some of Christine's emotions.

At this time, Christine's soul was filled with fear.

"Yes, Master Andre, let's go quickly, let's go quickly, they are coming."

Christine's tone became very anxious, the expression on her face became frightened, and the focus in her eyes disappeared.

He just kept repeating it in his mouth.

"They're coming, they're coming."

Wei Qing frowned, knocked Kristen unconscious and stuffed her into the small tower.

After looking around and seeing nothing unusual, Wei Qing entered the small tower in a flash and began to peek inside slowly.

After he had been hiding in the small tower for two hours, a vague figure appeared in the mist in the distance.

However, compared with ordinary people, this figure is a bit tall. Even if the figure is blurry, the figure is still four to five meters tall.

The tall figure walked very slowly. It took half an hour from the time Wei Qing spotted him to the time he walked in front of Wei Qing.

However, Wei Qing knew that He was definitely not the monster's ultimate speed, otherwise Kristen would never be so afraid of this thing.

Only when the figure walked in front of him did Wei Qing get a clear look at the tall figure.

But when he saw this man's appearance, Wei Qing was very surprised.

At first, he thought that the fog beast Christine mentioned was some powerful monster or something.

But what he didn't expect was that there was indeed a person in front of him, an extremely tall person.

Not only that, the person who appeared in the mist looked very perfect. He didn't look like a naturally occurring creature at all. Instead, he looked like he was manufactured.

His face was filled with white light, and the complicated clothes he wore were also meticulous. What was even more eye-catching was his pair of black eyes and his long, silky black hair.

But at this time, the tall figure's eyes had no focus, like a robot.

The tall figure walked to the street lamp where Wei Qing and the two were standing, and turned around twice. There was obvious disgust on the mechanical face, and there was also a bit of confusion, as if he was thinking about something.

After staying here for dozens of minutes, I finally found nothing about the people a few meters above me, and then I left the two street lights and disappeared into the thick fog in the distance.

The speed this time was much faster than when he came.

He left, but Wei Qing in the small tower fell into deep thought.

“Who is this person and why do Chinese people appear in such a place?”

Although there are many human beings with black hair and black eyes, there are not many foreigners wearing gorgeous clothes and jade accessories.

And during this time period, apart from aliens, the only people who could wear such gorgeous clothes were Chinese people.

"Why are there Chinese people here, and why are they so tall? Could it be that Nuwa was underestimating when she pinched people?"

Seeing this figure, Wei Qing's doubts became even greater.

Even if there is such a thing as having superpowers, it is unusual for a Chinese person to appear near Northern Europe. What's more, this Chinese person is so tall and handsome, and his appearance is almost as good as his. force.

Wei Qing, who couldn't figure out the reason for all this, focused his eyes on Christine, who was still in a coma.

Even in a coma, Christine's face was full of fear, and she eventually continued to utter incomprehensible gibberish.

"It seems we can only wait until she wakes up."

Wei Qing said with a sigh.

Now that Kristine was in a situation like this, he really didn’t dare to treat her casually.

Who knows what happened to Kristen? What if there is an evil god in her head talking nonsense?

"I'm just looking for a way back. Why is this happening?"

With a wry smile, Wei Qing began to meditate silently, waiting for Christine to wake up.

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