Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 642: Madwomen in the house

Arsh didn't have the heart to wake her up. He couldn't carry her as the weight would stretch his wounds. So he was thinking of letting her sleep on his bed as he had a day bed upstairs. He heard knocking on the door.

His parents were in nightdresses. Aloof Alan was leaning on the door frame while Aria was shaking her head in resignation. She signaled Arsh to be seated when she sensed his movements.

"My dear, you should close the door when you are with your girlfriend." She giggled as she went closer.

Looking at peacefully sleeping Noor, "Did she cry?"

Arsh shook his head in response. He glanced at Noor as he added, "She didn't even get scared as much as I thought."

Aria nodded with a smile. She helped Noor to put her legs up on the bed while Arsh tried to stop her, "Mom, I will do it." Anyway, his mother was quick.

She pulled the duvet over them, "I will tell Noah about Noor. Take a rest. We will talk tomorrow." She rubbed his head adoringly.

A low heart chuckle left his lips. He was preparing to sleep separately, whereas his mother was encouraging him to cuddle his girlfriend without the latter's permission.

Aria was confused. Alan narrowed his eyes at his son for laughing at his wife, "Girls might get embarrassed and be shy to speak but they like to cuddle their loved ones." 

Aria nodded in acceptance to her husband's words. She added another line, "Unless your girl is different. So you have decided on your experience with her."

Arsh heard his love gurus giving him advice. He thought if Noor would also like to cuddle, he felt yes. Before he could respond to his parents, his mobile started ringing with Noah's name on the display.

Putting it to silent immediately, Arsh let Aria know, "I had sent a message to Uncle Noah." He didn't get to respond and the mobile went to Aria's hand.

"Sleep," Aria instructed Arsh as she answered the call, going away from the bed.

Noah patiently asked, unlike what Aria had thought to listen to scoldings, [Arsh, are you guys at Morgan Mansion?]

Aria was happy to hear Noah trusts Arsh and was accepting Arsh, "Yes, Noor's lovely Dad. Both are at the Morgan mansion. Noor dozed off so Arsh asked your permission. If you want us to send her back by waking her up, I will arrange it right away."

Noah scoffed pettily, [Now you are threatening me. You guys better take care of her. If I get to know she wasn't looked after well, forget about taking her away from me.]

Aria hid her chuckle. "Threatening me? Noah Wood, are you sure about it?... Anyway, let me compromise for little Noor."

Even if Noah got little doubts about Arsh, having Aria around, Noah was relaxed and ended the call soon.

Aria left the bedroom once she made sure Arsh was going to sleep without working. Arsh dozed off after his worry settled down when he witnessed Noor snuggling him and having a good sleep.


In the morning,

Noor woke up pretty late. When she moved, she realized she was resting her head on something hard and warm. Shocked, she flung her eyelids open and saw Arsh sleeping with a little frown. 

She unwrapped her hand that was wrapped around his body and found her left leg on his right. Mortified, she jerked up with her hand covering her mouth. She couldn't believe she was splaying all over him when his hand was on his forehead and another one was resting laying next to the pillows.

She suddenly gasped, noticing his frowns. "Ahh… Don't sleep on your back." She spoke to herself rather than with him.

She tried to turn him but was futile due to his weight and him being in deep slumber. After several tries, she was able to make him sleep on his right but found herself enveloped in his arms, like a little bird being protected in its little nest.

"Are you teasing me?" She doubted, however, there were no movements or reactions. Seeing his eyebrows slowly settle, she felt him sleep better.

She tried to get away but his arms suddenly tightened as though somebody was stealing his stuff. Helpless, Noor watched him for a few minutes, feeling his rhythmic heartbeats by her hand on his chest, she dozed off without checking the time.


It was Saturday, so Wood's thought Noor would take a break and go home later. Aria and Alan completed some of their urgent work and stayed in the home. Arna was out to work, Rooney was busy in his studio on his sculpture. None checked on Arsh as he always ditched breakfast.

When it was lunchtime, Roxy was first to speak of Arsh, "I will get Nemo. He can rest after lunch."

Rian barely hummed while Alan glanced at Aria. Aria tugged Roxy and pulled her to sit. "Not a good time."

Amelia and Rowan started their lunch looking at Aria and Roxy speaking with their expressions before both chuckled. 

Rian: "..."

He turned to his mother, "Mom, these two sisters are crazy. They look at each other and laugh. People will think we have madwomen in the house."

Roxy and Aria looked at each other, stuck their tongue at Rian, annoying him more. He was about to scold them, his eyes landed on the stairs. He saw Arsh and Noor alighting the stairs together. What caught his attention was Noor's outfit. Noor was in Arsh's sweatshirt. Even though she was designed in a way it looked like a dress on her, Rian was too smart in such things. Especially when Noor was flushed beet red.

"Noor stayed the night with Arsh!?" He exclaimed.

Roxy kicked his leg, "Behave…"

Rian shrugged. He didn't mean they were doing adult things. He knew Arsh very well. He was surprised because they all thought Noor would take years taking baby steps towards Arsh.

Amelia, Aria, and Roxy looked at each other with a smile on their face before turning to the couple, "Noor, come fast, let's eat." Amelia commented pointing to the chair for her.

Noor carefully looked at the elders. She thanked the heavens they weren't going to tease her. Roxy asked Aria, "Arrie, I like her dress, get one for me, please…"

Rian shook his head, "You oldie, you don't look the same." and earned a slap on his arms.

Aria nodded as she turned to her husband, "Will I still look good if I wear such dresses?"

Alan was the next step ahead, "I will make one for you with my sweatshirt." And all burst into laughter.

Noor hid behind Arsh, poking his waist. She had asked him to help her escape from the balcony but he didn't. How could she forget the little Morgans learned teasing from elder Morgans?

Rowan tapped his spoon on the plate to get attention, "Let them eat. Stop bullying her."

Amelia sighed, shaking her head. Her husband's sense of humor wasn't increasing at all.

Grateful, Noor peeked out at Rowan. The latter continued his words while looking at disappointed Amelia, "Darling, you can tease her after lunch."

Noor: "..."

The rest again chuckled while Arsh rubbed his forehead. His girlfriend will run away at this rate, "Mom… Aunt… Don't you want a daughter-in-law… I mean Noor ?" Arsh didn't mean to tease her, but the words came on his lips.

Noor: "..."

Another round of chuckle briefly came when Noor announced "I am going." She tried to run away.

Arsh caught her and made her sit. Then he took a seat and started their lunch.

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