Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 649: New Period

A man in his early thirties raised his hand asking permission if he could ask the question. Arsh gave a nod, "Doesn't that mean, you will work under me?... Oh, I am the team leader of R&D." There was hesitance in the tone.

"Absolutely. I will be under your care." Arsh's voice was sharp and precise.

Noor looked at Arsh. She could guess, this was his way of shocking and relaxing them before he takes everyone by storm. She hoped they could keep up with Arsh's speed.

Davin asked next as MOrgan industries said Arsh will lead their team, "But the Morgan Inds..."

"Forget about them." Arsh shrugged and watched everyone's expression relax as a smile bloomed on their face slowly.

Before they could rest their heart at ease, Arsh exploded another bomb, "As far as I have gone through the details of the Digion, you are developing a game and planning a messenger application. I propose, completing the game would be a better idea. Next month there is a game-thon in the capital. We should showcase the game. I know you aim to sell the completely developed game, I would suggest, we should have the copyright and publish as our own."

As soon as Arsh took the work topic, everyone became active and started giving active feedback, questions, and opinions. Noor sipped water and watched them from afar. Looking at them, she didn't feel like Arsh was new to the company. He had a response to everything and questions for most of the things. 

Hearing him take on a lot of work, Noor pouted her lips realizing he wouldn't have time for himself anymore, where will he get time for her?

Once everything was settled, Noor saw everyone quickly got back to work. The team leader of the R&D asked in curiosity, "Mr. Morgan, have you graduated in computers?" He asked because Arsh took up a lot of development work.

"Yeah, team leader."

Noor: "..."

She cued them to wait for her. Going close to them, Noor punched Arsh before speaking, "He has graduation in mathematics."

Everyone looked at Arsh thinking why did he have to lie. Arsh rubbed his forehead while Noor continued, "Post graduation in computers, business, and financial manage…."

Arsh scooped her to his arms and walked away while Noor struggled, "Wait, I am not done." She tried to give a full list but Arsh threatened her, "A word, I will kiss you… in front of all."

Noor sealed her lips tightly. She wasn't trying to show off. She just wanted to tell them the truth.

Whoever heard Noor were frozen without believing their ears. The women swooned over the man who picked Noor so easily. Before they could think he was a scholar in formals, they were clean bowled looking at his strong arms carrying a woman.

Davin hesitated before asking, "Arsh, if you choose a room, I will arrange your office."

Arsh's gaze shifted from the blushing woman to Davin, "Not required. I will just sit with everyone wherever there is space." He knew it was just a matter of a few months. He didn't need to trouble with any arrangements.

Davin didn't follow Arsh to the pantry and got back to work.

Noor looked right and left, found none to escape his hold while he cornered her against the counter in the small pantry. She tried to brave to give him an advice, "You-"

A word left her lips, Arsh caught her lips that he was craving for a long time. Noor's eyes widened despite expecting he was going to do something like that. Her heart started to beat crazily, holding her breath, afraid somebody was going to see them.

His hand clutched the countertop on either side of her, Arsh patiently waited for her to respond.

Noor's eyes slowly shut on their own, focusing on his lips which were gently caressing her lips. She felt the butterflies in her stomach come alive and her cheeks turning warm when her lips moved against his, hesitantly. She unawarely tilted her head to mold their lips as her hands made way to his waist and clutched his shirt.

The next second, she gasped when he closed the distance between them and his hand shifted to her neck with his thumb caressing her cheek. His lips became firm and demanding, kissing her like she never felt before. 

She was overwhelmed with the burst of emotions when he intimately got close to her. She could feel her heart loud and clear at her throat. She had hugged him a few times now, but this closeness was giving her a tingling sensation all over.

Before she knew it, her hands wrapped around him, trying to respond to his lips, forgetting about the pantry and any logical reasons she had in mind.

As new as it was for both, Noor was slightly sloppy and then picked the rhythm with him, copying him, repeating like him. Noor moaned when his slithery tongue thrust inside her mouth and started invading her nook and cranny. She tried to keep up but was left breathless.

Arsh tightened his arm around her waist when she almost swayed feeling weak in her knees. He left enough space for dazed Noor to breathe.

When Noor slowly descended to reality, she recalled what she just did. Her face instantly painted darker red in shyness and tried to run away.

With a twirl, he again locked her against the pantry counter, with her back against him. Well, it was better to calm herself down and prepare to face him.

"So you are in a tip and run case." His husky voice trailed next to her ear. 

Noor flinched at his breath on her neck. She wanted to disappear for being shameless.

Now Arsh had to think of giving her courage to look at him accepting her shyness. "Should I leave then?" He gave it a try.

Noor immediately turned around and stared at him. But after a few seconds, she whined in a low voice with her hands flying to his intently gazing eyes. She swallowed hard when her eyes landed on his sexily arced curve.

"I will run away if you smile." She threatened.

And he laughed, wrapping her in his arms. Noor heard his heart wasn't calm like always. It was beating at the speed of hers. Realizing it was new to him as much as for her, she got a little more courage and wrapped her arms around him.

"You will be busy from today." She sounded more like a complaint.

Arsh hummed, "I will have to trouble my shy little girlfriend to be more accommodative to your boyfriend?" Noor accepted without any complaints. 

Thus set off the new period of their life.

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