Living in a Class-Based World

Chapter 5 Eternal Yoshiwara ①

This time we’re going back in time from Yuuta’s high school entrance ceremony.

On a certain day in March, a certain man came back to the Yoshiwara estate after long absence. His name was Takashi Kagura.

This man with the family name Kagura was the husband of Nanase, the matriarch of the Eternal Yoshiwara.

“Welcome back home, my Dear.”

“I’m home. Sorry for not having been able to come back in time for Aoi’s important event in life.”

“No, don’t mind it. It was the delivery of your cherished lover. That girl resembles you in being wise and clever, so there is nothing to worry about her.”

Takashi and Nanase had turned 38 this year. Takashi was a B-Rank elite man and rumors about him soon rising to A-Rank could be heard everywhere. Even nowadays he was still continuing his Service Activities, interacting with as many women as he could. It went so far that he could reliably witness one of his lovers giving birth to his child once a year.

“I have heard that an energetic, healthy girl was born.”

“Yeah, mother and child are both fine. Well, the miracle of producing a boy is rather elusive, especially when it comes to the second one.”

“The higher ups expect that you, my Dear, will eventually bless this society with a second boy, I think. You’re a truly outstanding man after all.”

“Nothing makes me more happy than hearing you say that, Nanase.”

Hearing this conversation between wife and husband, who have been married for many years, beamed a smile on the faces of those working and living in the mansion. They were truly happy to see that those two, who had taken society by storm with their love story of a century, were still able to enjoy such a harmonious relationship.

Takashi’s room inside the mansion had been set up in a way that it was connected to Nanase’s room. It was common sense for a wife to prepare a room for her husband, but usually the husband’s room would be situated in a separate place.

Nanase and Takashi’s rooms being connected like this was a clear sign for how well their marriage was working.

Resting inside his own room for the first time in a long time, Takashi put on a slightly serious expression and said to Nanase, “I hear Aoi decided on the man she wishes to serve as direct affiliate.”

“Yes, it’s Yuuta-sama.”

“I heard so from my caseworker Yurie, but it sounds like he was an F-Rank until just recently.”

“Yes. Yuuta-sama encountered a small incident during his first Service as first-year in junior high. This incident caused him grief for a long time.”

“Ah, I heard about it. That incident has been truly regrettable and I also sympathize with him. But, he’s a boy who constantly refused doing Service Activities and even avoided attending school, right? Is it going to be okay?”

Nanase also considered Takashi’s worries as justified.

Those two, who caused a huge ruckus with their romance, had to wait a long time for a child to be born after finally marrying. Aoi is their beloved daughter with whom they had finally been blessed after overcoming that hard time.

Takashi doted on Aoi who had been born to his beloved wife, so it was more than understandable for him to feel uneasy after hearing about Yuuta. Initially Nanase had also felt worried when she heard Aoi talking about wanting to become Yuuta’s direct affiliate.

“He’s the one Aoi chose herself. I’m sure he’s a wonderful man. Besides, Manami-san, who’s known for having her act together, has approved of him as well. Both of them sensed that he’s a superb man, so I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay.”


“Besides, I also got contacted by Tomoe-san.”


“Tomoe-san of the Kijima family. She was Yuuta-sama’s first caseworker, and she will become his caseworker, starting in April.”

“Aaahh, the Kijimas, huh?”

“Yes. Tomoe-san had told me very passionately all about Yuuta-sama. Ehehe, listening to Tomoe-san talking about him with all her soul made her seem very cute.”

Tomoe had told Ayaka to not worry about Nanase, but she had still contacted Nanase through her own mother. And she had used that line to try persuading Nanase of Yuuta’s greatness.

“I see. Well, I left Aoi to you. I’ll trust your judgment on this.”

“Thank you.”

“But, I’d be happy if you would allow me to ask you something a little selfish.”

“If it’s your selfishness, I’ll accept any of it.”

“I’d like to meet Yuuta-kun once. He’s probably busy right now, so I won’t mind waiting until after his high school entrance.”

“So you’re saying you’re fine with meeting Yuuta-sama after he turned Aoi into his direct affiliate?”

“Yeah. I don’t intend to tell Aoi what to do when she has chosen him herself. But, I’d like to meet him once and see with my own eyes what sort of guy he is.”

“I understand. I will tell Aoi-san about it.”


Nanase apologized to Takashi’s lover, who had given birth this time, from the bottom of her heart. Even though Takashi would have usually stayed a bit longer with his girlfriend after her delivery, he had apparently been so worried about Aoi that he came back home in a hurry.

“Mizuki-san wants to meet you as well.”

“Sure. I’ll meet her tomorrow.”

Mizuki was Manami’s mother. And Takashi’s second wife.

“But, right now it’s your time, Nanase.”


Once she called the name of her beloved, Nanase’s face switched from being that of the Yoshiwara’s matriarch to that of a simple woman. The relationship between these two was still burning as passionately as ever.

“Being addressed with -sama by you reminds me of our high school days. Come here.”


Nanashi slipped into the bed while being invited in by Takashi. Nestling her body close to his, she sucked in the scent of her beloved. Nanase loved this scent which calmed her heart while arousing her body.

“You’re so cute, Nanase.”

“Hehe, I’m already 38.”

“It’s got nothing to do with age. As long as your feelings stay young.”

“No matter how old I become, my heart always throbs passionately out of desire for you, Dear.”

“Yeah, me too. I cannot refrain from wanting you so badly, Nanase.”


Due to feeling each other’s warmth for the first time in a while, Nanase and Takashi desired each other without even trying to hide their arousal. Knowing that she’d be able to meet Takashi, Nanase had put on a yukata that could be taken off easily. And as Takashi was also familiar with it, he stripped off her yukata with ease.

The rustling of their clothes excited the two even further.

“You have such a pretty chest.”

“It’s a chest for your sake.”

No matter how old she became, she wanted to be regarded as a charming woman by her other half. Hence, Nanase never failed to put in every possible effort for this sake.

It’s not like a man would unconditionally keep basking his wife with his love after the marriage.

Not only skin care, but also maintaining her figure was of utmost importance. And of course gestures that would tempt her husband as appropriate for their age.

Nanase didn’t forget to appeal to Takashi after he came back home today. She naturally grabbed his hand, brought her body close to his, and generally continued to transmit her overflowing love from her body.


Nanase’s mature body reacted to Takashi’s caressing. This body had received Takashi’s lover over and over again, but each time he touched her, she was wrapped up in a new flood of happiness.

“That’s a cute voice you got there.”

Takashi was full of joy over seeing his wife react in such a way. He was full of gratitude to be able to embrace her as passionately as this even now that they had both turned 38.

In the end, Aoi had remained their sole child, but whenever they met, they always desired each other like this.


Takashi was one of the men who would actively caress their partner in a world where it was normal for women to take the lead. He was a passionate man. He was happy about making Nanase feel it and he could also become quite keen about foreplay and petting.


Takashi kept loving Nanase’s body while listening to her sweet moans. And after having gotten her fired up plentifully, he pushed his hard, towering cock against her wet cunt.


Takashi moved his waist while focusing his nerves on his cock that had entered Nanase. After having been together with her for many years, Takashi knew how to move in order to give Nanase the biggest pleasure. He continued to swing his waist in order to please his loved one and to indulge in pleasure himself.


The response from Nanase was much better than usual. It was no act either. She was doubtlessly swimming through an ocean of pleasure.


Haahaa…you really can’t win against old age.

Takashi felt how his own stamina had started to decline. Going by the standard of this world’s men, Takashi’s stamina was amazing. He also was confident that he still had a long way to go until he’d lose out to younger men.

Even so, recently he had often felt worries about his stamina to passionately fuck women to make them happy.

It’s become even more taxing to take on Nanase and Mizuki at the same time.

In his younger days, the three had enjoyed having sex together to their heart’s content. But, lately it has become quite rare for the three to have sex together.

Nanase and Mizuki have probably noticed it as well. That my stamina has declined. Bloody hell, what a sorry state.

Even while dearly cherishing Nanase, who was drowning in pleasure inside his arms, Takashi couldn’t help but to regret his inability to not let her experience a lot, lot more pleasure.

In the eyes of this world’s women, they’d probably regard his thinking as extremely lovable. Women usually led during sex. Men also liked to have sex with women, but it wasn’t as though they were eager to do something that would tire them out.

Make me feel good was the common slogan for most men in Nihon.

“Nnghn♡ Aahh♡”

Takasi sensed that Nanase was close to climaxing, going by her reactions. Under normal circumstances, Takashi would keep going after making Nanase cum and eventually ejaculate himself, but he planned to meet with Mizuki tomorrow. Hence he decided to cum at the same time as Nanase to preserve his own stamina.

“Nanase, I’m also cumming.”

“Cum♡ Cuuum♡ Please plaster my insides with your white, hot stuff♡”

Both reached their climax, their entangled bodies trembling furiously. Before long, they calmed down while quietly hugging each other.


Nanase savored her happiness while looking at Takashi’s sleeping face. She was deeply thankful for her husband, whom she loved for eternity, to come back to her and make such passionate love to her.

You don’t even need to worry about it.

Just as Takashi thought, Nanase had noticed the drop in Takashi’s stamina. But, Nanase saw no reason for him to worry about that.

I’ll be happy by just having you at my side. But, because you’re such a passionate man…you want to love and embrace Mizuki-san and me in the same passionate manner.

Nanase had guessed what Takashi hoped for, even though she didn’t think he needed to worry about it. She pondered whether she could do anything to clear all anxieties away from her beloved husband.

The aphrodisiac of Mir is definitely out of the question. That thing breaks one’s mind before their body. I wonder why anyone would desire something like that.

Anything affecting Takashi’s health wasn’t worthy of consideration for Nanase.

He could take some supplements to boost his vitality, but most had immediate and drastic effects, and many had some sort of impact on his health. Nanase wanted to live happily together with him for many years to come.

I’ll consult about this with Mizuki-san in the near future. Besides, there’s also the talk about receiving Yuuta-sama at our home. If he’s going to meet with Takashi-sama, it’d probably be best to invite him to our home. I must discuss this with Aoi-san, too.

Nanase thought about the things to come next to her peacefully sleeping husband.

•°• ⚠ •°•

In the evening of the next day, Nanase talked to Aoi about her father wanting to meet Yuuta. She informed her daughter while being mindful of using words that wouldn’t cause Aoi to worry, but Aoi didn’t feel worried about anything to begin with and purely rejoiced over her beloved father meeting with Yuuta.

With a broad smile, she told Nanase that she had to inform Manami at once.

She really loves him, huh? For me being allowed to see the face of Aoi-san being in love…that’s nice.

In the past she had also been in love. It was a love so strong that she almost went crazy. The one with whom Takashi interacted first during junior high wasn’t Nanase, but Manami’s mother, Mizuki. Just like Aoi, Nanase had visited various classrooms for a while without deepening her exchange with any boy in particular.

And then, one day she attended Takashi’s classroom and fell in love with him. Her heart and body told her that he would be the right guy.

However, Takashi had built a close relationship with Mizuki. If things went on like this, Mizuki would become Takashi’s direct affiliate. Mizuki belonged to a family with deep ties to the Eternal Yoshiwaras.

If Nanase wanted Takashi for herself, Mizuki would have no choice but to pull back. A man can have several wives in Nihon, but becoming the first wife bears a paramount meaning.

The next matriarch of an Eternal becoming the second wife would set a bad example to others. As such Nanase worried whether it was really okay for her to steal that position for herself.

Nanase tried to suppress her budding love for some time. She went to the classrooms of other men, trying to forget about Takashi. But, she couldn’t.

The one saving Nanase was Mizuki.

I have no choice but to feel grateful towards Mizuki-san. And, for our daughters to have fallen in love with the same boy again sure is a funny twist of fate. I heard that Manami-san loves Yuuta-sama quite a bit as well.

Just like Nanase and Mizuki had loved Takashi, Aoi and Manami loved Yuuta. Nanase didn’t know the fate awaiting their love. It wasn’t set in stone that all feelings of love would come to fruition in this world.

But, I’m sure…those two girls should be able to achieve a wonderful love life.

Watching Aoi’s face as she cheerfully contacted Manami, Nanase also felt happy.

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