Log In to The Old Man Ring At Hogwarts at the Start

Chapter 77: Ronald, who died in the society, is full of contradictions in the wizarding world (pleas

Coming to the general hall of Hogwarts, Zicomo looked around, but did not find Harry and Ronald.

These two guys, obviously the car is much faster than the Hogwarts Express, but it hasn't arrived yet.

Shouldn't he be lost?

After a while, Snape walked in with a gloomy face, leading the freshman.

Well, as for Professor McGonagall, he is probably still waiting for Harry and Ronald at the gate of the castle.

Here, the Sorting Hat begins the sorting, and Professor McGonagall sees a scene outside the castle that has rocked Mother-in-law for a whole year.

A car fell from the sky and slammed into the academy's rare plant, the Willow.

It is said that there are only three of this thing in the entire British wizarding world, and the other two are in the Ministry of Magic and the wilderness.

Seeing that someone broke his branch, the simple and intelligent Beating Willow twisted the tree angrily, wanting to hit the car with a home run.

Fortunately, flying cars also have the simple ingenuity given by Arthur Weasley.

In danger, it quickly backed away, only to be scratched by the branches.

After retreating to a safe distance, the car also got angry.

Two guys who don't know how to drive made a mess of it's body.

Angrily, it opened the car door and ejected Harry and Ronald along with their luggage.

He then turned around and sped away in the direction of Weasley's house.

The two got up and saw Professor McGonagall's serious face as soon as they looked up.

Harry swallowed and said weakly, "Professor McGonagall, I think I can explain it."

"Go to the principal's office and explain it to me.""

Professor McGonagall turned and motioned for the two to follow.

In the Hogwarts General Hall, Dumbledore finished his speech for the dinner and left.

It is estimated that he received a message from Professor McGonagall.

Leave Snape alone in charge.

While Dumbledore had just introduced the new teacher, Professor Lockhart was eager to step forward to help.

Professor Snape gave him a look back.

He is very unhappy now, taking the professor's salary, doing the work of the vice-principal, and taking care of the principal's heart.

But the flower peacock that robbed him of his class was still dangling in front of him.

The grumpy Snape just wanted to get out his wand and give the little wizards a practical duel lesson with Lockhart.

By the way, Lockhart's class name has been changed to "Defense Against the Dark Arts and Counterattacks"


It was named after Snape thought about it for a long time, and consulted Zicomo's idea.

Originally, Zicomo wanted to bring out the name of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he simply added a few words for fear of being told the number of words.

During the Sorting Ceremony, Luna was unquestionably assigned to Ravenclaw.

As for Lani, under the influence of Zicomo, she also suffered from a slight cleanliness addiction.

So the Sorting Hat took another shower this year.

Then she was assigned to Gryffindor by Lanne's aura.

Lani's idea is very simple, where her king is, she is where she is.

After the dinner, the three Zicomo waited in the Gryffindor lounge for a while, when they saw Harry and Ronald walk in from the outside with their heads down.

The two explained the reason for the incident.

Roughly, the entrance to the platform nine and three-quarters was sealed, and they had no choice but to drive to the school.

The good news is that the four academies don't yet have scores to deduct for them, since the semester has not officially started.

So Gryffindor didn't deduct points for this.

The bad news is that these two people need to accept the school's punishment for them, and the specific punishment measures are waiting to be notified.

Zicomo asked with interest: "I don't understand, Harry's owl is by his side. Since the platform can't get in, why don't you write to the professors and ask them to pick you up?

No matter how bad it is, you can write to Hagrid. In any case, arriving at school before the official class is not considered late. Harry, it's not that you don't have any money, just find a hotel near the station and wait.`||.

After hearing Zicomo's words, both Harry and Ronald were taken aback.

Then Harry said quietly, "Maybe it's because some people think he can drive a flying car when he's thirteen.

Ronald lowered his head in shame.

"Don't say it, my dad will definitely scold me to death when he sees that car."

"Maybe you should be more worried about our mother's temper.

Twins Weasley came out of nowhere, he was relieved to see Ronald intact, and then said with schadenfreude.

Apparently they also heard the gist of things.

Thinking of the scene where his mother was angry, Ronald swallowed.

He decided that he would never go home during the Christmas holiday this year, and it would be a day if he could die one day later.

Zicomo looked at the time on his watch, stood up and stretched, and said.

"Okay, it's getting late, rest early. If you two are hungry, you can go to the kitchen to find something to eat. If you don't know the way, you can ask George and Fred to take you. After all, it's easier to face when you're full Tomorrow's storm."

After he finished speaking, he went to his dormitory.

"What does Zicomo mean? Will it rain tomorrow?" Ronald asked in confusion.

"I guess the boss means that after the criticism is reported tomorrow, the whole school will know about your glorious deeds."

"And the family will definitely write a letter to scold you."

"And guess what, were you seen by a Muggle while you were driving today?99

"If there is, then you probably cannot escape the headlines of the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

"This is probably what the boss calls social death?"

The twins sang and reconciled, describing what the two of them were about to face tomorrow.

Finally, I summed it up in Zicomo's words.

Ronald never dreamed that he would one day be famous in the wizarding world in this way.

As for Harry, well, he's a savior, born with an aura.

When other wizards read it, especially those students who graduated from Gryffindor, they might even exclaim that this is very Gryffindor.

In the end, the two asked the twins to take them to the kitchen.

No way, they are really hungry.

He drove to Hogwarts without having lunch, and was dragged directly to the principal's office by Professor McGonagall.

I've been hungry until it's almost midnight.

If they don't eat anything, they feel like they won't see the sun tomorrow.

Here Zicomo went back to the dormitory, washed and fell asleep.

After a bumpy day on the train today, he didn't bother to enter the junction again.

It is worth mentioning that La Ni did not go to the dormitory arranged by the school.

Instead, he chose to continue living in Zicomo's "Zen Garden".

Zicomo doesn't care about this, he carries a wife with him, which sounds quite interesting.

As a result, not long after Zicomo closed his eyes, there was a long-lost movement from the system.

[Congratulations to the host for achieving the life achievement "Magic Apprentice · Second Grade", and getting a chance to draw a mini-game]


This broken system doesn't make a sound for half a year, and he thought it was dead.

At the time when he was first bound, he could achieve several new achievements by hitting the old man with the three-for-five.

Now, apart from those achievements that the game originally had, he never saw any new achievements.

System: 'The reason why I set up so many new achievements was because I wanted him to show something more.

Who would have thought that his brain circuit was abnormal and could think of that kind of manifestation method, which made me spend a lot of energy every time I help him manifest.

If I start a new achievement for him, I can hardly run it myself. ’

The beep of the system dispelled his drowsiness, Zicomo sat up and started drawing new mini-games.

"System, start pumping! 35

[Successful extraction, congratulations to the host for obtaining the mini game "20 Minutes Before Dawn"]

"It's you! Time Disappearance!

Zicomo says this because the game is easy to pick up.

After playing with it, I realized that a few hours had passed.

This game is a simple barrage shooting action game, which requires players to control the characters to continuously kill the Cthulhu wind monsters that appear in the dark, absorb their experience to upgrade, and continue to fight until dawn comes twenty minutes later.

Each level in the game can choose one of five random skills, different skill combinations, and more powerful skills can be unlocked.

There are also characters of various occupations in the game, as well as many weapons with unique abilities.

To put it simply, it is a 20-minute round of light meat pigeon games.

Recalling the game he played in his previous life, it seemed that the characters in it were all female.

"System, can game characters be extracted?"


Zicomo pouted in disappointment, opened the system panel directly, and started a new game.

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

The next day, unsurprisingly, the story of Harry and Ronald, two troubled brothers, spread throughout the school.

At the breakfast table, Harry's owl brought today's Daily Prophet.

Sure enough, the photo in the headline was the Weasley's car.

Fortunately, Zicomo helped them put a Muggle Repel Charm on the car, and only one Muggle homeless saw the car flying in the sky before that.

The homeless man talked about it all over the place, but no one believed him, everyone thought he was crazy.

Later, the Ministry of Magic sent an Auror over, and an oblivion spell eliminated the hidden danger.

Seeing the owls that Lu Lu brought all kinds of letters one after another, Zicomo stood up silently, pulling Lanni and Hermione away from the two spiritual boys.

He knew that the big one was coming soon.

Ronald was wondering why Zicomo had to switch positions when his owl with a red letter in his mouth fell in front of Ronald's breakfast.

"..Oh! Look, Ronald got a roaring letter."

Seamo was the first to recognize this letter, and this explosive genius probably received many such letters from his family.

"Hurry up and open it, Ronald. I ignored my grandma's yelling letter once, and the consequences were horrible.

It's a reminder from Neville, well, a hapless kid.

Ronald shook off the sealing wax, and in the next instant, Mrs. Molly's voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Ronald Weasley! How dare you steal that car! I'm really going to be mad at you! Your father is under scrutiny from the Ministry! These! All! Yes! Because! You! Because of your fault!

If you still can't do things properly, if you have any outrageous behavior, we will take you home!

By the way, baby Ginny, congratulations on your entry into Gryffindor, Dad and I are very proud of you. "

It can only be said that it was a roar letter, and Zicomo guessed that everyone passing by outside the hall could hear it clearly.

Let's hope it doesn't disturb the little wizards of Hufflepuff, whose quarters seem to be nearby.

After hearing the roaring letter, everyone burst into laughter.

Sure enough, your own happiness is often built on the pain of others.

Zicomo also smiled and shook his head, of course he wasn't gloating, he was just laughing at what Mrs Molly said.

Want Ronald to behave, unless throw him to Hufflepuff, and cut him off from Harry and the twins.

With Harry by his side, Ronald's campus life is destined to be colorful.

What's more, the Weasley family is not a peaceful master.

The eldest, Charlie, went to Romania to raise dragons. The twins pondered prank inventions every day. Only the second child, Percy, was normal.

It all comes from their dad, Arthur Weasley, who wasn't a decent guy either.

Arthur worked in the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Muggle Substances Division, said to be the director, but in fact there were only two people in that department.

And Arthur often took the lead in breaking his own Muggle Protection Act.

Otherwise, where do you think his modified car came from?

In fact he was very interested in all things Muggles.

So Zicomo guessed that Arthur was actually in a good position at this point.

The so-called acceptance of the review in the department is mostly for him to write a report or something.

Under the leadership of Minister Fudge, the Ministry of Magic was rotten like a muddy mess, with only a few departments working seriously.

Arthur's department was actually dispensable, not even the salary.

Zicomo sometimes doesn't understand, this group of wizards prohibits the misuse of Muggle objects, and on the other hand, Hogwarts opens a Muggle studies class.

what is this?

Despise the enemy strategically and pay attention to the enemy tactically?

There are various indications that the wizarding world and the high-level Muggle world are actually connected. You see, the ancestors of the Malfoy family also pursued their queen.

But there are some wizards who refuse to contact Muggles, just to ensure the purity and nobility of their own blood.

And it is this part of the wizard who holds most of the economic lifeline of the wizarding world.

That's right, those big families that pride themselves on being pure-blooded and noble.

Regardless of this, in short, the Ronald and Harry affair has passed, and everyone has ushered in a new semester of life.

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