Lone: The Wanderer [Rewrite]

Book 1: Chapter 39: Storing Rules and Safe Roads

"It's getting dark..." Lone said as he looked at the horizon that contained a slowly setting sun.

Sophie had started getting a headache pretty quickly from using too much of her MP and thus couldn't teleport them anymore.

According to her though they had already moved more than a few miles away from the city. This was rather impressive since moving more than just herself made her Teleportation far more MP-intensive.

Lone knew what it felt like to have no mana points left, so he had readily agreed when she had asked if they could walk for a while.

"Let's find a decent clearing away from the road. I’ll cut down some trees and make us a basic hut," Lone decided. “I kinda wanna remake my fort if I get the time. Not much else to do in the six months we’ll have to spend here.”

Sophie nodded. "We can train our swordsmanship in the meantime.”

A few hours had passed and progress had been made for both Lone and Sophie.

On the front of Sophie, she had gained a level in her Dual Wielding Mastery apparently though she had opted to stop training and allow Soph to take control.

Physical pain and exhaustion were easy enough for her to deal with but the headache of lacking MP really put her off-centre, apparently. Soph was the better of the two when it came to managing that.

As for Lone, quite a few of his skills had levelled up.

Congratulations! The host’s passive skill [Masonry] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 8.

It was only a single level but didn’t bother Lone. He had earned by creating a solid foundation for their new cabin. A foundation made entirely out of limestone.

A simple material really, and one that he understood rather well thanks to his time spent researching the history of architecture and how different countries all over the world used different techniques to create their settlements throughout the ages.

Still, he had needed to rely on his Creation Magic to get enough of the stuff for their cabin.

Congratulations! The host’s passive skill [Logging] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 2.

Congratulations! The host’s passive skill [Logging] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 3.

Two levels for felling ten times as many trees. It had taken him a while to do but Lone was glad to be improving the skill.

Congratulations! The host’s passive skill [Woodworking] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 6.

Congratulations! The host’s passive skill [Woodworking] has levelled up! It is now Intermediate Level 7.

Lone had tried to add some design to their simple new home which had resulted in him getting two levels here as well.

Something he felt quite proud of. In fact, he would have gone on to engrave all of the logs he’d put together into a lovely little lodge but he was tired and had a slight headache.

His MP would return with time, reducing his headache, but it wasn’t wise to overwork himself while sleepy, even with his Basic Regeneration to keep him going.

With that in mind, he turned in for the night with the equally exhausted Soph.

“What a stupid idea,” Sophie scoffed as she futzed about with her dress.

Clearly, she would rather be wearing her armour over the silk clothing Lone had prepared for her. Sadly, their master-servant act seemed to work on Ros’s guards, even if it wasn’t very effective with the adventurer’s or the shopkeeper.

She’d have to keep acting like the noblewoman she used to be almost a thousand years ago.

Lone shook his head. “Ye of little faith. It belongs to me, it isn’t alive, why can’t I store it?”

He was planning on shoving his entire cabin into his Dimensional Storage, hence the mocking tone from his girlfriend’s harsher personality.

“Just destroy it. Practice your fire magic or something. You can build a new one later,” Sophie said as she rolled her eyes. “We do not see the point in lugging a building around with us, assuming it will work. If it does, what is stopping you from storing entire cities?”

Lone frowned. “The same thing keeping me from peeling those clothes straight off of you without using my hands. Or your swords when we fight.”

Sophie’s lips quivered a bit. “That… that makes some sense. Is ownership the reason?”

“That or use. I mean, who owns your swords and clothes? I made them and I haven’t exactly said ‘these now exclusively belong to you’,” Lone reasoned.

“Hmm… For once, you make a good point, for a simpleton. Fine. Try to pick up that dingy little lodge of yours and then let us be on our way,” Sophie demanded.

“As you wish, your highness,” Lone replied with a grin and a half-hearted bow.

That earned him a glare but he thought it to be a worthwhile exchange.

Lone then approached the structure he wished to eventually turn into a fort as he had done to the building the elven maidens now owned on Goblin Island. He placed a hand on it and tried to place it in his Dimensional Storage.

Lo and behold, it disappeared entirely, leaving only the wet, insect covered indent where its foundations once lay to serve as proof it even existed.

“That is so cool,” Lone mumbled.

“You are too easily impressed by anything of a magical nature,” Sophie complained. “Let us go then since you have been proven right.”

“What? I don’t get a kiss as an apology for you being both rude and wrong?” Lone asked with a raised brow and an indignant look on his face.

Sophie heaved a heavy sigh before she walked up to him, grabbed his collar and pulled him down, locking her lips onto his.

After a moment, she separated from him and asked, “Satisfied?”

“Well… I could always resummon the cabin and we could work on levelling up my Sex Mastery…” Lone offered.

Sophie rolled her eyes and walked away with a look of disgust on her face. “We are not your girlfriend, Soph is. We would not have even kissed you had she not said you did deserve an apology to us.”

Lone just chuckled. “I was only being half-serious. And you two are the same person. I keep saying this.”

“And you can continue to say it all you want, Lone. That does not make it true,” Sophie countered.

He threw up his arms in defeat. “Right back at you, Miss Chip On Her Shoulder.”

“Lone,” Sophie called, snapping him out of his thoughts while they walked down the stone road.

It was honestly a surprisingly well-maintained road and Lone suspected it had been created with magic. It was almost on par with modern-day tarmac roads as far as smoothness went.

“Hmm? Something the matter?” he asked.

Sophie nodded. “People approached from behind us. Eight of them in total, four of which are carrying weapons and are on horseback. The other four are in a carriage of sorts. Wares and good surround three in the rear while the fourth is steering the thing.”

Lone stroked his jaw. “Sounds like a trader with an armed escort.”

He reached out into thin air and then pulled out a collar that had two bolts holding two separate halves together. One was undone, not too unlike a handcuff that had yet to be placed on a wrist.

Lone put the thing on his neck then set the second bolt. With that done, he withdrew his swordspear. “I guess we’ll say hello. Maybe we can get some info on the holy city or something. Could always ignore us entirely too.”

“They could also be working for the city lord,” Sophie argued.

“Nah, unlikely. Why would Ros’s city lord send a trader after us?” Lone shook his head, seriously doubting Sophie’s worries. “I appreciate the idea, but it’s so unlikely.”

“Just be ready to murder them all if they harbour desires to do anything malicious with us. If I feel even a hint of malintent, heads will fly,” Sophie growled.

Lone smiled wryly. “Please don’t murder anyone. I’m confident it’s a normal group of travellers.”

“We shall see,” Sophie replied.

Not a minute later, the carriage and armed escort came into view.

‘Huh. I noticed it with the three guys that warned us about the lord, but those escorts also have a tag? No… plate on them. Some around the neck, some sown into their gear… Is that an identification method of the guild?’ Lone wondered as he gave the group a friendly wave.

The rider’s got the carriage to stop a distance away before they cautiously approached Lone and Sophie.

“Hello, travellers,” the leading rider, a woman in full-plate with a large sword affixed to her saddle said. “Is there a reason you’re hailed us?”

“Ah. I didn’t mean to…” Lone wore an awkward look on his face. “I was just being friendly. My apologies. My master and I aren’t from Milindo. Despite being her guide through these foreign lands, it seems I’ve failed in properly learning the local customs.”

“Local customs?” the woman asked with a suspicious tone. “As in, hailing others on a road that is done everywhere on the continent?”

Lone smiled. “Living on the family estate for our entire lives can be somewhat crippling when it comes to regular practices. It’s actually why we’re out here. My master intends to have us both become adventurers like yourselves. Would it be too much to ask for some information?”

The woman shrugging, not seeming to trust him but not feeling threatened either. “That’s up to our employer.”

Luckily, the man who had hired the adventurer’s was very willing to have a conversation partner.

In exchange for information on the dos and don’ts of both Milindo and its holy city, Ranton, all he requested were tales from a foreign noble.

He didn’t seem to mind that Sophie was mute and more than enjoyed the lies Lone spun for him. Well, half-lies.

Lone had just decided to detail affairs and events that had happened to notable nobles in Earth’s history and retell them to fit the narrative of Sophie and the ‘Vladimirovich estate’. An easy task for a man of his education.

It had even earned him a skill level up.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Persuasion] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 7.

The trader was so impressed by these stories that he had even offered Lone and Sophie a free ride to Ranton, his and his passengers’ destination.

Lone declined politely, of course. After all, he couldn't work on his portable home nor on his Illusionary Dome if he spent the time travelling with the merchant.

Also, he was a bit concerned that cracks would appear in his slave act and the lies he was spewing. Lone was more than satisfied with the information he’d already gotten.

Besides, the carriage was incredibly uncomfortable. Walking was more pleasant for a man like Lone who had Basic Regeneration so didn’t have to worry about getting blisters.

Sophie seemed to agree more on the premise of not wanting to be on guard around so many potential threats for an extended duration of time.

And thus, the two were now in Lone’s cabin in the middle of the woods not too far off from the road.

“I’m surprised how safe these roads are, really,” Lone noted.

Soph, who had taken control now, tilted her head. “Why?”

He shrugged. “I dunno, I expected bandits and wolf attacks galore. That’s always how it goes in the stories back home, at least. I guess there are benefits to having a really strict form of government.”

Soph slowly nodded. “That merchant did say military patrols are frequent and they make sure all of the roads are free of monster threats. Banditry isn’t even a thing here since it’s treated super seriously and punished by death. Kinda scary.”

“True but I’m sure it’s necessary. Being able to walk freely in a medieval kingdom without worry about being jumped must be massively appealing to inter-city traders,” Lone said as he yawned. “Only concern is stray monster packs that go too far from their dungeons or nests.”

“Tired?” Soph asked with a warm smile on her face.

Lone shook his head. “Not really, but I think I’ll go to bed. You gonna join me?”

“Not yet. I’m gonna try to see if I can figure out another use for my Body Manipulation skill while you sleep,” Soph declared.

“Great idea. Well, come wake me up if anything happens before you join me for some kip. Don’t stay up too late,” Lone requested.

“Will do… I love you,” Soph said.

Lone grinned. “Love you too.”

He gave her a kiss then collapsed on the bed. The cabin was still only one room large, after all. He’d expand it in the morning.

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