Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1059: Battle

Everyone knows that the next battle will be crucial and may even be decisive, so they all hope to be in the best condition to face the upcoming decisive battle.

The camp is full of busy figures and tense atmosphere; soldiers are training nervously and sharpening their weapons and equipment; generals are discussing tactics and strategies trying to find a way to break the deadlock; medical staff are also busy Various medicines and medical equipment are prepared in case of emergency.

Under this pressure and solemn atmosphere, everyone became extremely sensitive and nervous; they were always vigilant and alert for fear that they would become a breakthrough for the enemy; at the same time, they also looked forward to the good things that would bring victory to the king and the Holy Spirit Empire. information.

As time went by and the day of the war gradually approached, the atmosphere in the camp became more and more tense. However, at this moment, ten exciting news spread throughout the camp: the king would personally come to inspect and provide information for everyone. Boost morale!

The news immediately caused a sensation, and everyone was excitedly waiting for the king's arrival; they hoped to have a glimpse of the king and get more inspiration and strength from him.

Soon after, the king came to the high platform in the center of the camp. He glanced at the soldiers below with majesty and solemnity. When he saw that the soldiers were in high spirits and high morale, he nodded with satisfaction and said loudly: "Soldiers! You! It is the pride and glory of my Holy Spirit Empire! I believe that in the upcoming decisive battle, you will be able to carry forward your heroic and fighting spirit to bring good news of victory to the country and nation! Let us work hard and fight together!"

After hearing these words, Rennes didn't know what to say at all, and his face looked helpless.

There was no fighting in the next few days, but I chose to rest.

Rennes chose to chat with a few nobles and exchange some relevant combat knowledge and opinions on facing this war.

Inside the temporary military camp tavern.

It's very lively here.

"Did I say everyone is afraid?"

"Afraid? We are the warriors of the Holy Spirit Empire, how can we be afraid?" A burly general retorted loudly.

"Yes, we are not afraid." Another noble said, "It's just the cruelty and importance of this war that makes us feel more stressed.

"Yes, we shoulder the glory and future of the entire Holy Spirit Empire, and we cannot relax at all." Rennes nodded in agreement.

"Lord Rennes, do you think we can win this war?" a young general asked curiously.

Rennes pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Victory is not easy, but as long as we unite as one and fight bravely, I believe we will be able to defeat the enemy."

"Yes! Our warriors of the Holy Spirit Empire never give up!" Another general said excitedly.

Everyone expressed their agreement and the atmosphere became lively.

They began to discuss tactics and strategies, hoping to find a way to break the deadlock.

"I think we should strengthen the defenses on the front line." A general suggested, "At the same time, send more scouts to pay close attention to the enemy's movements.

"I agree, we also need to ensure adequate logistical supplies." Another general added, "Only by ensuring that the soldiers have sufficient supplies and equipment [can we unleash the maximum Combat Power."

"Also, we need to recruit more legendary powerhouses to join the battle sequence." Rennes added, "Their addition will have a significant impact on the battle situation."

Everyone nodded in agreement, knowing that this war requires everyone's efforts.

Only by uniting and working together can we achieve final victory.

At this moment, a soldier hurried in and said breathlessly: "Report! His Majesty the King has personally come to inspect!"

After hearing this, everyone immediately became excited and stood up one after another.

They knew this was an important moment and had to show their best side to the king.

But the king only said some nonsense.

Time passed very quickly, and Rennes even regretted coming here, because there was no freedom here and he could not expose the military camp at will.

But after thinking about it, I still had to follow the king's arrangement.

So even though I felt very uncomfortable, I didn't know what to say. After eating and drinking, the whole camp became too peaceful again.

As night falls, the stars are dotted, the moon is like water, and the entire camp is immersed in silence.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past like a ghost and quickly dived into the depths of the ground.

This black shadow is none other than Queen Angelola from the Hill Empire.


Angelola wore a tight-fitting black dress and a veil on her face, revealing only a pair of sharp eyes.

In her hand, she held a semi-Divine Weapon that exuded a faint light. This semi-Divine Weapon was the key to her operation.

With the help of this semi-Divine Weapon, she quietly avoided the patrolling soldiers in the camp and arrived outside Rennes' tent.

Rennes was sitting alone in the tent at this time, thinking about the upcoming decisive battle.

He felt an unusual aura and immediately stood up alertly.

He walked out of the tent and saw Angelola standing not far away.

"Who are you?" Rennes asked warily.

Angelola smiled slightly and took off her veil, revealing her beautiful face.


She gave an elegant salute to Rennes and said, "I am Queen Angelola from the Hill Empire, and I came here specifically to visit Lord Rennes."

Rennes was shocked. He didn't expect that the legendary queen would come to visit him in person.

He looked at Angelola, trying to see her true intentions from her eyes.

"What brings you to me?" Rennes asked.

Angelola did not answer Rennes' question directly, but said: "Sir Rennes, I know there is some gap between you and the Holy Spirit Empire.

If you are willing to join our Hill Empire, we will definitely give you the most generous rewards. "

Rennes frowned, he did not expect Angelola to make such a request.

He was silent for a moment and said: "Why should I join you? The Holy Spirit Empire is also of great significance to me."

Angelola smiled slightly and said: "Master Rennes, you are a smart man.

You should know that this war will have a profound impact on the future of the entire continent.

If you choose to stand with us, we will create a new era together. "

Rennes's heart moved. He was indeed worried about the outcome of this war.

He was silent for a moment and said, "I need to think about it."

Angelola nodded and said: "Of course, I will give you time to think about it.

However, I hope you can make your decision soon.

After all, time is very precious to us.

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