Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1070: Exchange Of Experiences

As Rennes finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall gradually became relaxed.

Wives began to speak freely and share their thoughts and feelings.

Rennes sat in the spacious hall, facing the ten newlywed wives, and he knew the importance of this family meeting.

He must ensure that each wife feels respected and loved, while also making appropriate arrangements for their future lives.

"First of all, I want to thank each of you for being willing to be my wife and face the challenges of the future with me."

Rennes's voice echoed in the hall, with sincerity and determination, "I know that this kind of family structure may be unprecedented for you, and it may cause some trouble and uneasiness.

But please believe me, I will do my best to make everyone feel the warmth of home.

The wives listened quietly, with complicated emotions on their faces.

Some wives' eyes shone with gratitude, while others seemed a little confused and uneasy.

Rennes continued: “To make our lives more harmonious and enjoyable, I decided to give each wife a separate courtyard.

This way, you can have your own space, arrange it according to your own preferences, while still maintaining a certain degree of independence. "

“Each courtyard will be staffed with servants and guards to ensure your safety and comfort.

You can choose the style, vegetation and decoration of your courtyard according to your preferences.

Hearing this, the wives began to whisper and talk among themselves.

Some wives had expressions of surprise on their faces, while others were lost in thought.

“In addition,” Rennes continued, “I also hope that we can have more communication and interaction.

Although we have our own yards, we are still one big family.

I will organize family gatherings regularly so that we can share our lives and experiences with each other.

At the same time, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to tell me. "

At this time, a timid wife mustered up the courage to ask: "Rennes, can we have our own career or hobby? We don't want to be completely dependent on you."

Rennes smiled slightly and replied: "Of course.

I encourage you to pursue your dreams and interests.

Whether it is study, art, business or other aspects, I will fully support you. "

Another wife then asked: "Will our status be different? After all, you married them first," she pointed to the wives next to her, "and we joined later."

Rennes looked at her seriously and said: "In my mind, each of you is unique.

I will not be biased against you because of the time I married you.

I will do my best to love each of you and make you feel equal and respected in this big family.

Hearing Rennes's answer, the wives all showed smiles of satisfaction.

They know that they are married to a husband who is responsible, wise, and knows how to respect and love others.

As the meeting progressed, the wives gradually opened up and shared their thoughts and expectations with Rennes.

Rennes also listened patiently and responded.

He knows that such communication is crucial to building harmonious family relationships.

Finally, Rennes concluded: “I hope we can work together to build a family full of love and respect.

Everyone has their own role and responsibilities, but we are all equal.

Let us face the challenges of the future together and create a better life together. "

After the meeting, the wives thanked Rennes and said goodbye.

They knew that this family meeting not only allowed them to better understand each other's thoughts and expectations, but also made them full of expectations and confidence in their future lives.

In the days that followed, Rennes and his ten wives worked together to build a harmonious and loving family.

They support each other, care for each other, and face the challenges and difficulties in life together.

And Rennes, as he promised, did his best to love each of them, making them feel unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

As time went by, the relationship between Rennes and his wives became more harmonious.

They often gather together, travel and share every detail of their lives.

Each wife has her own career and hobbies, and with Rennes's support and encouragement, they continue to pursue their dreams.

And Rennes continues to grow and improve in the process.

He learned how to balance the relationship between family and career, and how to communicate better with his wives…………

He knows that although this family structure brings challenges, it also allows him to gain more love and happiness.

In the end, Rennes and his ten wives created a big family full of love and happiness.

Their lives are full of laughter and warm atmosphere, making them the envy of people around them.

And Rennes also knows that all this happiness stems from the mutual understanding, respect and love between him and his wives.

"Rennes, what do you think of this life?" Queen Hill asked one night while lying in Rennes's arms.

"very happy."

Rennes smiled and replied, "I feel very satisfied with you by my side."

Queen Hill smiled sweetly after hearing this: "We are too. We feel very at ease with you by our side."

The night is gentle and the moonlight is like water.

Rennes stood on the spacious balcony, looking at the dotted night sky.

There were slight footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw the beautiful Farmis walking towards him.

Famous is the daughter of a nobleman.

"Rennes, what are you thinking about?" Famous asked softly, with tenderness shining in his eyes.

Rennes smiled slightly and stretched out his arms to hug her: "I'm thinking how lucky I am to have you beautiful, smart and loving Fames."

After hearing this, Famesi showed a happy smile on his face.

She nestled tightly in Rennes' arms, feeling the warmth and security of these 20 powerful men.

"You know, every time you hold me like this, I feel so at ease."

Farmers said softly.

Rennes lowered his head and kissed her forehead lovingly: "I will hold you and protect you forever.

The two stood on the balcony hugging each other, enjoying the quiet and beautiful night.

The moonlight shone on them, as if they were covered with a silver halo.

As time went by, more and more fames joined them.

Rennes and every Famous embraced each other affectionately, sharing each other's love and warmth.

"Rennes, can you stay with me tonight?" a timid Famous asked in a low voice.

Rennes looked at her shy face, smiled and nodded: "Of course, I belong to you only tonight.

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