Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 228: Full Power

Now, as he finally didn't have to worry about his attack being intercepted mid-way, Gojo could finally focus his full attention on strengthening his attack and trying to reach beyond his limits.

[Nine ropes...Polarised light...]

Resuming his chanting, Gojo decided to push things to the next level by upgrading the incantations he was uttering into a fully blown-out ritual.

'This, alongside forcefully going past the maximum output limit is the best I can do now!'

Thinking of this, Gojo gritted his teeth as his body exploded with cursed energy way beyond his physical output limits causing his body to 'creak' and 'scream' in resistance and useless objection.

However, ignoring his instincts, Gojo forcefully continued this as he also started moving his body around slowly as if dancing while also using different hand signs.

This is of course the previously mentioned ritual which is used to further strengthen his attack.

You see, Jujutsu has always been a power system based on addition and subtraction; The more skilled a sorcerer becomes, the more he's able to subtract, however, the more alternatively, the more he adds, the more powerful the attack becomes.

Usually, Gojo, or anyone else for that matter wouldn't do such a thing despite the increase in power that they might receive, after all, doing this would be akin to suicide as in the midst of a battle where even one millisecond may decide the winner suddenly starting to dance is generally frowned upon.

However, now with the two opponents reaching a tacit agreement, there is no need to worry about such danger.

'Huh? he's going all in? It seems that this will truly be the final clash!'

Noticing Gojo's movement and the state of his opponent's body, Lorien's eyes narrowed slightly as a wide grin appeared on his face.

'Alright then, let me match you!'


Fully unfolding his power, the Eternal Dream Realm suddenly started shaking as the silent but majestic power that had erased Gojo's previous attack manifested itself once again, enveloping Lorien within.

'Now that I think of it, I've never actually used my full power.'

'This is even more the case after starting to walk on the Dream Path.'

Thinking of this, Lorien finally began manipulating the power that had just enveloped him, concentrating most of it on the sword that he was holding in a sword-drawing position.

[Extreme Swordsmanship]

Bluntly, this is the first time Lorien truly used his domain for combat ever since he summoned it in this battle.

Earlier, people might have been confused as to why even though Lorien's domain manifested itself, there wasn't actually any real effect other than being good-looking.

However, this is just a misconception, after all, Lorien's domain doesn't actually have any set 'power/technique' like other domains.

This is mainly because when making it, Lorien didn't have such a thing in mind as the main reason he even created it in the first place was to allow himself to use his reality-warping power freely without any limitations.

So, other than achieving the aforementioned objective that he had set from the beginning, the Eternal Dream Realm usually only acts similar to how a normal world would while also having similar abilities to it.

These abilities manifest themselves silently in powers such as 'Suppression' to suppress enemies no matter their power level which is actually most effective in targeting [Rule/Law Level] beings.

There is also 'Boost' which is used to boost himself or allies, and 'World Correction' which was seen in action when it was used to fix the damage caused to the domain by Gojo's previous attacks.

Such abilities among many others make this domain very comprehensive and act as a general boost instead of an actual attack method.

So, to clear things up, of the many abilities available to him, the one Lorien is currently using is 'Boost' which is arguably the most important one as it allows him to boost his power to the [Law/Rule] level within the domain.

Moreover, things didn't end there as Lorien even focused all this power on one single point which is his sword blade while also using his near 'Rule Level' swordsmanship to fully exert this power.

'But, it's not over yet!'

[Space and Time]

[Absolute Cut]

Using his reality-warping prowess, Lorien didn't hold back anything as he gave his next attacks the concepts of absolute cutting while also giving it spatial and temporal properties.

However, this wasn't the end as after doing this, Lorien began using his ocular power for the first time in combat ever since he awakened it.

[Chrono Eyes: Clairvoyance & Lock.]


With his eyes shining with a brilliant yet mysterious golden sheen, Lorien's eyes automatically locked into the most favorable future, forcefully making the result inevitable and unavoidable.

From absolutely locking into its target to choosing the result, cause and effect were reversed at this moment turning the previously unknowable result into an unchangeable destiny.

'I won't hold back against you, this is my most powerful attack to date, try to make it out alive.'

Truthfully, this attack wasn't only Lorien's most powerful attack to date, instead, it is the most powerful attack that he can execute normally for now.

The only things he didn't use were actually abilities that directly suppress the opponent, and burning his life.

However, this wasn't that important anymore as the final deciding moment had finally arrived with Gojo's [Red] and [Blue] finally making contact.

[Unlimited Purple - Collapse]

[Eternity, in a moment]


As a bright purple hue silently manifested itself from the merging point of red and blue, it quickly began to grow swiftly transforming into a large purple 'sun' that swallowed everything around it.

However, this state of existence only lasted for a moment before this large hundred-meter radius ball abruptly condensed into the size of a fingernail.







"Will at affect other battlefields?"


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