Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 242: Deprived


The moment Sukuna's eyes were snapped open, all those watching immediately fell silent as they focused all of their attention on the screen above their heads not wanting to miss any moment.



Moving his newly transformed body around, a crackling noise echoed across the empty cemetery as Sukuna began analyzing his own changes.

"This is even better than I had previously expected." He thought as shock and wonder became apparent on his face.

"The merging of negative and positive energies giving birth to a higher force."

"This force in turn allows for the cursed technique engraved within one's body to evolve which also includes one's domain expansion."

"Even though I don't like that guy, I must admit that what he did is brilliant!"

"However, the only problem with this is that I have to get used to it and change some of my engraved habits."

Expressing his thoughts about the new power system not knowing that he had missed the true essence of this power because of his lack of vision, Sukuna didn't linger long on this point as he turned his attention toward the only person left in the cemetery other than him.

'As expected, he is here.'


The instant Sukuna determined the identity of the man sitting not that far away from him, he didn't hesitate at all and immediately launched a full-powered slash toward him.





Compared to Sukuna's previous attacks, this slash powered by his newly transformed CT and Neutral Energy appeared much stronger as it left behind a spatial crack wherever it passed.

Looking from afar, it was as if someone took a knife and cleaved space apart leaving an immense dark gully in his wake.

Seeing this, those watching the battle immediately held their breath as they looked in both fear and worry at the scene in front of them.

"Damn it!"

"This is what happens when you play fair with villains!"

"He should have killed him earlier when he hadn't woken up!!"

"Look what he's done now!"

"Damn it!!"

"Arrogance and death have always walked hand in hand."

"Wasn't the saying greed and death?"

"I just adapted it to the situation..."


However, as nervous, fearful, and indignant as these people felt, it seemed that their worry was finally for nothing as before this sky splitting could reach its target, it abruptly stopped mid-air unable to move an inch forward.

Then, before anyone could react, this attack got silently erased by some sort of mysterious power not leaving any trace behind.

Moreover, this erasure wasn't only limited to the attack itself as even the damage caused to the fabric of space was also removed in a silent and eery manner.

"Can't you play it fair once in your life?" Suddenly spoke Lorien, his closed eyes slowly opening as he then turned his head towards Sukuna.

"That was nothing but a greeting."

"You call a sneak attack a greeting?"

"Heh, If that was enough to kill you, then you are simply not worth my time."

Hearing this, Lorien just shrugged deciding not to go further into this topic as he instead started observing Sukuna trying to study and analyze any new changes.

"It seems that we can't keep calling you the king of curses anymore as you are no longer a cursed spirit."

"Indeed, I have gone beyond it, an entirely new species."

"Nightmare Spirit, that's the name, however, I don't know if you can even be called that, as you are still weirdly in the middle right now."

"Nightmare huh... A fitting name."


Noticing how Sukuna ignored half of his statement, Lorien couldn't help but shake his head deciding to end their conversation there and instead focus on studying the 'Nightmare Spirit?' in front of him.

'Tsk, my Authority as the Path Creator is really useful for stuff like this, it's basically like root access to the entire Dream Path.'

'Well, Well, Well, he actually reached the Peak of the Outer Dream Realm...'

'That was quick, however, that's to be expected considering Sukuna's personality and the characteristics of the Dream Path which focuses more on will power instead of pure energy.'

'Frankly, if we were to look at Sukuna's power right now, we can even call him a semi-law-level being.'

'However, It's a pity that he had met me.'

Thinking of this, a wicked smile slowly crawled into Lorien's face as he looked at the curse in front of him teasingly.

"So, what do you think about the new power system..."

"It's not bad brat, you did a good job." Praised Sukuna still not realizing that he fell into a very deep trap.

Hearing this praise, the smile on Lorien's face only grew wider as he continued speaking.

"Well, I won't comment on your methods of stealing power as it's something to be expected, however, you really made the wrong decision this time."


"You know that this power system was created by me right?"

"And? What's your point?" Responded Sukuna suddenly feeling that something was wrong.

"Alright, to make things easier for you, let's look at things from my own point of view!" Stated Lorien before quickly continuing his speech not leaving time for Sukuna to respond.

"I, as a Path Creator, would of course think about stuff like people stealing power and then using it against me, especially when considering the potential of the power system that I have created, so, do you think that I don't have a way to deal with things like this?"

Saying this, Lorien didn't forget to look mockingly at Sukuna who finally looked somewhat shaken and upset for the first time since his appearance.

"Did you finally understand your situation? However, that's not important now!"

[Dream Path Authority: Deprive.]


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