Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 266: Living History

[Domain Expansion: Eternal Dream World]



As Lorien's declaration reverberated loudly in the air, a supreme power surged forth from within him, emanating from the center and rapidly enveloping everything within a 14-kilometer radius.

With its emergence, a golden light flashed from the center, distorting the fabric of reality and reshaping it into an entirely new form.


Golden flowers bloomed in all directions, while the starry sky descended upon the blue horizon, casting it into darkness.

The sun and moon appeared, swirling around an immense golden tree that took shape at the center of it all.

Rivers, mountains, forests, deserts—all aspects of a complete ecosystem manifested in an instant, replacing the concrete jungle that had surrounded them.

In the blink of an eye, a whole new world, centered around the majestic golden tree was born before their eyes.

In the annals of history, this moment was recorded as the day of 'rebirth', marking the first appearance of an external power outside the bounds of the usual devil-related powers heralding the end of the devil's age and announced humanity's counterattack.

For the normal people around the city, one moment they were going about their day, and another their surroundings were twisted into an entirely different shape.


"Is it a devil?!"


Disoriented and terrified, people ran in every direction wanting to escape, however, all they could do was run around like headless flies as they were unsure of where to find safety.

For them, Lorien's sudden domain expansion was indeed a godsend, after all, if not for its protection, they would have faced certain death at the hands of the devils that lurked near them.

Mainly, unlike the ordinary citizens, who were now scattered throughout the domain in a state of panic, any devil that entered the domain found itself instantly suppressed, rendered immobile, and powerless.


"What is this power?!"

"Where is this place???!!"

"Is it another devil?"

However, if we were to talk about the most confused and shocked group of people, that would be the devil hunters in front of Lorien and the Eternity Devil itself.


"Hey, do you think that he wasn't joking about his identity earlier on?"

"I now think that it might actually be true..."

It's just that as usual, no matter what they said, Lorien continued ignoring them as he focused on the devil at hand.

'Well, let's see if this actually works.'

With his 'workbench' now ready, Lorien didn't care about the reaction of the humans scattered in his domain as he instead focused all of his attention on the eternity devil.


Extending his hand, the ring adorning Lorien's index finger transformed instantaneously into a beautiful and majestic long sword.

Then, without hesitation, Lorien swung the blade toward the eternity devil, slicing through it with swift precision, cleaving it cleanly in half.


Getting instantly killed without any extra talk, the shock in the devil's eyes was evident in its fading gaze as it drew its final breaths.


The moment this happened, the long-anticipated features of the Dream Path instantly took effect, swallowing and consuming every aspect of the vanquished devil.

Be it power, characteristics, abilities, or memories, nothing was left intact as Lorien swallowed everything whole.

It's just that as he did this, Lorien didn't look that impressed as he instead focused all of his attention on the devil that was currently disappearing.

'I knew that it wouldn't be that simple, however, with the added factor of the law-level powers, this is to be expected.'

'Even though the [Dream Path] was able to swallow the Eternity Devil, it only swallowed everything below the Law Level as it wasn't able to do anything to Rule Level power hidden within it.'

In that moment of realization, Lorien's expression shifted, a subtle understanding dawning upon him as he gazed at the space where the Eternity Devil had just vanished.

'Here it is! 'The remaining rule-power within it is actually trying to escape.''

'Most likely, it's trying to teleport to Hell to resurrect this devil.'

'No wonder when a devil gets killed it loses all of its memories, after all, only the rule power is reborn without any consciousness or soul being a part of the equation.'

Reacting swiftly, Lorien exerted his full power, generating an intense wave of law-level power that enveloped the area, preventing anything from escaping.

Then, with precise control, he directed this power to systematically erase everything in its path, leaving behind only the essence he sought – the rule-like power within the Eternity Devil.

Eventually, as the energy dissipated, Lorien found himself holding a small crystal orb tightly in his hand.

However, despite its diminutive size, this orb pulsed with powerful energy, strugling with all of its might to escape Lorien's control.

'Luckily, I opened my domain expansion, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to catch it.'

Looking at the orb in front of him, Lorien's brows furrowed as he was now faced with another dilemma.

'How am I supposed to use this now...'

Feeling a headache, Lorien immediately began evaluating his options trying to find the most optimal one.

'This is annoying, it's like I am standing in front of a treasure house but I don't have the key.'

'However, no matter what, I must try everything in these 24 to 48 hours.'

Thinking of this, Lorien immediately glanced at the golden barrier that surrounded him which was invisible to all other people as a feeling of relief filled his heart.

'I don't know how this world will react to me forcefully taking some of its authority as an outsider.'

'So, before the protective barrier disappears, I must test this reaction.

'This way, I'll most likely be safe no matter what happens, after all, there is no power in this world that's able to break through this barrier.'


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