Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 271: Retribution

The wind whistled, and thunder roared as dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, blocking out the sun.

In an instant, it seemed as if night had arrived prematurely, casting the world into seemingly eternal darkness.



From within the dark clouds, black and red thunder snakes silently appeared, swimming back and forth, their mere presence suppressed the void around them, causing space fragments to appear wherever they passed.

However, from Lorien's perspective, these things had nothing to do with thunder other than their appearance.

Rather, Lorien could feel that each of these serpentine bolts of lightning was not merely a natural occurrence formed by air movements and collisions between the various types of precipitation in the middle of the cloud, but a fusion of countless laws intricately woven together with an unfathomable amount of world energy.

In essence, these ethereal entities appeared as concentrated manifestations of the world's formidable might, prepared to unleash their horror upon the world at the slightest command.

In the present moment, juxtaposed against the surreal beauty of Lorien's Domain Expansion, this unfolding destructive spectacle bore an uncanny resemblance to a scene plucked from the pages of a fantasy book.

To an outside observer, it would appear as though a malevolent force had emerged, intent on desecrating the serene and idyllic landscape of a fairy-tale realm.

It was as though the stage were set for the arrival of the ultimate villain, poised to plunder the treasures of the magnificent tree that stood as the heart of this ethereal dream realm.

Encircled by the swirling dance of the sun and moon overhead and adorned by the meticulously crafted starry sky, the scene exuded an otherworldly charm, a bastion of beauty threatened by impending darkness.

Yet, like all tales, one should not judge based solely on appearances, for in this scenario, the roles of thief and victim were reversed.

In truth, the owner of this fairyland was the true usurper, having robbed a fraction of the world's authority, while the ominous force above represented his retribution.


Seeing this, a chill couldn't help but run down Lorien's spine as a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Now that this tribulation had arrived, not to mention going down to hell to hunt down some devils, if it weren't for the golden barrier surrounding him, he'd now have to worry about his life.

"Well, it's confirmed now." He muttered to himself, his voice carrying a tone of helplessness.

"A world doesn't like it when its authority is forcefully taken by an outsider."

"Now that I have taken control of these laws, rather than kicking me out, the world wants to kill me to take back what it has lost."

Glancing around, Lorien immediately noticed the constriction and solidification of time and space surrounding him, a subtle but unmistakable indication that escape was not an option.

'Hmm, so it doesn't want me to flee.' He mused inwardly.

'I suppose if I were to run, it would mean losing all these laws for naught.'

'This is the drawback of utilizing weak beings as vessels for core laws, if only they were given just replicas of these laws, this predicament could have been avoided.'

'However, if that were the case, its evolution module would have been useless.'

Shaking his head to clear away the distracting thoughts, Lorien refocused his attention on the pressing matter at hand as he understood that it wasn't time for this.

'Instead of thinking about the world's evolution and structure, I better think about how to deal with the current situation.'


It's just that by the time Lorien thought about all of this, his tribulation drew closer and closer as the dark clouds in the sky already transformed into a dark whirlpool that seemed to want to swallow everything below it.

Additionally, there was the bone-chilling killing intent that seemed to emanate from every corner of the world, converging in Lorien's location.

However, what truly bothered Lorien was neither of these warning-like signs which seemed to forebode his impending doom.

Instead, it was the overwhelming sense of discord between himself and the world surrounding him, coupled with the relentless assault on his control and authority over the domain.

Usually, a reality warper is considered to be the world's favored child, as the ability to manipulate reality typically stems from the world's neutrality or even its willing cooperation in some cases.

And while Lorien doesn't need such cooperation, with the world intervening against his power, it felt as if an innate and naturally formed reality anchor had been launched, fixing reality in his surroundings and making it hard to manipulate.

Normally, [Reality] is like clay while Lorien is its sculptor, however, with this 'reality anchor' now set, this clay suddenly transformed into hard stone and even metal.

So, to manipulate it, Lorien now has to not only power through this suppression but also forcefully transform this 'metal' into the shape he wants, so it's understandable how hard his current situation is.

'Damn it, didn't I just steal some Authority, why are you so adamant about killing me?'

Asking a rhetorical question inwardly, Lorien didn't appear that phased by what was in front of him as he utilized these last moments before the attack to amuse himself.

"Why so serious?"

It's just that apparently, the world wasn't that impressed by this as under the demon hunter team's fearful eyes, the first attack was launched.



In an instant, a serpent-like bolt, composed of black and red lightning, coiled down from the heart of the swirling cloud vortex above, hurtling directly toward Lorien's position.

It appeared that at this moment, the world cared little for the individuals surrounding Lorien, deeming them mere collateral in its mission to eradicate what it perceived as a significant threat.

Noticing this, Lorien's eyes shrank down to the size of a needle as he quickly reacted, mobilizing all his power to confront the impending attack head-on.

Rather than relying on the protective golden barrier enveloping him, Lorien chose to confront the world's backlash directly, wanting to gauge his own strength against such a formidable force.

However, as he did so, he didn't forget to provoke the world's will not caring if it could hear or comprehend his words at all.

"What, did I piss you off so much that don't you care about your own protagonist anymore?"


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