Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 32: Usefullness and Limit

Moreover, the wealth of the demon slayer corps and Kagaya Ubuyashiki is very useful for Lorien

After all, if he wants to spread the seeds of the Tree of Dreams to the whole world, he'll need a powerful platform to help him do so

Even though the seeds are being spread to the whole of Japan it's not even nearly enough

The world is very big, and Japan is a very small country comparatively speaking

Not to mention that the most important aspect which Lorien considers when spreading those seeds is the population as the more people there are the more dream energy he will receive

So his main Target never was Japan, it was the Whole World! especially China and India being the main goals

And it is here where Kagaya Ubuyashiki's Family comes into play

As a family that's been around for more than a 1000 years, Lorien wouldn't believe it if you tell him that it doesn't have any political power

If that were the case the Demon Slayer Corps wouldn't have been operating relatively easily, nor would it even exist

So, if Lorien were to gain this power he could use it to quickly achieve his goals or at least make things easier

The more Lorien thought about it the happier he became

Looking at Shinobu in front of him his eyes softened, the more he looked at her the more he felt that she was pleasing to the eye

'My lucky star∼∼'

And So, With the deal finally concluded Lorien smiled lightly and offered

"It's nearly Lunchtime, you should eat before hitting the road"

Hearing this she only hesitated for a moment before agreeing

Seeing this Lorien nodded and walked towards the house indicating that she should follow him




Later that night

Lorien could be seen standing under the Tree of Dreams

This tree was really 'out of this world', The dreamy atmosphere it gave off was magical

Even in the darkness its golden leaves still shined brightly creating a beautiful scene, it was unknown whether it shone because of the moonlight or just glowing on its own

But Lorien didnt bother to enjoy the view, as his eyes were focused on something else, much more important

From his perspective, Lorien could clearly observe the roots of the Tree which extended far away covering 1/5 of the whole town, which seems to have grown a bit more compared to earlier this morning

But that wasnt the thing that interested him most

It was the continuous streams of Dream Energy that kept coming alongside those roots before getting inside the tree then partitioned as planed

At this time of night, most people in town are asleep, so this scene wasnt something surprising, and according to the experience he gained in the past 5 days this won't stop until 1 or 2 more hours

Seeing this Lorien who was standing there eagerly waiting, tried his best to hold himself back and just waited patiently

And so he sat there closing his eyes to rest for the time being

Its been 5 days since Lorien absorbed any Dream Energy which was a bit torturous for him as the feeling of constantly growing strong quickly is fascinating, to say the least

And with him not absorbing any for that period of time, the usual fast growth came to a near-complete halt

The only increase in strength he got in those 5days originated from his natural growth which was ever so consistent

The Dream Tree's ability to collect Energy is far superior to that of Lorien, so the quantity he will get today will also be the biggest amount of dream energy he has ever held in one go

So its no wonder that Lorien is so excited



A Couple of Hours Later

Lorien finally opened his eyes as he felt that the streams of dream energy coming toward the tree finally diminish and nearly stop leaving a very small amount

And looking at the energy stored inside the tree Lorien's breath quickened a bit

'Hahahahaha! Making those trees was indeed the right choice, I can't imagine how much energy I'll get once they are all connected'

As for imaging the amount he'll get once they cover the whole world...Lorien didnt even dare to think about it

Feeling very excited he quickly took out the dream energy stored inside the tree and held it in his hands

From afar it looked as if he was holding a weird multicolored bobble, and inside of it different scenes kept appearing from time to time, depicting different dreams, hopes, and imaginations

A scene of an eerie journey in a forest appeared, followed by that of a huge treasure house, and then there was a scene of 100 beauties surrounding someone

It was truly magical

But Lorien didnt pay much attention to it, as right now he is having a bit of a hard time calculating his current strength in a precise manner, as things like speed tests and weight lifting aren't reliable at all

But he at least knows that his physical strength and speed are faster than that of Akaza's not to mention that in the week following that it still increased a by a slight margin...slight...but noticeable

The only thing that Lorien could reliably and easily calculate is his perception range, and so he also started using it as a measurement of strength as it's directly connected to it

The more powerful he is the higher it is, and Right now his current perception range is at 81.5m

With that in mind, Lorien couldn't hold himself back any longer and started absorbing the energy at hand

As soon as that energy entered his body it was quickly divided into 3 portions, the first was used for strengthening the body, one for strengthening his soul, and the last to increase the size of his Source Energy Pool

This absorption lasted a full 15 minutes, and as usual, there was no pain or anything of the sort, quite the opposite, it was very comfortable and relaxing

And as soon as he finished absorbing it he quickly checked his perception range, which jumped from 81.5m to 82.5m, An increase of one full meter

This may not seem much but its actually incredible, considering that he usually only gets an increase of about 0.15 per day and even less sometimes

From his awakening till now, its been 6months and a half, and he only reached a perception range of 81/82m

So 1meter per day is truly a lot

Not to mention that right now the Tree only covers 1/5th of the town, so once it covers its totality Lorien's increase will multiply by a factor of 5 (4 more portions), moreover this town is just one town of many

But even with this, the sense of happiness that Lorien should be feeling right now didnt appear

Quite the contrary, he actually had an ugly look on his face, and that's because he felt something he wished he would never feel

And that's a Limit, When absorbing the energy right now, Lorien didnt know if it was just his imagination but he actually felt a bit of a strain

Even though it seems that the amount he had just absorbed was still far from his limit, and even if he reaches said limit he could probably rest for a while before continuing his absorption, a Limit wasnt something good in any way

As with it, Lorien's hopes of directly absorbing all the energy he will receive once everything comes into fruiting would instantly come crashing down

"It seems nothing is perfect..."

Muttering lightly to himself Lorien tried to calm himself down and analyze the situation

'If that limit truly exists my growth will get considerably slowed down'

'Actually, a limit is a bit logical if I think more about it, as an instant and infinite increase is truly weird'

'My body and soul should need some time to digest the increase in strength before continuing, moreover, this cap (upper limit/ceiling) shouldn't be something fixed, it should increase with my soul and body's improvement'

'So, even if it exists this cap only limits how much I could absorb at once, so it isn't that big of a deal, as I can either wait for a bit and continue absorbing'

'Or I could just use the RAW Dream Energy to directly realize whatever I want without turning it into Source Energy first...But doing so will be a bit of a waste as Dream Energy isn't renewable contrary to Source Energy'


Sighing lightly Lorien decided to put the whole ordeal aside as all of this was just speculation as he hasn't yet touched this limit, and god knows if he'll ever reach it, so thinking about it anymore, is just a waste of time

Considering this the troubled look on his face slowly disappeared and got replaced with a joyful one

He could finally enjoy his new strength increase and relax

'I guess I shouldn't worry about the future this much, future me will deal with future trouble, hahahaha!'

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