Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 34: Demons

And Meanwhile, just as Mitsuri finished planting the seed in the center of the far away Entertainment District and returned to the Wisteria store to get ready for the upcoming 'festive' night

Lorien and Saigai finally reached their destination

It didn't take them much time to reach it from their previous location, they only had to walk a bit more as this small house was at the foot of the mountain

And thanks to that they didn't have to climb it to reach their destination

Standing close to the small house in front of them, Lorien could feel a presence inside, so he voiced lightly

"Anyone here?"

Even with such a faint tone, his voice magically traveled far away unabated and undiminishing in volume

Evidently, Lorien used his ability to achieve this feat

And in just a couple of moments, the small house's door opened slowly, as an old man wearing a tengu mask appeared

Looking at the couple in front of him, standing in the sunlight, he asked

"...You are?"

Hearing this Lorien smiled and started introducing himself

"Ah, I suppose you are Mr. Urokodaki, my name is Lorien, and this is Saigai, I am here to practice breathing techniques, and I also have a deal to make with your student..."

Hearing this Sakonji remembered the old letter he still hasn't passed to Tanjiro and the new one he received from HQ not long ago detailing the situation

And so after a brief moment of silence, he asked again to confirm

"So you are the one who made a deal with Oyakata-sama..."

Seeing Lorien nod in affirmation he nodded and continued

"I am indeed Sakonji Urokodaki, Please come in..."




A While later

Lorien and Saigai could be seen sitting with their legs folded underneath them, face to face with Urokodaki

"So you haven't yet handed the letter I sent to Tanjiro?"

Seeing Urokodaki nod in affirmation Lorien held back the urge to facepalm

'No wonder I haven't seen him for so long, I thought after sending the letter Tanjiro will come to me even if the hope was minimal, but I didn't expect Urukodaki to hide it and wait until Tanjiro finishes his training...'


'Life is always unpredictable, something unexpected always emerges, plans can't be applied perfectly in reality as it's impossible to account for all those random variables...'

Shaking his head Lorien threw those messy ideas away as it wasn't time for them

"Can I see her? I could at least make sure I could heal her, doing so won't give your student false hope..."

Hearing what Lorien said the old man hesitated for a moment before agreeing

Seeing this Lorien was very excited, it wasn't just because he was so close to the immortal body he wanted

It was also because he wanted to verify his guesses

When watching the original, Lorien had some speculations about the true origin of the demonic power, the reason they are afraid of the sun, and why only Tanjiro and Nezuko were able to conquer it, in those thousand years

And all of his speculations began from the name of the flower used in the making of the 'medicine' muzan used to heal the mysterious disease he had, And It's the 'Blue spider lily'

Even though Lorien didn't have any information about it as it was probably a flower unique to this world, he knew its 'sister' the Red Spider Lily

In old Buddhist writings, The Red Spider Lily is said to guide the dead through samsara, the cycle of rebirth

It is also called "Lycoris radiate" which literally means Flower of Higan

Higan, the distant shore (the other shore of the Sanzu River), which is the legendary river of the afterlife, similar to the River Styx in Greek mythology

Moreover, it has another nickname which is the death flower, which symbolizes death

Just based on this, one could easily tell how related it is to the underworld

And, Lorien suspects that the 'Blue Spider Lily' which is unique to this world also has an ability of its own, and this ability is likely to be opposite to that of its 'sister' the 'Red Spider Lily'

Considering that it's the main component used in that 'medicine', this ability is assumably something along the lines of 'Escaping samsara and the cycle of rebirth' or 'Evading Death'

As for the underworld / Samsara, Lorien is sure of its existence in this world, and those ghosts that appeared in the original are the best proof

Lorien also has some experience with ghosts as when he killed Akaza his relatives appeared as if to help guide his lost soul back to samsara

Moreover, in the original, it is heavily implied that those demon slayers who died in battle are reborn to live another life, they may not have their memories and are practically new individuals but the soul is still the same

This is Lorien's speculation about the origin of the demon's power, and it is the underworld and more precisely death

This is actually very similar to the 'Jiangshi', which is the Chinese vampire/zombie

The Jiangshi is a creature that usually hops along, and when it comes across a victim it will suck the life force out of them to grow stronger, it is said that those Zombies/Vampires are outside the 6 realms of existence (Buddhist cosmology)

This is also similar to the Demons in this world who presumably escaped Samsara and grow stronger by eating humans to evolve

As for the reason the demons fear the sun and why Tanjiro and Nezuko were able to 'conquer' this weakness

According to Lorien's speculation, It has something to do with Yin & Yang, Life & Death

Even though they escaped Death and Samsara, it is still the origin of their power

Death is absolutely a Yin power, While the Sun is a very strong Yang Power

This is the reason why demons fear the sun as the sudden conflict between those Two powers causes them to die tragically

But funnily enough, it should also be the reason as to why Nezuko and Tanjiro are able to conquer it

Let's start with the Kamado family, this family has passed down the Sun breathing technique for at least 400 years ever since it was given to Sumiyoshi by Yoriichi

And this may have caused a mutation in their family blood giving birth to some sort of Yang power or characteristics

This also includes Nezuko as this also caused her blood to have this 'Yang' characteristic which became evident with the awakening of her blood demon art which is Pyrokinesis

And Surprise, Surprise, her flames have a special property that makes them only harmful to demons and objects of demon origin while being completely harmless to humans and other objects

As for Tanjiro, this is even more so, as he was also the fastest to conquer the sun, and this may be because of the sun breathing technique he was practicing causing the yang power in his body to be large in quantity

And Lorien's speculation is that to 'beat' the sun there needs to be a balance between the powers of Yin & Yang inside the body, and that is the key

This may also explain the reason why it took nezuko so long to achieve it when compared to Tanjiro

Nezuko didnt have much of the Yang power inside of her and she had to accumulate it little by little to achieve the balance, contrasting Tanjiro who instantly did because of the breathing technique he practiced

Of course, all of this remains pure speculation, at least until Lorien sees her with his own eyes and examine her

Moreover, until now Lorien couldn't think of the reason as to why all those demons lose their memories and become how they are, This may be a side effect of escaping death


Shaking his head Lorien woke up from the small daze he was in, deciding to first check out Nezuko's true situation before doing any more theorizing

And so with that, he stood up and followed Urokodaki who was walking towards a small room on the side




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