Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 55: Modification & Sword

"Want to give it a try?"


Hearing the sudden voice coming from right behind her, Nezuko was so startled she jumped forward and away from it

This instinctive response caused her to jump from the porch and into the sunlight that was in front of her

She didn't even notice her situation as she quickly looked back toward the origin of the noise

Seeing that it was actually Lorien she visibly relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief, but then she looked at him with an aggrieved look on her face

Even with her heightened senses as a demon, she still couldn't feel his presence, it was as if he had just popped there into existence

Seeing this, Lorien scratched the back of his head with a wry smile on his face, and then gave off an awkward laugh

"Haa.Haa...Hey! Now we know for sure that you can live under the sun!"

Only after hearing this did Nezuko finally react as she looked wide-eyed at the bright sun light shining on her skin

Enjoying the long-lost warmth for a couple of moments

She took a couple more steps forward and stood in the position with the most light, as a happy smile full of joy and satisfaction lit her face

Seeing this, Lorien didnt want to bother her now, so he just shook his head lightly and started walking towards his original destination, The Dream Tree

But then, just after he took a couple of steps he heard a yell from behind


Hearing this a smile appeared on his face as he just waved his hand back and continued on his way


Reaching the Tree of Dream, Lorien then sat in the shade under it

What he's about to do now is make a weapon for Saigai as he had previously promised

Following that, he'll make some modifications to his own sword

After using it for so long, he discovered some issues and thought of some new ideas which he didn't think of before

But that'll be after he makes Saigai's sword as the modification he'll be doing for his sword are minor things

Raising his hands in front of him, Lorien began using his power

[Dream/Reality]: Create Sword

As this power started taking effect

A sword and a Scabbard immediately materialized in front of him

The Sword blade was scarlet in color, it looked as if it was made of ruby

As for the Scabbard and Handle, they were pitch black in color

The weapon and Scabbard were constructed in a similar fashion to his own sword

Made of a combination of unknown materials reaching the peak of what normal humans without powers can theoretically create

But even then it is still at the [Mortal] level, as there are no mystical powers contained in them

However, this won't be the case for long as following this Lorien then took out the bead he previously asked Saigai to fill with her 'Doom' power

Then, with his power in effect, the blood-colored bead became semi-transparent and then quickly shrank to the size of a fingernail

What Lorien just did is create a Power 'Seed' to give the weapon supernatural powers

The 'Seed' he had just created is arguably the most important one as it gives the weapon the ability to grow stronger by absorbing the power of 'Doom'

Putting this 'Seed' to the side for now, he let it float there on its own

Following that he began creating other Power 'Seeds' one after the other

This lasted for a while before he finally finished

Now, he has a group of fingernail-sized 'balls' floating in front of him

Each of them contained a different power and just waiting to be merged into the weapon

And Lorien didn't let them wait for long as with a wave of his hand those 'seeds immediately merged into the floating Sword and Scabbard

As they did, Eerie black patterns started appearing on the blade, while blood-colored ones appeared on both the scabbard and sword handle

Those changes lasted for a while until the whole weapon was covered in runes giving it mysterious yet creepy vibes

Looking at the finished product, Lorien couldn't help but nod in satisfaction, obviously happy with his work

This Weapon now contains a lot of powers, which are

[Growth]: This gives it the ability to absorb the powers of 'Doom', 'Calamity', and other sub-powers, which effectively allows it to have unlimited potential

[Energy Accumulation]: Gives the weapon the ability to accumulate energy like a power bank, this energy could then be used for recovery or attack

[Immortal Slaying]: Inhibits regeneration

[Toughness]: Increases swords toughness and prevents it from getting shattered or destroyed

[Sharpness]: Increases the Sword's Sharpness

[Recovery]: Based on the Scabbard, and helps restore the sword if damaged, and Heal Saigai in case she is wounded

And finally, there are two more powers that will also be added to his own weapon after this, which are

[Transformation]: Allows the weapon to transform into different shapes such as necklaces, bracelets..etc

For now, the sword can not be transformed into a different weapon such as a Spear or Bow, but it will be possible in the future as the weapon grows stronger

[Bind]: This binds the weapon to Saigai

So now, having finished creating the weapon, Lorien then sheathed the sword and put it to the side

He then pulled out his own sword which he had always carried with him

Putting it on his lap Lorien then created 2 'Seeds' and then merged them with it

Those seeds are the same as the ones he created and put in Saigai's weapon

They are the [Bind] and [Transformation] 'Seeds'

Actually, when thinking about it at first, Lorien felt that the [Binding] seed is a bit useless for him

But then, after thinking about it for a while he still decided to create it

The power he actually wanted and needed is actually the [Transformation] one

After traveling for so long Lorien felt the inconvenience of moving around with a weapon strapped to his waist all the time

But now he could finally solve this issue that had bugged him since the first day he had the sword

With the 'Seeds' merging into the weapon, no outside changes occurred

But Lorien could actually feel a strong connection getting established with the sword on his lap

He also felt like he could find it no matter where it was, This feeling was truly magical

But this wasnt the most important part as after playing with it for a while he began trying the other Power

And with a thought, The sword immediately disappeared as a bracelet suddenly appeared on Lorien's wrist

Then with another thought, the bracelet vanished and got replaced with a ring on his right hand

Seeing this, Lorien finally relaxed as a joyful look appeared on his face

'Finally! I don't have to move with a chunk of metal fastened to my waist all day long'





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